package Site; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Settings; use strict; my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; my $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; our @ISA = qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT = qw/site_header site_footer $BC_UPLOAD_DIR $RESULT_URL $BIOC_URL $CGI_URL $SAMPLE_GROUP_XML $ADMIN_EMAIL $R_BINARY $R_LOCAL_BIN $R_LIBS $USE_FRAMES $DEBUG $AFFY_ANNO_PATH $JAVA_PATH $JWS_PATH $TOMCAT $KEYSTORE $KEYPASS $KEYALIAS $IMG_BASE_DIR $SH_HEADER $BATCH_SYSTEM %BATCH_ENV $BATCH_BIN $BATCH_ARG $MEV_JWS_BASE_DIR $MEV_JWS_BASE_HTML $SHARED_JAVA_DIR $SHARED_JAVA_HTML/; # Name of xml file holding sample group info our $SAMPLE_GROUP_XML = 'File_sample_groups.xml'; # Job web accessible URL our $RESULT_URL = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/SolexaTrans/View_Solexa_files.cgi"; our $CGI_URL = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/SolexaTrans"; # cgi-bin URL and site URL our $BIOC_URL = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/SolexaTrans/bioconductor"; # Admin e-mail our $ADMIN_EMAIL = $sbeamsMOD->get_admin_email(); # Location of R binary & R libraries our $R_BINARY = $sbeamsMOD->get_R_exe_path(); our $R_LOCAL_BIN = $sbeamsMOD->get_local_R_exe_path(); our $R_LIBS = $sbeamsMOD->get_R_lib_path(); our $IMG_BASE_DIR = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/images/tmp/SolexaTrans"; #Java Path our $JAVA_PATH = $sbeams->get_java_path(); our $KEYSTORE = $sbeams->get_jnlp_keystore(); our $KEYPASS = $sbeams->get_keystore_passwd(); our $KEYALIAS = $sbeams->get_keystore_alias(); #our $JWS_PATH = "/local/tomcat/webapps/microarray"; #our $TOMCAT = "http://db:8080/microarray"; #MEV (Multiple experiment viewer from TIGR) Info our $MEV_JWS_BASE_DIR = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/tmp/SolexaTrans/Make_MEV_jws_files/jws"; our $MEV_JWS_BASE_HTML = "$SERVER_BASE_DIR/$HTML_BASE_DIR/tmp/SolexaTrans/Make_MEV_jws_files/jws"; our $SHARED_JAVA_DIR = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/usr/java/share"; our $SHARED_JAVA_HTML = "$SERVER_BASE_DIR/$HTML_BASE_DIR/usr/java/share/MEV"; # Use frames for showing results our $USE_FRAMES = 0; # Turn on debugging output our $DEBUG = 0; # Append commands to the top of shell scripts (environment variables, etc.) our $SH_HEADER = <<'END'; export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin END # Batch system to use (fork, sge, pbs) our $BATCH_SYSTEM = $sbeamsMOD->get_batch_system() || 'fork'; # Batch system environment variables our %BATCH_ENV = ( SGE_ROOT => "/path/to/sge" ); # Batch system binary directory our $BATCH_BIN = "sudo -u solxabot /usr/local/bin"; # Batch system additional job submission arguments our $BATCH_ARG = ""; #### Subroutine: site_header # Print out leading HTML #### sub site_header { my ($title) = @_; # Switched to manual FORM declaration, start_form method wouldn't allow # needed override of '_tab' parameter. # my $form =<<" END"; #
# # # # # #
Start a New Analysis Session
# END # my $tabmenu = SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu->new( cgi => $q, maSkin => 1 ); # Preferred way to add tabs. label is required, helptext optional # $tabmenu->addTab( label => 'File Groups', # url => "upload.cgi?_tab=1", # helptext => 'View Groups of affy Files' ); # $tabmenu->addTab( label => 'Normalized Data', # url => "upload.cgi?_tab=2", # helptext => 'View completed normalized analysis runs' ); # $tabmenu->addTab( label => 'Analysis Results', # url => "upload.cgi?_tab=3", # helptext => 'View differential expression runs' ); # print "$form
\n $tabmenu\n"; # print < #Upload Files | #View Normalized Data | #View Experimental results | # #END } #### Subroutine: site_footer # Print out lagging HTML #### sub site_footer { print < END } 1;