#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : SequenceViewer # Author : Michael H. Johnson # # Description : Given coordinates and a genome, prints out the sequence # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Eric Deutsch # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS $MODE); use SBEAMS::Connection; use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::ProteinStructure; use SBEAMS::ProteinStructure::Settings; use SBEAMS::ProteinStructure::Tables; use POSIX qw(ceil floor); $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::ProteinStructure; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); $q = new CGI; ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['ProteinStructure_user', 'ProteinStructure_admin','ProteinStructure_readonly','Admin', 'Oligo_User'], #connect_read_only=>1, #allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if ($parameters{action} eq "xxxx") { } else { $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header( navigation_bar=>$parameters{navigation_bar}); $MODE = $parameters{mode} || "DEFAULT"; handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #### Define some generic varibles my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result); my $newline = "\n"; my $sql; my @rows; #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### Set some specific settings for this program my $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME="SequenceViewer.cgi"; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; #### Get the necessary biosequence_set_ids my $genome_id = $parameters{'genome_id'}; my $biosequence_id = $parameters{'biosequence_id'}; #### If a biosequence_id isn't provided, coordinates are needed, at least my $start = $parameters{'start_coordinate'}; my $stop = $parameters{'stop_coordinate'}; #### Allow for offset from start/stop my $start_offset = $parameters{'start_offset'} || 0; my $stop_offset = $parameters{'stop_offset'} || 0; if($MODE eq "OLIGO") { $start_offset = 1000; $stop_offset = 1000; } #### Determine the format of the sequence my $format = $parameters{'format'} || 'fasta'; #### Start/Stop when factoring in offsets my ($adjusted_start, $adjusted_stop); #### Display the user-interaction input form if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { if($MODE ne "OLIGO") { #In Default Mode my ($gcg_selected, $fasta_selected, $coords_selected); if ($format eq "gcg"){ $gcg_selected = "CHECKED"; }elsif ($format eq "with_coords") { $coords_selected = "CHECKED"; }else { $fasta_selected = "CHECKED"; } print qq~

Sequence Viewer

FASTA    Display with Coordinates    GCG
	  #In OLIGO Mode
      print qq~

Sequence Viewer

~; } } #### Get all the necessary biosequence information, if possible ## We need EITHER ## biosequence_id => name, start, stop, chromosome name ## -OR- ## genome_id & start & stop my ($biosequence_name, $biosequence_desc,$biosequence_genome_name, $organism_id); my ($genome_name, $genome_seq); #### If no valid biosequence_set_id was selected, stop here unless ( ($biosequence_id) || ($start && $stop && $genome_id) ) { print "$biosequence_id
genome:$genome_namereportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'INSUFFICIENT CONSTRAINTS', message => "Could not find sufficient information to print sequence in chromosomal context", ); return; } ## Get coordinate information from biosequence_id if ($biosequence_id) { $sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_name, BS.biosequence_desc, BSPS.start_in_chromosome, BSPS.end_in_chromosome, BSPS.chromosome, BSS.organism_id FROM $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE BS JOIN $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE_PROPERTY_SET BSPS ON (BSPS.biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id) JOIN $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON (BSS.biosequence_set_id = BS.biosequence_set_id) WHERE BS.biosequence_id = '$biosequence_id' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); unless (scalar(@rows) < 1) { ($biosequence_name, $biosequence_desc, $start, $stop, $biosequence_genome_name, $organism_id) = @{$rows[0]}; } } #### Get Genome Sequence if ($genome_id) { $sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_seq,BS.biosequence_name JOIN FROM $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE BS WHERE BS.biosequence_id = '$genome_id' ~; }else{ $sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_seq,BS.biosequence_name FROM $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE BS JOIN $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON (BS.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id) WHERE BS.biosequence_name = '$biosequence_genome_name' AND BSS.organism_id = '$organism_id' ~; } my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); ($genome_seq,$genome_name) = @{$rows[0]}; #### Ensure that we have enough information to continue unless ( $start && $stop && $genome_seq ) { print "$biosequence_id
genome:$genome_namereportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'INSUFFICIENT CONSTRAINTS', message => "Could not find sufficient information to print sequence in chromosomal context", ); return; } if ($genome_name ne $biosequence_genome_name) { $sbeams->reportException ( state => 'WARNING', type => 'DATA MISMATCH', message => "Chromosome name ($genome_name) is not the same as reported by the gene ($biosequence_genome_name)", ); return; } #### Print Header my $header; if ($biosequence_name) { $header = ">$biosequence_name $biosequence_desc"; }else { $header = ">$genome_name $start - $stop"; } #### Handle reverse complement: if gene is on reverse strand, switch #### the offset values, and be sure to translate everything my $reverse_complement = 0; if ($start > $stop ){ $reverse_complement = 1; $stop--; }else { $start--; } ## grab the ORF my $ORF = grab_sequence('start'=>$start, 'stop'=>$stop, 'genome'=>$genome_seq, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement); ## Grab Offsets my ($start_offset_seq,$stop_offset_seq); if ($start_offset != 0) { if ($reverse_complement == 0) { $start_offset_seq = grab_sequence('start'=>($start-$start_offset), 'stop'=>$start, 'genome'=>$genome_seq, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement); $header.=" start_offset=\""; $header .="+" if ($start_offset>0); $header .="$start_offset"."nt\""; }else { $start_offset_seq = grab_sequence('start'=>($start+$start_offset), 'stop'=>$start, 'genome'=>$genome_seq, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement); $header.=" start_offset=\""; $header .="+" if ($start_offset>0); $header .="$start_offset"."nt\""; } } if ($stop_offset != 0) { if ($reverse_complement == 0) { $stop_offset_seq = grab_sequence('start'=>$stop, 'stop'=>($stop + $stop_offset), 'genome'=>$genome_seq, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement); $header.=" stop_offset=\""; $header .="+" if ($stop_offset>0); $header .="$stop_offset"."nt\""; }else { $stop_offset_seq = grab_sequence('start'=>$stop, 'stop'=>($stop-$stop_offset), 'genome'=>$genome_seq, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement); $header.=" stop_offset=\""; $header .="+" if ($stop_offset>0); $header .="$stop_offset"."nt\""; } } if ($format eq "fasta" || $format eq "with_coords") { print "$header$newline"; }else { my $gcg_header = "!!NA_SEQUENCE 1.0\n"; $header =~ />((.*?)\s.*)/; $gcg_header .= "$1\n\n"; $gcg_header .= "$2".".seq\tLength: "; $gcg_header .= (abs($start - $stop)) + abs($start_offset) + abs($stop_offset); my ($min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[1..5]; if ($month == 0) {$month = "January";} elsif ($month == 1) {$month = "Februrary";} elsif ($month == 2) {$month = "March";} elsif ($month == 3) {$month = "April";} elsif ($month == 4) {$month = "May";} elsif ($month == 5) {$month = "June";} elsif ($month == 6) {$month = "July";} elsif ($month == 7) {$month = "August";} elsif ($month == 8) {$month = "September";} elsif ($month == 9) {$month = "October";} elsif ($month == 10) {$month = "November";} elsif ($month == 11) {$month = "December";} my $timestamp .= sprintf("%s %02d, %04d %02d:%02d", $month,$day,$year+1900,$hour,$min); my $checksum = get_GCG_checksum($start_offset_seq.$ORF.$stop_offset_seq); $gcg_header .= "\t ".$timestamp."\tType: N Check: $checksum\t ..\n"; $header = $gcg_header; print "$header$newline"; } #### Color and format the sequence print "START " . $start; my %colorings = (); my $start_len = length($start_offset_seq); my $orf_len = length($ORF); my $stop_len = length($stop_offset_seq); my $complement_offset = $orf_len + 2000; if($MODE ne "OLIGO") { #In Default Mode if ($start_len > 0 ) { $colorings{0} = ""; $colorings{$start_len} = ""; } $colorings{$start_len} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len} = ""; if ($stop_len > 0) { $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len + $stop_len} = ""; } }else{ #In OLIGO Mode $colorings{$start_len - 500} = ""; $colorings{$start_len - 479} = ""; #Oligo B $colorings{$start_len + $complement_offset} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + 21 + $complement_offset} = ""; #Oligo C Part I) $colorings{$start_len + 3} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + 21} = ""; #Oligo C Part II $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len - 3} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len + 18} = ""; #Oligo D $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len + 479 + $complement_offset} = ""; $colorings{$stop_len + $orf_len + 500 + $complement_offset} = ""; #Oligo E $colorings{$start_len - 750} = ""; $colorings{$start_len - 729} = ""; #Oligo F $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len + 729 + $complement_offset} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $orf_len + 750 + $complement_offset} = ""; #Oligo G my $half_central_region_length; if($orf_len >= 350){ $half_central_region_length = 150; }elsif($orf_len >= 150 && $orf_len < 350){ $half_central_region_length = 50; }elsif($orf_len < 150){ $half_central_region_length = 43; } my $g_shift_amount = ($orf_len / 2) - $half_central_region_length; $g_shift_amount = floor($g_shift_amount); $colorings{$start_len + $g_shift_amount - 2} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $g_shift_amount + 19} = ""; #Oligo H my $h_shift_amount = ($orf_len / 2) + $half_central_region_length; $h_shift_amount = floor($h_shift_amount); $colorings{$start_len + $h_shift_amount - 22 + $complement_offset} = ""; $colorings{$start_len + $h_shift_amount - 1 + $complement_offset} = ""; } ## Attempt to extract coordinate information; $header =~ /.*location=\"\w+\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\".*/; my $coord_start = $1; my $coord_stop = $2; # not currently used. if ($coord_start && $coord_stop) { if ($reverse_complement == 0){ $coord_start -= $start_offset; $coord_stop += $stop_offset; }else { $coord_start += $start_offset; $coord_stop -= $stop_offset; } if ( $coord_start <= 0) { $coord_start += length($genome_seq); } if ($coord_stop <= 0 ){ $coord_stop += length($genome_seq); } if ($coord_start > length($genome_seq)) { $coord_start -= length($genome_seq); } if ($coord_stop > length($genome_seq)) { $coord_stop -= length($genome_seq); } } if($MODE ne "OLIGO") { #In Default Mode print format_sequence('sequence'=>($start_offset_seq.$ORF.$stop_offset_seq), 'color_ref'=>\%colorings, 'newline'=>$newline, 'format'=>$format, 'start'=>$coord_start, 'reverse_complement'=>$reverse_complement, 'genome_length'=>length($genome_seq)); print "$newline"; }else{ #In Oligo Mode my $top = ""; #forward sequence my $bottom = ""; #complement sequence (read in forward direction) my $seq = $start_offset_seq.$ORF.$stop_offset_seq; my @seq = split //, $seq; my $seq = ""; for(my $m=0;$m"; print format_sequence('sequence'=>($seq), 'color_ref'=>\%colorings, 'newline'=>$newline, 'format'=>$format, 'start'=>$coord_start, 'genome_length'=>length($genome_seq), 'mode'=>$MODE, 'region_size'=>$complement_offset); print ""; } print "
"; } # end handle_request ############################################################################### # grab_sequence: grabs subseqeuence ############################################################################### sub grab_sequence { my %args = @_; my $genome = $args{'genome'} || die "ERROR[grab_sequence]: genome needed\n"; my $start = $args{'start'} || length($genome); my $stop = $args{'stop'} || 0; my $reverse_complement = $args{'reverse_complement'} || 0; my $length = length($genome); my $sequence = ""; if ($reverse_complement) { my $t = $start; $start = $stop; $stop = $t; } my $wrapped_from_start = 0; my $wrapped_from_stop = 0; my $current_start = $start; my $current_stop = $stop; ## Get as much of the sequence without wrapping; if ($stop > $length) { $current_stop = $length; $wrapped_from_stop = $stop - $length; } if ($start < 0) { $current_start = 0; $wrapped_from_start = $start; } my $stringlen = $current_stop - $current_start; $sequence = substr($genome, $current_start, $stringlen); ## Forward Wrapping my $MAX_ALLOWED_SIZE = 10000; while ( $wrapped_from_stop > 0 && length($sequence) < $MAX_ALLOWED_SIZE) { if ($current_stop > $length){ $current_stop = $length; $wrapped_from_stop = $current_stop - $length; }else { $wrapped_from_stop = 0; } $sequence .= substr($genome, 0, $current_stop); } ## Reverse Wrapping- $wrapped_from_start is NEGATIVE while ( $wrapped_from_start < 0 && length($sequence) < $MAX_ALLOWED_SIZE) { if (abs($wrapped_from_start) > $length) { $sequence = $genome.$sequence; $wrapped_from_start += $length; }else { $sequence = substr($genome, $wrapped_from_start) . $sequence; $wrapped_from_start = 0; } } if ($reverse_complement == 1) { $sequence = reverse $sequence; $sequence =~ tr /ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; } return $sequence; } ############################################################################### # format_sequence: print colorized, neatly printed sequence ############################################################################### sub format_sequence { my %args = @_; my $seq = $args{'sequence'} || die "ERROR[format_sequence]: sequence needed\n"; my $newline = $args{'newline'} || "\n"; my $color_ref = $args{'color_ref'}; my $format = $args{'format'} || 'fasta'; my $start = $args{'start'} || 0; my $gen_length = $args{'genome_length'} || length($seq); my $MODE = $args{'mode'} || "DEFAULT"; my $region_size = $args{'region_size'} || length($seq); my $reverse_complement = $args{'reverse_complement'} || 0; my $sequence = ""; $sequence .= "
"; my @temp = split //,$seq; my $complement = ""; if ($format eq "fasta") { my $prev_top_ref; #The last color reference for the top my $prev_bot_ref; #The last color reference for the bottom my $overlap_flag = 0; #1 if just overlapped mod 60 (i.e. new line) if($MODE eq "OLIGO") { #Oligo Mode my $top = ""; my $bottom = ""; for (my $m=0;$m<(scalar(@temp) / 2);$m++) { if($overlap_flag == 0) { if (defined ($color_ref->{$m})) { $top .= $color_ref->{$m}; $prev_top_ref = $color_ref->{$m}; } $top .= $temp[$m]; if (defined ($color_ref->{$m + $region_size})) { $bottom .= $color_ref->{$m + $region_size}; $prev_bot_ref = $color_ref->{$m + $region_size}; } $bottom .= $temp[$m + $region_size]; }else{ $top .= $prev_top_ref; $top .= $color_ref->{$m}; $top .= $temp[$m]; $bottom .= $prev_bot_ref; $bottom .= $color_ref->{$m + $region_size}; $bottom .= $temp[$m + $region_size]; $overlap_flag = 0; $prev_bot_ref = ""; $prev_top_ref = ""; } if($m % 10 == 9){ $top .= "\t"; $bottom .= "\t"; } if (($m % 60) == 59 && $m != scalar(@temp) ) { #$top = $top . "\t" . $m; #$bottom = $bottom . "\t" . $m; $sequence .= ""; $sequence = $sequence . ($m - 59) . "\t" . $top . "
" . ($m - 59) . "\t" . $bottom . "

"; $top = ""; $bottom = ""; $overlap_flag = 1; } } #Print Color Key my $color_key = qq~

OLIGO A -> Magenta
OLIGO B -> Red
OLIGO C -> Blue
OLIGO D -> Purple
OLIGO E -> Orange
OLIGO F -> Green
OLIGO G -> Brown
OLIGO H -> Olive ~; $sequence .= $color_key; }else{ #Default Mode for (my $m=0;$m{$m} if (defined ($color_ref->{$m})); $sequence .= $temp[$m]; $sequence .= $newline if (($m % 60) == 59 && $m != scalar(@temp) ); } if ( defined( $color_ref->{scalar(@temp)} ) ){ print $color_ref->{scalar(@temp)}; } $sequence .= $newline; } }elsif ($format eq "gcg" ) { my $counter = 0; for (my $m=0;$m{$m} if (defined ($color_ref->{$m})); # start of $line coordinate if ($m % 50 == 0) { $sequence .= ($counter+1)."\t"; } # sequence $sequence .= $temp[$m]; # space every 10nt if ($m % 10 == 9) { $sequence .= " "; } # newline $sequence .= "$newline" if (($m % 50) == 49 && $m != scalar(@temp)); $counter++; } }elsif ($format eq "with_coords") { my $coord = $start; for (my $m=0;$m{$m} if (defined ($color_ref->{$m})); #start of $line coordinate if ($m % 60 == 0) { $sequence .= "$coord\t"; } #sequence $sequence .= $temp[$m]; # space every 10nt if ($m % 10 == 9) { $sequence .= " "; } #end of line coordinate if ( ($m % 60)==59 ) { $sequence .= "\t$coord"; } #newline $sequence .= $newline if (($m % 60) == 59 && $m != scalar(@temp)); if ($reverse_complement == 0){ $coord++; }else { $coord--; } if ($coord > $gen_length){ $coord -= $gen_length; } # There is no coordinate 0 if ($coord < 1 ){ $coord += $gen_length; } } } return $sequence; } ############################################################################### # evalSQL: Callback for translating global table variables to names ############################################################################### sub evalSQL { my $sql = shift; return eval "\"$sql\""; } # end evalSQL sub verify_biosequence_set_ids { my %args = @_; my $ids = $args{'ids'} || die "biosequence_set_ids need to be passed."; my $sql = qq~ SELECT biosequence_set_id,project_id FROM $TBPS_BIOSEQUENCE_SET WHERE biosequence_set_id IN ( $ids ) AND record_status != 'D' ~; my %project_ids = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); my @accessible_project_ids = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my %accessible_project_ids; foreach my $id ( @accessible_project_ids ) { $accessible_project_ids{$id} = 1; } my @input_ids = split(',',$ids); my @verified_ids; foreach my $id ( @input_ids ) { #### If the requested biosequence_set_id doesn't exist if (! defined($project_ids{$id})) { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'BAD CONSTRAINT', message => "Non-existent biosequence_set_id = $id specified", ); #### If the project for this biosequence_set is not accessible } elsif (! defined($accessible_project_ids{$project_ids{$id}})) { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'PERMISSION DENIED', message => "Your current privilege settings do not allow you to access biosequence_set_id = $id. See project owner to gain permission.", ); #### Else, let it through } else { push(@verified_ids,$id); } } return @verified_ids; } ############################################################################### # get_GCG_checksum ############################################################################### sub get_GCG_checksum { my $seq = shift; my $index = 0; my $checksum = 0; my $char; $seq =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; foreach $char ( split(/[\.\-]*/, $seq)) { $index++; $checksum += ($index * (unpack("c",$char) || 0) ); if( $index == 57 ) { $index = 0; } } return ($checksum % 10000); }