#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : ShowSWATHProphetChromatogram # # Description : This CGI program displays a single chromatogram in PeptideAtlas # # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Basic SBEAMS setup ############################################################################### use strict; use FindBin; use File::Basename; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use JSON; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { &Carp::confess }; use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser); use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMOD $PROG_NAME $current_username $massCalculator ); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable; use SBEAMS::Proteomics::ChromatogramViewer; use SBEAMS::Proteomics::PeptideMassCalculator; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Chromatogram; #$q = new CGI; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $PROG_NAME="ShowChromatogram"; # Allowable neutral losses my @neutral_loss_masses = (); ############################################################################### # Define global variables if any and execute main() ############################################################################### main(); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # If $sbeams->Authenticate() succeeds, print header, process the CGI request, # print the footer, and end. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin', 'PeptideAtlas_readonly', 'PeptideAtlas_exec'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); #### Process certain actions, then print the header, figure and do what the user wants, and print footer $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header( show_doctype => 1 ); #processRequest(); processRequest(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); $sbeams->display_page_footer(close_tables=>'YES', separator_bar=>'YES',display_footer=>'NO'); } # end main ############################################################################### # processRequest ############################################################################### sub processRequest { #### Process the arguments list my %args = @_; my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; $ref_parameters->{show_sptxt_info} = 1 if !defined $ref_parameters->{show_sptxt_info}; my $linkage = qq~ lgs[+87]VQAPSYGAR2
~; #### Define param usage and print if parameter "help=1" defined. my $usage = qq~ file - MRML file to pull from pep - peptide sequence with odd mod nomenclature, with charge and something else appended (lgs[+87]VQAPSYGAR2:10) rank - peak group rank (optional) 1 times - range of times 1391.8-1470.5 frags - fragments expected, with charge y8_1,y6_1,y7_1,b6_1,b4_1,b5_1 fragtimes - fragment elution times, for caption 1397.5-1453.7,1397.5-1464.9,1397.5-1453.7,1391.8-1456.5,1397.5-1470.5,1394.6-1470.5 prob - peak group probability (optional) 1 ~; $sbeams->show_help_if_requested( usage_string => $usage, ref_parameters => $ref_parameters, ); my @frags = split( /,/, $ref_parameters->{frags} ); my @fragtimes = split( /,/, $ref_parameters->{fragtimes} ); my %frag_annot; if ( @frags && @fragtimes ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#frags; $i++ ) { $frag_annot{$frags[$i]} = $fragtimes[$i]; } } # Create a chromatogram object so we can use its methods my $cgram = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Chromatogram; $cgram->setSBEAMS($sbeams); # Fixme my $extract_exe = '/net/dblocal/wwwSSL/html/devDC/sbeams/lib/scripts/PeptideAtlas/extractFromMRML.pl'; my $spectrum_pathname = $ref_parameters->{'spectrum_pathname'} || $ref_parameters->{file} || die "missing param spectrum pathname"; my $parent = 'PARENT'; my $seqstr = $ref_parameters->{'pep'}; my ( $seqchg, $sbin ) = split( /:/, $seqstr ); $seqchg =~ /^(.*)(\d)$/; my $pepseq = $1; my $chg = $2; die "missing or improper parameter pep" if ( !$pepseq || !$chg || !$sbin ); my $time_range = $ref_parameters->{'times'}; # my $tdelta = abs(eval( "$time_range" )); $time_range =~ s/-/,/; my $command = "$extract_exe $spectrum_pathname $pepseq $chg RANGE=$time_range $parent"; my @results = `$command`; my $rank = ( $ref_parameters->{rank} ) ? "Rank: $ref_parameters->{rank}" : ''; my $prob = ( $ref_parameters->{prob} ) ? "[Probability: $ref_parameters->{prob}]" : ''; print $linkage; if ( !scalar( @results ) ) { die "No results returned from given parameters
" . Dumper( $ref_parameters ); } my @headings; my %results; my $extra; my $rtable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 1 ); for my $line ( @results ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/\r//g; chomp $line; my @line = split( /\t/, $line, -1 ); $rtable->addRow( \@line ) unless $line =~ /PRED_INTS/; if ( !scalar( @headings ) ) { @headings = @line; $headings[0] =~ s/^#//g; next; } if ( $line =~ /PRED_INTS/ ) { $extra = $line; next; } for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#line; $idx++ ) { $results{$headings[$idx]} ||= []; push @{$results{$headings[$idx]}}, $line[$idx]; } } my %maxint; if ( $extra ) { if ( $extra =~ /PRED_INTS:\s*(.*)$/ ) { my $pred_ints = $1; my @maxima = split( /,/, $pred_ints ); for my $pair ( @maxima ) { my ( $ion, $max ) = split( /:/, $pair ); $maxint{$ion} = $max; } } else { die "Regex failed for $extra"; } #$VAR1 = '# MAXINT: 3518.00,5193.00 PRED_INTS: b6_1:990.6,y4_1:900.4,y7_1:3773.2,b9_1:674.5,b7_1:706.2,y5_1:1216.4'; } my @ion_order; if ( scalar( keys( %maxint ) ) ) { @ion_order = sort { $maxint{$b} <=> $maxint{$a} } ( keys( %maxint ) ); unshift @ion_order, 'parent'; } else { @ion_order = sort ( @headings ); } my $spacer = ' ' x 36; my $to_json = { info => [ { top_html => "

$spacer$pepseq:$chg $prob $rank SWATH bin:$sbin

" } ], data_json => [] }; my ( $start, $stop ) = split( /,/, $time_range ); my $median_in_minutes = ($start+$stop)/120; my @time = @{$results{'time'}}; my $json = JSON->new(); for my $label ( @ion_order ) { next if $label eq 'time'; my @time = @{$results{'time'}}; if ( $results{$label} ) { } else { next; } my @inten = @{$results{$label}}; my @data; if ( $ref_parameters->{expand_time_range} ) { # push @data, { 'time' => $median_in_minutes - $ref_parameters->{expand_time_range}, intensity => 0 }; # push @data, { 'time' => $time[0] - 0.01, intensity => 0 }; } # my $time_in_minutes = ( $time[$i] ) ? $time[$i]/60 : 0; # push @data, { 'time' => $time_in_minutes, intensity => $inten[$i] + 0 }; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#time; $i++ ) { my $time_in_minutes = ( $time[$i] ) ? $time[$i]/60 : 0; push @data, { 'time' => $time_in_minutes, intensity => $inten[$i] + 0 }; } # if ( $ref_parameters->{expand_time_range} ) { # push @data, { 'time' => $time[$#time] + 0.01, intensity => 0 }; # push @data, { 'time' => $median_in_minutes + $ref_parameters->{expand_time_range}, intensity => 0 }; # } my $full_label = $label; if ( scalar( keys( %maxint ) ) ) { if ( $maxint{$label} ) { $full_label .= "($maxint{$label})" } if ( $frag_annot{$label} ) { $full_label .= " ET:$frag_annot{$label})" } } if ( $label eq 'parent' ) { unshift @{$to_json->{data_json}}, { label => $full_label, data => \@data, full => 'COUNT: 01 Q1:0.000 Q3:0.000' } } else { push @{$to_json->{data_json}}, { label => $full_label, data => \@data, full => 'COUNT: 01 Q1:0.000 Q3:0.000' } } } my $json_string = $json->encode( $to_json ); # "info" : [ # { # "top_html" : "

(1315.675 Daltons)
Peptide: ILDETLYENAK[136]
Instrument: ABI SCIEX QTRAP 5500 " # } # ], # /proteomics/sbader/forAndy/input/URINE/20130522_neat_1-1/UR_LIB/FULLMODS/TEST/REDO/20130522_neat_1-1_SW16_mrml.xml 'ASDC[CAM]GAGPIGFAGTVR[HvR]' 2 RANGE=4177.1,4257.2 PARENT | cut -f1 # https://db.systemsbiology.net/devDC/sbeams/cgi/PeptideAtlas/ShowSWATHProphetChromatogram?pepseq=ILDETLYENAK[136];use_pepname=1;limit_smoothing_options=1;default_smoothing_factor=5;spectrum_pathname=/proteomics/dcampbel/OpenSwath/test/OpenSWATH_Tutorial/split_napedro_L120420_010_SW-400AQUA_combined.chrom.idx.mzML;peptide=ILDETLYENAK;no_specfile=1;no_mquest=1;instrument_name=ABI%20SCIEX%20QTRAP%205500 my $sptxt_fulltext = ''; # Fetch some of the parameters into scalar variables and do some processing. my $precursor_charge = $ref_parameters->{'precursor_charge'}; my $pepseq = $ref_parameters->{'pepseq'}; my $modified_pepseq = $ref_parameters->{'modified_pepseq'} || $pepseq; my $spectrum_pathname = $ref_parameters->{'file'} || die 'ShowChromatogram; Need parameter spectrum_pathname'; my $spectrum_basename = $ref_parameters->{'spectrum_basename'}; $spectrum_pathname =~ /.*(\..*)/; my $filename_extension = $1; if (! $spectrum_basename ) { $spectrum_pathname =~ /.*\/(\S+?)\.${filename_extension}/; $spectrum_basename = $1; } my $precursor_neutral_mass = $ref_parameters->{'precursor_neutral_mass'}; if ($ref_parameters->{'isotype'} =~ /heavy/i) { $precursor_neutral_mass += $ref_parameters->{'isotype_delta_mass'}; } my $machine = $ref_parameters->{'machine'}; #unused 12/06/11 #### Display the Chromatogram Viewer page. # Print the HTML for the top of the chromatogram viewer page #-------------------------------------------------- # my $top_html = $cgram->getTopHTMLforChromatogramViewer ( # param_href => $ref_parameters, # seq => $modified_pepseq, # precursor_neutral_mass => $precursor_neutral_mass, # precursor_charge => $precursor_charge, # spectrum_pathname => $spectrum_pathname, # ); #-------------------------------------------------- my $json_string_no_newlines = $json_string; $json_string_no_newlines =~ s/\n/ /g; $json_string_no_newlines =~ s/'/"/g; my $top_html = $cgram->getTopHTMLfromJson ( json_string => $json_string_no_newlines, ); print $top_html; my %smoothing; if ( $ref_parameters->{default_smoothing_factor} ) { $smoothing{default_smoothing_factor} = $ref_parameters->{default_smoothing_factor}; } if ( $ref_parameters->{limit_smoothing_options} ) { $smoothing{limit_smoothing_options} = $ref_parameters->{limit_smoothing_options}; } if ( $ref_parameters->{expand_timeframe} ) { $smoothing{expand_timeframe} = $ref_parameters->{expand_timeframe}; } # Generate the Chromavis javascript chromatogram viewer my $chromavis = new SBEAMS::Proteomics::ChromatogramViewer; print $chromavis->generateChromatogram( chromatogram_id => $ref_parameters->{'SEL_chromatogram_id'}, spectrum_pathname => $spectrum_pathname, precursor_neutral_mass=> $precursor_neutral_mass, precursor_charge => $precursor_charge, seq => $modified_pepseq, precursor_rt => $ref_parameters->{rt}, best_peak_group_rt => $ref_parameters->{Tr}, m_score => $ref_parameters->{m_score}, json_string => $json_string, %smoothing ); # Read the data from the JSON object into a hash of the # format required by writeResultSet my $cgram_href = $cgram->readJsonChromatogramIntoResultsetHash ( param_href => $ref_parameters, json_string => $json_string, #json_physical_pathname => $json_physical_pathname, ); # Store chromatogram data as a recallable resultset my $rs_set_name = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_set_name, resultset_ref=>$cgram_href, file_prefix=>'chromgram_', query_parameters_ref=>$ref_parameters, ); # Temp, print ref_params; my $ptable; for my $p ( keys( %{$ref_parameters} ) ){ $ptable .= "$p => $ref_parameters->{$p}
\n"; } print "$ptable
"; print "Data from MRML extraction
\n"; print "$extra

"; print "$rtable
"; # Print sptxt info, if provided. my ($SRMProb) = ($sptxt_fulltext =~ /SRMProb=(\S*)\s*/); if ( $ref_parameters->{show_sptxt_info} ) { print "

SRM Probability: $SRMProb

\n" if $SRMProb; print "
\n"; } # Print the HTML that allows user to recall and download resultset print $cgram->getBottomHTMLforChromatogramViewer( param_href => $ref_parameters, rs_set_name => $rs_set_name, ); } # end processRequest