#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : GetCounts # Author : Denise Mauldin # $Id: GetCounts 4262 2006-01-12 06:27:40Z dcampbel $ # # Description : This program that allows users to # access counts for one or more conditions # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use XML::Writer; use Help; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $utilities $analysis $q $current_contact_id $current_username $current_project_id $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($log $q); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Settings; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Tables; use SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Solexa_Analysis; use Data::Dumper; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::SolexaTrans; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); $analysis = new SBEAMS::SolexaTrans::Solexa_Analysis; $analysis->setSBEAMS($sbeams); #use CGI; #$q = new CGI; ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( # permitted_work_groups_ref=>['SolexaTrans_user','SolexaTrans_admin','Admin'], #connect_read_only=>1, #allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $current_project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if (defined($parameters{action}) && $parameters{action} eq "???") { # Some action } elsif ($parameters{output_mode} =~ /xml|tsv|excel|csv/){ #print out results sets in different formats print_output_mode_data(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); } else { $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; $sbeams->printUserContext(); print qq!!; print qq(\n"; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #### Define some generic varibles my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action=$parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'} || ''; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### Set some specific settings for this program my $CATEGORY="Get Count Values"; $TABLE_NAME="ST_GetCounts" unless ($TABLE_NAME); ($PROGRAM_FILE_NAME) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; #### Get the columns and input types for this table/query my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); #### Read the input parameters for each column my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns,input_types_ref=>\%input_types); #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); $n_params_found = 99; } #### Set some reasonable defaults if no parameters supplied unless ($n_params_found) { $parameters{input_form_format} = "minimum_detail"; } #### Apply any parameter adjustment logic unless ($parameters{project_id}) { $parameters{project_id} = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); } # set the default to be a gene query since that's what's uploaded by default into the database $parameters{'query_type'} = 'ST_GENE_ANALYSIS' unless $parameters{'query_type'}; #### Display the user-interaction input form $sbeams->display_input_form( TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME,CATEGORY=>$CATEGORY,apply_action=>$apply_action, PROGRAM_FILE_NAME=>$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME, parameters_ref=>\%parameters, input_types_ref=>\%input_types, mask_user_context=>1, ); #### Display the form action buttons $sbeams->display_form_buttons(TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME); #### Finish the upper part of the page and go begin the full-width #### data portion of the page $sbeams->display_page_footer(close_tables=>'YES', separator_bar=>'YES',display_footer=>'NO'); ######################################################################### #### Process all the constraints #### Build PROJECT_ID constraint my $project_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"SA.project_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"Projects", constraint_value=>$parameters{project_id} ); return if ($project_clause eq '-1'); # Make sure we only show info for conditions in accessible projects my $acc_proj = join( ', ', $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects() ); # All conditions # my @total = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( <<" END_SQL" ); # SELECT treatment_id FROM $TBST_TREATMENT # WHERE record_status != 'D' # END_SQL # Accessible conditions # my @accessible = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( <<" END_SQL" ); # SELECT t.treatment_id FROM $TBST_TREATMENT t # LEFT JOIN $TBST_SOLEXA_SAMPLE_TREATMENT sst on # t.treatment_id = sst.treatment_id # LEFT JOIN $TBST_SOLEXA_SAMPLE ss on # sst.solexa_sample_id = ss.solexa_sample_id # WHERE ss.project_id IN ($acc_proj) # AND ss.record_status != 'D' # AND t.record_status != 'D' # END_SQL # $parameters{treatment_id} =~ s/\s//g; # $log->warn( "Before, $parameters{treatment_id} " ); # my @input_cond = split ",", $parameters{treatment_id}; # my $valid_cond = $sbeams->validateParamList( name => 'treatment_id', # total => \@total, # accessible => \@accessible, # input => \@input_cond # ); # my $valid_str = join ",", @$valid_cond; # $log->warn( $valid_str ); #### Build CONDITION constraint # my $treatment_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( # constraint_column=>"C.treatment_id", # constraint_type=>"int_list", # constraint_name=>"Treatment List", # constraint_value=>$valid_str ); # return if ($treatment_clause eq '-1'); #### Build SLIMSEQ_SAMPLE_ID constraint my $slimseq_sample_id_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"SA.slimseq_sample_id", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Sample ID", constraint_value=>$parameters{slimseq_sample_id_constraint} ); return if ($slimseq_sample_id_clause eq '-1'); #### Build ANALYSIS constraint my $solexa_analysis_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"SA.solexa_analysis_id", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Job ID", constraint_value=>$parameters{solexa_analysis_id} ); return if ($solexa_analysis_clause eq '-1'); #### Build GENE NAME constraint my $gene_name_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"BS.biosequence_gene_name", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Gene Name", constraint_value=>$parameters{gene_name_constraint} ); return if ($gene_name_clause eq '-1'); #### Build BIOSEQUENCE NAME constraint my $biosequence_name_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"BS.biosequence_name", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Biosequence Name", constraint_value=>$parameters{biosequence_name_constraint} ); return if ($biosequence_name_clause eq '-1'); #### Build BIOSEQUENCE DESCRIPTION constraint my $description_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"BS.biosequence_desc", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Biosequence Description", constraint_value=>$parameters{description_constraint} ); return if ($description_clause eq '-1'); #### Build TAG constraint my $tag_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"TAG.tag", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Tag", constraint_value=>$parameters{tag_constraint} ); return if ($tag_clause eq '-1'); #### Build TAG TYPE constraint # my $tag_type_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( # constraint_column=>"TT.tag_type_id", # constraint_type=>"plain_text", # constraint_name=>"Tag Type", # constraint_value=>$parameters{tag_type_constraint} ); # return if ($tag_type_clause eq '-1'); #### Build SORT ORDER my $order_by_clause = ""; if ($parameters{sort_order}) { if ($parameters{sort_order} =~ /SELECT|TRUNCATE|DROP|DELETE|FROM|GRANT/i) { print "

Cannot parse Sort Order! Check syntax.

\n\n"; return; } else { $order_by_clause = " ORDER BY $parameters{sort_order}"; } } #### Build ROWCOUNT constraint $parameters{row_limit} = 10000 unless ($parameters{row_limit} > 0 && $parameters{row_limit}<=1000000); my $limit_clause = $sbeams->buildLimitClause( row_limit=>$parameters{row_limit}); #### Define some variables needed to build the query my $group_by_clause = ""; my @column_array; #### Get some information about the conditions involved my %treatment_names; %treatment_names = getTreatmentNames($parameters{treatment_id}) if ($parameters{treatment_id}); my @treatment_names_and_ids; #### Define the available data columns my %available_columns = ( "TA.tag_count"=>["tag_count","TA.tag_count","Tag Count"], "TA.tag_cpm"=>["tag_cpm","TA.tag_cpm","Tag CPM"], "GA.gene_count" => ["gene_count","GA.gene_count","Gene Count"], "GA.gene_cpm" => ["gene_cpm","GA.gene_cpm","Gene CPM"], ); #### If the user does not choose which data columns to show, set defaults my @additional_columns = (); my $display_columns = $parameters{display_columns}; unless (defined($parameters{display_columns}) && $parameters{display_columns}) { if ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_TAG_ANALYSIS') { $display_columns = 'TA.tag_count,TA.tag_cpm'; } elsif ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_GENE_ANALYSIS') { $display_columns = 'GA.gene_count,GA.gene_cpm'; } } #### Add the desired display columns to the additional_columns array my @tmp = split(",",$display_columns); foreach my $col (@tmp) { if (defined($available_columns{$col})) { push(@additional_columns, $available_columns{$col}); } } #### If the coaelsce over reporters is chosen, then define some things special my $aggregate_type = "MAX"; my $extid_column = "BS.biosequence_name"; my $extid_group_by = "$extid_column,"; my $gene_column = "BS.biosequence_gene_name"; my $gene_group_by = "$gene_column,"; if ($parameters{display_options} =~ /CoalesceReporters/) { $aggregate_type = "AVG"; $extid_column = "MAX(BS.biosequence_name)"; $extid_group_by = ""; $gene_column = "MAX(BS.biosequence_gene_name)"; $gene_group_by = ""; } #### Define the desired columns in the query #### [friendly name used in url_cols,SQL,displayed column title] #["external_identifier",$extid_column,"External Identifier"], my @column_array = (); if ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_TAG_ANALYSIS') { @column_array = ( ["slimseq_sample_id","SA.slimseq_sample_id","Sample ID"], ["tag","TAG.tag","Tag"], ["tag_type","TT.type","Tag Type"], ["biosequence_name","BS.biosequence_name","Biosequence Name"], ["gene_name",$gene_column,"Gene Name"], ["desc","BS.biosequence_desc","Description"], @additional_columns, ); } elsif ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_GENE_ANALYSIS') { @column_array = ( ["slimseq_sample_id","SA.slimseq_sample_id","Sample ID"], ["biosequence_name","BS.biosequence_name","Biosequence Name"], ["gene_name",$gene_column,"Gene Name"], ["desc","BS.biosequence_desc","Description"], @additional_columns, ); } #### Hack to remove first column if GROUPing # shift(@column_array) if ($parameters{display_options} =~ /PivotConditions/); #### Adjust the columns definition based on user-selected options if ( $parameters{display_options} =~ /BSDesc/ ) { push(@column_array, ["biosequence_desc","BS.biosequence_desc","Biosequence Description"], ); $group_by_clause .= ",BS.biosequence_desc" if ($group_by_clause); } #### Set the show_sql flag if the user requested if ( $parameters{display_options} =~ /ShowSQL/ ) { $show_sql = 1; } #### Build the columns part of the SQL statement my %colnameidx = (); my @column_titles = (); my $columns_clause = $sbeams->build_SQL_columns_list( column_array_ref=>\@column_array, colnameidx_ref=>\%colnameidx, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles ); #### In some cases, we need to have a subselect clause # my $subselect_clause = ''; # if ( $parameters{display_options} =~ /AllConditions/ && # ( $log10_ratio_clause || # $p_value_clause || # $lambda_clause || # $mean_level_clause || # $false_discovery_rate_clause ) # ) { # $subselect_clause = qq~ # AND GE.gene_name IN ( # SELECT DISTINCT GE.gene_name # FROM $TBST_COMPARISON_CONDITION C # INNER JOIN $TBST_GENE_EXPRESSION GE # ON ( C.treatment_id = GE.treatment_id ) # LEFT JOIN $TBST_BIOSEQUENCE BS # ON ( GE.biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) # WHERE 1 = 1 # $condition_clause # $gene_name_clause # $biosequence_name_clause # $common_name_clause # $canonical_name_clause # $description_clause # $second_name_clause # $log10_ratio_clause # $p_value_clause # $lambda_clause # $mean_level_clause # $false_discovery_rate_clause # $mu_x_or_mu_y_clause # ) # ~; #### Remove contraints that might limit conditions # $log10_ratio_clause = ''; # $p_value_clause = ''; # $lambda_clause = ''; # $mean_level_clause = ''; # $false_discovery_rate_clause = ''; # $mu_x_or_mu_y_clause = ''; # } #### Define the SQL statement if ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_TAG_ANALYSIS') { $sql = qq~ SELECT $limit_clause->{top_clause} $columns_clause FROM $TBST_TAG TAG INNER JOIN $TBST_TAG_ANALYSIS TA ON TAG.TAG_ID = TA.TAG_ID INNER JOIN $TBST_TAG_TYPE TT ON TA.TAG_TYPE_ID = TT.TAG_TYPE_ID INNER JOIN $TBST_SOLEXA_ANALYSIS SA ON TA.SOLEXA_ANALYSIS_ID = SA.SOLEXA_ANALYSIS_ID INNER JOIN $TBST_BIOSEQUENCE_TAG BT ON TAG.TAG_ID = BT.TAG_ID INNER JOIN $TBST_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON BT.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID WHERE 1 = 1 $slimseq_sample_id_clause $gene_name_clause $biosequence_name_clause $description_clause $tag_clause $solexa_analysis_clause $group_by_clause $order_by_clause $limit_clause->{trailing_limit_clause} ~; } elsif ($parameters{query_type} eq 'ST_GENE_ANALYSIS') { $sql = qq~ SELECT $limit_clause->{top_clause} $columns_clause FROM $TBST_GENE_ANALYSIS GA INNER JOIN $TBST_SOLEXA_ANALYSIS SA ON GA.SOLEXA_ANALYSIS_ID = SA.SOLEXA_ANALYSIS_ID INNER JOIN $TBST_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON GA.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID WHERE 1 = 1 $slimseq_sample_id_clause $gene_name_clause $biosequence_name_clause $description_clause $solexa_analysis_clause $group_by_clause $order_by_clause $limit_clause->{trailing_limit_clause} ~; } #### Certain types of actions should be passed to links my $pass_action = "QUERY"; $pass_action = $apply_action if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i); #### Define the hypertext links for columns that need them %url_cols = ( ); #### Define columns that should be hidden in the output table %hidden_cols = ('xxx' => 1, ); ######################################################################### #### If QUERY or VIEWRESULTSET was selected, display the data if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i || $apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { #### If the action contained QUERY, then fetch the results from #### the database if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i) { #### Show the SQL that will be or was executed $sbeams->display_sql(sql=>$sql) if ($show_sql); #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet( sql_query=>$sql, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, ); #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, query_name=>"$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME", ); } #### Post process the resultset FIX ME NEED TO DETERMINE IF THE DATA HAS BEEN PIVOTED FIRST>>> ##OTHER WISE THIS WILL NOT WORK my $cytoscape = { template => 'GetCounts', cytoscape_type => 'cytoscape_ps', }; if ($rs_params{output_mode} eq 'cytoscape'){ postProcessResultset( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, cytoscape=>$cytoscape, ); } #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, cytoscape=>$cytoscape, ); #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, base_url=>$base_url, cytoscape=>$cytoscape, ); #### Display a plot of data from the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSetPlot( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, ); #### If QUERY was not selected, then tell the user to enter some parameters } else { if ($sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http') { print "

Select parameters above and press QUERY

\n"; } else { print "You need to supply some parameters to constrain the query\n"; } } } # end handle_request ############################################################################### # evalSQL # # Callback for translating Perl variables into their values, # especially the global table variables to table names ############################################################################### sub evalSQL { my $sql = shift; return eval "\"$sql\""; } # end evalSQL ############################################################################### # getTreatmentNames: return a hash of the treatment # names of the supplied list of id's. # This might need to be more complicated if treatment names # are duplicated under different projects or such. ############################################################################### sub getTreatmentNames { my $treatment_ids = shift || die "getTreatmentNames: missing treatment_ids"; my @treatment_ids = split(/,/,$treatment_ids); #### Get the data for all the specified treatment_ids my $sql = qq~ SELECT treatment_id, treatment_name FROM $TBST_TREATMENT WHERE treatment_id IN ( $treatment_ids ) ~; my %hash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); return %hash; } # end getTreatmentNames ############################################################################### # postProcessResultset: Perform some additional processing on the resultset that would otherwise # be very awkward to do in SQL. Currently this is tweaking the data to be loaded into cytoscape ############################################################################### sub postProcessResultset { my %args = @_; my ($i,$key,$line,$result,$sql,$cellTypeIndex,$antibodyIndex, $intenseIndex,$equivocalIndex,$nonIndex, $organismID); my (%dataHash,%cellTypeHash,%RefSeqIDs); #### Process the arguments list my $resultset_ref = $args{'resultset_ref'}; my $rs_params_ref = $args{'rs_params_ref'}; my $query_parameters_ref = $args{'query_parameters_ref'}; my $column_titles_ref = $args{'column_titles_ref'}; my $cytoscape_href = $args{'cytoscape'}; my $option; #$log->debug(Dumper($query_parameters_ref)); #MAKE SURE THE DATA IS PIVIOTED unless($query_parameters_ref->{display_options} =~ /Pivot/){ die "Error: Cannot display data in cytoscape without pivoting the data first. Please go back and select 'Pivot Conditions as columns' within the Display Options drop down"; } unless($query_parameters_ref->{display_options} =~ /AllConditions/){ die"Error: Cannot display data in cytoscape without selecting all conditions. Please go back and select 'Show All Conditions if one condition meets criteria' within the Display Options drop down"; } my @row; my $irow = 0; my ($value,$element); my $nrows = scalar(@{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}}); if ( !$nrows ) { print "
Sorry, no data available for this Query
"; # Can't see why they'd want to see anything else; exit; } my @all_GE_data_types = get_data_display_types(); #$log->debug(Dumper(\@all_GE_data_types)); #Need to figure out what data types should go into the expression data matrix file. #Extra data columns will be used in node files my $first_loop = 0; my @condition_names = (); my $found_exp_col_flag = 0; my $found_significant_col_flag = 0; my %condition_names_h = (); ##Loop thru all the possible numerical data types from the GetCounts page ##Make a map of all the conditions names and what type of data was returned in the query, also record the column index foreach my $data_type ( @all_GE_data_types){ # $log->debug("DATA TYPE '$data_type'"); ##Each column name with numerical data has two parts condition: name__data_column_name ##example 'G85_yf_vs_G85_yf_2__false_discovery_rate' if ( my @col_names = grep {/$data_type/} @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}} ) { my $count = 0; foreach my $col_name (@col_names){ my ($condition_name, $data_type); if ($col_name =~ /(.+?)__(.*)/){ $condition_name = $1; $data_type = $2; }else{ print "ERROR: '$col_name' Does not look good"; } #pull the column index number form the results hash my $col_index = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{$col_name}; #After finding the frist piece of data record the order the conditions were in if ($first_loop == 0){ $condition_names_h{$condition_name} = {ORDER => $count, DATA_TYPE => {} }; $count ++; } $condition_names_h{$condition_name}{DATA_TYPE}{$data_type} = $col_index; } $first_loop++; } } # $log->debug(Dumper(\%condition_names_h)); #Find What data type should be used for the expression data my ($first_condition_name) = keys %condition_names_h; my $gene_exprssion_data_type = ''; foreach my $data_type (qw(log10_ratio mean_intensity mu_x mu_y)){ if (exists $condition_names_h{$first_condition_name}{DATA_TYPE}{$data_type}){ $gene_exprssion_data_type = $data_type; last; } } unless ($gene_exprssion_data_type){ $log->error("ERROR CANNOT FIND GENE EXPRSSION DATA TYPE"); exit; } #Now Find what data type should be used for significant values for loading up the expession matrix my @significant_data_types = qw(lambda p_value log10_uncertainty log10_std_deviation mean_intensity_uncertainty false_discovery_rate ); my $sig_data_type = ''; foreach my $data_type (@significant_data_types){ if (exists $condition_names_h{$first_condition_name}{DATA_TYPE}{$data_type}){ $sig_data_type = $data_type; last; } } unless($sig_data_type){ die "ERROR: No significance value was selected. Please go back and choose one"; } #Collect all the column index numbers to collect all the expression data my @exp_data_col_numbs = (); my @sig_data_col_numbs = (); my @all_condition_names =(); foreach my $condition_name (sort{$condition_names_h{$a}{ORDER} <=> $condition_names_h{$b}{ORDER} }keys %condition_names_h){ push @exp_data_col_numbs, $condition_names_h{$condition_name}{DATA_TYPE}{$gene_exprssion_data_type}; push @sig_data_col_numbs, $condition_names_h{$condition_name}{DATA_TYPE}{$sig_data_type}; push @all_condition_names, $condition_name; } #$log->debug(Dumper(\@exp_data_col_numbs)); #### Set up some data structures to hold Cytoscape data my @gene_anno_noa_files = ( 'biosequence_name.noa', 'reporter_name.noa', 'common_name.noa', 'external_identifier.noa', 'gene_name.noa', 'second_name.noa', 'full_name.noa' ); my @cytoscape_files = ( 'network.sif', @gene_anno_noa_files, 'NodeType.noa', 'Expression_edges.eda', 'Significance_edges.eda', 'ExpressionLevel.mrna', 'Significance.pval', ); my $expression_file_header = "Genes\t" . join "\t", @all_condition_names; my %cytoscape_header = ( 'network.sif' => undef, 'biosequence_name.noa' => 'Biosequence_name', 'reporter_name.noa' => 'Reporter_name', 'common_name.noa' => 'commonName', #Common_name 'external_identifier.noa' => 'External_identifier', 'gene_name.noa' => 'Gene_name', 'second_name.noa' => 'Second_name', 'full_name.noa' => 'Full_name', 'NodeType.noa' => 'NodeType', 'Expression_edges.eda' => "Expression_edges", 'Significance_edges.eda' => "Significance_edges", 'ExpressionLevel.mrna' => $expression_file_header, 'Significance.pval' => $expression_file_header, ); foreach my $file ( @cytoscape_files ) { my @tmp = ( $cytoscape_header{$file} ); $cytoscape_href->{files}->{$file} = \@tmp; } #$log->debug(Dumper $cytoscape_href); #Loop thru all the data collecting data for the cytoscape data matrix files, nodes files and edg files my %organism_names = (); for (@{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}}) { my $canonical_name_col_index = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{canonical_name}; @row = @{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$irow++]}; my $canonical_name = $row[$canonical_name_col_index]; push(@{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'ExpressionLevel.mrna'}}, ("$canonical_name\t". join "\t", @row[@exp_data_col_numbs])); push(@{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'Significance.pval'}}, ("$canonical_name\t". join "\t", @row[@sig_data_col_numbs])); #collect the Annotation too foreach my $noa_file (@gene_anno_noa_files){ my $clean_name = $noa_file; #example 'second_name.noa' Remove the suffix $clean_name =~ s/\..*//; my $col_index = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{$clean_name}; next unless $col_index =~ /^\d/; my $val = ("$canonical_name\t=\t". @row[$col_index]); push @{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{$noa_file}},$val; } push(@{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'NodeType.noa'}}, $canonical_name . "\t=\tgene" ); #Collect the organism name too $organism_names{species}{ $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{organism_name} } = 1; #$log->debug(Dumper(\@row)); } # End resultset loop #Add in the condition names to the NodeType file #also add the condition names to the common_name.noa file. Bit of a hack to have the condition #name show up while using the common name as the node labels foreach my $condition_name (@all_condition_names){ push(@{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'NodeType.noa'}}, $condition_name . "\t=\tcondition" ); push(@{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'common_name.noa'}}, $condition_name . "\t=\t$condition_name" ); } #$log->debug( Dumper($cytoscape_href)); collect_data_for_sif_file(cyto_href =>$cytoscape_href, query_params_ref =>$query_parameters_ref,); make_folders_for_jws(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref,); #make_and_sign_jws_data_jar(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref, # data_files_href => \%cytoscape_header,); write_condition_file(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref, condition_names => \@all_condition_names, ); write_cytoscape_jnlp_file(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref); write_kegg_jnlp(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref); write_plotter_jnlp(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref); write_boss_jnlp(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref); write_dmv_jnlp_file(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref, ); write_props_file(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref, condition_names => \@all_condition_names,); write_index_file(rs_params_ref =>$rs_params_ref, condition_names => \@all_condition_names,); }#end postProcessResultset ############################################################################### # get_data_display_types: Pull all the data types from the database ############################################################################### sub get_data_display_types { my $sql = qq~ SELECT option_key FROM $TBST_QUERY_OPTION WHERE option_type like 'GC_data_columns' ~; my @data_types = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); return (grep { s/^GC\.//} @data_types); #remove the GC.prefix } ############################################################################### # collect_data_for_sif_file: Collect and sort the data that will be used to generate a sif file ############################################################################### sub collect_data_for_sif_file { my %args = @_; my $cytoscape_href = $args{cyto_href}; my $query_params_ref = $args{query_params_ref}; ##If the user supplied a cut off value for the "significance" values make sure not to include any values ##Below this cutof in the sif (network) file my $cut_off_val = ''; my @constriants = ('p_value_constriant', 'false_discovery_rate_constraint'); foreach my $constriant (@constriants){ if (exists $query_params_ref->{$constriant} && defined $query_params_ref->{$constriant}){ $cut_off_val = $query_params_ref->{$constriant}; } } $cut_off_val =~ s/[<>|]//g; #remove any non digit char from the number $log->debug("CONSTRIANT CUTOFF '$cut_off_val'"); #$log->debug(Dumper($query_params_ref)); #get the first row of the expression hash which has the condition names my $first_line = $cytoscape_href->{files}->{'ExpressionLevel.mrna'}->[0]; my @condition_names = split /\t/, $first_line; my $row_count = scalar @{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'ExpressionLevel.mrna'}}; #skip the first element since it's the gene name column header $log->debug("CONDITION NAMES SIF '@condition_names' $condition_names[1]"); for (my $i=1; $i <= $#condition_names ; $i++){ my $condition_name = $condition_names[$i]; $log->debug("CONDITION NAME '$condition_name' INDEX '$i' ROW COUNT '$row_count'"); #my $key = 0; my %data_h = (); #load up hash for each condition which will then be sorted #skip the frist line which is a column header for (my $l=1; $l < $row_count; $l++){ my $exp_line = $cytoscape_href->{files}->{'ExpressionLevel.mrna'}->[$l]; my $sig_line = $cytoscape_href->{files}->{'Significance.pval'}->[$l]; my @exp_parts = split /\t/, $exp_line; my @sig_parts = split /\t/, $sig_line; $data_h{$l} = {EXP => $exp_parts[$i], SIG => $sig_parts[$i], NAME => $exp_parts[0] , }; }#end collecting data #$log->debug(Dumper (\%data_h)); #sort the data on the significance score my @sorted_keys = map {$_->[0]} sort{ $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} map{ [$_, $data_h{$_}{SIG} ] } keys %data_h; generate_sif_data(data_h=>\%data_h, sorted_keys => \@sorted_keys, condition_name => $condition_name, cytoscape_href => $cytoscape_href, cutoff_val => $cut_off_val, ); }#end conditions loop #$log->debug(Dumper ($cytoscape_href)); } ############################################################################### # generate_sif_data:Collect just the top data for each condition and collect data in a sif file ############################################################################### sub generate_sif_data { my %args = @_; my $data_href = $args{data_h}; my @sorted_keys = @{ $args{sorted_keys} } ; my $condition_name = $args{condition_name}; my $cytoscape_href = $args{cytoscape_href}; my $cut_off_val = $args{cutoff_val}; #$log->debug("CONDITION NAME '$condition_name'"); #grab the top data orginally setup to be top 100 genes and appened the data to the #sif file portion of the cytoscape_href data hash. for (my $i=1; $i <= $#sorted_keys && $i <= 200 ; $i++){ my $key = $sorted_keys[$i]; my $name = $data_href->{$key}{NAME}; my $exp_val = $data_href->{$key}{EXP}? $data_href->{$key}{EXP} : 0; my $sig_val = $data_href->{$key}{SIG}? $data_href->{$key}{SIG} : 0; my ($sif_info, $exp_info,$sig_info); if ($exp_val > 0){ $sif_info = "$name upregulated_in $condition_name"; $exp_info = "$name (upregulated_in) $condition_name = $exp_val"; $sig_info = "$name (upregulated_in) $condition_name = $sig_val"; }elsif ($exp_val < 0){ $sif_info = "$name downregulated_in $condition_name"; $exp_info = "$name (downregulated_in) $condition_name = $exp_val"; $sig_info = "$name (downregulated_in) $condition_name = $sig_val"; }else{ $sif_info = "$name not_in $condition_name"; $exp_info = "$name (not_in) $condition_name = $exp_val"; $sig_info = "$name (not_in) $condition_name = $sig_val"; } if ($sig_val <= $cut_off_val || !$cut_off_val ){ #if the cut off value is undef collect all the data push @{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'network.sif'}}, $sif_info; } #need to make sure all the data is the type of number, so make all the number a float otherwies cytoscape can become confused push @{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'Expression_edges.eda'}}, make_float($exp_info); push @{$cytoscape_href->{files}->{'Significance_edges.eda'}}, make_float($sig_info); } } ############################################################################### # make_float: Check to see if a number is a float. If not make it one ############################################################################### sub make_float { my $numb = shift; return $numb if ($numb =~ /\./); #it's a float return ("$numb.0") #now it's a float } ############################################################################### # make_folders_for_jws: Make sure and make if nessesary a series of folders to hold #data for cytoscape jws ############################################################################### sub make_folders_for_jws { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; ##HACK this folder is being made here. Orginally it was being created by displayResultSet within the cytoscape loop if ( ! -d $jws_base_dir) { mkdir($jws_base_dir) || die("ERROR: Unable to mkdir $jws_base_dir"); } if ( ! -d "$jws_base_dir/$identifier") { mkdir("$jws_base_dir/$identifier") || die("ERROR: Unable to mkdir $jws_base_dir/$identifier"); } if ( ! -d "$jws_base_dir/$identifier/Condition_xml") { mkdir("$jws_base_dir/$identifier/Condition_xml") || die("ERROR: Unable to mkdir $jws_base_dir/$identifier/Condition_xml"); } } ############################################################################### # write_condition_file: Write a XML file that will be used by the data matrix browser #to organize the data ############################################################################### sub write_condition_file { my %args = @_; #$log->debug(Dumper (\%args)); my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my @all_conditions_names = @{ $args{condition_names} }; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml_out_file = "Conditions.xml"; my $url_path = "$jws_base_html/$identifier"; my $output = new IO::File(">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/Condition_xml/$xml_out_file") || die ("ERROR:Cannot Make Condition XML file $!"); ##Produce the conditions XML file my $wr = new XML::Writer ( OUTPUT => $output, DATA_MODE => 'true', DATA_INDENT => 2, NEWLINED => 'true' ); $wr->startTag('experiment', 'name'=>'Affy Expression Data', 'date'=>"2005-01-09"); $wr->emptyTag('predicate', category=>'species', value=>'Homo sapiens' ); $wr->emptyTag('predicate', category=>'wild type', value=>'wild type' ); $wr->emptyTag('predicate', category=>'perturbation', value=>'Expression:Conditions' ); ##Make the data files log10 and p-vals (note that the p-vals might hold more thne just p-vals.....) $wr->startTag('dataset', 'status'=>'primary','type'=>'log10 ratios'); $wr->startTag('uri'); $wr->characters("$url_path/ExpressionLevel.mrna"); $wr->endTag(); $wr->endTag(); $wr->startTag('dataset', 'status'=>'primary','type'=>'p vals'); $wr->startTag('uri'); $wr->characters("$url_path/Significance.pval"); $wr->endTag(); $wr->endTag(); ##Write out the conditions foreach my $condition (@all_conditions_names){ my $val = $condition; $val =~ s/.+?_vs_//; #TODO need to see if all the conditions are compared to the same reference material $val = $val ? $val : $condition; #default to the full condition name $wr->startTag('condition', 'alias'=>"$condition"); $wr->emptyTag('variable','name'=>'stimulus', 'value'=>$val); $wr->endTag(); } $wr->endTag();#close the experiment tag } ############################################################################### # write_dmv_jnlp_file: Write a jnlp file to control the data matrix browser # ############################################################################### sub write_dmv_jnlp_file { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml_out_file = "dmv.jnlp"; my $xml_data = qq~ DataMatrixViewer (8 Jan 2005) $jws_base_html/$identifier/Condition_xml ~; open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/$xml_out_file" or error("Cannot open file to create dmv.xml file $!"); print OUT $xml_data; close OUT; } ############################################################################### # write_props_file: Write an project props file that will control which data jars are loaded #and set the species info ############################################################################### sub write_props_file { my %args = @_; my @all_conditions_names = @{ $args{condition_names} }; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my @all_organism_info = $analysis->conditions_organism_info(condition_names_aref => \@all_conditions_names); my $props_file = ''; if (scalar(@all_organism_info) > 1){ $log->debug("WARNING THERE IS MORE THEN ONE ORGANISM IN THESE CONDITION " . Dumper(\@all_organism_info)); die"ERROR:More then one species within this dataset. This is currently not allowed for importing data into cytoscape"; }else{ my %org_info = %{$all_organism_info[0]}; $log->debug("ORGANISM INFO" . Dumper(\%org_info)); #use lower case only, since ISB annotation server is setup with lower case names my $organism_name = lc($org_info{organism_name}); my $genus = $org_info{genus}; my $species = $org_info{species}; my $genus_species = "$genus $species"; $props_file = <$jws_base_dir/$identifier/project-jnlp" or error("Cannot open file to create project-jnlp file $!"); print OUT $props_file; close OUT; } } ############################################################################### # write_index_file: Write an index file to control all the java web starts ############################################################################### sub write_index_file { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my @all_conditions_names = @{ $args{condition_names} }; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $html_condition_names = ''; foreach my $condition (@all_conditions_names){ $html_condition_names .= "
  • $condition
  • "; } my $html = < Affy Expression Cytoscape Web Start

    Affy Expression Cytoscape Web Start

    1. Boss
    2. Network
    3. DataMatrixViewer
    4. KEGG Search

    All Condition Names


    Tutorial (a very rough draft!)

    1. Start all 4 webstars listed above. Be sure to start the boss first.
    2. Once all 4 appear (though note that the KEGG Search has no visible window; instead, it displays results in your web browser), play around with the boss, getting used to the following commands:   show, hide, tile and the listening checkbox.
    3. In the DataMatrixViewer (DMV), click on the "Expression" folder -- which is displayed in the tree widget in the leftmost panel. With that selected, click on the funny-looking button at the top left of the DMV's window (next to the New... button). This will load the expression matrix in to a spreadsheet view in the DMV.
    4. Once that data is loaded, you can run the movie: just press the start button at the top of the DMV. With a frame time (allegedly) of 1 second, cytoscape will run through the different colors, reflecting the differential expression of the genes.
    5. Now make a selection in the Cytoscape window, using your mouse. And Click the Broadcast button
    6. Try the 'Find Correlations' button -- it (like the others, looks pretty funky) but can be recognized by its two plot figures, one over the other.
    7. Broadcast this to the gaggle, by pressing the Broadcast button at the top right of the cytoscape window.
    8. This selection will be sent to the DMV, and to the KEGG wbi (web intermediary). Your browser will soon display a pathways list from KEGG, and one row will be selected in the DMV.
    END #$log->debug("INDEX OUT '$jws_base_dir/$identifier/index.html' HTML '$html'"); open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/index.html" || die "ERROR:Cannot open index.html file for writing $!"; print OUT $html; close OUT; } ############################################################################### # write_cytoscape_jnlp_file: Write jnlp to start cytoscape ############################################################################### sub write_cytoscape_jnlp_file { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml = < Affy Expression Network (January 9th 2004) -p jar://project-jnlp END open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/cytoscape.jnlp" || die "ERROR:Cannot open cytoscape-jnlp file for writing $!"; print OUT $xml; close OUT; } ############################################################################## # write_boss_jnlp: Write jnlp to start the gaggle boss ############################################################################### sub write_boss_jnlp { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml = < Affy Expression Gaggle Boss (7 Jan 2005) END open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/boss.jnlp" || die "ERROR:Cannot open boss.jnlp file for writing $!"; print OUT $xml; close OUT; } ############################################################################## # write_plotter_jnlp: Write jnlp to start the plotter within the dmv ############################################################################### sub write_plotter_jnlp { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml = < Plotter (9 Dec 2004) END open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/plotter.jnlp" || die "ERROR:Cannot open plotter.jnlp file for writing $!"; print OUT $xml; close OUT; } ############################################################################## # write_kegg_jnlp: Write jnlp to start the kegg ############################################################################### sub write_kegg_jnlp { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $xml = < KEGG (6 January 2005) END open OUT, ">$jws_base_dir/$identifier/keggwbi.jnlp" || die "ERROR:Cannot open keggwbi.jnlp file for writing $!"; print OUT $xml; close OUT; } ############################################################################## # make_and_sign_jws_data_jar: Make and sign the data jar (CURRENTLY NOT USED) Function still performed by the make file ############################################################################### sub make_and_sign_jws_data_jar { my %args = @_; my $rs_params_ref = $args{rs_params_ref}; my %cytoscape_header = %{ $args{data_files_href} }; my $identifier = $rs_params_ref->{'set_name'} || 'unknown'; my $out_folder = "$jws_base_dir/$identifier"; #Make the data jar my $files = join " ", keys %cytoscape_header; my $command_line = "cd $out_folder; /tools/java/sdk/bin/jar cvf data.jar $files"; my $results = `$command_line`; $log->debug("DATA JAR COMMAND '$command_line' RESULTS '$results' "); ##Sign the data jar $command_line = "/tools/java/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/jarsigner -keystore /users/pshannon/.keystore -storepass cytokey $out_folder/data.jar cytoscape"; $results = `$command_line`; $log->debug("RESULTS SIGN DATA JAR '$results' "); } ############################################################################### # print_output_mode_data # # If the user selected to see the data in a differnt mode come here and print it out ############################################################################### sub print_output_mode_data { my %args= @_; my $SUB_NAME="print_output_mode_data"; my $parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME] No parameters passed\n"; my %parameters = %{$parameters_ref}; my $apply_action=$parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'} || 'QUERY'; my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/SolexaTrans/main.cgi"; my $manage_table_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/SolexaTrans/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=ST_"; my $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my %max_widths = (); my %url_cols = (); my %hidden_cols =( 'Select_Sample' => 1, 'Select Job' => 1, 'Job Controls' =>1, 'Job Status' =>1, 'Job Params' => 1, ); my $limit_clause = ''; my @column_titles = (); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); }else{ die "SORRY BUT I CAN'T FIND A RESULTS SET TO READ
    \n"; } #### Build ROWCOUNT constraint $parameters{row_limit} = 5000 unless ($parameters{row_limit} > 0 && $parameters{row_limit}<=1000000); $limit_clause = $sbeams->buildLimitClause(row_limit=>$parameters{row_limit}); #### Set the column_titles to just the column_names @column_titles = @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}}; #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, ); }