#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use Site; use lib qw (../lib/perl ../../lib/perl); use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $dbh $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $sbeams_solexa_groups); #use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TableInfo; #$q = new CGI; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Settings; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Tables; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::TableInfo; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Solexa; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Solexa_file_groups; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); $sbeams_solexa_groups = new SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Solexa_file_groups; $sbeams_solexa_groups->setSBEAMS($sbeams); ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <get_SOLEXA_DEFAULT_DIR(); my $DOC_BASE_DIR = ""; my $DATA_READER_ID = 40; main(); exit(0); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # Call $sbeams->InterfaceEntry with pointer to the subroutine to execute if # the authentication succeeds. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( #connect_read_only=>1, #allow_anonymous_access=>1, #permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Proteomics_user','Proteomics_admin'], )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Define standard variables my $solexa_fcl_id = $parameters{'solexa_fcl_id'}; my $analysis_folder = $parameters{'analysis_folder'}; my $analysis_file = $parameters{'analysis_file'}; my $solexa_sample_id = $parameters{'solexa_sample_id'}; my $slimseq_sample_id = $parameters{'slimseq_sample_id'}; my $file_type = $parameters{'file_type'}; my $jobname = $parameters{'jobname'}; my $annotated_file = $parameters{'annotated_file'}; unless ( $solexa_fcl_id || ($analysis_folder && $analysis_file) ||$annotated_file || (($solexa_sample_id||$slimseq_sample_id) && $file_type)|| $jobname ) { die "ERROR: Need to Pass solexa_fcl_id, analysis_folder and analysis_file, annotated_file, solexa_sample_id or slimseq_sample_id and file_type"; } my $action = $parameters{'action'} || "download"; my $file_ext = $parameters{'file_ext'}; my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; my $output_dir =''; my $file_name=''; if ($solexa_fcl_id) { # returns the eland_output_file and raw_data_path my ($eland_file, $summary_file, $raw_data_path) = $sbeams_solexa_groups->get_file_path_from_id(solexa_fcl_id => $solexa_fcl_id); # '/solexa/hood/DTRA_lung/081203_HWI-EAS427_FC30JRDAAXX/Data/IPAR_1.01/Bustard1.9.5_10-12-2008_sbsuser/GERALD_10-12-2008_sbsuser/s_7_export.txt' my @parts = split(/\//, $eland_file); my $file = pop(@parts); $output_dir = join("/", @parts); ($file_name, $file_ext) = split(/\./, $file); } elsif ($solexa_sample_id && $file_type) { my ($file_path) = $sbeams_solexa_groups->get_file_path_from_id(solexa_sample_id => $solexa_sample_id, file_type => $file_type, ); # '/solexa/hood/DTRA_lung/081203_HWI-EAS427_FC30JRDAAXX/Data/IPAR_1.01/Bustard1.9.5_10-12-2008_sbsuser/GERALD_10-12-2008_sbsuser/s_7_export.txt' my @parts = split(/\//, $file_path); my $file = pop(@parts); $output_dir = join("/", @parts); ($file_name, $file_ext) = split(/\./, $file); } elsif ($slimseq_sample_id && $file_type) { my ($file_path) = $sbeams_solexa_groups->get_file_path_from_id(slimseq_sample_id => $slimseq_sample_id, file_type => $file_type, ); # '/solexa/hood/DTRA_lung/081203_HWI-EAS427_FC30JRDAAXX/Data/IPAR_1.01/Bustard1.9.5_10-12-2008_sbsuser/GERALD_10-12-2008_sbsuser/s_7_export.txt' my @parts = split(/\//, $file_path); my $file = pop(@parts); $output_dir = join("/", @parts); ($file_name, $file_ext) = split(/\./, $file); }elsif($analysis_folder){ # $output_dir = $sbeamsMOD->solexa_delivery_path(); # $output_dir .= "/$analysis_folder"; $output_dir = $analysis_folder; $file_name = $analysis_file; }elsif($jobname) { my $file_path = $sbeamsMOD->solexa_delivery_path(); $file_path .= "/$jobname"; $output_dir = $file_path; $file_name = 'index'; $file_ext = 'html'; }elsif($annotated_file){ $output_dir = $sbeamsMOD->get_ANNOTATION_OUT_FOLDER(); $file_name = $annotated_file; } #### Verify user has permission to access the file error("You do not have sufficent privileges to view data within this project") unless ($sbeams->get_best_permission <= $DATA_READER_ID); error("You are not allowed to view ANY data from this project") unless (grep {$project_id == $_} $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects); if ($action eq 'download') { print "Content-type: application/force-download \n"; print "Content-Disposition: filename=$file_name.$file_ext\n\n"; my $buffer; open (DATA, "$output_dir/$file_name.$file_ext") || die "Couldn't open $file_name.$file_ext"; while(read(DATA, $buffer, 1024)) { print $buffer; } close (DATA); }elsif ($action eq 'view_image'){ my $file; my $subdir = $parameters{'SUBDIR'}; if ($subdir){$file = "$output_dir/$subdir/$file_name";} else{$file = "$output_dir/$file_name.$file_ext";} linkImage(file=>$file); } elsif ($action eq 'view_html') { my $file = "$output_dir/$file_name.$file_ext"; printHTML(file =>$file, file_ext =>$file_ext, output_dir => $output_dir ); }else { #### Start printing the page $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); # print "INFO $output_dir/$file_name.$file_ext'
"; # This block of code removes the pbs job out/err file if it exists. This # will keep us from accreting these files, which are unused anyway. If this # block fails at a remote site it is likely that the permissions on the # job dir are flawed. # if ( -e "${output_dir}/pbs_job.out" ) { # $log->info( "Removing pbs_job output file" ); # unlink( "${output_dir}/pbs_job.out" ); # } my $file = "$output_dir/$file_name.$file_ext"; printFile(file =>$file, file_ext =>$file_ext); $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # linkImage # ############################################################################### sub linkImage { my %args = @_; my $file = $args{'file'}; my $error = 0; open(INFILE, "< $file") || sub{$error = -1;}; if ($error == 0) { print "Content-type: image/jpeg\n\tname=\"file.jpg\""; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; print "Content-Disposition: inline\n"; print "\n"; my $buffer; open (IMAGE, "$file") || die "Couldn't open $file"; binmode(IMAGE); while(read(IMAGE,$buffer,1024)){ print $buffer; } } else{ my $mailto = $sbeams->get_admin_mailto('administrator'); print qq~ $file


Please report this to $mailto
~; } } # end printFile ############################################################################### # printFile # # A very simple script. Throw the contents of the file within
 tags and
# we're done
sub printFile {
  my %args = @_;

  my $file = $args{'file'};
  my $file_ext = $args{file_ext};
  my $error = 0;
  open(INFILE, "$file") || $error++;
#  open(INFILE, "< $file") || sub{ $error++; $log->error("Error in printFile opening file $file"); };
  my $all_data;

  # if the file ext is ERR and it's not found then look for OUT instead
  if ( $error && uc($file_ext) eq 'ERR') {
    $error = 0;
    my $newfile = $file;
    $newfile =~ s/err/out/gi;
    print "No Error file for this job (*.err) - displaying out file instead (catches errors that happened on the cluster node).
"; open(INFILE, "$newfile") || $error++; $file = $newfile unless $error; } if ($error) { my $mailto = $sbeams->get_admin_mailto('administrator'); print qq~ $file


Please report this to the SBEAMS $mailto.
~; } else { print "Contents of file $file
"; print "
\n" if ($file_ext ne 'html' || $file_ext ne 'htm');
    # The following line was put in to remove a mysterious '' tag
#      $_ =~ s/\<[^>]+?\>//g if $file_ext ne 'html';
      print $_;
    print "
\n" if ($file_ext ne 'html' || $file_ext ne 'htm'); } } # end printFile ############################################################################### # printHTML # # A very simple script. Throw the contents of the file within
 tags and
# we're done
sub printHTML {
  my %args = @_;

  my $file = $args{'file'};
  my $file_ext = $args{file_ext};
  my $output_dir = $args{'output_dir'};
  my $error = 0;
  open(INFILE, "$file") || $error++;
#  open(INFILE, "< $file") || sub{ $error++; $log->error("Error in printFile opening file $file"); };
  my $all_data;

  # if the file ext is ERR and it's not found then look for OUT instead
  if ( $error && uc($file_ext) eq 'ERR') {
    $error = 0;
    my $newfile = $file;
    $newfile =~ s/err/out/gi;
    print "No Error file for this job (*.err) - displaying out file instead (catches errors that happened on the cluster node).
"; open(INFILE, "$newfile") || $error++; $file = $newfile unless $error; } if ($error) { my $mailto = $sbeams->get_admin_mailto('administrator'); $sbeams->printPageHeader(); print qq~ $file


Please report this to the SBEAMS $mailto.
~; } else { print $q->header; while(){ # The following line was put in to remove a mysterious '' tag # $_ =~ s/\<[^>]+?\>//g if $file_ext ne 'html'; if ($_ =~ /href=.*\.htm/) { $_ =~ s/href='/href='$RESULT_URL?action=view_html&analysis_folder=$output_dir&analysis_file=/; $_ =~ s/\.htm/&file_ext=htm/; } print $_; } } } # end printFile sub error{ my $error_info = shift; $sbeams->printPageHeader(); print qq~

You Do Not Have Access To View This File

Reason: $error_info

~; $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); exit; }