Documentation for the SBEAMS schema driver tables: $Id$ Column definitions for columns A,B,C,.... table_property: A) table_name: a unique name among all SBEAMS modules. Use a module prefix (e.g., PR_, PS_, SN_, IS_, etc.) before database table name B) Category: Friendly title of the table C) table_group: a table group for which access security is defined D) manage_table_allowed: Set to YES if the ManageTable.cgi program is allowed to drive modifications to this table (it must have a autogen PK and the standard audit columns) E) db_table_name: a Perl variable for the physical table name. Should be $TB{module prefix}_TABLE_NAME F) PK_column_name: column name of the primary autogen key G) multi_insert_column: If this table supports multi-insert logic, set to column name H) table_url: actual URL used to manage this table. I) manage_tables: a comma-separated list of tables that should be listed as manageable as a group J) next_step: comma-separated list of tables that might be managed next after a record inserted here table_column: A) table_name: a unique name among all SBEAMS modules. Use a module prefix (e.g., PR_, PS_, SN_, IS_, etc.) before database table name. Must match entry in table_property B) column_number: numerical ordered index of columns so order is preserved C) column_name: column name in the table D) column_title: a friendly title that appears in the form E) datatype: datatype of column F) scale: scale (e.g. length for VARCHAR) of column G) precision: precision (e.g. number of decimal places for NUMERIC) of column H) nullable: if column is defined as NULL or NOT NULL I) default_value: column default value for database J) is_auto_inc: Y if this is an autogen columns (IDENTITY, SERIAL, AUTO_GEN, etc.) K) fk_table: If column is a foreign key, what table does it refer to L) fk_column_name: If column is a foreign key, what column in the remote table does it refer to M) is_required: Does the ManageTable form require that this have some value. This does not have to follow column H, although usually does N) input_type: What type of HTML form widget type for entry (text, textarea, textdate, optionlist, multioptionlist, scrolloptionlist, file, fixed) O) input_length: Size of the HTML form widget if appropriate P) onChange: text for JavaScript onChange code for this widget Q) is_data: Y if this is a column that should appear on the form (as opposed to housekeeping column) R) is_displayed: Y if this column should be displayed in a VIEW mode S) is_key_field: combination of Y columns will be checked for uniqueness before insertion T) column text: Friendly descriptive text that appears on the form for this field U) optionlist_query: SQL query which populates an optionlist V) url: when this field is displayed in a table, what type of HREF is attached to the data (pkDEFAULT means that this column is the referencing PK, SELF means column is URL itself)