package Batch; use strict; use POSIX 'setsid'; use Data::Dumper; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($log $q); # Necessary variables in main package: # %BATCH_ENV - environment variables necessary for batch submission # $BATCH_BIN - path to binary directory # $BAGCH_ARG - additional arguments to supply to submit program #### Method: new # The new routine #### sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->initialize(); return $self; } #### Method: initialize # Initialize instance variables to default values #### sub initialize { my $self = shift; $self->{'type'} = undef; $self->{'script'} = undef; $self->{'name'} = undef; $self->{'out'} = undef; $self->{'error'} = undef; $self->{'cputime'} = undef; $self->{'id'} = undef; $self->{'group'} = undef; return 1; } #### Method: type # Get or set value #### sub type { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'type'} = shift } return $self->{'type'}; } #### Method: script # Get or set value #### sub script { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'script'} = shift } return $self->{'script'}; } #### Method: name # Get or set value #### sub name { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'name'} = shift } return $self->{'name'}; } #### Method: out # Get or set value #### sub out { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'out'} = shift } return $self->{'out'}; } #### Method: error # Get or set value #### sub error { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'error'} = shift } return $self->{'error'}; } #### Method: cputime # Get or set value #### sub cputime { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'cputime'} = shift } return $self->{'cputime'}; } #### Method: id # Get or set value #### sub id { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'id'} = shift } return $self->{'id'}; } sub group { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'group'} = shift} return $self->{'group'}; } sub queue { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'queue'} = shift} return $self->{'queue'}; } sub mem { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{'mem'} = shift} return $self->{'mem'}; } #### Method: submit # Submit job to the batch system, returns undef for failure #### sub submit { my $self = shift; if ($self->type eq "fork") { return $self->submit_fork; } elsif ($self->type eq "sge") { return $self->submit_sge; } elsif ($self->type eq "pbs") { return $self->submit_pbs; } else { return undef; } } #### Method: check # Check to see if a job is running #### sub check { my $self = shift; if ($self->type eq "fork") { return $self->check_fork; } elsif ($self->type eq "sge") { return $self->check_sge; } elsif ($self->type eq "pbs") { return $self->check_pbs; } else { return undef; } } #### Method: cancel # Cancel a job submitted to the batch system, returns undef for failure #### sub cancel { my $self = shift; if ($self->type eq "fork") { return $self->cancel_fork; } elsif ($self->type eq "sge") { return $self->cancel_sge; } elsif ($self->type eq "pbs") { return $self->cancel_pbs; } else { return undef; } } ######################################## # THESE METHODS ARE MORE OR LESS PRIVATE ######################################## #### Method: submit_fork # Run the job locally as a forked process #### sub submit_fork { my $self = shift; my ($command, $pid); if (!($pid = fork)) { if (!defined $pid) { # Fork didn't work return undef; } # Child process open(STDIN, '/dev/null'); open(STDOUT, '>/dev/null'); open(STDERR, '>/dev/null'); setsid(); $command = $self->script; $command .= " > " . ($self->out ? $self->out : "/dev/null"); $command .= " 2> " . ($self->error ? $self->error : "/dev/null"); system($command); exit(0); } $self->id($pid); return $self->id; } #### Method: submit_sge # Submit job using the Sun Grid Engine #### sub submit_sge { my $self = shift; my ($command); foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qsub"; if ($self->name) { $command .= " -N " . $self->name; } $command .= " -o " . ($self->out ? $self->out : "/dev/null"); $command .= " -e " . ($self->error ? $self->error : "/dev/null"); if ($self->cputime) { $command .= " -l h_cpu=" . $self->cputime; } if ($::BATCH_ARG) { $command .= " " . $::BATCH_ARG; } $command .= " " . $self->script; open(CMDOUT, "$command|") || return undef; if ( =~ 'your job ([0-9]+) \(\"(.+)\"\) has been submitted' ) { $self->id($1); $self->name($2); }; close(CMDOUT); return $self->id; } #### Method: submit_pbs # Submit job using the Portable Batch System #### sub submit_pbs { my $self = shift; my ($command); foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qsub"; $command .= " -l walltime=12:00:00" unless $self->cputime; # default to 12 unless specified $command .= " -l walltime=".$self->cputime if $self->cputime; if ($self->name) { $command .= " -N " . $self->name; } # Seems that pbs as of 6-20-2005 wants to write back out/err files to # invokation directory. Therefore, we'll put this line in to allow # jobs to finish gracefully. my $script = $self->script(); my ( $dir ) = $script =~ /(.*\/)[^\/]+$/; my $outfile = ( $self->out() ) ? $self->out() : "$dir/pbs_job.out"; $command .= " -W umask=002"; # This can cause problems if you have people with multiple groups trying to work on one project # and the solxabot user is not part of all of those groups $command .= " -W group_list=".$self->group if $self->group; $command .= " -q ".$self->queue if $self->queue; $command .= " -l mem=10gb" unless $self->mem; # requires 10 gigs of memory (lol) $command .= " -l mem=".$self->mem if $self->mem; $command .= " -j oe -o " . $outfile; # The above obviates this code, so it is commented out. # if ($self->out) { # $command .= " -o " . $self->out(); # } # if ($self->error) { # $command .= " -e ${dir}pbs_job.err"; # } if ($::BATCH_ARG) { $command .= " " . $::BATCH_ARG; } $command .= " " . $self->script; $log->error("COMMAND LINE '$command'"); open(CMDOUT, "$command|") || die( "ERROR $!"); $self->id(); close(CMDOUT); #print "ABOUT TO RETURN FROM SUBMIT PBS
"; #print "COMMAND LINE

"; return $self->id; } #### # Check if a forked job is running #### sub check_fork { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->id; my $check = `ps -ef | grep "$id" | awk '{print $2}"`; if ($check) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #### # Check if a PBS job is running #### sub check_pbs { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->id; foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } my $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qstat $id"; my $check = `$command`; if ($check =~ /Unknown Job Id/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } #### # Check if a SGE job is running #### sub check_sge { my $self = shift; my $id = $self->id; foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } my $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qstat -j $id"; my $check = `$command`; # THIS MAY NOT WORK if ($check =~ /$id/) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #### Method: cancel_fork # Cancel job run locally as a forked process #### sub cancel_fork { my $self = shift; my ($command); kill(-15, $self->id) || return undef; return $self->id; } #### Method: cancel_sge # Cancel job submitted using the Sun Grid Engine #### sub cancel_sge { my $self = shift; my ($command); foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qdel"; $command .= " " . $self->id; open(CMDOUT, "$command|") || return undef; if ( !~ "has deleted job|has registered the job .+ for deletion" ) { return undef; } close(CMDOUT); return $self->id; } #### Method: cancel_pbs # Cancel job submitted using the Portable Batch System #### sub cancel_pbs { my $self = shift; my ($command); foreach (keys %::BATCH_ENV) { $ENV{$_} = $::BATCH_ENV{$_}; } $command = $::BATCH_BIN . "/qdel"; $command .= " " . $self->id; $log->error("CANCEL COMMAND : $command"); if ( system($command) ) { return undef; } return $self->id; } 1;