Cytometry Sample Name Convention

Immunostain image files will be named according to the following convention for consistency, with 6 items separated by spaces:
|     | |  |   |    |     
|     | |  |   |    +-- Subsequent Sort Entity 
|     | |  |   |        
|     | |  |   +----- Subsequent Sort Type  (M = Magnetic Sort, F = Flow Sort)
|     | |  | 
|     | |  +------------- First Sort Entity 
|     | |
|     | +----------------- First Sort Type  (M = Magnetic Sort, F = Flow Sort)
|     |   
|     +--------------------- Tissue Type  (p = prostate, b = bladder)
+---------------------------- Specimen Name as listed in the Immunostain database 

Sort Type and Sort Entity can be repeated as a unit n-times, depending on the number of sorts.