#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w ############################################################################### # Program # $Id: $ # # Description : Form and processing logic for applying laboratory # manipulation or treatment to a set of samples. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### use strict; use lib qw (../lib/perl); use File::Basename; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; ## Globals ## my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; { # Main # Authenticate user. my $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate() || die "Authentication failed"; # Process cgi parameters my $params = process_params(); my $content = 'placeholder'; $params->{action} ||= 'show_modules'; # Decision block, what type of page are we going to display? if ( $params->{action} eq 'show_modules' ) { $content = get_modules( $params ); } elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'show_tables' ) { $content = get_tables($params); } else { } # Print cgi headers $sbeams->printPageHeader(); # Don't think I really need this, but... $sbeams->printUserContext(); print $content; $sbeams->printPageFooter(); } # end Main #+ # Read/process CGI parameters #- sub process_params { my $params = {}; # Standard SBEAMS processing $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( parameters_ref => $params, q => $q ); #for ( keys( %$params ) ){ print "$_ = $params->{$_}
" } # Process "state" parameters $sbeams->processStandardParameters( parameters_ref => $params ); return $params; } #+ #- sub get_modules { my $params = shift; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT dbname, COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN db_table_name LIKE '\$TB^_%' ESCAPE '^' THEN substring( db_table_name, 2, 3) WHEN db_table_name LIKE '\$TB__^_%' ESCAPE '^' THEN substring( db_table_name, 2, 5) ELSE 'XX' END AS dbname FROM $TB_TABLE_PROPERTY) AS namequery GROUP BY dbname END my %modules = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash( $sql ); my $module_names = get_module_names (); my %named_modules; my @available = $sbeams->getModules(); for my $k ( keys( %modules ) ) { $log->debug( "key is $k, val is $modules{$k}" ); unless( $module_names->{$k} && grep( /^$module_names->{$k}$/, @available) ) { $log->debug( "skipping $k, val is $module_names->{$k}" ); next; } $module_names->{$k} ||= 'XX'; $named_modules{$module_names->{$k}} = $modules{$k}; } my $table = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 1, CELLSPACING => 2, CELLPADDING => 2 ); $table->addRow( [ "Module Name", 'total tables' ] ); # for my $m ( sort { $named_modules{a} cmp $named_modules{b} } ( keys(%named_modules) ) ) { for my $m ( sort ( keys(%named_modules) ) ) { my $link = "$m"; $table->addRow( [ $link, $named_modules{$m} ] ); } # General caption/field rows # $table->setColAttr( ROWS=>[1..8], COLS=>[1,3], ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); return "

Tables in SBEAMS modules (Query Form)
\n $table

"; } sub get_module_names { my %mods = ( TB_ => 'Core', TBAT_ => 'PeptideAtlas', TBBE_ => 'BEDB', TBBM_ => 'Biomarker', TBBL_ => 'BioLink', TBBS_ => 'Biosap', TBCY_ => 'Cytometry', TBGP_ => 'Glycopeptide', TBGT_ => 'Genotyping', TBIJ_ => 'Inkjet', TBIN_ => 'Interactions', TBIS_ => 'Immunostain', TBMA_ => 'Microarray', TBOG_ => 'Oligo', TBON_ => 'Ontology', TBPH_ => 'PhenoArray', TBPR_ => 'Proteomics', TBPS_ => 'ProteinStructure', TBSI_ => 'SIGID', TBSN_ => 'SNP' ); return \%mods; } sub error_text { my $text = shift; return "$text"; } #+ #- sub get_tables { my $params = shift; my $module = $params->{module}; return error_text( "Error: No module specified" ) if !$module; my $module_names = get_module_names (); my %mod2prefix = reverse( %$module_names ); my $modprefix = $mod2prefix{$module}; return error_text( "Error: Unknown module $module" ) if !$modprefix; my $content =<<" END"; Tables in the$params->{module} Module (Query Form);

END $modprefix =~ s/_/\^_/g; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT tp.table_name, db_table_name, tc.column_name, tc.data_type || '(' || CAST(tc.data_scale AS VARCHAR) || ')', column_text FROM $TB_TABLE_PROPERTY tp JOIN $TB_TABLE_COLUMN tc ON tc.table_name = tp.table_name WHERE db_table_name LIKE '_${modprefix}%' ESCAPE '^' ORDER BY tc.table_name, tc.column_index END my @results = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $sql ); my @tables; my %tables; my %dbtables; for my $row ( @results ) { $dbtables{$row->[1]}++; unless ( defined $tables{$row->[0]} ) { # First sighting $tables{$row->[0]} = []; push @tables, $row->[0]; } push @{$tables{$row->[0]}}, $row; } # eval "use SBEAMS::${module};"; # eval "use SBEAMS::${module}::Tables;"; # for my $table ( keys( %dbtables ) ) { # my $true_name = eval "$table"; # my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( "Select TOP 1 * from $true_name" ); # for my $name ( @{$sth->{NAME};} ) { # $name = uc( $name ); # $t2f{$table}->{$name}++; # } # } use Data::Dumper; # die Dumper( %t2f ); my $space = ' ' x 5; for my $table (@tables) { my $display = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 1, CELLSPACING => 2, CELLPADDING => 2 ); my $cnt = 0; my %db_fields; my %db_seen; for my $column (@{$tables{$table}} ) { unless ( $cnt++ ) { my $db_name = $sbeams->evalSQL( $column->[1] ); if ( !$db_name ) { $log->debug( "nothing for $table!!!" ); next; } # Gonna get column info from the db itself! my $sth; my $table_error = ''; eval { $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( "Select TOP 1 * from $db_name" ); }; if ( $@ ) { $log->debug( "Error in eval: " . $@ ); $table_error = "Missing in database"; } $content .= "$table ($db_name) $table_error:
\n"; for my $name ( @{$sth->{NAME};} ) { $db_fields{uc($name)}++; } } # $content .= "Column definitions for $table ($column->[1]):
\n" unless $cnt++; $column->[2] ||= ' '; $column->[3] ||= ' '; $column->[4] ||= ' '; my $mcol = uc( $column->[2] ); my $seen = ( $db_fields{$mcol} ) ? 'YES' : 'NO'; $db_seen{$mcol}++ if $db_fields{$mcol}; $display->addRow( [$space, $column->[2], $column->[3], $column->[4], $seen ] ); } my $mia = ''; my $sep = ' '; for my $f ( sort( keys( %db_fields ) ) ) { next if $db_seen{$f}; $mia ||= ' Missing from driver tables: '; $mia .= $sep . $f; $sep = ', '; } $mia .= '' if $mia; $content .= "$display $mia

\n"; } return $content; }