package SetupPipeline; use FileManager; use POSIX; use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_base64/; use IPC::Open3; use XML::LibXML; use Site; use strict; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../../lib/perl"; use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; our @ISA = qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT = qw/rand_token jobsummary create_files start_job parse_sample_groups_file first_key_val add_upload_expression_button log_job parse_exprSet parse_aafTable create_directory/; #### Subroutine: rand_token # Generate a random token 8 characters long #### sub rand_token { my $token = md5_base64(time * $$); $token =~ s/[+\/=]//g; return substr($token, 0, 8); } #### Subroutine: jobsummary # Creates the job summary table using pairs of arguments #### sub jobsummary { my @args = @_; my $jobsummary = <Job Summary: END for (my $i = 0; $i < @args; $i += 3) { $jobsummary .= '\n"; } $jobsummary .= < END } #### Subroutine: create_directory ######################################## # Creates a directory # ######################################################## sub create_directory { my ($dir,$jobname) = @_; # Create job directory print STDERR "JOB DIR1 '$dir/$jobname'\n"; umask(0000); #delete for production my $umask = umask(); #delete for production mkdir("$dir/$jobname", 0775) || return("Couldn't create result directory. '$dir/$jobname' "); #chown(-1, 1052, "$dir/$jobname"); return undef; } #### Subroutine: create_files # Creates the directory and files for running the job #### sub create_files { my %args = @_; my $dir = $args{dir}; my $job_dir = $args{job_dir}; my $jobname = $args{jobname}; my $title = $args{title}; my $jobsummary = $args{jobsummary}; my $output = $args{output}; my $refresh = $args{refresh}; my $perl_script = $args{script}; my $email = $args{email}; # Create job directory #print STDERR "JOB DIR2 '$dir/$jobname'\n"; unless (-d "$job_dir/$jobname"){ # umask(0000); #delete for production # my $umask = umask(); #delete for production mkdir("$job_dir/$jobname", 0775) || return("Couldn't create result directory. '$job_dir/$jobname' "); chmod(0777,"$job_dir/$jobname"); #delete for production } # Create perl script that runs pipeline my $perl_script_name = $job_dir.'/'.$jobname.'/'.$jobname.'.pl'; open(SCRIPT, ">$perl_script_name") || return("Couldn't create perl script file. '$job_dir/$jobname/$' "); print SCRIPT $perl_script; close SCRIPT; chmod(0777,$perl_script_name) || return("Couldn't change the mode of perl script. '$perl_script_name' "); # Generate Shell script my $sh = generate_sh( output_dir => $dir, job_dir => $job_dir, jobname => $jobname, email => $email, perl_script => $perl_script_name ); open (SH, ">$job_dir/$jobname/$") || return("Couldn't create shell script. '$job_dir/$jobname/$' "); print SH $sh; close (SH); chmod(0777,"$job_dir/$jobname/$") || return("Couldnt change the mode of shell script. '$job_dir/$jobname/$' "); # Create processing index file open(INDEX, ">$job_dir/$jobname/index.html") || return("Couldn't create HTML file."); print INDEX < $title - Running


Click here to manually refresh.

Click here to cancel the job.

$jobsummary END close(INDEX); chmod(0666, "$job_dir/$jobname/index.html"); # Create results index file open(INDEXRESULT, ">$job_dir/$jobname/indexresult.html") || return("Couldn't create HTML file."); print INDEXRESULT < $title $output

Output Archive:

$jobsummary END close(INDEXRESULT); chmod(0666, "$job_dir/$jobname/indexresult.html"); # Create error index file open(INDEXERROR, ">$job_dir/$jobname/indexerror.html") || return("Couldn't create HTML file."); print INDEXERROR < $title - Error


An error occured while processing the job. Please check the input and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the site administrator.

Click here to see the error.

To re-run or delete this job, go the the Status Page.

$jobsummary END close(INDEXERROR); chmod(0666, "$job_dir/$jobname/indexerror.html"); return undef; } #### Subroutine: generate_sh # Generate the shell script to run the perl script and move files #### sub generate_sh { my (%argHash)=@_; my @required_opts=qw(output_dir job_dir email jobname perl_script); my @missing=grep {!defined $argHash{$_}} @required_opts; die "missing opts: ",join(', ',@missing)." from supplied ",join(', ',%argHash) if @missing; my ($output_dir,$job_dir,$email,$jobname,$perl_script)= @argHash{qw(output_dir job_dir email jobname perl_script)}; my $sh=<<"SH"; #!/bin/sh #PBS -N $jobname #PBS -M $email #PBS -M solxabot\ #PBS -m ea #PBS -o $jobname.out #PBS -e $job_dir/$jobname/$jobname.err touch $job_dir/$jobname/timestamp SH my $cmd="/tools64/bin/perl $perl_script"; die "$perl_script not found and/or not executable: $!" unless -x $perl_script; # $qsub.="perl $base_dir/ $opts\n"; # leave this around for debugging $sh.= "$cmd\n"; $sh .= < Subject: Job Completed: $jobname To: $email Your job has finished processing. See the results here: $SERVER_BASE_DIR$RESULT_URL?action=view_file&jobname=$jobname&analysis_file=index&file_ext=html END_EMAIL END $sh .= < Subject: Job Error: $jobname To: $email There was a problem while processing your job. See the error here: $SERVER_BASE_DIR$RESULT_URL?action=view_file&jobname=$jobname&analysis_file=index&file_ext=html END_EMAIL END $sh .= <path; my $time = time(); return undef if (! $fm || ! $fm->path); #open(LOG, ">>$path/.log") || # return("Couldn't write to log file"); #print LOG "$jobname\t$title\t$time\n"; #close(LOG); return undef; } #### Subroutine: parse_sample_groups_file # Parse the XML file containing the sample group information #Return a hash of values #### sub parse_sample_groups_file{ my %args = @_; my $folder_name = $args{folder}; my $data_type = $args{data_type}; my $file = "$BC_UPLOAD_DIR/$folder_name/$SAMPLE_GROUP_XML"; my $parse_setup = XML::LibXML->new(); #Object for parsing the file my $doc = $parse_setup->parse_file("$file"); my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement; my $xpath = 'file_sample_group_info/sample_groups/file_name'; my $file_names_ns = $doc->findnodes($xpath); my %sample_groups = (); #print STDERR "IN PARSE SAMPLE"; if ($data_type eq 'get_reference_sample'){ my $reference_sample_group_node = $root->findnodes('//reference_sample_group'); my $reference_sample_group = $reference_sample_group_node->to_literal; return $reference_sample_group } #return just the sample group names and the class number if ($data_type eq 'sample_group_ids'){ #print STDERR "IN SAMPLE GROUP IDS SUB "; foreach my $file_name_node ($file_names_ns->get_nodelist) { my $sample_group = $file_name_node->findnodes('./@sample_group_name')->string_value(); my $class_number = $file_name_node->findnodes('./@class_number')->string_value(); $sample_groups{$class_number} = $sample_group; #print STDERR "SAMPLE GROUP $sample_group => $class_number"; } return ( \%sample_groups); } # return reference to hash with defined keys, each of which points to an arrayref # of some particular data associated with a file if ($data_type eq 'file_info'){ my %info; foreach my $file_name_node ($file_names_ns->get_nodelist) { push @{$info{file_names}}, $file_name_node->to_literal(); push @{$info{sample_groups}}, $file_name_node->findnodes('./@sample_group_name')->string_value(); push @{$info{sample_names}}, $file_name_node->findnodes('./@sample_name')->string_value(); push @{$info{class_numbers}}, $file_name_node->findnodes('./@class_number')->string_value(); } return ( \%info ); } my $order_count = 1; foreach my $file_name_node ($file_names_ns->get_nodelist) { my $sample_group = $file_name_node->findnodes('./@sample_group_name')->string_value(); my $sample_name = $file_name_node->findnodes('./@sample_name')->string_value(); my $class_number = $file_name_node->findnodes('./@class_number')->string_value(); my $file_name = $file_name_node->to_literal; $sample_groups{$sample_group}{$file_name} = $order_count; $order_count++; $sample_groups{SAMPLE_NAMES}{$sample_name} = $class_number; #print "FILE NAME '$file_name' SMAPLE GROUP '$sample_group'\n"; } return ( \%sample_groups); } #### Subroutine: first_key_val # return the first key of a href #### sub first_key_val{ my $href = shift; foreach my $k (keys %$href){ return $href->{$k}; } }
'; $jobsummary .= $args[$i]; $jobsummary .= ''; $jobsummary .= defined($args[$i+1]) ? $args[$i+1] : ""; $jobsummary .= "