#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w #!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : ShowProteinTransitions # # Description : page retrieve peptides and MS/MS fragment ions from PABST # and PATR tables ############################################################################### $|++; ## Setup objects and globals use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ( $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS $SBEAMS_PART); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; # Set up Atlas objects my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; my $atlas = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $atlas->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR( 'PeptideAtlas' ); my $best_peptide = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; $best_peptide->setAtlas( $atlas ); $best_peptide->setSBEAMS( $sbeams ); my $pabst_build_id; my $is_html = 0; $SBEAMS_PART = 'PeptideAtlas'; my $preferred = getPreferredPeptides(); main(); exit(0); # Main Program sub main { # Authenticate and exit if a username is not returned $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( allow_anonymous_access => 0 ); exit unless $current_username; $is_html = ( $sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' ) ? 1 : 0; #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; $parameters{uploaded_file_not_saved} = 1; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); # $sbeams->printCGIParams($q); # Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); # This will look for mod-specific params and do the right thing $atlas->processModuleParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $parameters{pabst_build_id} = $pabst_build_id; # Decide what action to take based on information so far $atlas->display_page_header(); # if ( $sbeams->isProjectAccessible( project_id => 1066 ) ) { display_peptides( \%parameters ); # } else { # print "

You are not permitted to view this page with your current credentials

"; # } $atlas->display_page_footer(); } # end main sub display_peptides { my $params = shift; my $paranoid = 0; print "In display_peptides at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; ## # peptides_only ## if ( $parameters{peptides_only} ) { ## splice( @headings, 5, 8 ); ## } ## my $headings = $atlas->get_column_defs( labels => \@headings, plain_hash => 1 ); ## ## my $headings_ref = ( $sbeams->output_mode() =~ /html/i ) ? ## $best_peptide->make_sort_headings( headings => $headings, default => 'adj_SS' ) : ## \@headings; ## ## my @peptides = ( $headings_ref ); ## ## my @headings = ( 'Protein', 'Pre AA', 'Sequence', 'Fol AA', 'Adj SS', 'Source', 'q1_mz', 'q1_chg', 'q3_mz', 'q3_chg', 'Label', 'Rank', 'RI', 'SSRT', 'n_obs' ); ## my @headers = ( 'Protein', 'Atlas Builds', 'Pre AA', 'Sequence', 'Fol AA', 'Adj SS', 'SSRT', 'Source', 'q1_mz', 'q1_chg', 'q3_mz', 'q3_chg', 'Label', 'RI', qw( QTOF QTRAP IonTrap CE_range QQQ ) ); my $headings = $atlas->get_column_defs( labels => \@headers ); my $help_text = $atlas->make_table_help( description => 'Q1/Q3 transition pairs for SRM experiments', entries => $headings, ); my $fields = join( ", ", @headers ); print "Getting protlist at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $protlist = getProtList( $params ); my @protlist = sort( keys( %{$protlist} ) ); if ( !scalar( @protlist ) ) { print "

No proteins found for user $current_username

"; exit; } # my %prot2build; # for my $prot ( @protlist ) { # use Data::Dumper; # die Dumper( $protlist->{$prot}->[0] ); # die $protlist->{$prot}->[0]; # $prot2build{$prot} ||= {}; # $prot2build{$prot}->{$protlist->{$prot}->[0]} = $protlist->{$prot}->[1]; # } my $prots = "'" . join( "','", @protlist ) . "'"; print "protMappings at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $protMappings = getProtMappings(); print "get Consensus at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $libs = getConsensus( protlist => \@protlist ); print "Plate Mappings at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $pep_info = getPlateMappings(); my $peplist = getPeptideList( $params ); # my @rows; my @rows = ( \@headers ); my $min_mz = ( $params->{min_mz} ) ? $params->{min_mz} : 0; my $max_mz = ( $params->{max_mz} ) ? $params->{max_mz} : 5000; # my $table = new SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable(); # $table ->addRow( \@headers ); # $table->setRowAttr( COLS => [1..scalar(@headers)], ROWS => [1], BGCOLOR => '#bbbbbb', ALIGN=>'CENTER' ); # $table->setHeaderAttr( BOLD => 1 ); print "Instr2code at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $instr2code = $best_peptide->getStaticInstrumentMap(); my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT biosequence_accession, preceding_residue, peptide_sequence, following_residue, synthesis_adjusted_score, ssrcalc_relative_hydrophobicity, transition_source, precursor_ion_mass, precursor_ion_charge, fragment_ion_mass, fragment_ion_charge, fragment_ion_label, ion_rank, relative_intensity FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PPM ON B.biosequence_id = PPM.biosequence_id JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE PP ON PP.pabst_peptide_id = PPM.pabst_peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_PABST_TRANSITION PT ON PT.pabst_peptide_id = PP.pabst_peptide_id WHERE B.biosequence_accession IN ( $prots ) AND pabst_build_id = 59 AND precursor_ion_mass BETWEEN $min_mz AND $max_mz AND fragment_ion_mass BETWEEN $min_mz AND $max_mz ORDER BY biosequence_accession DESC, synthesis_adjusted_score DESC, peptide_sequence, ion_rank ASC, relative_intensity DESC ~; $paranoid++; print "

Generating protein list for $current_username

\n" if $paranoid; print "SQL statement at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); my %src_name; for my $src ( keys( %{$instr2code} ) ) { my $code = $instr2code->{$src}; if ( $src =~ /PATR/ ) { $src_name{$code} = $src . '-validated'; } elsif ( $src =~ /Predicted/ ) { $src_name{$code} = $src; } else { $src_name{$code} = $src . '-observed'; } } # 0 biosequence_accession # 1 preceding_aa # 2 peptide_sequence # 3 following_aa # 4 synthesis_adjusted_score # 5 ssrcalc_relative_hydrophobicity # 6 transition_source # 7 precursor_ion_mass # 8 precursor_ion_charge # 9 fragment_ion_mass # 10 fragment_ion_charge # 11 fragment_ion_label # 12 ion_rank # 13 relative_intensity my %protpep; # acc plus sequence my %prot; # accession my %survey; my $sp = '  '; my $num_peptides = $params->{num_peptides} || 6; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { # next if $row[6] eq 'P'; # Prot + pep is key, 5 trans per pep, 6 peps per prot next if $protpep{$row[0] . $row[2]}++ > $num_peptides; $prot{$row[0]}++ if $protpep{$row[0] . $row[2]} == 1; next if $prot{$row[0]} > $num_peptides; # Calc plot range my $xmax = int( ($row[7] * $row[8])/100 ) * 100; $xmax = 3000 if $xmax > 3000; my $xmin = 100; next if $prot{$row[0] . $row[2]}++ > 5; my $atitle = "Look up protein in Peptide Atlas"; my $utitle = "Look up protein in Uniprot"; for my $idx ( 4,5 ) { $row[$idx] = sprintf( "%0.1f", $row[$idx] ); } $row[6] = $src_name{$row[6]}; for my $idx ( 7, 9 ) { if ( $row[6] =~ /QTOF/i ) { $row[$idx] = sprintf( "%0.3f", $row[$idx] ); } else { $row[$idx] = sprintf( "%0.1f", $row[$idx] ) . ' ' x 4; } } $row[12] = int( $row[13] ); $survey{$row[6]}++; my $spectrum_key = $row[2] . $row[8]; if ( $libs->{qtof}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[8] spectrum for $row[2] in QTOF library"; $row[13] = ""; } else { $row[13] = ''; } if ( $libs->{qtrap}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[8] spectrum for $row[2] in QTrap5500 library"; $row[14] = ""; } else { $row[14] = ''; } if ( $libs->{it}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[8] spectrum for $row[2] in NIST IonTrap library"; $row[15] = ""; } else { $row[15] = ''; } my $title = "View predicted +$row[8] spectrum for $row[2] "; $row[16] = ""; if ( $libs->{CE}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[8] spectra for $row[2] on QTOF at various CE values"; my $param_str; for my $opt ( 'medium','high','low','mhigh', 'mlow', 'avg' ) { $libs->{$opt}->{$spectrum_key} ||= ''; $param_str .= ";$opt=$libs->{$opt}->{$spectrum_key}"; } my $alt_title = $title; $alt_title =~ s/spectra/normalized spectra/; $row[16] = ""; #, "; } else { $row[16] = ''; } if ( $libs->{qqq}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[8] spectrum for $row[2] in QQQ library"; $row[17] = ""; } else { $row[17] = ''; } my $cmt = $protMappings->{$row[0]}->{comment} || ''; my $atitle = "View protein $row[0] ($cmt) in the Peptide Atlas"; my $utitle = "Look up protein $row[0] ($cmt) in Uniprot"; my $name = $protMappings->{$row[0]}->{name} || ''; my $sp = "$row[0] "; my $build_link = ''; my $sep = ''; for my $build ( keys( %{$protlist->{$row[0]}} ) ) { $build_link .= "$sep $protlist->{$row[0]}->{$build}"; $sep = ', '; } my $stripped = $row[1]; $stripped =~ s/\[\d+\]//g; if ( $pep_info->{$stripped} ) { # $row[14] = $pep_info->{$stripped}; } else { # $row[14] = ''; } next if $row[6] !~ /^Q/i; unshift @row, "$sp ( $name )"; $row[1] = $build_link; if ( $params->{peptides} ) { if ( $peplist->{$row[2]} ) { # my $pepseq = $row[2]; # $pepseq =~ s/\W//g; # $row[2] =~ s/\W//g; # $row[2] = "GetP $protlist->{$row[0]}->{$build}"; push @rows, [@row, $build_link]; } } else { push @rows, \@row; } # $table->addRow( \@row ); } my %seen_proteins; for my $row ( @rows ) { my $prot = $row->[0]; my $pep = $row->[2]; $seen_proteins{$prot} ||= {}; next if scalar( keys ( %{$seen_proteins{$prot}} ) ) > 5; $seen_proteins{$prot}->{$pep} ||= []; push @{$seen_proteins{$prot}->{$pep}}, $row; } my @final_rows = ( \@headers ); for my $prot ( sort( keys ( %seen_proteins ) ) ) { for my $pep ( sort( keys ( %{$seen_proteins{$prot}} ) ) ) { push @final_rows, @{$seen_proteins{$prot}->{$pep}}; } } my $rt_file = {}; # if ( $params->{read_rt} && $params->{read_rt} eq 'qtrap_5500' ) { if ( 1 ) { print "read qtrap rt file at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; $rt_file = read_qtrap5500_rt_file(); my $cnt = scalar( keys( %{$rt_file} ) ); print "read $cnt peptide RT values at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; # Just for grins... # open( RTSSR, ">/tmp/rt2ssr.tsv" ); # for my $row ( @rows ) { # my $seq = $row->[2]; # $seq =~ s/\[\d+\]//gm; # my $rt = $row->[5]; # if ( $rt_file->{$seq} ) { # print RTSSR join( "\t", $seq, $rt, $rt_file->{$seq} ) . "\n"; # } else { # print RTSSR join( "\t", $seq, $rt, 'Nada' ) . "\n"; # } # # } # close RTSSR; # print "printed RT2SSR values at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; # my $dna = $rt_file->{DNGAIEFTFDLEK}; # die "Cnt is $cnt and DNA is $dna!\n"; } my %col_idx = ( 'Protein' => 0, 'Pre AA' => 2, 'Sequence' => 3, 'Fol AA' => 4, 'Adj SS' => 5, 'SSRT' => 6, 'Source' => 7, 'q1_mz' => 8, 'q1_chg' => 9, 'q3_mz' => 10, 'q3_chg' => 11, 'Label' => 12, 'RI' => 13 ); print "make target list at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my $qtrap_file = $atlas->make_qtrap5500_target_list( data => \@rows, remove_mods => 1, rt_file => $rt_file, col_idx => \%col_idx ); print "more stuff at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; my @name = split "/", $qtrap_file; my $filename = $name[$#name]; my $base = $q->url( -base => 1 ); my $qtrap_url = "QTrap"; my $qtrap_download = "QTrap5500"; for my $k ( sort (keys( %survey ) ) ) { # print "$k\t$survey{$k}
\n"; } # QTOFNot Defined # QTRAPNot Defined # IonTrapNot Defined # PredictedNot Defined my $align = [qw(center center center center right right left right right right right left right center center center center )]; my ( $html, $rs_name ) = $atlas->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, width => '800', align => $align, rows => \@rows, rows_to_show => 200, max_rows => 5000, help_text => $help_text, chg_bkg_idx => 3, set_download => 'Download transitions', download_links => [ $qtrap_download ], file_prefix => 'SRM_Atlas_', bg_color => '#EAEAEA', sortable => 1, table_id => 'srm', close_table => 1, ); # $table->setColAttr( COLS => [3..9,11], ROWS => [2..$table->getRowNum()], ALIGN=>'right' ); # $tab->setColAttr( ROWS => [2..$tot], COLS => [$i + 1], ALIGN => $args{align}->[$i] ); # $table->alternateColors( PERIOD => 30, FIRSTROW => 2 ); # print "$table\n"; print "Final stuff at " . time() . "
\n" if $paranoid; print "$html\n"; } sub read_qtrap5500_rt_file { my $file = "/regis/sbeams4/nobackup/edeutsch/HumanMRMAtlas/QTrap5500/Runs_By_Order/speclib/2011-01-30/speclist_summary.tsv"; open( RT, $file ) || die "can't open $file"; my %rt; while ( my $line = ) { next if $line =~ /Sequence/; my @line = split( /\t/, $line ); my $seq = $line[0]; my @reps = split( /\//, $line[1] ); my $reps = $reps[0]; my $rt = $line[5]; #Sequence NReps OrigMaxInten PrecInten TotalIonCurr RTAvg #AAADFATHGK 4/5 1.7e+07 0 3.9e+08 611.4 #AAADFATHGK 2/2 2.1e+07 0 8.2e+08 585.3 #AAALGGPEDEPGAAEAHFLPR 1/3 7e+03 0 5.4e+05 2012.0 $rt{$seq} ||= {}; $rt{$seq}->{reps} += $reps; $rt{$seq}->{rtime} += $rt * $reps; } my %rt_final; for my $seq ( keys %rt ) { $rt_final{$seq} = sprintf( "%0.1f", $rt{$seq}->{rtime}/$rt{$seq}->{reps} ); } return \%rt_final; } sub getPreferredPeptides { my @peps = ( 'YALSQDVCTYR', 'TVEIPGCPLHVAPYFSYPVALSCK', 'CRPINATLAVEK', 'APPPSLPSPSR', 'LPGCPR', 'DISEMFLQIYK', 'QGGFLGLSNIK', 'DTYHPMSEYPTYHTHGR', 'NYGQLDIFPAR', 'FRPGSVVVQLTLAFR', 'YVPPSSTDR', 'SSVPSSTEK' ); my @all = ( 'CNTDYSDCIHEAIK', 'YALSQDVCTYR', 'ECAYCLTINTTICAGYCMTR', 'TVEIPGCPLHVAPYFSYPVALSCK', 'TNYCTKPQK', 'CRPINATLAVEK', 'EGCPVCITVNTTICAGYCPTMTR', 'VLQGVLPALPQVVCNYR', 'APPPSLPSPSR', 'GVNPVVSYAVALSCQCALCR', 'FQDSSSSK', 'LPGCPR', 'DISEMFLQIYK', 'ATTTPASK', 'EGTINVHDVETQFNQYK', 'QGGFLGLSNIK', 'DTYHPMSEYPTYHTHGR', 'NYGQLDIFPAR', 'FRPGSVVVQLTLAFR', 'YVPPSSTDR', 'SSVPSSTEK' ); my %peps; for my $pep ( @peps ) { $pep =~ s/C/C\[160\]/g; $peps{$pep}++; } return \%peps; } sub getConsensus { my %args = @_; # if ( $args{protlist} ) { # print join( ",", @{$args{protlist}} ) . "
\n";; # } my %libs = ( it => {}, qtof => {}, qtrap => {}, CE => {}, low => {}, mlow => {}, medium => {}, mhigh => {}, high=> {} ); my $it_sql = qq~ SELECT modified_sequence, consensus_library_spectrum_id, charge FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id = 16 ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $it_sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $libs{it}->{$row[0]. $row[2]} = $row[1]; } my $qtof_sql = qq~ SELECT modified_sequence, consensus_library_spectrum_id, charge FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id = 279 ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $qtof_sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $libs{qtof}->{$row[0]. $row[2]} = $row[1]; } my $qtrap_sql = qq~ SELECT modified_sequence, consensus_library_spectrum_id, charge FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id = 282 ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $qtrap_sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $libs{qtrap}->{$row[0]. $row[2]} = $row[1]; } my $qqq_sql = qq~ SELECT modified_sequence, consensus_library_spectrum_id, charge FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id = 293 ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $qqq_sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $libs{qqq}->{$row[0]. $row[2]} = $row[1]; } # my %libmap = ( 21 => 'medium', 22 => 'high', 23 => 'low', 24 => 'mhigh', 25 => 'mlow', 26 => 'avg' ); # my %libmap = ( 29 => 'medium', 30 => 'high', 31 => 'low', 32 => 'mhigh', 33 => 'mlow', 27 => 'avg' ); my %libmap = ( 277 => 'low', 278 => 'mlow', 279 => 'medium', 280 => 'mhigh', 281 => 'high' ); my $libs = join( ',', keys( %libmap )); my $ce_sql = qq~ SELECT modified_sequence, consensus_library_spectrum_id, charge, consensus_library_id FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id IN ( $libs ); ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $ce_sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $libs{$libmap{$row[3]}}->{$row[0]. $row[2]} = $row[1]; $libs{CE}->{$row[0]. $row[2]}++; } return \%libs; } sub getProtList { my $params = shift; my %proteins; my $contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT protein_name, atlas_build_id, build_name FROM $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST PL JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST_PROTEIN PLP ON PL.protein_list_id = PLP.protein_list_id JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST_BUILD PLB ON PL.protein_list_id = PLB.protein_list_id WHERE PL.contributor_contact_id = $contact_id ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $proteins{$line[0]} ||= {}; $proteins{$line[0]}->{$line[1]} = $line[2]; } return \%proteins; } sub getPeptideList { my $params = shift; return undef unless $params->{peptides}; my %peps; if ( $params->{peptides} ) { my @peptides = split( /\,/, $params->{peptides} ); print "Found " . scalar( @peptides ) . " peptides
\n"; for my $pep ( @peptides ) { $peps{$pep}++ } } else { use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $params; while ( my $line = ) { chomp $line; next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; $line =~ s/\s//g; $line =~ s/C/C[160]/g; $peps{$line}++; } } return \%peps; } sub getProtMappings { my %prots; open SPFIL, "sprot_acc.txt" || die "No sprot file!"; while ( my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; my @line = split( " ", $line ); $line[0] =~ s/>//g; $prots{$line[0]} ||= { name => $line[1], comment => '' }; my $sep = ''; for ( my $i = 2; $i <= $#line; $i++ ) { last if $line[$i] =~ /OS=/; $prots{$line[0]}->{comment} = $prots{$line[0]}->{comment} . $sep . $line[$i]; $sep = ' '; } } return \%prots; } sub getPlateMappings { my $driver = 'DBI:mysql:mrmatlas_lims:mslims'; my $user = 'mrm_ro'; my $pass = 'Tsr3#@gfA356!&5'; my %error = ( PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1); my $dbh = DBI->connect($driver,$user,$pass,\%error); my $sql = qq~ SELECT sequence, plate_barcode_id, row, col, peptides.status, orders.name FROM plates JOIN orders ON plates.order_id = orders.id JOIN plate_peptides ON plate_peptides.plate_id = plates.id JOIN peptides ON peptides.id = plate_peptides.peptide_id WHERE plate_type = 'MASTER' ORDER BY orders.id ASC, isb_index ASC ~; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ); $sth->execute(); my %pep; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { if ( $pep{$row[0]} ) { next if $row[5] =~ /^ZH/i; } $pep{$row[0]} = "$row[5] $row[1]_$row[2]$row[3]"; } return \%pep; } __DATA__ P09544 P56703 P56704 P56705 O00755 P56706 Sequence NReps OrigMaxInten PrecInten TotalIonCurr RTAvg AAADFATHGK 4/5 1.7e+07 0 3.9e+08 611.4 AAADFATHGK 2/2 2.1e+07 0 8.2e+08 585.3 AAALGGPEDEPGAAEAHFLPR 1/3 7e+03 0 5.4e+05 2012.0 AAALVDEGLDPEEHTADGEPSAK 4/7 9.4e+04 0 1.2e+07 1608.1 AAAPTGLQPPGC[160]K 12/12 1.7e+08 0 4.5e+09 1057.7 AAAPTGLQPPGC[160]K 2/3 8.9e+06 0 1.6e+08 1013.1 AADEESLEGEGAGGADAAEESSGTK 2/11 1.6e+06 0 1.5e+08 1031.5