package Help; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use strict; our @ISA = qw/Exporter/; our @EXPORT = qw/help_all help_gen_jobs help_gen_tools help_javascript help_general help_jobs help_tools /; #### Subroutine: help_all # returns all of the help options #### sub help_all { my $help = help_javascript(); $help .= qq~

SolexaTrans Pipeline Help

~; $help .= help_general(); $help .= help_jobs(); $help .= help_tools(); return $help; } sub help_gen_jobs { my $help = help_javascript(); $help .= qq~

SolexaTrans Pipeline Help

~; $help .= help_general(); $help .= help_jobs(); return $help; } sub help_gen_tools { my $help = help_javascript(); $help .= qq~

SolexaTrans Pipeline Help

~; $help .= help_general(); $help .= help_tools(); return $help; } sub help_javascript { my $js = qq~ ~; return $js; } sub help_general { my $help = qq~


The SolexaTrans Pipeline is a program that takes the output of the Solexa Pipeline (from the Solexa sequencing machine) and allows users to map the export from the Solexa Pipeline (s_#_export.txt) to any number of genomes of their choice. New genomes must be added by a SBEAMS administrator. Available genomes may be browsed from the 'Browse BioSeqs' link.

The main SolexaTrans page contains a summarized list of the Solexa samples that are available to be processed and quick links to job control and results pages. More detailed options for job creation (including the ability to start multiple jobs at once) are available from the 'Start Pipeline' link on the left navigation bar.

~; return $help; } sub help_jobs { my $help = qq~

Job Information

Each Solexa sample can have multiple jobs run on it with various parameters. The SBEAMS website defaults to displaying the most recent job. The various job statuses are:

~; return $help; } sub help_tools { my $help = qq~


The SolexaTrans SBEAMS website contains various tools that are designed to help process STP jobs or facilitate data analysis.

~; return $help; } 1;