#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Basic SBEAMS setup ############################################################################### use strict; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMOD $PROG_NAME $current_username $modification_helper ); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ModificationHelper; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum; use SBEAMS::Proteomics::SpecViewer; use File::Basename; my $denormalize = 0; my $curveType = 'function'; my $error_state = 0; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); my $consensus = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum; $consensus->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $PROG_NAME="ShowOneSpectrum"; ############################################################################### # Define global variables if any and execute main() ############################################################################### my $ymax = 10; main(); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # If $sbeams->Authenticate() succeeds, print header, process the CGI request, # print the footer, and end. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin', 'PeptideAtlas_readonly', 'PeptideAtlas_exec'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Print the header, figure and do what the user want, and print footer my %parameters; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $denormalize = 0 if $parameters{normalize}; $curveType = $parameters{curveType} if $parameters{curveType}; my %results; my $ce_vals; my $has_median = 0; my $max_intensity = 0; # First, grab da peaks use Data::Dumper; my %spectrum_plot = ( peak_array => [], charge => 0, seq => '' ); for my $ce ( qw( low mlow medium mhigh high avg ) ) { my $ce_results = mk_plot( %parameters, ce => $parameters{$ce} ); if ( $ce eq 'medium' ) { # die Dumper( $ce_results ); $spectrum_plot{mz} = $ce_results->{mz}; $spectrum_plot{charge} = $ce_results->{charge}; $spectrum_plot{sequence} = $ce_results->{modified_sequence}; my $cnt = 0; for my $mz ( @{$ce_results->{masses}} ) { my $intensity = $ce_results->{intensities}->[$cnt]; push @{$spectrum_plot{peak_array}}, [ $mz, $intensity ]; $cnt++; } } next unless $ce_results->{max_intensity}; # Going to base peaks to watch on this guy... $has_median++ if $ce eq 'medium'; $ce_vals ||= $sbeamsMOD->get_Agilent_ce( %{$ce_results} ); $ce_results->{ce} = $ce_vals->{$ce}; $ce_results->{level} = ucfirst($ce); $parameters{modified_sequence} = $ce_results->{modified_sequence}; $parameters{charge} = $ce_results->{charge}; $max_intensity = $ce_results->{max_intensity} if $ce_results->{max_intensity} > $max_intensity; $results{spectra} ||= {}; $results{spectra}->{$ce} = $ce_results; } # This has to go into the header my $peak_plot = ''; if ( $has_median ) { # die Dumper( %results ); # my $diestmt = ''; #> my $cnt = 0; # die Dumper( $results{spectra}->medium}->{intensities} ); # for my $int ( sort { $b <=> $a } @{$results{spectra}->{medium}->{intensities}} ) { # $diestmt .= "$results{spectra}->{medium}->{labels}->[$cnt] = $int\n"; # $cnt++; # } # die $diestmt; my $num_ions = get_num_ions( $parameters{modified_sequence} ); my $chart_data = get_top_peaks( \%results, $num_ions ); # Trying to get CE and spectra plots on same scale... $parameters{ymax} = $ymax * 1.075; $peak_plot = get_chart( data => $chart_data,seq => $parameters{modified_sequence}, chg => $parameters{charge} ); } my $pagename = ( $parameters{pagename} ) ? "$parameters{pagename}" : ''; my $content = "


\n"; if ( $ymax < 600 ) { $content .= ""; } $content .= "\n"; if ( $ymax < 600 ) { $content .= ""; } if ( $spectrum_plot{charge} ) { my $start_scan = 1; my $spectrum_name = $spectrum_plot{sequence} . '+' . $spectrum_plot{charge}; #### Lorikeet me! ################################################## my $lorikeet = new SBEAMS::Proteomics::SpecViewer; my $lorispectrum = $lorikeet->generateSpectrum( charge => $spectrum_plot{charge}, modified_sequence => $spectrum_plot{sequence}, precursor_mass => $spectrum_plot{mz}, scan => $start_scan, name => $spectrum_name, a_ions => $parameters{'ShowA'}, b_ions => $parameters{'ShowB'}, c_ions => $parameters{'ShowC'}, x_ions => $parameters{'ShowX'}, y_ions => $parameters{'ShowY'}, z_ions => $parameters{'ShowZ'}, spectrum => $spectrum_plot{peak_array} ); # $content .= ""; } $content .= "\n"; $content .= "

This spectrum has low signal, CE plot may not be accurate

This spectrum has low signal, CE plot may not be accurate


Spectra for $parameters{modified_sequence} +$parameters{charge}

\n"; my $url_base = "ShowConsensusSpectrum?plot_only=true;consensus_library_spectrum_id="; for my $ce ( qw( low mlow medium mhigh high ) ) { $content .= "

\n"; $content .= qq~ "; ~; } $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header( header_info => $peak_plot ); print $content; $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); $sbeams->display_page_footer(close_tables=>'YES', separator_bar=>'YES',display_footer=>'NO'); } # end main sub mk_plot { my %parameters = @_; $parameters{consensus_library_spectrum_id} = $parameters{ce}; my %results = ( image => '', lib_desc => '' ); return \%results unless $parameters{ce}; #### Define some general variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$sql); my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); my @charge; push (@charge, 1); push (@charge, 2); push (@charge, 3); $parameters{'ionlab'} = "Horizontal" unless $parameters{'ionlab'}; my ($labangle,$fjust); if ($parameters{'ionlab'} eq "Vertical") { $labangle = 90; $fjust = 0; } else { $labangle = 0; $fjust = 0.5; } my $sql = qq~ SELECT sequence,charge,mz_exact,protein_name, protein_name_alt,modified_sequence, consensus_library_name, file_path, entry_idx FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM CLS JOIN $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY CL ON CL.consensus_library_id = CLS.consensus_library_id WHERE consensus_library_spectrum_id = '$parameters{consensus_library_spectrum_id}' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); foreach my $row (@rows) { my ($seq, $chg, $mz, $pn, $pn_alt, $mod_seq, $lib_name, $file_path, $entry_idx ) = @{$row}; $parameters{'peptide'} = $seq; $parameters{'charge'} = $chg; $parameters{'precursor_mass'} = $mz; $parameters{'protein_name'} = $pn; $parameters{'protein_name_alt'} = $pn_alt; $parameters{'modified_sequence'} = $mod_seq; $parameters{'library_name'} = $lib_name; $parameters{'file_path'} = $file_path; $parameters{'entry_idx'} = $entry_idx; } $results{modified_sequence} = $parameters{modified_sequence}; $results{charge} = $parameters{charge}; $results{mz} = $parameters{'precursor_mass'}; $results{lib_desc} = "$parameters{library_name}"; $results{lib_desc} =~ s/\.sptxt//; my $peptide = $parameters{peptide}; $peptide =~ s/^.\.//; $peptide =~ s/\..$//; my $precursor_mass = $parameters{'precursor_mass'}; my $charge = $parameters{'charge'}; my $protein_name = $parameters{'protein_name'}; my $protein_name_alt = $parameters{'protein_name_alt'}; my $modified_sequence = $parameters{'modified_sequence'}; $parameters{assumed_charge} = $charge; ## if no modified_sequence, use unmodified sequence unless ($modified_sequence) { $modified_sequence = $parameters{peptide}; } #### Calculate peptide mass information my $masstype = $parameters{masstype} || 0; $modification_helper = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ModificationHelper(); if ( !$parameters{spectrum} ) { my $peaks = $consensus->get_spectrum_peaks( %parameters, denormalize => 0, strip_unknowns => 1 ); $peaks->{mz} = $results{mz}; $peaks->{modified_sequence} = $results{modified_sequence}; $peaks->{charge} = $results{charge}; # die Dumper( $peaks ); return $peaks; } } # end printEntryForm sub get_top_peaks { my $results = shift; my $num_peaks = shift || 7; return '' unless $results->{spectra}->{medium}; my %top_peaks; $denormalize = 0; # die Dumper( $results->{spectra}->{medium} ); my @medium = $consensus->get_top_n_peaks( n_peaks => $num_peaks, denormalize => $denormalize, precursor_exclusion => 5, spectra => $results->{spectra}->{medium} ); # my @srm_atlas = get_SRMAtlas_peaks(); # die Dumper( $medium[1] ); # die Dumper( @medium ); $top_peaks{medium} = $medium[0]; my $peak_list = $medium[1]; $ymax = $top_peaks{medium}->{$peak_list->[0]}; for my $ce ( qw( low mlow mhigh high ) ) { $top_peaks{$ce} = $consensus->get_top_n_peaks( n_peaks => $num_peaks, denormalize => $denormalize, spectra => $results->{spectra}->{$ce}, peak_list => $peak_list ); next unless $top_peaks{$ce}; for my $ion ( keys( %{$top_peaks{$ce}} ) ) { next unless $ion; $ymax = $top_peaks{$ce}->{$ion} if $top_peaks{$ce}->{$ion} > $ymax; } } my $fpmax = 1; push @{$peak_list}, 'Fp'; for my $ce ( qw( low mlow medium mhigh high ) ) { next unless $results->{spectra}->{$ce}; my $fp = $results->{spectra}->{$ce}->{postfrag_precursor_intensity}; $top_peaks{$ce}->{Fp} = $fp; $fpmax = ( $fpmax < $fp ) ? $fp : $fpmax; } for my $ce ( qw( low mlow medium mhigh high ) ) { next unless $results->{spectra}->{$ce}; $top_peaks{$ce}->{Fp} *= ( (1.2 * $ymax)/ $fpmax ); } my $columns .= " data.addColumn( 'string', 'CE' )\n"; for my $ion ( @{$peak_list} ) { $ion = 'Precursor (unfrag, scaled)' if $ion =~ /F/; # $ion .= ' (scaled)' if $ion =~ /F/; $columns .= " data.addColumn( 'number', '$ion' )\n"; } # data.addRows(4); # data.setValue(0, 0, '2004'); # data.setValue(0, 1, 1000); # data.setValue(0, 2, 400); my $plot_data = ''; my %plot_data; my $num_rows = 0; my $row = 0; for my $ce ( qw( low mlow medium mhigh high ) ) { next unless $results->{spectra}->{$ce}; my $col = 0; $num_rows++; my $ce_label = ( $ce eq 'medium' ) ? "$results->{spectra}->{$ce}->{ce}*" : $results->{spectra}->{$ce}->{ce}; $plot_data .= "data.setValue( $row, $col, '$ce_label' );\n"; $col++; for my $ion ( @{$peak_list} ) { $ion = 'Fp' if $ion =~ /Precursor/; $top_peaks{$ce}->{$ion} = sprintf( "%i", $top_peaks{$ce}->{$ion} ); $plot_data .= "data.setValue( $row, $col, $top_peaks{$ce}->{$ion} );\n"; $col++; } $row++; } my $chart_data = qq~ $columns data.addRows($num_rows); $plot_data ~; return $chart_data; } sub get_chart { my %args = @_; my $data = $args{data} || return ''; my $ion_info = "$args{seq}+$args{chg}" || ''; my $chart = qq~ ~; return $chart; # #
# } ############################################################################### # get_library_spectrum ############################################################################### sub get_library_spectrum { my %args = @_; my $inputfile = $args{'inputfile'} || ""; my $verbose = $args{'verbose'} || ""; my $consensus_library_spectrum_id = $args{'consensus_library_spectrum_id'} || ""; # For backwards compatibility with NIST tables (TIQAM). $consensus_library_spectrum_id ||= $args{NIST_library_spectrum_id}; #### Define some general variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$sql); my (@rows,$nrows); #### Define the data hash my %spectrum; my @mass_intensities; #### If we have a msms_spectrum_id, get the data from the database if ($consensus_library_spectrum_id) { #### Extract the actual mass,intensity pairs from database $sql = "SELECT mz, relative_intensity ". " FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM_PEAK ". " WHERE consensus_library_spectrum_id = '$consensus_library_spectrum_id'"; # For backwards compatibility with NIST tables (TIQAM). $sql = $sbeams->evalSQL( $sql ); if ( $args{NIST_library_spectrum_id} ) { $sql =~ s/consensus/NIST/gm; $log->info( "Translated to NIST tables: $sql" ); } my @mass_intensities = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); #### If we still have no spectrum data, then bail out unless (@mass_intensities) { print "\nERROR: Unable to get m/z,intensity pairs for ". "consensus_library_spectrum_id '$consensus_library_spectrum_id'.\n\n"; $error_state++; return; } #### Extract rows into two arrays of masses and intensities my (@masses,@intensities); for ($i=0; $i<=$#mass_intensities; $i++) { push(@masses,$mass_intensities[$i]->[0]); push(@intensities,$mass_intensities[$i]->[1]); } $spectrum{n_peaks} = $#mass_intensities + 1; #### Put data into hash and return $spectrum{masses} = \@masses; $spectrum{intensities} = \@intensities; return %spectrum; #### Otherwise complain and return } else { print "\nERROR: Unable to determine which consensus_library_spectrum_id to load.\n\n"; $error_state++; return; } } sub get_num_ions { my $sequence = shift; $log->info( "initial seq is $sequence" ); $sequence =~ s/\[\d+\]//g; my $length = length $sequence; my $n_ions = int( $length/2 + 3.1 ) ; $n_ions = 12 if $n_ions > 12; $log->info( "mod seq is $sequence, length is $length, n_ions is $n_ions" ); return $n_ions; } ############################################################################### # Fragment ############################################################################### sub Fragment { my $peptide = shift; my $length = length($peptide); my @residues = (); my $i; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { if (substr($peptide,$i+1,1) eq '[') { push (@residues, substr($peptide,$i,6)); $i = $i + 5; } elsif (substr($peptide,$i+1,1) =~ /\W/) { push (@residues, substr($peptide,$i,2)); $i = $i + 1; } else { push (@residues, substr($peptide,$i,1)); } } #### Return residue array return @residues; } ############################################################################### # CalcIons -- calculate theoretical ions (including modified masses) ############################################################################### sub CalcIons { my %args = @_; my $i; my $residues_ref = $args{'Residues'}; my @residues = @$residues_ref; my $charge = $args{'Charge'} || 1; my $length = scalar(@residues); my $modified_sequence = $args{'modified_sequence'}; my @masses = $modification_helper->getMasses($modified_sequence); my $Nterm = 1.0078; my $Bion = 0.; my $Yion = 19.0184; ## H_2 + O my @Bcolor = (14) x $length; my @Ycolor = (14) x $length; my %masslist; my (@aminoacids, @indices, @rev_indices, @Bions, @Yions); #### Compute the ion masses for ($i = 0; $i<$length; $i++) { $Bion += $masses[$i]; #### B index & Y index $indices[$i] = $i; $rev_indices[$i] = $length-$i; $Yion += $masses[ $rev_indices[$i] ] if ($i > 0); #### B ion mass & Y ion mass $Bions[$i] = ($Bion + $charge*$Nterm)/$charge; $Yions[$i] = ($Yion + $charge*$Nterm)/$charge; } $masslist{residues} = \@residues; $masslist{indices} = \@indices; $masslist{Bions} = \@Bions; $masslist{Yions} = \@Yions; $masslist{rev_indices} = \@rev_indices; #### Return reference to a hash of array references return (\%masslist); } ############################################################################### # printIons ############################################################################### sub printIons { my %args = @_; my $masslist_ref = $args{'masslist_ref'}; my $color = $args{'color'} || 0; my $html = $args{'html'} || 0; my $charge = $args{'charge'}; my $length = $args{'length'}; my $theoretical_spectrum_ref = $args{'theoretical_spectrum_ref'}; # print "SEQ # B Y +$charge\n"; # print "--- -- ------ ------ --\n"; # my ($bcolbegin, $bcolend, $ycolbegin, $ycolend); # my (%colors); # $colors{2} = "#FF0000"; # $colors{4} = "#0000FF"; # $colors{3} = "#218D21"; # $colors{6} = "#F18080"; # $colors{11} = "#00088"; # $colors{10} = "#8FBE8F"; # #### Printing stuff for (my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++) { # #### If the output is in HTML, define the colorizing tags # if ($html) { # #### If a color for this B ion mass, set color tags # if ($masslist_ref->{Bcolor}->[$i] >= 2) { # $bcolbegin = "{Bcolor}->[$i]}>"; # $bcolend = ""; # #### else no color (default black) # } else { # $bcolbegin = ""; # $bcolend = ""; # } # #### If a color for this Y ion mass, set color tags # if ($masslist_ref->{Ycolor}->[$i] >= 2) { # $ycolbegin = "{Ycolor}->[$i]}>"; # $ycolend = ""; # #### else no color (default black) # } else { # $ycolbegin = ""; # $ycolend = ""; # } # } #### Define the m/z columns formats and values my $B_format = '%7.1f'; my $Y_format = '%7.1f'; my $B_value = $masslist_ref->{Bions}->[$i]; my $Y_value = $masslist_ref->{Yions}->[$i]; #### Special case --'s for first row if ($i == 0) { $Y_format = '%7s'; $Y_value = '-- '; #### Special case --'s for last row } elsif ($i == ($length-1)) { $B_format = '%7s'; $B_value = '-- '; } # #### Print out the data # printf "%3s %2d $bcolbegin$B_format$bcolend ". # "$ycolbegin$Y_format$ycolend %3d\n", # $masslist_ref->{residues}->[$i], $i+1, # $B_value, $Y_value, $length-$i; #### Fill the theoretical spectrum data in a different format #### (Residue,Index,Ion,Charge,m/z) $theoretical_spectrum_ref->[2*$length*($charge-1)+$i] = [$masslist_ref->{residues}->[$i],$i+1,'B',$charge,$B_value]; $theoretical_spectrum_ref->[2*$length*($charge-1)+2*$length-1-$i] = [$masslist_ref->{residues}->[$i],$length-$i,'Y', $charge,$Y_value]; } # end for # print "\n"; } # end printIons