#!/perl ############################################################################### # Program : ManageTable.pllib # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : This is a common code section for the ManageTable scripts # Why isn't this in SBEAMS::Core ?? # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### use strict; # These constants map loosely to the access privilege levels, but there are # only three: READ, WRITE, and MODIFY, in ascending permissions. use constant DATA_ADMIN => 10; use constant DATA_MODIFIER => 20; use constant DATA_WRITER => 30; use constant DATA_READER => 40; use constant DATA_NONE => 50; use constant DEBUG => 0; use lib "."; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($log); use SBEAMS::Proteomics::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; my $tmp_project_id = 0; ############################################################################### # Print Options Page ############################################################################### sub printOptions { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list #### Print the current user context information $sbeams->printUserContext(); # honors output_mode #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### If we're in HTML mode, print a list of option links for the user if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print qq~


$LINESEPARATOR ~; #### Loop over all the menu options, printing them for (my $option=0; $option<$#MENU_OPTIONS; $option+=2) { my $optionLink = ''; if ( $option == 0 && !$sbeams->isTableWritable(table_name => $parameters{TABLE_NAME}) ) { $optionLink = $sbeams->makeInactiveText( $MENU_OPTIONS[$option] ); } else { $optionLink =<<" END"; @MENU_OPTIONS[$option] END } print qq~ $OPTIONARROW $optionLink ~; } print "$LINESEPARATOR"; } #### Close the upper portion of the page and get ready for data table #$sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(close_table=>"YES",display_footer=>"NO"); #### Display the data table showTable(with_options=>'YES',parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Close the upper portion of the page and get ready for data table $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(close_table=>"YES",display_footer=>"NO"); } # end printOptions ############################################################################### # Print Entry Form ############################################################################### sub printEntryForm { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list #### Define popular variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); my ($username,$row); #### Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; #### Read the input parameters for each column my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns,input_types_ref=>\%input_types); #### Get the action values that triggered this my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action') || $q->param('action'); my $apply_action_hidden = $q->param('apply_action_hidden'); if ($apply_action_hidden gt "") { $apply_action = $apply_action_hidden; } # Special case parameter, user can write table but not modify record, and # has chosen to insert with record as a template. my $second_pass_insert = $q->param('insert_with_template'); #### If the action was to SET FIELDS TO THIS TEMPLATE, then try if ($apply_action eq "SET FIELDS TO THIS TEMPLATE") { if (defined($parameters{selected_template}) && $parameters{selected_template}) { my %new_parameters = getTemplateParameters( template_name => $parameters{selected_template}, program_file_name => $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME, ); $parameters{save_template_as_name} = $parameters{selected_template}; #### Loop over all the parameters in the template while (my ($key,$value) = each %new_parameters) { #### Never override record_status or the PK next if ($key eq 'record_status' || $key eq $PK_COLUMN_NAME); #### If there's already a value for this parameter if (defined($parameters{$key}) && $parameters{$key} gt '') { #### If the user allowed overrides, then set to the new value if ($parameters{template_overrides_existing_data}) { $parameters{$key} = $value; } #### If it's currently empty, then set it } else { $parameters{$key} = $value; } } } #### Else if a specific PK row was referenced and this is not a REFRESH of an #### existing form, then load data from it into the parameters hash, #### being careful about parameters that may also have been submitted to #### override the default values, suitable for an UPDATE if the user chooses } elsif ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "" && $apply_action ne "REFRESH") { #### Get the list of relevant columns and get the current values in table my $column_list = join(",",@columns); $sql = qq~ SELECT $column_list FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my $output_mode = $sbeams->output_mode(); my $content; if ( $output_mode ne 'html') { if ( $output_mode eq 'xml' ) { $content = $sbeams->getTableXML( table_name => $TABLE_NAME, col_names => \@columns, col_values => $rows[0] ); } else { my $sep = ( $output_mode =~ /^csv/ ) ? ',' : "\t"; $content = join( $sep, @columns ) . "\n"; $content .= join( $sep, @{$rows[0]} ) . "\n"; } print $sbeams->get_http_header() if $sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http'; print $content; return; } # Found cases where this throws an error, next stmt throws perl error. if ( !scalar @rows ) { print STDERR "SQL stmt yeilds no rows: \n $sql \n"; # Print page with error message my $err = 'The record specified in the url was not found in the database.'; # Add fields group/project choosers need print qq! !; print qq! ! if $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}; $sbeams->displaySBEAMSError( [$err], 1 ); return; } my @row = @{$rows[0]}; #### See if the submitter specified how to resolve conflicts my $merge_params = $parameters{merge_params} || 'retain'; #### Loop over each of the columns, possibly using these values for ($element=0; $element\n"; #### But if they're different,then do something clever } else { print "parameter $columns[$element]: table_value='$table_value' ". "and submitted value '$submitted_value'
\n"; #### If replace, then just leave the submitted value if ($merge_params =~ /replace/i) { # no action, leave submitted #### If keep, then use the table value } elsif ($merge_params =~ /keep/i) { $parameters{$columns[$element]} = $table_value; #### If append, then append submitted value with the supplied #### delimiter or just use the submitted value if table has nothing } elsif ($merge_params =~ /append(.*)/i) { my $delim = $1 || ''; if (defined($table_value) && $table_value gt '') { $parameters{$columns[$element]} = "$table_value$delim$submitted_value"; } else { $parameters{$columns[$element]} = $submitted_value; } } } #### Otherwise just go ahead and set the parameters to the table value } elsif (defined($table_value)) { $parameters{$columns[$element]} = $table_value; } } } #### Obtain information about the current user $current_username = $sbeams->getCurrent_username; $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; $current_work_group_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_id; $current_work_group_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_name; $current_project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; $current_project_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_name; # Execute some special code for the current table # Execute the global hook, it calls module-specific version globalPreFormHook(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Query to obtain column information about the table being managed $sql = qq~ SELECT column_name,column_title,is_required,input_type,input_length, is_data_column,is_display_column,column_text, optionlist_query,onChange,fk_table,fk_column_name FROM $TB_TABLE_COLUMN WHERE table_name='$TABLE_NAME' AND is_data_column='Y' ORDER BY column_index ~; my @columns_data = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); # First just extract any valid optionlist entries. This is done # first as opposed to within the loop below so that a single DB connection # can be used. # THIS IS LEGACY AND NO LONGER A USEFUL REASON TO DO SEPARATELY my %optionlist_queries; my $file_upload_flag = ""; foreach $row (@columns_data) { my @row = @{$row}; my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$is_display_column,$column_text, $optionlist_query,$onChange,$fk_table,$fk_column_name) = @row; if ($optionlist_query gt "") { $optionlist_queries{$column_name}=$optionlist_query; } # There appears to be a Netscape bug in that one cannot [BACK] to a form # that had multipart encoding. So, only include form type multipart if # we really have an upload field. IE users are fine either way. if ($input_type eq "file") { $file_upload_flag = "ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\""; } } # Begin read-only context display code. Fetch auth level for the current user. # This may be for given table, or for a specific record within that table. my ( $projectAuthLevel, $tableAuthLevel ); # project and table permissions # Fully qualified table name # my $dbtable = getDbTableName( $parameters{TABLE_NAME} ); my $dbtable = $sbeams->returnTableInfo( $parameters{TABLE_NAME}, 'DB_TABLE_NAME' ); # Need this in a few places, calculate here. Use MOD object, which will call # back to 'parent' module if need be. my $parent_project_id; if ( $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ) { $parent_project_id = $sbeamsMOD->getParentProject( table_name => $parameters{TABLE_NAME}, parameters_ref => \%parameters, action => 'UPDATE' ); } my $groupInfoLink =<<" END"; Check Privileges END # Convenience, define once to pass to checking routines. my %subargs = ( parent_project_id => $parent_project_id, pk_column_name => $PK_COLUMN_NAME, pk_value => $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}, contact_id => $current_contact_id, dbtable => $dbtable, table_name => $parameters{TABLE_NAME}, project_id => $current_project_id, work_group_id => $current_work_group_id ); my $workGroupsRef = $sbeams->getTableGroups( %subargs, privilege => 10000 ); print getWorkGroupJavascript( $workGroupsRef, $parameters{TABLE_NAME} ); if ( $parent_project_id ) { # Project security has priority $log->debug ( "Found parent project ID = $parent_project_id" ); $projectAuthLevel = $sbeams->calculateProjectPermission( %subargs ); # check group associations $log->info( "got permission $projectAuthLevel" ); my $bestpriv = $sbeams->getBestGroupPermission( $workGroupsRef ); if ( $bestpriv <= $projectAuthLevel ) { # $projectAuthLevel = $bestpriv; } } else { # Table (Mode 1) Permissions are king # no project permissions, log warning $log->warn( "Viewing data not covered by project permissions" ); $tableAuthLevel = $sbeams->calculateTablePermission( %subargs ); my $bestpriv = $sbeams->getBestGroupPermission( $workGroupsRef ); if ( $bestpriv <= $tableAuthLevel ) { $tableAuthLevel = $bestpriv; } } my $login_link = ''; if ( $args{show_login_link} ) { my $url = $q->self_url(); if ( $url =~ /\?/ ) { $url .= ';force_login=true'; } else { $url .= '?force_login=true'; } # print "Login to edit this information "; print "[LOGIN] to edit this information "; } else { # Prints the group/project selection widgets. # $sbeams->printUserContext( login_link => $login_link ); $sbeams->printUserContext(); } my $form_headline = $parameters{CUSTOM_FORM_HEADLINE} || "Maintain $CATEGORY"; print qq!


!; # Translate record and table permissions into sensible options in one place. # Initialize view states hash with 0 (boolean false) my %viewStates; # Hash of permission states my @errors; # Array of error messages to display for ( qw( no_access read_only insert_new insert_template add_mod_del) ) { $viewStates{$_} = 0; } # Set auth level to the appropriate value, project takes precedence. my $authLevel = ( $projectAuthLevel ) ? $projectAuthLevel : $tableAuthLevel; if ( $authLevel > DATA_READER ) { # User has no priv $viewStates{no_access} = 1; addPrivilegeError( \@errors, $groupInfoLink, $TABLE_NAME ); # Add some information to help user understand situation. if ( $projectAuthLevel ) { addProjectErrors( \@errors, $authLevel, $parent_project_id ); } else { addTableErrors( \@errors, $authLevel ); } } elsif ( $authLevel > DATA_WRITER ) { # User can read only if ( $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ) { $viewStates{read_only} = 1; } else { # Trying an insert, show error page. $viewStates{no_access} = 1; addTableErrors( \@errors, $authLevel ); addPrivilegeError( \@errors, $groupInfoLink, $TABLE_NAME ); my $obj = ( $projectAuthLevel ) ? 'project' : 'table'; push @errors, "You lack authorization to insert records into this $obj." } } elsif ( $authLevel <= DATA_MODIFIER ) { # User can add/modify/delete $viewStates{add_mod_del} = 1; # To get here, permission must be DATA_WRITER } elsif ( !$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ) { # No PK, new insert # Form with insert $viewStates{insert_new} = 1; } elsif ( $second_pass_insert ) { # Second time through, INS from template # Form with insert, template values filled in $viewStates{insert_template} = 1; } elsif ( $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ) { # PK exists, trying to edit # read only mode with link to second-pass INSERT (can't edit but can INS) $viewStates{read_insert} = 1; } else { # If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem! $viewStates{no_access} = 1; my $admin = $sbeams->_getDBAdmin(); unshift @errors, <<" END_ERR"; Unknown permissions mode, unable to proceed. Please
contact your site administrator, $admin,
you feel that this denial was in error.

END_ERR } #### FIXME debug block #### my $proj = ( defined $projectAuthLevel ) ? $projectAuthLevel : 'undefined'; my $pk = ( $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ) ? $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} : 'undefined'; my $r = ''; for ( keys( %viewStates ) ) { $r = $_ if $viewStates{$_}; last if $r; } $log->debug( <<" END_ERR" ); Group: $current_work_group_id Table: $tableAuthLevel Project: $proj Auth: $authLevel PK: $pk View: $r END_ERR #### END debug block #### # End view-only mode permissions calculation. # If resource is denied, reject access here. if ( $viewStates{no_access} ) { # Print page with error message my $admin = $sbeams->_getDBAdmin(); push @errors, <<" END_ERR"; Please contact your site administrator, $admin, if you feel that this denial was in error. END_ERR # Add fields group/project choosers need print qq!
!; print qq! ! if $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}; print "
"; $sbeams->displayPermissionToPageDenied( \@errors, 1 ); return; } # --------------------------- # Build option lists for each optionlist query provided for this table my %optionlists; my $accessible_project_id_list = ''; my $writable_project_ids = ''; foreach $element (keys %optionlist_queries) { # If "$contact_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with either a value of $parameters{contact_id} if it is not # empty, or otherwise replace with the $current_contact_id if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$contact_id/ ) { if ( $parameters{"contact_id"} eq "" ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$current_contact_id/g; } else { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$parameters{contact_id}/g; } } # If "$accessible_project_ids" appears in the SQL optionlist query, # then substitute it with a call to that function if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$accessible_project_ids/ ) { my @accessible_project_ids = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); $accessible_project_id_list = join(',',@accessible_project_ids); $accessible_project_id_list ||= '-1'; $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$accessible_project_ids/$accessible_project_id_list/g; } # Ditto for "$writable_project_ids" if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$writable_project_ids/ ) { my @writable_project_ids = $sbeams->getWritableProjects(); $writable_project_ids = join(',',@writable_project_ids) || -1; $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$writable_project_ids/$writable_project_ids/g; } # If "$project_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with either a value of $parameters{project_id} if it is not # empty, or otherwise replace with the $current_project_id if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$project_id/ ) { if ( $parameters{"project_id"} eq "" ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$project_id/$current_project_id/g; } else { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$project_id/$parameters{project_id}/g; } } # If "$parameters{xxx}" appears in the SQL optionlist query, # then substitute that with either a value of $parameters{xxx} while ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$parameters\{(\w+)\}/ ) { my $tmp = $parameters{$1}; $tmp = "''" unless (defined($tmp) && $tmp gt ''); $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$parameters{$1}/$tmp/g; } #### Evaluate the $TBxxxxx table name variables if in the query if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$TB/ ) { my $tmp = $optionlist_queries{$element}; #### If there are any double quotes, need to escape them first $tmp =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; my $nonNULL = 0; $nonNULL = 1 if ($tmp); $optionlist_queries{$element} = eval "\"$tmp\""; if ($nonNULL && !($optionlist_queries{$element})) { print "WARNING: eval failed for =$tmp=. ". "Please report this problem
\n"; } } #### Set the MULTIOPTIONLIST flag if this is a multi-select list my $method_options; $method_options = "MULTIOPTIONLIST" if ($input_types{$element} eq "multioptionlist" || $input_types{$element} eq "multilink"); # Build the option list if ($input_types{$element} eq "fixedfromlist") { my %templist = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($optionlist_queries{$element}); $optionlists{$element} = $templist{$parameters{$element}}; } else { #print "$optionlist_queries{$element}

\n"; if ($optionlist_queries{$element}) { my $selected_id = $parameters{$element}; # Special handling if optionlist is being built for a project_id field #$selected_id ||= $current_project_id if $element eq 'project_id'; $optionlists{$element}=$sbeams->buildOptionList( $optionlist_queries{$element}, $selected_id, $method_options); #### If the user sent some invalid options, reset the list to the #### valid list. This is hacky because buildOptionList() API is poor if ($optionlists{$element} =~ /\<\!\-\-(.*)\-\-\>/) { $parameters{$element} = $1; } } else { print "WARNING: empty SQL statement for option list. ". "Please report this problem
\n"; $optionlist_queries{$element} = ""; } } } # Add CSS and javascript for popup column_text info (if configured). print $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); print $sbeams->getFieldRevealDHTML(); #### Now loop through again and write the HTML foreach $row (@columns_data) { my @row = @{$row}; my $mask_description = 0; my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$is_display_column,$column_text, $optionlist_query,$onChange,$fk_table,$fk_column_name) = @row; # FIXME 'static conditional' for image link column text # Should/could be replaced by a user-configuration option use constant LINKHELP => 1; if ( LINKHELP ) { $column_text = linkToColumnText( $column_text, $column_name, $TABLE_NAME ); } # Determine if (potential) fk table can be managed my $manage; if ($fk_table) { my ( $infoRef ) = \$sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($fk_table, "ManageTableAllowed"); $manage = $$infoRef; } #### If there is a foreign_key table defined, create some HTML #### to provide a link to it my $jump_to_list_source; if ( $fk_table && $manage eq 'YES' ) { my $subdir = $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR(); $subdir .= "/" if ($subdir); $jump_to_list_source = qq~ Add to or view details about this list box ~; $jump_to_list_source .= qq~ View properties of the selected item (Click REFRESH after selecting new item) ~ if (defined($parameters{$column_name}) && $parameters{$column_name} > ''); } #### If there is a value in is_display_column, determine how to render it my %valid_display_views; if (defined($is_display_column)) { my @valid_views = split(",",$is_display_column); foreach my $valid_view ( @valid_views ) { $valid_display_views{$valid_view} = 1; } #### Special P (Private) columns are only visible for users with #### update privileges, else totally obscure it if ($is_display_column eq 'P') { if ( $viewStates{read_only} || $viewStates{read_insert} ) { next; } elsif ( $viewStates{insert_template} ) { # Null out val so it isn't passed on. $parameters{$column_name} = ''; } #### If it's N (No), then hide it } elsif ($is_display_column eq 'N') { print qq~ ~; next; #### If the user provides a detail_level, consider if the column #### should be hidden } elsif (defined($parameters{detail_level})) { #### Initial default is hidden my $hidden = 0; #### If the detail_level is full_detail, show everything if ($parameters{detail_level} eq 'full_detail') { $hidden = 0; #### If it's medium, obscure columns 2 } elsif ($parameters{detail_level} eq 'medium_detail' && $is_display_column eq '2') { $hidden = 1; #### If it's minimum, obscure 1,2 } elsif ($parameters{detail_level} eq 'minimum_detail' && ($is_display_column eq '1' || $is_display_column eq '2')) { $hidden = 1; #### Otherwise if the user specified some custom view level, #### only display those columns which match it } else { $hidden = 1; if ($valid_display_views{$parameters{detail_level}}) { $hidden = 0; } } #### If we wanted it hidden, make a hidden tag and move on if ($hidden) { print qq~ ~; next; } } } # Begin display block for read-only data. Render as a simple HTML # instead of as a if ( $viewStates{read_insert} || $viewStates{read_only} ) { # Value of parameter my $text = ''; # Different input_types if ( $input_type =~ /optionlist/ ) { my $query = $optionlist_query; # Use parameter set contact if available, else current my $contact_id = ( $parameters{contact_id} ) ? $parameters{contact_id} : $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); $query =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $query =~ s/\$accessible_project_ids/$accessible_project_id_list/g; $query = eval "\"$query\""; if ( !$query ) { # Can't translate without query print STDERR <<" END_ERR"; Error translating query => $@ Pre_interplolation => $optionlist_query Column => $column_name Param => $parameters{$column_name} END_ERR } else { $text = $sbeams->translateOptionValue( $query, $parameters{$column_name} ); } } elsif ($input_type eq "file") { $text = linkFile( $text ); # No op stub for now... # Calculate size, link to file, etc. } elsif ($input_type eq "password") { # display hash marks } else { # Can read but not modify the record, and cannot write the table # Handle text fields # 'block' long strings into 80-char chunks $text = $parameters{$column_name}; if ($column_name =~ /sample_publication_ids/ && $text ne ''){ my $sql = qq~ SELECT PUBMED_ID, author_list, TITLE, ABSTRACT, journal_name,published_year,volume_number, issue_number,page_numbers FROM $TBAT_PUBLICATION WHERE PUBLICATION_ID IN ($text) ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns ($sql); $text = ''; foreach my $row (@rows){ my ($id,$author,$title,$abstract,$jname,$year,$vol,$issue,$page) = @$row; my $publication_name = ''; my $pubmed_link=''; if ($id){ $pubmed_link = "$id"; $publication_name = "$jname. $year;$vol($issue):$page"; } $text .= wrapText( "$title") if ($title); $text .= wrapText( "$author $publication_name. $pubmed_link" ) if($author); $text .= wrapText("


$abstract" ) if ($abstract); } }else{ $text = wrapText( $text ) if length($text) > 60; } $text = ' ' if !defined $text || $text eq ''; } my $view_obj_details; if ( $fk_table && $manage eq 'YES' ) { my $subdir = ( $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR() ) ? $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR() . '/' : ''; $view_obj_details .= qq~ View properties of the selected item (Click REFRESH after selecting new item) ~ if (defined($parameters{$column_name}) && $parameters{$column_name} > ''); } print <<" END_PRINT"; END_PRINT next; } # End view-only display block #### Set the JavaScript onChange string if supplied if ($onChange gt "") { $onChange = " onChange=\"$onChange\""; } #### Write the parameter name, in red, or hide the field, if required if ($valid_display_views{"H"}) { print <<" END"; END } elsif ($is_required eq "N") { print <<" END"; END } else { print <<" END"; END } #### Escape special characters my $param = $parameters{$column_name}; $param =~ s/\"/"/g; if ($input_type eq "text") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "file") { print " ~; } if ($input_type eq "password") { # If we just loaded password data from the database, and it's not # a blank field, the replace it with a special entry that we'll # look for and decode when it comes time to UPDATE. if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "" && $apply_action ne "REFRESH") { if ($parameters{$column_name} gt "") { $parameters{$column_name}="**********".$parameters{$column_name}; } } print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "fixed" || $input_type eq "calc") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "textarea") { print qq~ ~; $mask_description = 1; } if ($input_type eq "checkbox") { print qq~ ~; $mask_description = 1; } if ($input_type eq "textdate") { #if ($parameters{$column_name} eq "") { # my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time()); # $year+=1900; $mon+=1; # $parameters{$column_name} = "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min"; #} print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "optionlist") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "scrolloptionlist") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "multioptionlist" || $input_type eq "multilink") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "radio" || $input_type eq "radioh" || $input_type eq "radiov") { # hack-ish replacement of optionlist html to generate radio button html $optionlists{$column_name} =~ s/|
|g; } print qq~ ~; } if ($input_type eq "checkbox" || $input_type eq "checkboxh" || $input_type eq "checkboxv") { # hack-ish replacement of optionlist html to generate radio button html $optionlists{$column_name} =~ s/|
|g; } print qq~ ~; } if ($input_type eq "fixedfromlist") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "current_contact_id") { if ($parameters{$column_name} eq "") { $parameters{$column_name}=$current_contact_id; $username=$current_username; } else { if ( $parameters{$column_name} == $current_contact_id) { $username=$current_username; } else { $username=$sbeams->getUsername($parameters{$column_name}); } } print qq~ ~; } print "\n"; } # Allow some additional processing here based on current table # Execute the global hook, it calls module-specific version globalPostFormHook(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); if ( $viewStates{read_insert} || $viewStates{read_only} ) { my $status = getStatusForDisplay( $parameters{'record_status'} ); print <<" END_PRINT"; END_PRINT } else { my $record_status_options = $sbeams->getRecordStatusOptions($parameters{"record_status"}); print qq~ ~; } # Code block to add work_group select list to the page. if ( $viewStates{read_insert} || $viewStates{read_only} ) { my $group = getWorkGroupName( $parameters{'owner_group_id'} ); print <<" END_PRINT"; END_PRINT } else { my $wg_options = getWorkGroupOptions( group_ref => $workGroupsRef, owner_group_id => $parameters{owner_group_id}, current_group_id => $current_work_group_id, project_based => $parent_project_id ); print qq~ ~; } # Display 'block' for various FORM buttons. Options are more numerous now, # Set things up in scalars rather than hard-coded HTML. my $pad = '        '; my $update =<<" END_UPDATE"; this record with this new data
END_UPDATE my $insert =<<" END_INSERT"; new record(s) with this information (uniqueness will be checked)
END_INSERT my $alt_insert =<<" END_INSERT"; new record with this information as a template
END_INSERT my $refresh =<<" END_REFRESH"; this form
END_REFRESH my $delete =<<" END_DELETE"; this record
END_DELETE #### If a specific record was passed, potentially display UPDATE/DELETE options if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "") { if ($parameters{date_created}) { my $created_by_username = $sbeams->getUsername($parameters{created_by_id}); my $modified_by_username = $sbeams->getUsername($parameters{modified_by_id}); my $date_created = $parameters{date_created}; chop($date_created); my $date_modified = $parameters{date_modified}; chop($date_modified); print qq~ ~; unless ($date_created eq $date_modified) { print qq~ ~; } } my $hidden =<<" END_HIDDEN"; END_HIDDEN if ( $viewStates{add_mod_del} ) { # Can read and write current record (and presumably current table). # Whole ball of wax, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, REFRESH, HIDDEN print <<" END";
$column_title: $column_text $text $view_obj_details
$column_title: $column_text
$column_title: $column_text
$column_title: $column_text"; my $data_file = "$TABLE_NAME/$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}_$column_name.dat"; if ($parameters{$column_name}) { my $file_size = -s "$UPLOAD_DIR/$data_file"; my $file_name = $parameters{$column_name}; #$file_name =~ s/^.+\///; #### Check for legacy names before original names were stored if ($file_name eq $data_file) { $file_name = 'Original File Name Unknown'; } #### If the file is of non-zero length, provide a link to it if ($file_size > 0) { my $url = $base_url; $url =~ s/\?/\/$file_name?/; print "View File: ". "$file_name
\n". "\n"; } } print qq~
$param$param  $jump_to_list_source $jump_to_list_source $jump_to_list_source $optionlists{$column_name} $optionlists{$column_name} $optionlists{$column_name}$username
record_status: $status
Owner Work Group: $group   $groupInfoLink
Owner Work Group: $wg_options $groupInfoLink
Record Created: ${date_created} by ${created_by_username}
Record Modified: ${date_modified} by ${modified_by_username}
$hidden $pad $update $pad $insert $pad $refresh $pad $delete END } elsif ( $viewStates{insert_template} ) { print <<" END";
$hidden $pad $insert $pad END # $refresh doesn't work so well here. } elsif ( $viewStates{read_insert} ) { # Can only read current record but can write current table. # Add INSERT, REFRESH, HIDDEN print <<" END";
$hidden $pad $alt_insert $pad END } elsif ( $viewStates{read_only} ) { # Can only read current record and current table. # No buttons to add. print <<" END";
$hidden END } elsif ( $viewStates{no_access} ) { # Caught above, shouldn't be able to get here... die ( 'Unexpected permissions state, please report error' ); } else { # Legacy print qq! LEGACY
         this record with this new data
         new record(s) with this information (uniqueness will be checked)
         this form
         this record
!; } #### Otherwise, just allow INSERT or REFRESH # FIXME, bolster logic in this section, oy! } else { my $hidden =<<" END_HIDDEN"; END_HIDDEN if ( $viewStates{read_only} || $viewStates{read_insert} ) { # Can only read current record and current table. # No buttons to add. print <<" END";
$hidden $pad END } elsif ( $viewStates{insert_new} || $viewStates{insert_template} || $viewStates{add_mod_del} ) { # Can read and write current record and current table. # Whole ball of wax, INSERT, REFRESH, HIDDEN print <<" END";
$hidden $pad $insert $pad $refresh END } else { # Legacy print qq! LEGACY?
         new record(s) with this information
         this form
!; } } #### Finish the form if ( $viewStates{read_only} || $viewStates{read_insert} ) { # We are viewing only print qq!
! } else { print qq! $pad fields to their original values
!; # build template saving select list. my $sql = qq~ SELECT template_name,template_name FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE contact_id = '$current_contact_id' AND program_file_name = '$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME' AND record_status != 'D' ~; my $available_template_options = $sbeams->buildOptionList($sql,$parameters{selected_template}); # Add template saving block print qq! $pad Store current state of fields as template:
$pad Existing templates:
$pad     including non-blank fields !; } $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(close_tables=>'YES',display_footer=>'NO'); if ($current_username eq 'guest' || $parameters{SUPPRESS_FULL_TABLE}) { } else { showTable(with_options=>'',parameters_ref=>\%parameters); } } # end printEntryForm #+ # Pushes error onto passed array ref # - sub addTableErrors { my $errors = shift; my $auth = shift; push @$errors, <<" END_ERR"; You lack basic ($auth) authorization to access this resource. END_ERR } sub printLocalStyle { print "\n"; } #+ # Pushes error onto passed array ref # - sub addProjectErrors { my $errors = shift; my $auth = shift; my $parent_project_id = shift; push @$errors, <<" END_ERR"; You lack project ($auth) authorization to access this resource. END_ERR # Need more project info my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( <<" END_SQL" ); SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name as uname, project_id, name FROM $TB_PROJECT p JOIN $TB_CONTACT c ON p.pi_contact_id = c.contact_id WHERE p.project_id = $parent_project_id END_SQL if ( scalar( @rows ) ) { push @$errors, <<" END_ERR"; You do not have sufficient privileges ($auth) to access data in the current project, $rows[0]->[2] ( $rows[0]->[1] ). Please contact the project PI or proxy ( $rows[0]->[0] ) about granting you access. END_ERR } } ############################################################################### # getDbTableName # # arg table_name # ret db_table_name # # Given a table_name, return name of db object for that item ############################################################################### sub getDbTableName { my $name = shift; my $dbname = $sbeams->getDBHandle()->selectrow_array( <<" END" ); SELECT db_table_name FROM $TB_TABLE_PROPERTY WHERE table_name = '$name' END print STDERR "Couldn't find table ( $name ) in table_property" if !$dbname; return eval "\"$dbname\""; } # End getDbTableName ############################################################################### # wrapText # # arg text string to wrap (required) # arg length at which to wrap (optional) # # Breaks text into 80-character lines. Currently assumes HTML display mode, # uses
as line separator. ############################################################################### sub wrapText { my $text = shift; return unless $text || $text == 0; my $len = shift; use Text::Wrap qw( $columns wrap ); # If len not passed, default to 80 $columns = ( $len ) ? $len : 80; # wrap it up my $wrapped = wrap( '', '', $text ); # enclose in PRE tags if in HTML mode $wrapped = "
"; return $wrapped; } # End wrapText ############################################################################### # getStatusForDisplay # # arg one-character status code # ############################################################################### sub getStatusForDisplay { my $statusCode = shift; return ' n/a ' if !$statusCode; if ( $statusCode eq 'N' ){ return 'Normal'; } elsif ( $statusCode eq 'M' ){ return 'Modifiable'; } elsif ( $statusCode eq 'L' ){ return 'Locked'; } elsif ( $statusCode eq 'D' ){ return 'Deleted'; } else { return 'Unknown'; } } # End getStatusForDisplay ############################################################################### # getWorkGroupOptions # # narg group_ref ref to array of group array refs # narg owner_group_id Group that owns current record # narg current_group_id User's current group id # narg project_based Is there a parent project # ############################################################################### sub getWorkGroupOptions { my %args = @_; my %perms = $sbeams->getPrivilegeNames(); for( qw( group_ref ) ) { # Check for required params die ("Missing required parameter $_") unless $args{$_}; } # Forstall undef error messages. $args{owner_group_id} ||= 0; # The default selected group is current owner group else current group. my $selected = ( $args{owner_group_id} ) ? $args{owner_group_id} : $args{current_group_id}; my $list = "\n"; return $list; } ############################################################################### # getWorkGroupName # # arg work_group_id to look up. # ############################################################################### sub getWorkGroupName { my $wg_id = shift; return undef unless $wg_id; die ("Illegal group id: $wg_id") if $wg_id !~ /^\d+$/; my ($name) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( <<" END_SQL" ); SELECT work_group_name FROM $TB_WORK_GROUP WHERE work_group_id = $wg_id END_SQL $log->debug( "Owner group name was: $name" ); return $name; } # End getWorkGroupName ############################################################################### # linkToColumnText: Creates link to popup window with column info text inside # # arg column text for display in popup window # arg column name # arg table name # ############################################################################### sub linkToColumnText { my $text = shift; my $col = shift; my $tab = shift; $text = $q->escapeHTML( $text ); my $url = "'$HTML_BASE_DIR/cgi/help_popup.cgi?column_name=$col&table_name=$tab'"; my $link =<<" END_LINK"; END_LINK return $link; } # End linkToColumnText ############################################################################### # linkFile: Creates a link to the file on the filesystem. # # arg file_name # ############################################################################### sub linkFile { my $text = shift; return $text; } # End linkFile ############################################################################### # show Table # # Displays the Table ############################################################################### sub showTable { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $query_parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'}; my %parameters = %{$query_parameters_ref}; my $with_options = $args{'with_options'}; #### Get the specified level of detail or set to BASIC my $detail_level = $q->param('table_detail_level') || "BASIC"; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; #### Get the query to show this table my ($main_query_part) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,$detail_level."Query", $query_parameters_ref); #### Display the table controls my ($full_where_clause,$full_orderby_clause) = $sbeams->processTableDisplayControls($TABLE_NAME); #### If a new ORDER BY clause is specified, remove the default one if ($full_orderby_clause) { $main_query_part =~ s/\s*ORDER BY.*//i; } else { if ($main_query_part =~ /\s*(ORDER BY.+)/is) { $full_orderby_clause = $1; $main_query_part =~ s/\s*ORDER BY.+//is; } } $full_where_clause =~ s/^AND/WHERE/; #added 8.9.04 Turn the sql into a temp table and then query with any where_clauses so the column alias can be used $full_orderby_clause =~ s/\w+\./ /ig; #added 8.10.04 Removes any Table prefixes from full_orderby_clause. WARNING This will cause an error for queries with the same column name coming from multiple tables #### Build the final query my $sql_query = qq~ select * from ( $main_query_part ) AS TEMP $full_where_clause $full_orderby_clause ~; # print "
"; #### Special hack for cached resultsets. Allow Admins to specify a #### different username if ($TABLE_NAME eq 'cached_resultset' && $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_name() eq 'Admin') { if ($full_where_clause =~ /username/) { $full_where_clause =~ s/WHERE //; $sql_query =~ s/AND CR.contact_id = '\d+'/AND $full_where_clause/; } } #### Get the url link data my %url_cols = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"url_cols"); my %hidden_cols = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"hidden_cols"); #### Define some variables for the resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); #### Otherwise fetch the results from the database server } else { print STDERR "SQL => $sql_query\n" if DEBUG; #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet(sql_query=>$sql_query, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref); #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); } #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, #max_widths=>\%max_widths, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, #column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, ); #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, base_url=>$base_url ); } # end showTable ############################################################################### # Process Entry Form # ############################################################################### sub processEntryForm { my $element; my $sql_query; my @returned_information; my $tmp; #### Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); # Check to see if there is a column which will allow a range of numbers # over which a multi-insert could be performed my ($multi_insert_column) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"MULTI_INSERT_COLUMN"); #### Read the form values for each column my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns,input_types_ref=>\%input_types); #foreach my $key (keys %parameters) # { # print "$key == $parameters{$key}
"; # } my $apply_action = $parameters{apply_action}; #### Obtain information about the current user $current_username = $sbeams->getCurrent_username; $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; $current_work_group_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_id; $current_work_group_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_name; $current_project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; $current_project_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_name; #### Get information about the nature of the columns for this table #### This whole system is messy and ugly. Needs better implementation!!!! my @required_columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"required_columns"); my @data_columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"data_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); my %data_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"data_types"); my %data_scales = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"data_scales"); #### Check for missing required information my $error_message; #### Unless we're just DELETing unless ($apply_action eq "DELETE") { if (@required_columns) { #### Create a hash of the data columns for lookups my %data_columns_hash; foreach $element (@data_columns) { $data_columns_hash{$element} = 1; } #### Loop over each required column and make sure it exists if it's #### also a data column foreach $element (@required_columns) { next if (defined($parameters{uploaded_file_exists}) && $parameters{uploaded_file_exists} eq $element); if ($data_columns_hash{$element}) { unless (defined($parameters{$element}) && $parameters{$element} gt '') { $error_message .= "
  • You must provide a $element."; } } } } #### Check that the data entered was valid for the datatype foreach $element (@data_columns) { #### Don't check if this is a multi_insert_column next if ($multi_insert_column && $element eq $multi_insert_column); #### Make sure that character data isn't too long for the database if ($parameters{$element} gt '') { if ($data_types{$element} eq 'varchar' || $data_types{$element} eq 'char') { if (length($parameters{$element}) > $data_scales{$element}) { $error_message .= "
  • Size limit for field $element is ". $data_scales{$element}." but your entry is ". length($parameters{$element})." characters long. Please ". "shorten it or contact your SBEAMS administrator if this ". "limitation seems unreasonable."; } } #### Make sure that integer data contains only numbers if ($data_types{$element} eq 'int') { unless ($parameters{$element} =~ /^[\d\-\+]+$/) { $error_message .= "
  • The field $element is of type ". "integer, but your entry '".$parameters{$element}. "' seems to contain non-integer ". "characters. Please enter just an integer."; } } #### Make sure that real/float data contains only characters that #### could plausibly make up a number (doesn't prevent 45.-23.eee) if ($data_types{$element} eq 'real' || $data_types{$element} eq 'float') { unless ($parameters{$element} =~ /^[\d\-\+\.e]+$/) { $error_message .= "
  • The field $element is of type ". $data_types{$element}.", but your entry '".$parameters{$element}. "' seems to contain non-numeric ". "characters. Please enter just a real number."; } } #### If the column name ends in _tag, insist upon alphanumeric #### characters only or period okay if ($element =~ /\_tag$/ && $parameters{$element} !~ /^[\w\.\-]+$/) { $error_message .= "
  • The field $element is required ". "to be a short name that might be used for a file or directory ". "and may not have any non-alphanumeric characters. Please ". "go back and remove any characters that are not ". "letters or numbers or underscores. ". "Spaces are also not allowed."; } } } # end foreach element # Run global data check, which calls module-specific version my $chk_err = globalPreUpdateDataCheck(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); if ($chk_err) { $sbeams->printInsufficientPermissions($chk_err, 'Permissions'); return 0; } } # end unless (DELETE) #### If any error messages have been kicked out, print and return if ($error_message) { $sbeams->printIncompleteForm($error_message); return 0; } # Multi-Insert logic. In certain cases, we'll allow the user to specify # a range like "15-20,22-23" for exactly one field, and this triggers # INSERTion of multiple rows. my @series; if ($multi_insert_column) { my $input = $parameters{$multi_insert_column}; $input =~ s/\-/\.\./g; # Replace any characters which are NOT 0-9 or , or . which a space # before we let it go into eval!! $input =~ tr/0-9\,\./ /cs; @series = eval $input; if (@series) { } else { $input =~ /(\d*)/; @series = ($1); } if (@series) { } else { push (@returned_information,"NOT ACCEPTED"); push (@returned_information, "Unable to parse your input '$parameters{$multi_insert_column}' into a series of numbers."); printAttemptedChangeResult($apply_action,@returned_information); return; } if ( ($#series > 0) && $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} && ($apply_action ne "INSERT") ) { push (@returned_information,"NOT ACCEPTED"); push (@returned_information, "Sorry, cannot UPDATE or DELETE multiple records. Only INSERT of multiple records permitted."); printAttemptedChangeResult($apply_action,@returned_information); return; } } else { @series = ( "dummy" ); } my $multi_insert; foreach $multi_insert (@series) { if ($multi_insert_column) { $parameters{$multi_insert_column}=$multi_insert; print "Processing record for $multi_insert...
    \n"; } # Get rid of newlines and flanking spaces in text fields foreach my $field ( keys( %input_types ) ){ if ( $input_types{$field} eq 'text' ) { $parameters{$field} =~ s/[\s]+/ /gm; $parameters{$field} =~ s/^[\s]+//; $parameters{$field} =~ s/[\s]+$//; } } # Note the following block has NOT been indented properly for historical # reasons of insertion into above foreach statement # If a PK has already been provided and action is not INSERT, build # SQL statements for DELETE and UPDATE if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} && ($apply_action ne "INSERT")) { $sql_query = ""; if ($apply_action eq "DELETE") { $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id, record_status='D' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} !; } else { $sql_query = "UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET "; foreach $element (@data_columns) { $tmp = $parameters{$element}; # If datatype is password, then decode the ********** to # revert back to the original password, or just keep as is if # blank, or encrypt it if it's something else if ($input_types{$element} eq "password") { if ( substr($tmp,0,10) eq "**********" ) { $tmp = substr($tmp,10,50); } elsif ( $tmp gt "" ) { my $salt = (rand() * 220); $tmp = crypt($tmp, $salt); } } #### If the value is blank, put in a NULL value if ( $tmp eq '') { #### unless it is type file in which case leave alone unless ($input_types{$element} eq "file") { $sql_query .= "$element=NULL,\n"; } #### If the datatype was fixed, then this can't be updated via MT #### but note that 'calc' can, as it is assumed that #### preUpdateDataCheck verifies/fixes the values so user cannot #### inject foolishness } elsif ($input_types{$element} eq "fixed") { #### Do nothing with this field, ignore it # Change all ' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement } else { $tmp =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; $sql_query .= "$element='$tmp',\n"; } } if ( $parameters{owner_group_id} ) { $sql_query .= "owner_group_id=$parameters{owner_group_id},"; } $sql_query .= qq! date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id='$current_contact_id', record_status='$parameters{record_status}' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} !; } if ($sql_query eq "") { print "ERROR: Action '$apply_action' not recognized.
    \n"; return; } # Otherwise, the action is INSERT, so build a SQL statement for that } else { # Since this is a new INSERT, zero out any previous PK $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}=0; # Check for an existing record that this would duplicate my @key_columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"key_columns"); my %unique_values; if (@key_columns) { foreach $element (@key_columns) { $unique_values{$element} = $parameters{$element}; } } $tmp_project_id = $parameters{project_id}; my $existing_record = checkForPreexistingRecord(%unique_values); if ($existing_record) { printPreexistingRecord($existing_record); return; } # Build the column names and VALUES for each data column my ($query_part1,$query_part2,$tmp); foreach $element (@data_columns) { $tmp = $parameters{$element}; # If datatype is password, then decode the ********** to # revert back to the original password, or just keep as is if # blank, or encrypt it if it's something else if ($input_types{$element} eq "password") { if ( substr($tmp,0,10) eq "**********" ) { $tmp = substr($tmp,10,50); } elsif ( $tmp gt "" ) { my $salt = (rand() * 220); $tmp = crypt($tmp, $salt); } } #### If the value is blank, put in a NULL value if ( $tmp eq '') { #$query_part2 .= "NULL,"; #XXX If the datatype was fixed, then this can't be updated via MT #### Reversed previous decision to do above. Insert of #### fixed is needed to allow PR_search_hit_annotation and #### SN_manual_genotype_call to function properly. #### -EDeutsch 2006-01-08. See today's email #### Note that type 'calc' should also be allowed #} elsif ($input_types{$element} eq "fixed") { # #### Do nothing with this field, ignore it # Change all ' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement } else { $tmp =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; $query_part1 .= "$element,"; $query_part2 .= "'$tmp',"; } } # This was formerly always $curr_work_group, can now set my $owner_group_id = ( $parameters{owner_group_id} ) ? $parameters{owner_group_id} : $current_work_group_id; # Build the SQL statement $sql_query = qq! INSERT INTO $DB_TABLE_NAME ($query_part1 created_by_id,date_created,date_modified, modified_by_id,owner_group_id,record_status) VALUES ($query_part2 $current_contact_id,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, $current_contact_id,$owner_group_id, '$parameters{record_status}') !; } #### Check to see if there is project permission control over this table my $parent_project_id = $sbeamsMOD->getParentProject( table_name => $TABLE_NAME, action => $apply_action, parameters_ref => \%parameters, ); # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result # @returned_information = $sbeams->applySqlChange( @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => $TABLE_NAME, record_identifier => "$PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}", PK_column_name => $PK_COLUMN_NAME, parent_project_id => $parent_project_id ); #### Extract the returned status and relevant PK value from result my $returned_request_status = shift @returned_information; my $returned_request_PK = shift @returned_information; #### Put the returned PK into parameters. Why not always do this? if ($apply_action eq "INSERT") { $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}=$returned_request_PK; } #### Display/return the result of the attempted change printAttemptedChangeResult($apply_action,$returned_request_status, @returned_information); #### If change was successful, then loop through all the columns to #### see if there are post processing steps that need to happen. #### They are: 1) File uploads #### 2) multilink columns if ($returned_request_status eq "SUCCESSFUL") { print "

    \n"; #### Check for any file uploads my $filename; foreach $element (keys %input_types) { #### Check for any file uploaded data for columns of type file if ($input_types{$element} eq "file") { $filename = "$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}_$element.dat"; if ($parameters{$element}) { print "Uploading data for field '$element' from client file ". "'$parameters{$element}'
    \n"; my $fh = $q->upload($element); if ($fh) { writeDataFile($fh, $TABLE_NAME, $filename); } else { print "ERROR: File '$parameters{$element}' was not uploaded. Perhaps your web browser could not locate your file or ther is a permission problem? Please check the specified filename and try again.
    \n"; } } else { print "Nothing to upload for field '$element'
    \n"; } #### If there's a Windows path as part of the parameter, #### update the table for the name without the path if ($parameters{$element} =~ /:\\/ || $parameters{$element} =~ /^\\\\/) { my $file_name = $parameters{$element}; $file_name =~ s/^.*\\//; $file_name =~ s/\'/''/g; $sql_query = qq~ UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET $element='$file_name' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ~; $sbeams->executeSQL($sql_query); } } # end if file #### Check for any file uploaded data for columns of type multilink if ($input_types{$element} eq "multilink") { my %fk_tables = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"fk_tables"); updateLinkingTable( parent_table_name => $TABLE_NAME, parent_pk_column_name => $PK_COLUMN_NAME, parent_pk_value => $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}, child_pk_column_name => $element, child_pk_values => $parameters{$element}, linking_table_name => $fk_tables{$element}, ); } # end if multilink } # end foreach # Execute the global hook, it calls module-specific version globalPostUpdateOrInsertHook( parameters_ref => \%parameters, pk_value => $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}, ); } # end if SUCCESSFUL } # end multi-insert } # end processEntryForm ############################################################################### # Check For Preexisting Record # # Before the record is actually added, we check to see if there # is already a matching record. ############################################################################### sub checkForPreexistingRecord { my %unique_values = @_; my $element; my $foundvalue = ''; my $error_message = ''; my $sql_query = qq! SELECT $PK_COLUMN_NAME FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME > 0!; ## in case uniqueness is checked when a proteomics experiment is supposed ## to be entered: do not check for unique experiment_tag - but for a unique ## combination of experiment_tag and project_id if ($DB_TABLE_NAME eq $TBPR_PROTEOMICS_EXPERIMENT ){ $sql_query = qq! SELECT $PK_COLUMN_NAME FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $TBPR_PROTEOMICS_EXPERIMENT.project_id = $tmp_project_id AND $PK_COLUMN_NAME > 0!; } foreach $element (keys %unique_values) { my $value = $unique_values{$element}; #print "$value == $element
    "; $value =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; if ($value eq '') { $sql_query .= " AND ( $element = '$value' OR $element IS NULL )"; } else { $sql_query .= " AND $element = '$value'"; } $error_message .= "$element = '$unique_values{$element}'
    \n"; } # ADD FIX? Check for preexistence doesn't take into account deleted records. # $sql_query .= " AND record_status != 'D' "; my @rows = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); if (@rows) { $log->debug( $sql_query) ; print qq~ The following columns were checked for uniqueness:
    ~; } return($rows[0]); } # end checkForPreexistingRecord ############################################################################### # Print Preexisting Record Message ############################################################################### sub printPreexistingRecord { my $record_id = shift; my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); print qq!

    This $CATEGORY already exists


    Another $CATEGORY record already exists that would violate uniqueness contraints. Perhaps you are trying to enter an item that already exists. It is possible that the uniqueness constraints are too rigid, and they need to be relaxed a little to allow two records that are very similar. It is also possible that there is a deleted item that matches the new entry (flagged as deleted but not yet purged from the system). In that case, click on the existing (deleted) record, undelete it, and update as appropriate.
    Click here to see the existing matching record


    !; } # end printPreexistingRecord ############################################################################### # Print Results of the attempted database change ############################################################################### sub printAttemptedChangeResult { my $apply_action = shift || "?????"; my @returned_result=@_; my $error; my $subdir = $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR(); $subdir .= "/" if ($subdir); # First element is SUCCESSFUL or DENIED. Rest is additional messages. my $result = shift @returned_result; my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); $sbeams->printUserContext(); print qq!

    Return Status


    $apply_action of your record was $result.

    !; foreach $error (@returned_result) { print "
  • $error

    \n"; } print qq!


    !; #### If the change was not successful, just show a simple [GO BACK] if ($result ne 'SUCCESSFUL') { print "$back_button
    "; return; } #### If it was successful, suggest some things the user might do next print qq!

    You can click [Go Back] to see the form again, make a few changes, and INSERT another similar record $back_button

    [ View $CATEGORY Table]

    !; # See if this table has a next_step property, i.e. a likely next "Add" # function. If so, then print out the link(s) to take the user there. my $sql_query = qq~ SELECT next_step FROM $TB_TABLE_PROPERTY WHERE table_name = '$TABLE_NAME' ~; my ($next_step) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); if ($next_step) { my @next_steps = split(",",$next_step); foreach $next_step (@next_steps) { print qq~ Next Step? [ Add $next_step ]        ~; } } } # end printAttemptedChangeResult ############################################################################### # WriteData File ############################################################################### sub writeDataFile { my $data = shift; my $subdir = shift; my $filename = shift; my $buffer; #### Check that the upload directory is there unless (-e "$UPLOAD_DIR") { die("CONFIGURATION ERROR: The upload directory '$UPLOAD_DIR' does not exist! ". "Please report this problem to your SBEAMS administrator.
    "); } #### Check that the directory for this table is there unless (-d "$UPLOAD_DIR/$subdir") { mkdir("$UPLOAD_DIR/$subdir") || die("SERVER STORAGE ERROR: The upload directory could not be created! ". "Please report this problem to your SBEAMS administrator.
    "); } #### Open the output file open(DATA, ">$UPLOAD_DIR/$subdir/$filename") || die("Could not open $filename: $!"); #### Dump the uploaded data into the output file my $byte_count = 0; while (read($data, $buffer, 1024)) { print DATA $buffer; $byte_count += length($buffer); } close(DATA); print "    $byte_count bytes uploaded.
    \n"; } # end writeDataFile ############################################################################### # getFile ############################################################################### sub getFile { #### Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); #### Read the form values for each column my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns, input_types_ref=>\%input_types, ); #### Load data from this record into hash my $column_list = join(",",@columns); my $sql = qq~ SELECT $column_list FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my @row = @{$rows[0]}; for (my $element=0; $element 0) { #### Determine the content type based on the file name my $content_type = getContentType( file_name => $parameters{$parameters{GetFile}}, ) || 'text/plain'; #### Send the HTTP header print "Content-type: $content_type\n"; if ( $parameters{ForceDownload} ) { print "Content-Disposition: attachment\n"; } print "\n"; #### Send the contents of the file my $buffer; open(DATA, $full_file_name) || die("Couldn't open $full_file_name: ".$!); while (read(DATA, $buffer, 1024)) { print $buffer; } } else { $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); print "ERROR: The requested file was not found, not originally uploaded, or is a zero length file. The data you seek are not there.\n"; } } # end getFile ############################################################################### # getContentType ############################################################################### sub getContentType { my %args = @_; my $file_name = $args{'file_name'}; #### Return empty string if a non-empty input file name was not provided return '' unless ($file_name); #### Get the file extension my $file_ext = ''; if ($file_name =~ /.+\.(.+)$/) { $file_ext = $1; } #### If we found a valid extention if ($file_ext) { #### Parse the mime.types file my $mime_types_file = '/etc/mime.types'; my $line; my %ext_hash; open(DATA,$mime_types_file) || die("Couldn't open $mime_types_file: ".$!); while ($line=) { next if ($line =~ /^\#/); $line =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next unless ($line); #### Split the line into its components my @items = split(/\s+/,$line); my $n_items = scalar(@items); #### If there's more than one item, register each of the file #### extensions with the mime type in the hash if ($n_items > 1) { for (my $i=1;$i<$n_items;$i++) { $ext_hash{lc($items[$i])} = $items[0]; } } } #### If there's a match to this extention, return it if ($ext_hash{lc($file_ext)}) { return $ext_hash{lc($file_ext)}; } } return ''; } # end getContentType ############################################################################### # updateLinkingTable ############################################################################### sub updateLinkingTable { my %args = @_; #### Extract input parameters my $parent_table_name = $args{'parent_table_name'} || die("Parameter parent_table_name not passed"); my $parent_pk_column_name = $args{'parent_pk_column_name'} || die("Parameter parent_pk_column_name not passed"); my $parent_pk_value = $args{'parent_pk_value'} || die("Parameter parent_pk_value not passed"); my $child_pk_column_name = $args{'child_pk_column_name'} || die("Parameter child_pk_column_name not passed"); my $child_pk_values = $args{'child_pk_values'} || ''; #might be none my $linking_table_name = $args{'linking_table_name'} || die("Parameter linking_table_name not passed"); #### Get the PK of the linking table my ($linking_pk_column_name) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($linking_table_name,"PK_COLUMN_NAME"); #### We are going to make the reckless assumption that in the linking #### table, column 0 is the PK, column 1 is the parent PK, and column 2 #### is the child PK my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($linking_table_name, "ordered_columns"); my $parent_pk_column_name = $columns[1]; my $child_pk_column_name = $columns[2]; #### Get the real database table names my ($parent_table_name) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($parent_table_name,"DB_TABLE_NAME"); my ($linking_table_name) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($linking_table_name,"DB_TABLE_NAME"); #### Extract the child_pk_values into an array and a hash my @child_pk_values = split(',',$child_pk_values); my %child_pk_values = (); foreach my $element (@child_pk_values) { $child_pk_values{$element} = 1; } $log->debug( <<" END" ); parent_table_name => $parent_table_name parent_pk_column_name => $parent_pk_column_name parent_pk_value => $parent_pk_value child_pk_column_name => $child_pk_column_name child_pk_values => $child_pk_values linking_table_name => $linking_table_name linking_pk_column_name => $linking_pk_column_name END #### Get all existing rows in the linking table for the parent my $sql = qq~ SELECT $linking_pk_column_name,$child_pk_column_name FROM $linking_table_name WHERE $parent_pk_column_name = '$parent_pk_value' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); #### Debugging stuff my $verbose = 0; if (0 == 1) { $verbose = 2; print "
      #### Loop over each one, deciding what to do with it
      foreach my $row (@rows) {
        my $linking_id = $row->[0];
        my $child_id = $row->[1];
        #### If this row already, exists, UPDATE it and delete in hash
        if ($child_pk_values{$child_id}) {
          my %rowdata = (
            record_status => 'N',
            update => 1,
            table_name => $linking_table_name,
            rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
            PK => $linking_pk_column_name,
            PK_value => $linking_id,
            add_audit_parameters => 1,
            verbose => $verbose,
        #### Otherwise, mark it as DELETED
        } else {
          my %rowdata = (
            record_status => 'D',
            update => 1,
            table_name => $linking_table_name,
            rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
            PK => $linking_pk_column_name,
            PK_value => $linking_id,
            add_audit_parameters => 1,
            verbose => $verbose,
      #### Loop over each of the remaining new items in the hash
      #### INSERTing the new rows
      while (my ($key1,$key2) = each %child_pk_values) {
        my %rowdata = (
         $parent_pk_column_name => $parent_pk_value,
         $child_pk_column_name => $key1,
          insert => 1,
          table_name => $linking_table_name,
          rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
          PK => $linking_pk_column_name,
          add_audit_parameters => 1,
          verbose => $verbose,
      if ($verbose) {
        print "

    \n"; } return 1; } # end updateLinkingTable ############################################################################### # updateChildTable ############################################################################### sub updateChildTable { my %args = @_; #### Extract input parameters my $parent_table_name = $args{'parent_table_name'} || die("Parameter parent_table_name not passed"); my $parent_pk_column_name = $args{'parent_pk_column_name'} || die("Parameter parent_pk_column_name not passed"); my $parent_pk_value = $args{'parent_pk_value'} || die("Parameter parent_pk_value not passed"); my $child_table_name = $args{'child_table_name'} || die("Parameter child_table_name not passed"); my $child_pk_column_name = $args{'child_pk_column_name'} || die("Parameter child_pk_column_name not passed"); my $child_data_columns = $args{'child_data_columns'} || ''; my $child_data_values = $args{'child_data_values'} || ''; my $add_audit_parameters = $args{'add_audit_parameters'} || ''; #### Get the real database table names my ($parent_table_name) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($parent_table_name,"DB_TABLE_NAME"); my ($child_table_name) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($child_table_name,"DB_TABLE_NAME"); #### Get all existing rows in the child table for the parent my $sql = qq~ SELECT $child_pk_column_name FROM $child_table_name WHERE $parent_pk_column_name = '$parent_pk_value' ORDER BY $child_pk_column_name ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); #### Debugging stuff my $verbose = 0; if (0 == 1) { $verbose = 2; print "
      #### Determine the number of old and new rows
      my $n_old_rows = scalar(@rows);
      my $n_new_rows = scalar(@{$child_data_values});
      my $inew = 0;
      #### Loop over each one, overwriting new data
      for (my $iold=0;$iold<$n_old_rows;$iold++) {
        my $child_id = $rows[$iold]->[0];
        if ($iold < $n_new_rows) {
          my %rowdata = (
            $parent_pk_column_name => $parent_pk_value,
          for (my $i; $i[$i]} = $child_data_values->[$inew]->[$i]
    	  if (defined($child_data_values->[$inew]->[$i]));
            update => 1,
            table_name => $child_table_name,
            rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
            PK => $child_pk_column_name,
            PK_value => $child_id,
            add_audit_parameters => $add_audit_parameters,
            verbose => $verbose,
            #testonly => 1,
        #### Otherwise, DELETE it
        } else {
          #### If it's an auditable table, just mark as deleted
          if ($add_audit_parameters) {
    	my %rowdata = (
              record_status => 'D',
              update => 1,
              table_name => $child_table_name,
              rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
              PK => $child_pk_column_name,
              PK_value => $child_id,
              add_audit_parameters => 1,
              verbose => $verbose,
          #### Else really DELETE it
          } else {
    	my $sql = qq~
    	  DELETE FROM $child_table_name
    	   WHERE $child_pk_column_name = '$child_id'
      #### Loop over any remaining new items, INSERTing the new rows
      while ($inew < $n_new_rows) {
        my %rowdata = (
          $parent_pk_column_name => $parent_pk_value,
        for (my $i; $i[$i]} = $child_data_values->[$inew]->[$i]
            if (defined($child_data_values->[$inew]->[$i]));
          insert => 1,
          table_name => $child_table_name,
          rowdata_ref => \%rowdata,
          PK => $child_pk_column_name,
          add_audit_parameters => $add_audit_parameters,
          verbose => $verbose,
          #testonly => 1,
      if ($verbose) {
        print "

    \n"; } return 1; } # end updateChildTable ############################################################################### # saveTemplate # ############################################################################### sub saveTemplate { $sbeams->printUserContext(); #### Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); #### Read the form values for each column my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns, input_types_ref=>\%input_types ); #### Make sure a template name was provided my $save_template_as_name = $parameters{save_template_as_name}; unless (defined($save_template_as_name) && $save_template_as_name gt '') { my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); print qq~

    Template Save Error


    Unable to save your template because no name was provided. Please go back and provide a template name.

    $back_button ~; return; } #### Obtain information about the current user $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; #### See if this template already exists my $insert_flag = 1; my $update_flag = 0; my $PK_value = 0; my $sql = qq~ SELECT form_template_id FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE contact_id = '$current_contact_id' AND program_file_name = '$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME' AND template_name = '$save_template_as_name' AND record_status != 'D' ~; my @form_template_ids = $sbeams-> selectOneColumn($sql); if (scalar(@form_template_ids) == 1) { $insert_flag = 0; $update_flag = 1; $PK_value = $form_template_ids[0]; } if (scalar(@form_template_ids) > 1) { die("ERROR: More than one template returned for $sql.". "Please report this error. It should never happen."); } #### Prepare the data to store my %rowdata; $rowdata{contact_id} = $current_contact_id; $rowdata{program_file_name} = $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME; $rowdata{template_name} = $parameters{save_template_as_name}; #### Prepare the parameters to store my $temp_hash_ref; foreach my $column (@columns) { if (defined($parameters{$column}) && $parameters{$column} gt '') { $temp_hash_ref->{$column} = $parameters{$column}; } } $rowdata{parameters} = Data::Dumper->Dump( [$temp_hash_ref] ); #### Write the record my $returned_PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => $insert_flag, update => $update_flag, table_name => "$TB_FORM_TEMPLATE", rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, PK => "form_template_id", PK_value => $PK_value, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1, verbose=>0, testonly=>0, ); if ($returned_PK) { my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); print qq~

    Template Saved


    The values in the form have been saved.

    $back_button ~; return; } print "ERROR: Failed to write template!!!"; return; } # end saveTemplate ############################################################################### # deleteTemplate # ############################################################################### sub deleteTemplate { #my $self = shift; my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $selected_template = $args{'selected_template'} || ''; my $program_file_name = $args{'program_file_name'} || ''; $sbeams->printUserContext(); #### Make sure a template name was provided unless (defined($selected_template) && $selected_template gt '') { my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); print qq~

    Template Delete Error


    Unable to delete a template because none was selected. Please go back and selecte the template to delete from the list.

    $back_button ~; return; } #### Obtain information about the current user $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; #### See if this template really exists my $sql = qq~ SELECT form_template_id FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE contact_id = '$current_contact_id' AND program_file_name = '$program_file_name' AND template_name = '$selected_template' AND record_status != 'D' ~; my @form_template_ids = $sbeams-> selectOneColumn($sql); if (scalar(@form_template_ids) == 0) { die("ERROR: No templats found with $sql.". "Please report this error. It should never happen."); } if (scalar(@form_template_ids) > 1) { die("ERROR: More than one template returned for $sql.". "Please report this error. It should never happen."); } $sql = "DELETE FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE form_template_id = '$form_template_ids[0]'"; $sbeams->executeSQL($sql); print qq~

    Template Deleted


    This template has been deleted. It may still appear in stale Web pages. REFRESH such pages to make it disappear.

    ~; return; } # end deleteTemplate ############################################################################### # getTemplateParameters # ############################################################################### sub getTemplateParameters { #my $self = shift; my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $form_template_id = $args{'form_template_id'} || 0; my $template_name = $args{'template_name'} || ''; my $program_file_name = $args{'program_file_name'} || ''; #### Set up a hash for the new parameters my %new_parameters; $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; #### Try to find this template my $sql; #### If a form_template_id was supplied if ($form_template_id) { $sql = qq~ SELECT parameters FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE form_template_id = '$form_template_id' AND record_status != 'D' ~; } elsif ($template_name && $program_file_name) { $sql = qq~ SELECT parameters FROM $TB_FORM_TEMPLATE WHERE contact_id = '$current_contact_id' AND program_file_name = '$program_file_name' AND template_name = '$template_name' AND record_status != 'D' ~; } else { print "ERROR: Insufficient options specified to getTemplateParameters
    "; return %new_parameters; } my @rows = $sbeams-> selectOneColumn($sql); if (scalar(@rows) == 0) { print "ERROR: Unable to find template '$template_name'
    "; return %new_parameters; } if (scalar(@rows) > 1) { print "ERROR: Too many rows returned for '$sql'
    "; return %new_parameters; } #### eval the result. This is potentially nasty. my $VAR1; eval $rows[0]; my $new_parameters_ref; %{$new_parameters_ref} = %{$VAR1}; return %{$new_parameters_ref}; } #+ # Wrapper for sbeams method to check the project association the object being # considered. Fetches prebuilt SQL stmts from TableInfo.pm and interpolates # appropriate keys into them, then passes call on to checkProjectPermissions(), # an sbeams method in Connection/Permissions.pm # @narg action - SQL action, one of INSERT/UPDATE # @narg tname - sbeams module-prefixed table name # @narg fkey - name of foreign key field used for project lookup # @narg fval - value of that foreign key # # returns error string if error is found, else empty string #- sub checkPermission { my %args = @_; # Parameter checking # Action must be one of insert/delete if ( !$args{action} ) { print STDERR "Undefined action mode!\n"; return undef; } elsif ( lc( $args{action} ) !~ /insert|update/ ) { print STDERR "Unknown action mode $args{action}\n"; return undef; } # Must specify these foreach( qw( tname fkey fval ) ) { if ( !$args{$_} ) { print STDERR "Missing parameter $_\n"; return undef; } } # If updating, primary key is required if ( !$args{pval} && lc( $args{action} ) eq 'update' ) { print STDERR "Need primary key when updating $args{tname} table\n"; return undef; } # Fetch projectPermissionSQL my $prSQL = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo( $args{tname}, 'projPermSQL' ); unless ( ref( $prSQL ) && ref( $prSQL ) eq 'HASH' ) { print STDERR "No project permission SQL defined for $args{tname}\n"; return undef; } ### Loops to support sbeams multi and range inserts my @fvals; if ( $args{fval} !~ /^[\-\,0-9]+$/ ) { # Illegal specifier $log->error( "Illegal argument string: $args{fval}" ); die ( "Unable to complete requested operation: $args{fval}" ); } else { $args{fval} =~ s/\-/\.\./g; @fvals = eval $args{fval}; $log->debug( "Converted $args{fval} to " . join( "::", @fvals ) ); } foreach my $fval ( @fvals ) { # Need to interpolate fval info prsql->{fsql} unless fkey is project_id. if ( lc($args{fkey}) ne 'project_id' ) { $prSQL->{fsql} =~ s/KEYVAL/$fval/g; $prSQL->{fsql} = evalSQL( $prSQL->{fsql} ); } # If update, must also interpolate pkey into dbsql if ( lc( $args{action} ) =~ /update/ ) { $prSQL->{dbsql} =~ s/KEYVAL/$args{pval}/g; $prSQL->{dbsql} = evalSQL( $prSQL->{dbsql} ); } # Make call to sbeams method my $errstr = $sbeams->checkProjectPermission( action => $args{action}, tname => $args{tname}, fkey => $args{fkey}, fval => $fval, fsql => $prSQL->{fsql}, dbsql => $prSQL->{dbsql} ); return ( $errstr ) if $errstr; } return; } #+ # Special case of routine above, for when the table in question has project_id # as a foreign-key field, as opposed to having a foreign-key field that in turn # has or can be linked to a project_id. This simplifies the crafting of the # relevant SQL. This is dangerously named insofar as it is the same name as # the $sbeams object method in SBEAMS::Connection::Permissions. # # narg: param_ref Required, reference to form parameters (includes project_id) # ret: Error string if any, else undef. # sub checkProjectPermission { my %args = @_; for my $param ( qw( param_ref tname dbtname ) ) { die "Missing required parameter $param" unless $args{$param}; } # Simplify my %params = %{$args{param_ref}}; # We only need the dbsql if we're doing an update. my $dbsql = 'SELECT'; # placeholder if ( uc($params{action}) eq 'UPDATE' ) { my ($pkcol) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo( $args{tname}, 'PK_COLUMN_NAME' ); # This will break on a string primary key... $dbsql = evalSQL( <<" END" ); SELECT project_id FROM $args{dbtname} WHERE $pkcol = $params{$pkcol} END } # Make call to sbeams method my $errstr = $sbeams->checkProjectPermission( action => $params{action}, tname => $args{tname}, fkey => 'project_id', fval => $params{project_id}, fsql => '', dbsql => $dbsql ); return ( $errstr ) if $errstr; } sub evalSQL { my $sql = shift; return eval "\"$sql\""; } #+ # Prints form/hidden params to allow privilege check to work. #- sub getWorkGroupJavascript { my $groupRef = shift; my $table = shift; for( $groupRef, $table ) { die "Missing required parameter" unless $_; } my ( $tgroup ) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( <<" END_QUERY" ); SELECT table_group FROM $TB_TABLE_PROPERTY WHERE table_name = '$table' END_QUERY my %perms = $sbeams->getPrivilegeNames(); my $hidden = ""; $hidden .= ""; # Calc window dimensions my $height = ( scalar( @$groupRef ) ) ? scalar( @$groupRef ) * 25 + 175 : 200; my $width = 30; #my $height = scalar( @$groupRef ) * 25 + 175; #my $width = 0; foreach my $grp ( @$groupRef ) { $hidden .= "\n"; my $currwidth = length( join( '...', @$grp, $perms{$$grp[2]} ) ); $width = ( $width < $currwidth ) ? $currwidth : $width; } $width *= 10; return( <<" END" );

    END } #+ # Returns best permission afforded by any of the groups, *excluding* Admin. #- sub getBestGroupPermission { my $groupref = shift; my $min = 999; foreach my $group ( @{$groupref} ) { #$log->warn( "Group is $$group[0], best is $min"); next if $$group[0] =~ /^Admin$/i; $min = ( $$group[2] > $min ) ? $min : $$group[2]; } return $min; } sub addPrivilegeError { my $errors = shift; my $link = shift; my $table = shift; push @$errors, <<" END_ERR"; Review your privileges on this table ($table): $link END_ERR } ### Added global versions of the 'hook' routines, each will call out to ### the corresponding local version. DSC 2006-07-25 ############################################################################### # globalPreFormHook # # This is a hook to do some processing before all the lines of data entry # form have been displayed based on the current table name. This might be # used to set some defaults or something. ############################################################################### sub globalPreFormHook { my %args = @_; my %params = %{$args{parameters_ref}}; $log->debug( "In global " . $sbeams->get_subname() ); #### If table eq X if ($TABLE_NAME eq "project") { # If we're inserting a new record, set the current contact as default PI $params{PI_contact_id} = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id() if !defined $params{PI_contact_id}; } # Run local version return preFormHook(%args); } # end globalPreFormHook ############################################################################### # globalPostFormHook # # This is a hook to do some processing after all the lines of data entry # form have been displayed but before the table has been closed based on # the current table name. ############################################################################### sub globalPostFormHook { my %args = @_; my %parameters = %{$args{parameters_ref}}; #### If table eq X if ($TABLE_NAME eq "X") { return "An error of some sort $parameters{something} invalid"; } $log->debug( "In global " . $sbeams->get_subname() ); # Run local version return postFormHook(%args); } # end globalPostFormHook ############################################################################### # globalPreUpdateDataCheck # # For certain tables, there are additional checks that should be made before # an INSERT or UPDATE is performed. ############################################################################### sub globalPreUpdateDataCheck { my %args = @_; my %parameters = %{$args{'parameters_ref'}}; # If table eq 'X' then some error if ($TABLE_NAME eq "project") { # If updating project need to know existing PI and contact.priv <= DATA_ADM if ( $parameters{apply_action} eq 'UPDATE' ) { my $contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my ( $original_pi ) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( <<" END" ); SELECT pi_contact_id FROM $TB_PROJECT WHERE project_id = $parameters{project_id} END $args{parameters_ref}->{original_pi} = $original_pi; return if $original_pi eq $parameters{PI_contact_id}; # Make sure current user has admin on this project if PI changed my $best = $sbeams->get_best_permission ( project_id => $parameters{project_id}, contact_id => $contact_id ); unless ( $best && $best <= DATA_ADMIN ) { return "You must be an administrator on this project to edit the PI"; } } } $log->debug( "In global " . $sbeams->get_subname() ); return preUpdateDataCheck( %args ); } # end globalPreUpdateDataCheck ############################################################################### # globalPostUpdateOrInsertHook # # This is a hook to do some processing after the record has been updated # or inserted. ############################################################################### sub globalPostUpdateOrInsertHook { my %args = @_; $log->debug( "In global " . $sbeams->get_subname() ); my $query_parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'}; my %parameters = %{$query_parameters_ref}; my $pk_value = $args{'pk_value'}; my $contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $work_group_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_id(); if ($TABLE_NAME eq "project") { # Project AMD has extra baggage my $priv; my $stat; # Prepare hashes for updates/inserts # Values needed for INSERT into user_proj_perms my %insertUPP = ( project_id => $parameters{project_id}, privilege_id => DATA_ADMIN, comment => 'Autocreated by SBEAMS', record_status => 'N' ); # Values needed for UPDATE of user_proj_perms my %updateUPP = ( privilege_id => DATA_ADMIN, record_status => 'N' ); # Common values for updateOrInsertRow my %updOrInsInfo = ( table_name => $TB_USER_PROJECT_PERMISSION, add_audit_parameters => 1, ); my $project = $parameters{project_id}; # orig_id, only applicable on updates. my $orig_pi = $parameters{original_pi}; # pi_contact, the person the current for has set as pi. my $pi_contact = $parameters{PI_contact_id}; if ( $parameters{apply_action} eq 'INSERT' ) { if ( $pi_contact != $contact_id ) { # We inserted by proxy. Insert contact_id as a user_project admin $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( %updOrInsInfo, insert => 1, rowdata_ref => { %insertUPP, contact_id => $contact_id } ); } } elsif ( $parameters{apply_action} eq 'UPDATE' ) { # UPDATE; PI changed ? if ( $orig_pi == $pi_contact ) { # PI unchanged, do nothing } else { # Fetch existing UPP entries for contact and original pi my $upp_orig_pi = $sbeams->getUserProjectPermission( project_id => $project, contact_id => $orig_pi ); my $upp_new_pi = $sbeams->getUserProjectPermission( project_id => $project, contact_id => $pi_contact ); # Since the pi changed, we need to make sure the current PI doesn't # have a stray upp record. if ( defined $$upp_new_pi{id} ) { # Well, we should delete the old record, but it turns out that # this causes other problems. Leaving stub in here in case we # ever get a chance to do the right thing. # 'delete' old record if ( 0 && $$upp_new_pi{status} ne 'D' ) { $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( %updOrInsInfo, update => 1, PK_value => $$upp_new_pi{id}, PK_name => 'user_project_permission_id', rowdata_ref => { %updateUPP, record_status => 'D' } ); } } # end upp exists block # Does upp entry already exist for original_pi? if ( !defined $$upp_orig_pi{id} ) { # No; insert upp for original pi $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( %updOrInsInfo, insert => 1, rowdata_ref => { %insertUPP, contact_id => $orig_pi } ); } else { # Yes; upgrade to admin iff necessary if ( $$upp_orig_pi{privilege} != DATA_ADMIN || $$upp_orig_pi{status} eq 'D' ) { $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( %updOrInsInfo, update => 1, PK_value => $$upp_orig_pi{id}, PK_name => 'user_project_permission_id', rowdata_ref => { %updateUPP } ); } } } # end upp_exists block } elsif ( $parameters{apply_action} eq 'DELETE' ) { # DELETE; will we even get here? } else { # Shouldn't get here print STDERR "Unknown action, report this error\n"; } # end apply_action block if ( $parameters{apply_action} eq 'INSERT' ) { # Chose to keep this separate from the block above for clarity. If the # user creates a project *and* their current project_id is null, then we # will set this as their current project_id. if ( ! $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id() ) { $sbeams->setCurrent_project_id( set_to_project_id => $args{pk_value} ); } } # end tablename eq 'project' block } elsif ($TABLE_NAME eq "XXXX") { # Insert other table-specific instrux here. return "An error of some sort $parameters{something} invalid"; } return postUpdateOrInsertHook(%args); } # end globalPostUpdateOrInsertHook ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### 1;