#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ############################################################################### # Program : GetTransitions # # Description : page retrieve peptides and MS/MS fragment ions from PABST # and PATR tables ############################################################################### $|++; ## Setup objects and globals use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use Data::Dumper; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ( $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings ( qw( :default ) ); use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum; use SBEAMS::Proteomics::PeptideMassCalculator; my $massCalculator = new SBEAMS::Proteomics::PeptideMassCalculator; use constant ROW_LIMIT => 50000; use constant MZ_TOLERANCE => 0.005; # Set up Atlas objects my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; my $atlas = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $atlas->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR( 'PeptideAtlas' ); my $best_peptide = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; $best_peptide->setAtlas( $atlas ); $best_peptide->setSBEAMS( $sbeams ); $PROG_NAME = 'GetTransitions'; my $consensus = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum; $consensus->setSBEAMS( $sbeams ); my $pabst_build_id; my $akey = $sbeams->getRandomString( num_chars => 30 ); # Params are global - is this a problem? my %parameters = ( prefetch => 0 ); my %rs_params; my $is_html = 0; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; my $guest = 1; my $super_guest = 0; my $SRMAuth; my $isAuthorized; main(); #$sbeams->profile_sql( list => 1 ); exit(0); # Main Program sub main { $sbeams->time_stmt( "in main" ); # Authenticate and exit if a username is not returned my $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( allow_anonymous_access => 1 ); exit unless $current_username; #### Read in the default input parameter_onlys $parameters{uploaded_file_not_saved} = 1; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); # Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); # This will look for mod-specific params and do the right thing $atlas->processModuleParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $is_html = ( $sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' ) ? 1 : 0; $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PA_resource', value => 'SRMAtlas' ) if $is_html; $guest = $sbeams->isGuestUser(); if ( !$guest ) { $parameters{pabst_build_id} ||= ''; # $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 146 if $parameters{pabst_build_id} eq 'specialaccess'; } $parameters{apply_action_hidden} ||= ''; my $referrer = $q->referer(); # if ( $referrer =~ /https*:\/\/db\.systemsbiology\./ && # ( $referrer =~ /MapSearch|proteinList/ || ( $q->request_method() eq 'POST' && $parameters{apply_action_hidden} =~ /HPPBD/ ) ) ) { # if ( $guest ) { # $super_guest = 1; # $parameters{apply_action_hidden} ||= ''; # if ( !$parameters{pabst_build_id} && ( $parameters{organism_name} && $parameters{organism_name} =~ /Human/i ) ) { # $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 146; # } # } # } elsif ( is_srma_preview_site( $referrer ) ) { # if ( $guest ) { # $super_guest = 1; # $parameters{apply_action_hidden} ||= ""; # if ( !$parameters{pabst_build_id} && ( $parameters{organism_name} && $parameters{organism_name} =~ /Human/i ) ) { # $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 146; # } # } # } # Wrap this in a warn level... IDEA! # my $paramstr = join( ',', %parameters ); # $log->logCGI( paramstr => $paramstr, mode => 'start' ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Set target" ); # Set default target instrument if ( !$parameters{target_instrument} ) { my ( $qqq ) = $sbeams->selectrow_array( "SELECT instrument_type_id FROM $TBAT_INSTRUMENT_TYPE WHERE instrument_type_name = 'QQQ'" ); $parameters{target_instrument} = $qqq; $q->param( target_instrument => $qqq ); } my $all_params = qq~ https://db.systemsbiology.net/devDC/sbeams/cgi/PeptideAtlas/GetTransitions?pabst_build_id=164&protein_name_constraint=P00533&protein_file=&peptide_sequence_constraint=&peptide_file=&peptide_length=&n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions=4&n_peptides_per_protein=5&target_instrument=2&exclusion_range=&SwissProt=on&4H=1&5H=1&Hper=1&ssr_p=0.5&C=1&D=1&M=1&P=1&R=1&S=1&W=1&nQ=1&NxST=1&nE=1&nM=1&Xc=1&nX=1&BA=1&obs=2&PATR=10&min_l=7&min_p=0.2&max_l=25&max_p=0.2&cmod_opts=light&min_mz=&max_mz=&speclinks=on&rt_type=7&y_ions=on&b_ions=on&C[160]=on&N[115]=on&set_current_work_group=&set_current_project_id=&QUERY_NAME=AT_GetTransitions&apply_action_hidden=&action=QUERY ~; if ( !$parameters{pabst_build_id} && $parameters{SBEAMSentrycode} && $parameters{SBEAMSentrycode} == 'SRM73sFPASS1' ) { $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 164; $parameters{protein_name_constraint} ||= 'P00533'; $parameters{SwissProt} ||= 'checked'; $parameters{action} ||= 'QUERY'; $parameters{rt_type} ||= 7; $parameters{y_ions} ||= 'on'; $parameters{b_ions} ||= 'on'; $parameters{'C[160]'} ||= 'on'; $parameters{'N[115]'} ||= 'on'; $parameters{'N[115]'} ||= 'on'; } # Fetch pabst_build_id based on params. # 1 - passed pabst_build_id param # 2 - passed organism # 3 - cached pabst_build_id cookie # 4 - global default $pabst_build_id = $best_peptide->get_pabst_build( %parameters ); my $project_id = $atlas->getProjectID( atlas_build_id => $parameters{atlas_build_id} ); $atlas->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id); my $restricted_protein_clause = ''; my $restricted_peptide_clause = ''; my $bad_build_specified = 0; my $special_access_ok = 0; if ( $parameters{pabst_build_id} && $parameters{pabst_build_id} != $pabst_build_id ) { # my $auth_path = get_auth_path(); # # # Remove any expired auth files # clear_auth( $auth_path ); # # $SRMAuth = $q->cookie( 'SRMAtlasAuthorized' ); # if ( $guest && !$super_guest && $SRMAuth && ($parameters{pabst_build_id} == 146 || $parameters{pabst_build_id} eq 'specialaccess' ) ) { # $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 146; # # # This mechanism supercedes the restricted proteins mechanism # $restricted_protein_clause = ''; # # if ( -e "$auth_path/$SRMAuth" ) { # $isAuthorized++; # unlink( "$auth_path/$SRMAuth" ); # $super_guest++; # $pabst_build_id = $parameters{pabst_build_id}; # print qq~ #

# You are being allowed access to the Complete Human SRMAtlas subject to the provisional license agreement #

# ~ if $is_html; # $special_access_ok++; # } else { ## die "auth don't exist SRMA is $SRMAuth, auth path is $auth_path"; # $bad_build_specified++ unless $super_guest; # } # } else { ## die "not guest($guest) and not super($super_guest), etc.SRMA is $SRMAuth, auth path is $auth_path"; $bad_build_specified++ unless $super_guest; # } } # if ( $super_guest ) { # $pabst_build_id = ( $parameters{pabst_build_id} == 146 ) ? 146 : $pabst_build_id; # } $parameters{organism} ||= $best_peptide->getBuildOrganism( pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id ); $parameters{build_bss_id} = $best_peptide->get_pabst_bss_id( pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Go build, organism, etc." ); # Some users have access to a subset of certain builds # FIXME - don't add if already there. Also, multiple lists? my $restricted_build_js = ''; # provisional access issue if ( $parameters{pabst_build_id} && $parameters{pabst_build_id} !~ /^\d+$/ ){ die "illegal build specified: $parameters{pabst_build_id}"; } my $protein_list_info = $atlas->getProteinListInfo( username => $current_username, build_id => $parameters{pabst_build_id} ); my $pl_auth = 0; # if ( $protein_list_info->{build_ok} && ( !$guest ) ) { # $restricted_build_js = qq~ # var pb_select=document.getElementById("pabst_build_id"); # var new_option=document.createElement("option"); # new_option.text="$protein_list_info->{build_name}"; # new_option.value="$protein_list_info->{build_id}"; # pb_select.add(new_option,pb_select.options[null]); # var last_idx = pb_select.length - 1; # pb_select.selectedIndex=last_idx; # ~; # $restricted_build_js = ''; # # Protein list access superceded by preview access # # if ( !$parameters{pabst_build_id} ) { # # Assume that this is the best build, unless they've specified another # $pabst_build_id = $protein_list_info->{build_id}; # } elsif ( $parameters{pabst_build_id} eq $protein_list_info->{build_id} ) { # # They specified a build that is legal based on protein list. Let it be. # $log->info( "looks like a valid build_id" ); # $pl_auth++; # $pabst_build_id = $parameters{pabst_build_id}; # } #} # # This might have gotten overridden due to permissions. # if ( $protein_list_info->{build_ok} && # $pabst_build_id == 146 && # !is_srma_preview_site() && # $pl_auth ) { # # # Could be allowed via a protein list # if ( scalar( keys( %{$protein_list_info->{proteins}} ) ) ) { # $restricted_protein_clause = " AND biosequence_name IN ( '" . join( "','", keys( %{$protein_list_info->{proteins}} ) ) . " ' ) \n"; # $log->info( "Allowed access for $current_username to build $pabst_build_id proteins $restricted_protein_clause" ); # } # if ( scalar( keys( %{$protein_list_info->{peptides}} ) ) ) { # $restricted_peptide_clause = " AND peptide_sequence IN ( '" . join( "','", keys( %{$protein_list_info->{peptides}} ) ) . " ' ) \n"; # $log->info( "Allowed access for $current_username to build $pabst_build_id peptides $restricted_peptide_clause" ); # } # $bad_build_specified = 0; # } # $restricted_protein_clause = '' if $special_access_ok; # Decide what action to take based on information so far # set up some defaults, only in command-line mode, to time queries/operations if ( !$parameters{action} && !$is_html ) { $log->debug( "in the auto-setting mode, command-line only!" . time()); $parameters{n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions} = 4; $parameters{n_peptides_per_protein} = 5; $parameters{protein_name_constraint} = 'YAL003W%'; $parameters{QUERY_NAME} = 'AT_GetTransitions'; $parameters{action} = 'QUERY'; $parameters{pabst_build_id} = 12; } if ( $parameters{default_search} ) { $parameters{y_ions} ||= 'on'; $parameters{b_ions} ||= 'on'; $parameters{'C[160]'} ||= 'on'; $parameters{speclinks} ||= 'on'; $parameters{SwissProt} ||= 'checked'; } # Add select list javascript if ( $is_html ) { print ""; print qq~ ~; print q~
~; print "$restricted_build_js\n"; } #### Get the HTML to display the tabs my $tabMenu = $atlas->getTabMenu( parameters_ref => \%parameters, program_name => $PROG_NAME, ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Added tabmenu" ); # SRM mode is if we want to show SRM Atlas skin, currently disabled. unless ( 0 && $atlas->is_srm_mode() ) { print $tabMenu->asHTML() if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); if ( my $msg = $q->cookie( 'SubmitMessage' ) ) { print qq~

~ if $is_html; } my $dhtml = $sbeams->getTabbedPanesDHTML(); print $dhtml if $is_html; } # Print form regardless. A heavily-modified manage table form, my $err = ''; if ( !$pabst_build_id ) { $err = $sbeams->makeErrorText( "
No valid builds found for this user" ); } elsif( $bad_build_specified ) { $err = $sbeams->makeErrorText( "
Specified build is not accessible to this user" ); } print $err if $err; if ( $is_html ) { print "
\n"; print_form ( %parameters ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Printed form" ); } if ( $parameters{action} && $parameters{action} eq 'QUERY' && !$err ) { $log->debug( " Going to fetch transitions" . time()); fetch_transitions( %parameters, restricted_proteins => $restricted_protein_clause, restricted_peptides => $restricted_peptide_clause ); $log->debug( " Done fetching transitions" . time()); } $atlas->display_page_footer( close_tables => 0 ) if $guest; $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PA_resource', value => '' ) if $is_html; } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub print_form { my %args = @_; # Historical, don't ask. my %parameters = %args; #### Define some generic variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; # Historical, don't ask. #### Set some specific settings for this program my $CATEGORY="Query Transitions"; $TABLE_NAME="AT_GetTransitions" unless ($TABLE_NAME); ($PROGRAM_FILE_NAME) = $atlas->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; #### Get the columns and input types for this table/query my @columns = $atlas->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $atlas->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); #### Read the input parameters for each column my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns,input_types_ref=>\%input_types); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); #### Set some reasonable defaults if no parameters supplied unless ($n_params_found) { $parameters{input_form_format} = "minimum_detail"; } $parameters{n_peptides_per_protein} ||= 5; $parameters{n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions} ||= 4; if ( $parameters{peptides_only} ) { $parameters{n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions} = 1; } $parameters{pabst_build_id} = $pabst_build_id; # pabst_build_id=7 # protein_name_constraint=Foo # upload_file= # peptide_sequence_constraint= # peptide_length= # empirical_proteotypic_constraint= # n_protein_mappings_constraint= # n_genome_locations_constraint= # n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions=3 ##Input form: action is set by PROGRAM_FILE_NAME, so sub it w/ display page: $sbeams->collectSTDOUT(); my $noop = ( 1 ) ? $sbeams->makeInfoText( '(Weight adjustment temporarily unavailable)' ) : ''; my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'pabst_penalty_form', visible => 0, tooltip => 'Show/Hide penalty form', sticky => 0, imglink => 0, textlink => 1, plaintext => 0, hidetext => "Hide form $noop", showtext => 'Show form' ); my @link = split "\n", $link; my $script_css = join( "\n", @link[0..$#link-1] ); print $script_css; $sbeams->display_input_form( TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME, CATEGORY=>$CATEGORY, apply_action=>$apply_action, parameters_ref=>\%parameters, input_types_ref=>\%input_types, mask_user_context=> '1', mask_query_constraints => 1, onSubmit => 'ONSUBMIT="return verify_build()"', apply_uc_first => 1 ); my $form = $sbeams->fetchSTDOUT(); $form =~ s/PABST Build/SRMAtlas Build/gm; # /"; my $peptides_only_help = ""; # $form .= qq~ Get Peptides Only:$peptides_only_help$peptide_chk ~; # my $namespace_filters = get_namespace_filters( %parameters ); if ( $namespace_filters ) { $form .= qq~ Search Proteins From: $namespace_filters ~; } my $multimap_filters = get_multimap_filters( %parameters ); if ( $multimap_filters ) { $form .= qq~ Duplicate Peptides:$multimap_filters ~; } # $form =~ s/(\)/$1
$sub_form/gm; # $form =~ s/\<\/TABLE\>/ $sub_form<\/TD><\/TR><\/TABLE>/i; # $form .= "$sub_form\n"; my $change_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Pabst Parameters', text => 'Adjust PABST peptide parameters to refine peptide list (advanced)' ); $form .= qq~ Adjust Weights:$change_help$link$sub_form $parameters{apply_action_hidden} ~; my $cmod_select = get_cmod_select( $parameters{cmod_mass} ); my $cmod_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Heavy Label', text => 'Fetch heavy-labeled (or light, if source data is heavy) versions of selected peptides. Use ctrl-shift for multiple options.' ); $form .= qq~ Heavy Label:$cmod_help$cmod_select ~; my $cmod_radio = get_cmod_radio( $parameters{cmod_opts} ); my $cmod_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Heavy/Light Peptides', text => 'Calculate heavy transitions, light and heavy (L & H), or only light. Only relevant if one or more heavy label options are selected.' ); $form .= qq~ Labeled Transitions:$cmod_help
~; # Min/Max mz values my $min_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Minimum m/z', text => 'Set minimum m/z threshold for transitions, applies to both precursor (Q1) and fragment ion (Q3) m/z' ); my $max_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Maximum m/z', text => 'Set maximum m/z threshold for transitions, applies to both precursor (Q1) and fragment ion (Q3) m/z' ); my $exclude_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Exclude Ions', text => 'Semicolon-separated list of ions to exclude, generally the smallest, e.g. y2;y3;b2;b3' ); $form .= qq~ Minimum m/z:$min_help ~; $form .= qq~ Maximum m/z:$max_help ~; $form .= qq~ Exclude Ions:$exclude_help ~; # $form .= qq~ Allowable Modifications:$select_lists->[1] ~; # # Add SNP checkbox my $snp_chk = ( $parameters{include_snps} ) ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'; my $snp_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Include SNPs', text => 'Include SNPs for any selected peptides' ); $form .= qq~ Include SNPs:$snp_help ~; # Add spectral links my $splinks_chk = ( $parameters{speclinks} ) ? 'checked' : 'checked'; my $spec_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Spectra Link Display', text => 'Show links to various spectra in results' ); $form .= qq~ Show Spectral Links:$spec_help ~; my $rt_help = ""; my $rt_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Elution Time', text => 'Select retention time values to show in results' ); $form .= qq~
$rt_help$rt_select ~; $form .= $ion_filters; $form .= $mod_filters; print $sbeams->addTabbedPane( label => 'Form' ); print "$form\n"; #### Display the form action buttons $sbeams->display_form_buttons(TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME); print $sbeams->closeTabbedPane( selected => 'Form' ); } # end print_form sub clear_auth { my $auth_dir = shift || return ''; my $clear = `find $auth_dir -mmin +5 -type f`; for my $old_file ( split( /\n/, $clear ) ) { unlink( $old_file ); } } sub mk_help_link { my %args = @_; my $title = $q->escape( $args{title} ); my $text = $q->escape( $args{text} ); return qq~~; } sub get_auth_path { my $srmauth_dir = $CONFIG_SETTING{SRMATLAS_AUTH} || 'SRMAuth'; my $authdir = $PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR . '/tmp/' . $srmauth_dir; return $authdir; } sub get_src_weights { my $params = shift; my $sql = qq~ SELECT source_instrument_type_id FROM $TBAT_PABST_SOURCE_PRIORITY WHERE target_instrument_type_id = $params->{target_instrument} ORDER BY priority ASC ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); my $cnt; my $weight_clause = 'CASE '; # Added source weighting to promote peptides with measurements # taken on a particular source machine. while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { # $weights{$row[0]} = $cnt++; $cnt++; # Why not for is_predicted? $weight_clause .= "WHEN PTI.source_instrument_type_id = $row[0] AND PTI.is_predicted = 'N' THEN synthesis_adjusted_score/$cnt\n"; } $weight_clause .= "ELSE synthesis_adjusted_score END AS SRC_WEIGHT\n"; return $weight_clause; } sub get_rt_select { my $rt_type = shift || ''; my $rt_select = "\n"; return $rt_select; } sub get_mod_filters { my %opts = @_; my %mods = ( 'C[143]' => '', 'C[160]' => '', 'E[111]' => '', 'M[147]' => '', 'N[115]' => '', 'K[136]' => '', 'R[166]' => '', 'Q[111]' => '' ); # If we already ran a query, update values my $mods_set = 0; for my $mod ( sort( keys( %mods ) ) ) { if ( $opts{$mod} ) { $mods{$mod} = 'checked'; $mods_set++; } } # Set default values if ( !$mods_set ) { for my $mod ( sort( keys( %mods ) ) ) { next unless ( $mod eq 'C[160]' || $mod eq 'K[136]' || $mod eq 'N[115]' || $mod eq 'R[166]' ); $mods{$mod} = 'checked'; } } my $mods_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Allowed Modifications', text => 'Checking options will allow peptides containing specified modification(s) in SRM transition list' ); my $checks = qq~
C[160] K[136] R[166] N[115]
M[147] C[143] Q[111] E[111]
~; my $filter_element = qq~ Allowed Peptide Modifications:$mods_help$checks ~; return $filter_element; } sub get_multimap_filters { my %opts = @_; my %names = ( all => '', results => '', global => '' ); # If we already ran a query, update values my $multimap_set = 0; for my $name ( sort( keys( %names ) ) ) { if ( $opts{multimap} && $opts{multimap} eq $name ) { $names{$name} = 'checked'; $multimap_set++; } } $names{results} = 'checked' unless $multimap_set; my $help = mk_help_link( title => 'Peptide Mapping Filter', text => 'Limit peptides that map to multiple proteins - Allow all does not limit the list, Unique in results ensures that a particular peptide is shown only once in a given set of results, and No multi-mapping keeps out any peptides that map to more than one peptide in the targeted namespace' ); my $checks = "$help
"; my %name2param = ('Allow all' => 'all', 'Unique in results' => 'results', 'No multi-mapping' => 'global' ); for my $name ( 'Allow all', 'Unique in results', 'No multi-mapping' ) { $checks .= " $name "; } $checks .= "
"; return $checks; } sub get_namespace_filters { my %opts = @_; # Only Mouse/Human currently have hybrid reference databases return '' unless ( $opts{organism} ); my $help = mk_help_link( title => "Accession Namespace", text => "Select protein accession namespace(s) in which to search. Can help to limit redundancies." ); my $js = qq~ ~; my $checks = "$help $js
"; if ( $opts{organism} == 2 || $opts{organism} == 6 ) { my %names = ( SwissProt => '', Ensembl => '', IPI => '' ); # If we already ran a query, update values my $namespace_set = 0; for my $name ( sort( keys( %names ) ) ) { if ( $opts{$name} ) { $names{$name} = 'checked'; $namespace_set++; } } $names{SwissProt} = 'checked' unless $namespace_set; for my $name ( qw( SwissProt Ensembl IPI ) ) { $checks .= " $name "; } if ( $opts{organism} == 2 ) { my $name = 'neXtProt'; $checks .= " $name "; } } elsif ( $opts{organism} == 3 ) { $checks .= ' SGD '; } elsif ( $opts{organism} == 40 ) { $checks .= ' TubercuList '; } elsif ( $opts{organism} == 43 ) { $checks .= ' Dengue '; } else { $checks .= ' ' x 4 . $sbeams->makeInactiveText( 'N/A' ); } $checks .= "
"; return $checks; } sub get_ion_filters { my %opts = @_; my $b_ions = 'checked'; my $y_ions = 'checked'; my $n_loss_ions = ''; # If we already ran a query, update values if ( $opts{b_ions} || $opts{y_ions} || $opts{n_loss_ions} ) { $b_ions = ( $opts{b_ions} ) ? 'checked' : ''; $y_ions = ( $opts{y_ions} ) ? 'checked' : ''; $n_loss_ions = ( $opts{n_loss_ions} ) ? 'checked' : ''; } my $ions_help = mk_help_link( title => 'Ion Types', text => 'Checking options will allow that ion type in the SRM transition list' ); my $b_ions_chk = ""; my $y_ions_chk = ""; my $n_loss_chk = ""; my $space = ' ' x 3; my $checks = "
$y_ions_chk y ions $space $b_ions_chk b ions $space $n_loss_chk Neutral-loss ions
\n"; my $filter_element = qq~ Allowed Ion Types:$ions_help$checks ~; # b ions $b_ions_chk # Neutral-loss ions $n_loss_chk return $filter_element; } sub get_cmod_select { my $curr_val = shift || ''; my %sel = ( K8 => '', R10 => '', K6 => '', R6 => '', K8A => '', R10A => '' ); my %seen; # die $curr_val if $curr_val; for my $curr ( split( ',', $curr_val ) ) { # $curr =~ /(\w\d+\w*)/; # next if $seen{$1}++; $sel{$curr} = 'SELECTED'; } my $cmod_sel = qq~ ~; # # # die $cmod_sel; return $cmod_sel; } sub get_cmod_radio { my $curr_val = shift || 'default'; my %sel = ( default => '', heavy_only => '', 'both' => '', 'light_only' => '' ); $sel{$curr_val} = 'checked'; my $cmod_radio = qq~ Default Light only L & H Heavy only ~; return $cmod_radio; } sub get_download_form { my $form = '
'; my $select = qq~ HIDDEN_PLACEHOLDER ~; my $nowrap_style = ""; my $calc_check_help = ""; my $ce_check_help = ""; my $calc_check = ''; my $ce_check = ''; my $thtml = ''; my $tlink = ''; # content => "
", if ( ( !$guest || $super_guest ) && ( $pabst_build_id == 146 || $pabst_build_id == 160 ) ) { $calc_check = "Include calculated RT $calc_check_help "; $ce_check = "Include empirical optimized CE $ce_check_help "; $thtml = $sbeams->make_toggle_section( name => 'download_options', visible => 0, tooltip => 'Show/Hide advanced download options', sticky => 1, imglink => 1, content => "
", textlink => 1, hidetext => 'Hide advanced download options', showtext => 'Show advanced download options', ); } my $button = ""; my $space = ' ' x 3; # $form .= $nowrap_style . '
' . $ce_check . ' ' . $calc_check . $space . $select . $button . '
'; $form .= $nowrap_style . '
' . $select . $button . "
$thtml" . '
'; return $form; } sub get_multi_selects { my $instr2code = $best_peptide->getInstrumentMap(); my $src_select = "\n"; # FIXME my $sql = qq~ SELECT option_key,option_value FROM $TBAT_QUERY_OPTION WHERE option_type = 'GetTransitions_Modifications' AND record_status != 'D' ORDER BY sort_order,option_value; ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); my $mod_select = "\n"; return [$src_select, $mod_select]; } sub fetch_transitions { my %args = @_; # Historical, don't ask. my %parameters = %args; my $restricted_proteins = $args{restricted_proteins} || ''; my $restricted_peptides = $args{restricted_peptides} || ''; my $content = ''; #$sbeams->printUserContext(); #### Define some generic variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); $log->debug( " Build constraints " . time()); #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it ######################################################################### #### Process all the constraints my $clibs; if ( $parameters{defaults} ) { $parameters{b_ions}++; $parameters{y_ions}++; $parameters{'C[160]'}++; $parameters{'M[147]'}++; } if ( $args{speclinks} && $args{prefetch} ) { # print "Getting libs
\n"; # print time() . "\n"; $log->debug( "Prefetching consensus links " . time() ); $clibs = $consensus->getConsensusLinks( super_guest => $super_guest ); $log->debug( "Done " . time() ); # print "
\n"; # print time() . "\n"; } $sbeams->time_stmt( "Got Consensus links" ); # Try to limit size of returned resultset. my %ok_param = ( overall => 0 ); { # Check params block # Safe if protein_name is set and has no fully wildcarded terms if ( $parameters{protein_name_constraint} ) { if ( $parameters{protein_name_constraint} !~ /;%;|;%$|^%;|^%$/ ) { $ok_param{protein_name_constraint}++; $ok_param{overall}++; } } if ( $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} ) { if ( $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} !~ /^%$/ ) { $ok_param{peptide_sequence_constraint}++; if ( $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} !~ /\%/ ) { $ok_param{overall}++; } } } } #### Build atlas_build_id constraint my $atlas_build_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.atlas_build_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"Atlas Build", constraint_value=>$parameters{atlas_build_id} ); return if ($atlas_build_clause eq '-1'); ## replace AND with WHERE $atlas_build_clause =~ s/(.*)AND(.*)/$1WHERE$2/; my $pabst_build_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PP.pabst_build_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"PABST Build", constraint_value=>$parameters{pabst_build_id} ); return if ($pabst_build_clause eq '-1'); $pabst_build_clause ||= "AND PP.pabst_build_id = $pabst_build_id"; #### Build consensus_library_id constraint my $consensus_library_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"NL.consensus_library_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"Consensus Library", constraint_value=>$parameters{consensus_library_id} ); return if ($consensus_library_clause eq '-1'); #### Build BEST_PROBABILITY constraint my $best_probability_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.best_probability", constraint_type=>"flexible_float", constraint_name=>"Best Probability", constraint_value=>$parameters{best_probability_constraint} ); return if ($best_probability_clause eq '-1'); #### Build N_OBSERVATIONS constraint my $n_observations_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.n_observations", constraint_type=>"flexible_int", constraint_name=>"Number of Observations", constraint_value=>$parameters{n_observations_constraint} ); return if ($n_observations_clause eq '-1'); #### Build N_SAMPLES constraint my $n_samples_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.n_samples", constraint_type=>"flexible_int", constraint_name=>"Number of Samples", constraint_value=>$parameters{n_samples_constraint} ); return if ($n_samples_clause eq '-1'); #### Build EMPIRICAL_PROTEOTYPIC_SCORE constraint my $empirical_proteotypic_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.empirical_proteotypic_score", constraint_type=>"flexible_float", constraint_name=>"Empirical Proteotypic Score", constraint_value=>$parameters{empirical_proteotypic_constraint} ); return if ($empirical_proteotypic_clause eq '-1'); #### Build n_protein_mappings constraint my $n_protein_mappings_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.n_protein_mappings", constraint_type=>"flexible_int", constraint_name=>"n_protein_mappings", constraint_value=>$parameters{n_protein_mappings_constraint} ); return if ($n_protein_mappings_clause eq '-1'); #### Build n_genome_locations constraint my $n_genome_locations_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PI.n_genome_locations", constraint_type=>"flexible_int", constraint_name=>"n_genome_locations", constraint_value=>$parameters{n_genome_locations_constraint} ); return if ($n_genome_locations_clause eq '-1'); #### Build peptide_length constraint my $peptide_length_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"peptide_length", constraint_type=>"flexible_int", constraint_name=>"peptide_length", constraint_value=>$parameters{peptide_length} ); return if ($peptide_length_clause eq '-1'); $peptide_length_clause =~ s/peptide_length/LEN\(peptide_sequence\)/; #### Build transition_source constraint my $transition_source_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PTI.source_instrument_type_id", constraint_type=>"text_list", constraint_name=>"source_instrument_type_id", constraint_value=>$parameters{source_instrument_type_id} ); return if ($transition_source_clause eq '-1'); if ( $parameters{omit_predicted} ) { if ( $transition_source_clause ) { # AND PTI.source_instrument_type_id IN ( '1','6','7' ) $transition_source_clause =~ s/\'7\'//g; } else { # $transition_source_clause = "AND PTI.source_instrument_type_id NOT IN ( '7' )"; # $transition_source_clause .= "\nAND PTI.is_predicted = 'N'"; } } # FIXME, we should handle this more robustly if ( $transition_source_clause && $transition_source_clause !~ /7/ ) { $transition_source_clause .= "\nAND PII.n_observations > 0"; } my $target_instrument_clause = "AND PSP.target_instrument_type_id = $parameters{target_instrument}"; # provisional, try to handle newline delimited lists. $parameters{protein_name_constraint} =~ s/\r\n/;/g; $parameters{protein_name_constraint} =~ s/\n/;/g; $parameters{protein_name_constraint} =~ s/\s+/;/g; #### Build PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE constraint my $peptide_sequence_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"PP.peptide_sequence", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Peptide Sequence", constraint_value=>$parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} ); return if ($peptide_sequence_clause eq '-1'); # peptide_sequence field supercedes (obviates) file upload if ( $parameters{peptide_file} && !$peptide_sequence_clause ) { ## upload the file to a file handler my $pepfile = $q->upload('peptide_file'); if (!$pepfile && $q->cgi_error && $is_html) { print $q->header(-status=>$q->cgi_error); exit; } my $max_peptide_cnt = 5000; my %peptide_hash; if ( (-T $pepfile) && (-s $pepfile < 1000000) ) { my $pep; while ($pep = <$pepfile>) { chomp($pep); $pep =~ s/\s//g; next unless ( $pep =~ /^[A-Z]+$/ ); $peptide_hash{$pep}++; # size constraint of 1 MB, restrict $count < $max_peptidnt last if ( scalar(keys(%peptide_hash)) >= $max_peptide_cnt ); } # secondary param check block # Make sure this isn't a null constraint if we are counting on it if ( scalar(keys(%peptide_hash)) ) { $ok_param{protein_file_constraint}++; $ok_param{overall}++; } } ## join with a commas: my $peptide_list = "'" . join( "','", keys( %peptide_hash)) . "'"; $peptide_sequence_clause = " AND PP.peptide_sequence IN ( $peptide_list )" if $peptide_list; } #### Build PROTEIN_NAME constraint my $biosequence_name_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"BS.biosequence_name", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Protein Name", constraint_value=>$parameters{protein_name_constraint} ); return if ($biosequence_name_clause eq '-1'); if ( $parameters{neXtProt} ) { $biosequence_name_clause =~ s/NX_//g; } my %protein_hash; # protein name field supercedes (obviates) file upload if ( $parameters{protein_file} && !$biosequence_name_clause ) { ## upload the file to a file handler my $prfile = $q->upload('protein_file'); if (!$prfile && $q->cgi_error && $is_html) { print $q->header(-status=>$q->cgi_error); exit; } my $max_cnt = 1000; # size constraint of 1 MB, restrict $count < $max_cnt if ( (-T $prfile) && (-s $prfile < 1000000) ) { my $count = 0; my $read_file=0; ## protein list my $prt; while ($prt=<$prfile>) { chomp($prt); $prt =~ s/\s+$//; if ($prt) { $protein_hash{$prt}++; $count = $count + 1; } last if ($count >= $max_cnt ); } # secondary param check block # Make sure this isn't a null constraint if we are counting on it if ( $count ) { $ok_param{protein_file_constraint}++; $ok_param{overall}++; } } ## join with a commas: my $protein_list = "'" . join( "','", keys( %protein_hash)) . "'"; $biosequence_name_clause = " AND BS.biosequence_name IN ( $protein_list )" if $protein_list; } unless ( $ok_param{overall} ) { print <<" END";

Due to the size of the source dataset, you must provide either a protein list
(via protein_name form field or uploaded file) or a peptide sequence constraint.
A full wildcard search does not constitute a valid constraint.

END return; } # New filter, remove peptide ions with various mass mods. my $modifications_constraint = ''; for my $mod ( 'C[143]', 'C[160]', 'E[111]', 'M[147]', 'N[115]', 'Q[111]', 'K[136]', 'R[166]' ) { if ( !$parameters{$mod} ) { my $stripped_mod = join( '', $mod =~ /\w\[(\d+)\]/ ); $modifications_constraint .= " AND PI.modified_peptide_sequence NOT LIKE '%" . $stripped_mod . "%'\n"; } } ## n_fragment_ions defaults to 4 my $n_fragment_ions = 4; if ($parameters{'n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions'} =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $n_fragment_ions = $1; } if ( $parameters{peptides_only} ) { $n_fragment_ions = 1; } ## n_peptides_per_protein defaults to 5 my $n_peps_per_prot = 5; if ($parameters{'n_peptides_per_protein'} =~ /^([\d]+)$/) { $n_peps_per_prot = $1; } my @column_array; my $peptide_sql; my %prot_peps; my %pep_frags; my %ce; # my @display_rows = ( [qw( Protein Sequence Chg Q1_mz Q3_mz Intensity Ion CE SSRCalc RT n_obs Annot Source ) ] ); my %row2chg; my $is_changed = 0; my $default_params = $best_peptide->get_default_pabst_scoring(); for my $pparam ( keys ( %{$default_params} ) ) { if ( defined $parameters{$pparam} ) { if ( $parameters{$pparam} ne $default_params->{$pparam} ) { $log->info( "$pparam is different, $parameters{$pparam} ne $default_params->{$pparam} " ); $is_changed++; } } } if ( $is_changed ) { $best_peptide->set_pabst_penalty_values( %parameters ); } $log->debug( " done building constraints" . time()); # Filter-based biosequence name clause my $namespace_clause = ''; my $limit_ns = 0; if ( $parameters{neXtProt} ) { $parameters{SwissProt}++; } for my $ns ( qw ( SwissProt IPI Ensembl ) ) { $limit_ns++ if $parameters{$ns}; } if ( $limit_ns ) { if ( !$parameters{SwissProt} ) { $namespace_clause .= " AND biosequence_name NOT LIKE '______' \n"; $namespace_clause .= " AND biosequence_name NOT LIKE '______-_' \n"; } if ( !$parameters{IPI} ) { $namespace_clause .= " AND biosequence_name NOT LIKE 'IPI%' \n"; } if ( !$parameters{Ensembl} ) { $namespace_clause .= " AND biosequence_name NOT LIKE 'ENS%' \n"; } } # Added 2012-02 my $peptide_sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT biosequence_name, BS.biosequence_id, PP.pabst_peptide_id, PP.peptide_sequence, biosequence_gene_name FROM $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE PP JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON PM.pabst_peptide_id = PP.pabst_peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON BS.biosequence_id = PM.biosequence_id WHERE 1 = 1 $pabst_build_clause $peptide_sequence_clause $best_probability_clause $peptide_length_clause $restricted_proteins $restricted_peptides $biosequence_name_clause $namespace_clause ~; $sbeams->time_stmt( "Protein/peptide SQL" ); my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $peptide_sql ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "done" ); my %acc2gene; my %id2seq; my %seq2id; my %bioseq_ids; my %bioseq2name; my %bioseq2peptides; my %pep2bioseq; # We will limit the total number of proteins queried to 50 for 'superuser' my $max_query_proteins = 100; my $rcount = 0; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $rcount++; if ( $super_guest && keys( %bioseq2name ) >= $max_query_proteins ) { next unless $bioseq2name{$row[1]}; } $acc2gene{$row[0]} ||= $row[4]; $id2seq{$row[2]} ||= $row[3]; $seq2id{$row[3]} = $row[2]; $bioseq_ids{$row[1]}++; $bioseq2name{$row[1]} = $row[0]; $bioseq2peptides{$row[1]} ||= {}; $bioseq2peptides{$row[1]} ||= {$row[2]}; } my %mature; my $sql = qq~ SELECT sequence, biosequence_accession FROM $TBAT_MATURE_FORM_PEPTIDES ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $mature{$row[0]} = $row[1]; } my %snps; my %has_snp; if ( $parameters{include_snps} && scalar(keys(%seq2id)) ) { my $seq_clause = "'" . join( "','", keys( %seq2id ) ) . "'"; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT snp_sequence, matching_sequence, P.pabst_peptide_id, dbsnp_acc, snp_pos, PM.biosequence_id FROM $TBAT_SRMSNPS S JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE P ON P.peptide_sequence = S.snp_sequence JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON P.pabst_peptide_id = PM.pabst_peptide_id WHERE S.matching_sequence IN ( $seq_clause ) ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); my $snpacc = 'A'; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $has_snp{$row[1]} = { match => $row[0], snpacc => $snpacc }; $snps{$row[0]} = { match => $row[1], trans => [], snpacc => $snpacc, dbsnp => $row[3], snppos => $row[4] }; $id2seq{$row[2]} = $row[0]; $seq2id{$row[0]} = $row[2]; $bioseq2peptides{$row[3]}->{$row[2]}++; $snpacc++; } } fill_in_genes( \%acc2gene ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Filled in genes" ); my $acc2symbol = get_gene_symbols( [keys( %acc2gene )] ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "got symbols" ); my $pep_id_string = join( ',', keys( %id2seq ) ) || 1; my $pep_seq_string = "'" . join( "','", keys( %seq2id ) ) . "'" || ''; my $bioseq_id_string = join( ',', keys( %bioseq_ids ) ) || 1; # if ( $isAuthorized ) { # $SRMAuth; # my $SRMAuthEmail = $q->cookie( 'SRMAuthEmail' ); # my $time = time(); # my $bioseq_str = join( ':', keys( %acc2gene ) ); # $log->info( "Allowed provisional access: $SRMAuth, $SRMAuthEmail, $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}, $bioseq_str" ); # } my $nprots = scalar( keys( %bioseq_ids ) ); my $npeps = scalar( keys( %id2seq ) ); my $status_txt = "Running query with $nprots proteins and $npeps peptides "; if ( $nprots > 7 && $nprots < 16 ) { $status_txt = "Querying with $nprots proteins and $npeps peptides, could take up to a minute "; } elsif ( $nprots > 20 ) { $status_txt = "Querying with $nprots proteins and $npeps peptides, could take over a minute "; } my $t0 = time(); print qq~ ~ if $is_html; my $organism = $parameters{organism} || $best_peptide->getBuildOrganism( pabst_build_id => $parameters{pabst_build_id} ); my $scan_clause = $pep_id_string; my $pepion2scanpath = {}; my $seq2badlinks = {}; if ( $args{speclinks} ) { $log->debug( "get_scan_path " . time() ); $pepion2scanpath = get_scan_path( scan_clause => $scan_clause); $log->debug( "done " . time() ); } my $build_resources = $atlas->fetchBuildResources( pabst_build_id => $parameters{pabst_build_id} ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "got resources" ); ######################################################################### #### If QUERY or VIEWRESULTSET was selected, display the data if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i ) { my $ed = " "; # my $note = $sbeams->makeInfoText( "Note: masses are mono-isotopic" ); # $content .= "
$note\n" if $is_html; my $ssr_field = 'SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity'; my $ssr_clause = ''; my $ssr_join = ''; $parameters{rt_type} ||= '4'; my $irt = 0; if ( $parameters{rt_type} || $parameters{rt_type} ne 'SSRCalc' ) { my $et_and = ''; if ( $build_resources->{elution_time_set} ) { $irt = isIRT( $build_resources ); $et_and = " AND elution_time_set IN ( " . join( ',', keys( %{$build_resources->{elution_time_set}} ) ) . " ) "; } $ssr_field = 'elution_time'; $ssr_join = qq~ LEFT JOIN $TBAT_ELUTION_TIME ET ON ( ET.modified_peptide_sequence = PI.modified_peptide_sequence AND elution_time_type_id = '$parameters{rt_type}' $et_and ) ~; } my $peptide_mappings = {}; # if ( $parameters{SwissProt} && $organism == '2' ) { $peptide_mappings = get_peptide_mappings( $pep_seq_string, $organism ); # } my $has_mappings = ( scalar( keys( %{$peptide_mappings} ) ) ) ? 1 : 0; my $quant_info; my $has_quant; unless ( $guest ) { $quant_info = get_quant_info( $pep_seq_string ); $has_quant = ( scalar( keys( %{$quant_info} ) ) ) ? 1 : 0; } my $has_snps = scalar( keys( %snps) ); $has_snps = 0 if !scalar(keys(%has_snp)); my $snp_clause = ( $has_snps ) ? "" : "AND is_snp <> 'Y'"; my $limit_clause = $sbeams->buildLimitClause( row_limit => 100000 ); my $weight_clause = get_src_weights( \%parameters ); my $lib_sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT preceding_residue, PI.modified_peptide_sequence, following_residue, synthesis_adjusted_score, instrument_type_name, precursor_ion_mz, precursor_ion_charge, fragment_ion_mz, fragment_ion_charge, fragment_ion_label, ion_rank, relative_intensity, SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, $ssr_field, biosequence_id, merged_score, PII.n_observations, source_build, PSP.priority, PTI.is_predicted, $weight_clause, PII.max_precursor_intensity, is_snp, PP.pabst_peptide_id, PP.peptide_sequence FROM $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE PP JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_ION PI ON PP.pabst_peptide_id = PI.pabst_peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_ION_INSTANCE PII ON PI.pabst_peptide_ion_id = PII.pabst_peptide_ion_id JOIN $TBAT_PABST_TRANSITION PT ON PT.pabst_peptide_ion_id = PI.pabst_peptide_ion_id JOIN $TBAT_PABST_TRANSITION_INSTANCE PTI ON PT.pabst_transition_id = PTI.pabst_transition_id JOIN $TBAT_INSTRUMENT_TYPE IT ON ( IT.instrument_type_id = PTI.source_instrument_type_id AND IT.instrument_type_id = PII.source_instrument_type_id ) JOIN $TBAT_PABST_SOURCE_PRIORITY PSP ON ( PSP.source_instrument_type_id = PTI.source_instrument_type_id ) JOIN $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON PM.pabst_peptide_id = PP.pabst_peptide_id $ssr_join WHERE PP.pabst_peptide_id IN ( $pep_id_string ) AND PM.biosequence_id IN ( $bioseq_id_string ) $pabst_build_clause $atlas_build_clause $transition_source_clause $target_instrument_clause $ssr_clause $modifications_constraint $snp_clause ORDER BY is_snp DESC, biosequence_id, PTI.is_predicted ASC, SRC_WEIGHT DESC, synthesis_adjusted_score DESC, PI.modified_peptide_sequence, PSP.priority ASC, PII.max_precursor_intensity DESC, PII.n_observations DESC, relative_intensity DESC, ion_rank ASC ~; # die Dumper( %CONFIG_SETTINGS ) # print "
\n"; # $log->info( $lib_sql ); # print "
\n"; my ( $ssr_type ) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( "SELECT elution_time_type_id FROM $TBAT_ELUTION_TIME_TYPE WHERE elution_time_type = 'SSRCalc'" ); $parameters{rt_type} ||= $ssr_type; my @headings = ( 'Protein', 'External Links', 'Pre AA', 'Sequence', 'Fol AA', 'Adj SS', 'Source', 'Q1_mz', 'Q1_chg', 'Q3_mz', 'Q3_chg', 'Ion', 'Rank', 'RI', 'SSRT' ); # Code to get only pertinent headings here... if ( $parameters{rt_type} ) { my $rt_heading = ( $irt ) ? 'iRT' : 'RT_Cat'; if ( $rt_heading eq 'RT_Cat' ) { push @headings, $rt_heading unless $parameters{rt_type} == $ssr_type; } elsif ( $rt_heading eq 'iRT' ) { push @headings, $rt_heading unless $parameters{rt_type} == $ssr_type; } } if ( $has_mappings ) { push @headings, 'N_map'; } if ( $has_snps ) { push @headings, 'SNP'; } if ( $has_quant ) { push @headings, 'Quant'; } my $consensus_srcs = $consensus->getConsensusSources( pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id ); my $has_ce = $consensus->hasCESet( pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id ); my $has_chromats = $consensus->hasChromatograms( pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id ); if ( $parameters{speclinks} ) { if ( 0 && $guest && !$super_guest ) { push @headings, 'IonTrap'; } else { if ( $consensus_srcs->{QTOF} ) { push @headings, 'QTOF'; push @headings, 'QTOF_CE' if $has_ce; } for my $instr ( 'QTrap4000', 'QTrap5500', 'QQQ', 'IonTrap' ) { push @headings, $instr if $consensus_srcs->{$instr}; } } } if ( $has_chromats || $has_ce ) { push @headings, 'QQQ ', ' QTRAP '; } # peptides_only if ( $parameters{peptides_only} ) { splice( @headings, 5, 8 ); } my $num_headings = scalar( @headings ); my $headings = $atlas->get_column_defs( labels => \@headings, plain_hash => 1 ); my $headings_ref = ( $sbeams->output_mode() =~ /html/i ) ? $best_peptide->make_sort_headings( headings => $headings, default => 'adj_SS' ) : \@headings; my @peptides = ( $headings_ref ); my $naa = $sbeams->makeInactiveText( 'n/a' ); my $instr2code = $best_peptide->getInstrumentMap(); my %src_name; for my $src ( keys( %{$instr2code} ) ) { my $code = $instr2code->{$src}; if ( $src =~ /PATR/ ) { $src_name{$code} = $src . '-validated'; } elsif ( $src =~ /Predicted/ ) { $src_name{$code} = $src; } else { $src_name{$code} = $src . '-observed'; } } my $start = time; $sbeams->time_stmt( "Lib SQL" ); my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $lib_sql ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Done" ); my $end = time; my $delta = $end - $start; my %prots; my @namelist = ( join( '::', qw(protein sequence Q1_mz Q3_mz RT rank Q1_chg Q3_chg peak_intensity ion_label collision SSR) ) ); # placeholder, we don't have a source for retention time. my $rt = ''; my %peps; my %patr_peps; my %counts; my @transitions; my $tcnt = 1; my $id2name = $sbeams->get_organism_hash( key => 'organism_id' ); # 0 preceding_residue # 1 PI.modified_peptide_sequence # 2 following_residue # 3 synthesis_adjusted_score # 4 instrument_type_name # 5 precursor_ion_mz # 6 precursor_ion_charge # 7 fragment_ion_mz # 8 fragment_ion_charge, # 9 fragment_ion_label # 10 ion_rank # 11 relative_intensity # 12 SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity # 13 $ssr_field # 14 biosequence_id # 15 merged_score # 16 PII.n_observations # 17 source_build # 18 PSP.priority # 19 PTI.is_predicted, # 20 $weight_clause # 21 PII.max_precursor_intensity # 22 is_snp # 23 P.pabst_peptide_id # 24 P.peptide_sequence my $previous; my $previous_snp; my $previous_score; while( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { push @row, $tcnt++; $row[14] = $bioseq2name{$row[14]}; if ( $row[22] && $row[22] eq 'Y' ) { # print "pushing SNP $row[1]
\n"; push @{$snps{$row[24]}->{trans}}, \@row; } else { $previous ||= $row[24]; my $print = ( $previous eq $row[24] ) ? 0 : 0; print "not a SNP\n" if $print; $previous_score ||= $row[3]; my $ref = ref( $has_snp{$previous} ); print "has_snps is $has_snps, previous is $previous, row 24 is $row[24], HSP is $has_snp{$previous} ref is $ref
\n" if $print; if ( $has_snps && $ref && $previous ne $row[24] ) { for my $row ( @{$snps{$has_snp{$previous}->{match}}->{trans}} ) { $row->[3] = $previous_score; push @transitions, $row; } } push @transitions, \@row; print "pushing regular $row[1]
\n" if $print; $previous = $row[24]; $previous_score = $row[3]; } } if ( $has_snps && $has_snp{$previous} ) { my $snpseq = $has_snp{$previous}->{match}; for my $row ( @{$snps{$snpseq}->{trans}} ) { $row->[3] = $previous_score; push @transitions, $row; } } $sbeams->time_stmt( "Initial row cache" ); # If the user has modified any of the weights we have to do this from scratch... if ( $is_changed ) { update_status( "PABST parameters have changed, rescoring peptides..." ); $best_peptide->set_pabst_penalty_values( %parameters ); # print Dumper( @transitions ); # my $param = $best_peptide->get_pabst_penalty_values(); # Do pabst eval on peptide list here. Use these to modify src-weighted values my $evaluated = $best_peptide->pabst_evaluate_peptides( peptides => \@transitions, previous_idx => 0, seq_idx => 1, follow_idx => 2, score_idx => 20, hydrophob_idx => 12, trim_mods => 1 ); @transitions = sort { $b->[14] cmp $a->[14] || $a->[19] cmp $b->[19] || $b->[25] <=> $a->[25] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] || $a->[22] <=> $b->[22] } @{$evaluated}; # print Dumper( $rows ); # die; # 0 preceding_residue, # 1 PI.modified_peptide_sequence, # 2 following_residue, # 3 synthesis_adjusted_score, # 4 instrument_type_name, # 5 precursor_ion_mz, # 6 precursor_ion_charge, # 7 fragment_ion_mz, # 8 fragment_ion_charge, # 9 fragment_ion_label, # 10 ion_rank, # 11 relative_intensity, # 12 SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, # 13 $ssr_field, # 14 biosequence_id, # 15 merged_score, # 16 PII.n_observations, # 17 source_build, # 18 PSP.priority, # 19 PTI.is_predicted, # 20 $weight_clause, # 21 PII.max_precursor_intensity # 22 tcnt # 23 annot # 24 score # 25 adj_score # die Dumper( $rows ); } else { @transitions = sort { $b->[14] cmp $a->[14] || $a->[19] cmp $b->[19] || $b->[20] <=> $a->[20] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] || $a->[22] <=> $b->[22] } @transitions; } # If no params were changed, use static values $log->debug( "Iterating over results " . time() ); print STDERR "iterating " . time() . "\n"; update_status( "Selecting optimum transitions" ); my %frag_seen; my %pepion_used; my %peptide_used; my %skipped_multimap; my $row_cnt = 0; my %links; # my %kseen; $parameters{multimap} ||= 'results'; my %ex; if ( $parameters{exclude_ions} ) { for my $ion ( split( /;/, $parameters{exclude_ions} ) ) { $ex{lc($ion)}++; } } my %cc; my $pfrag; my %snpacc2key = ( keybase => 'A' ); for my $row ( @transitions ) { if ( $is_changed ) { $row->[20] = $row->[25]; $row->[3] *= $row->[24]; } # my $key = join( '__', $row->[14], $row->[1], $row->[19], sprintf( "%0.3f", $row->[20]) ); # print "$key
\n" unless $kseen{$key}; # $kseen{$key}++; my @row = @{$row}; # 1 PI.modified_peptide_sequence, # 2 following_residue, # 3 synthesis_adjusted_score, # 4 instrument_type_name, # 5 precursor_ion_mz, # 6 precursor_ion_charge, # 7 fragment_ion_mz, # 8 fragment_ion_charge, # 9 fragment_ion_label, # 10 ion_rank, if ( 1 && $row[1] =~ /C\[160\]C\w/ ) { use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::PeptideFragmenter; $pfrag ||= new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::PeptideFragmenter( MzMaximum => 3000, MzMinimum => 200 ); my $alt_seq = $row[1]; $alt_seq =~ s/C(\w)/C[160]$1/g; if ( ! $cc{$alt_seq} ) { $log->info( "CC bug - calculating fragments for $alt_seq" ); for my $charge ( 1, 2, 3 ) { $cc{$alt_seq} ||= {}; my $frags = $pfrag->getExpectedFragments( modifiedSequence => $alt_seq, charge => $charge, omit_precursor => 0, precursor_excl => 1, fragment_charge => $charge, ); for my $frag ( @{$frags} ) { my $s = $frag->{series}; my $o = $frag->{ordinal}; my $mz = $frag->{mz}; my $ch = $frag->{charge}; my $fkey = $s . $o . $ch; if ( $frag->{label} eq 'precursor' ) { $fkey = 'precursor' . $ch; } $cc{$alt_seq}->{$row[6]}->{$fkey} = $mz; } } } $row[1] = $alt_seq; $row[5] = $cc{$alt_seq}->{$row[6]}->{'precursor' . $row[6]}; $row[7] = $cc{$alt_seq}->{$row[6]}->{$row[9] . $row[8]}; } my $prot = $row[14]; $counts{row}++; $counts{prot}++ unless $prots{$prot}; $prots{$prot} ||= {}; $counts{pepions}++ unless $prots{$prot}->{$row[1]}; # if ( !$prots{$prot}->{$row[1]} ) { # print "Checking on $row[1]\n"; # } $prots{$prot}->{$row[1]}++; # Do we have enough peptides already? if ( scalar( keys( %{$prots{$prot}} ) ) > $n_peps_per_prot ) { # print "Skipping for max peps per prot ($n_peps_per_prot)
\n"; next; } my $pep_key = $prot . $row[1]; my $pep_seq = $row[1]; $peps{$pep_key} ||= 0; # Do we have enough fragments already? if ( $peps{$pep_key} >= $n_fragment_ions ) { # print "Skipping for max peps per prot
\n"; next; } # 0 preceding_residue # 1 peptide_sequence # 2 following_residue # 3 synthesis_adjusted_score # 4 transition_source # 5 precursor_ion_mass # 6 precursor_ion_charge # 7 fragment_ion_mass # 8 fragment_ion_charge # 9 fragment_ion_label # 10 ion_rank # 11 relative_intensity # 12 SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity # 13 biosequence_name # 14 merged_score # 15 n_observations # Problem cases # 1) duplicate ions # Added biosequence name into seen_key, DSC 2012-01-05 my $frag_key = join( ':', @row[1,6,8,9,14] ); if ( $frag_seen{$frag_key}++ ) { next; } # 2) fragment ion too big if ( abs( $row[5] * $row[6] - $row[7] * $row[8] ) < 5 ) { # print "rejected $row[1] frag $row[9] for toobigosity
\n"; next; } if ( !$parameters{b_ions} ) { next if $row[9] =~ /^b/; } if ( !$parameters{y_ions} ) { next if $row[9] =~ /^y/; } if ( !$parameters{n_loss_ions} ) { next if $row[9] =~ /\-\d+/; } if ( keys(%ex) ) { next if $ex{$row[9]}; } if ( $parameters{min_mz} ) { if ( $parameters{min_mz} > $row[5] || $parameters{min_mz} > $row[7] ) { next; } } if ( $parameters{max_mz} ) { if ( $parameters{max_mz} < $row[5] || $parameters{max_mz} < $row[7] ) { next; } } # clean my $cleanseq = $row[1]; $cleanseq =~ s/\[\d+\]//g; if ( $parameters{multimap} eq 'results' ) { my $pepion = $row[1] . '__' . $row[6]; $pepion_used{$pepion} ||= {}; $peptide_used{$cleanseq} ||= {}; my $skip_protein = 0; for my $used_prot ( keys( %{$peptide_used{$cleanseq}} ) ) { # for my $used_prot ( keys( %{$pepion_used{$pepion}} ) ) { if ( $used_prot !~ /$prot/ ) { $skip_protein++; last; } } if ( $skip_protein ) { $skipped_multimap{$prot} ||= {}; $skipped_multimap{$prot}->{$cleanseq}++; next; } $pepion_used{$pepion}->{$prot}++; $peptide_used{$cleanseq}->{$prot}++; } elsif ( $parameters{multimap} eq 'global' ) { if ( $peptide_mappings->{$cleanseq} && $peptide_mappings->{$cleanseq} !~ />1info( "Skipping $cleanseq for global doppletude" ); $skipped_multimap{$prot}->{$cleanseq}++; next; } } $peps{$pep_key}++; $row[10] = $peps{$pep_key}; $row[9] = lcfirst($row[9]); $row[5] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $row[5] ); $row[4] = $src_name{$row[4]} if $src_name{$row[4]}; $row[4] .= '-pred' if $row[19] eq 'Y'; if ( $row[4] eq 'QTOF' ) { $row[7] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $row[7] ); } else { $row[7] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $row[7] ); } $row[3] = sprintf( "%0.2f", $row[3] ); $row[20] = sprintf( "%0.2f", $row[20] ); $row[12] = ( $row[12] ) ? sprintf( "%0.1f", $row[12] ) : ''; $row[13] = ( $row[13] ) ? sprintf( "%0.1f", $row[13] ) : ''; if ( $row[11] ) { $row[11] = int( $row[11] ); } elsif ( $is_html ) { $row[11] = $naa; } else { $row[11] = ''; } my $ce = calculateCE( mz => $row[5], chg => $row[6] ); $patr_peps{$row[1]}++; # Cache for xfer to ATAQs # protein sequence Q1_mz Q3_mz RT rank Q1_chg Q3_chg peak_intensity ion_label collision SSR push @namelist, join( '::', $prot, @row[1,5,7],'',@row[10,6,8,11,9],$ce, $row[12] ); if ( $row[16] && $is_html ) { $row[16] = "$row[15]"; } if ( $is_html ) { $row[11] ||= $naa; } # 0 prot # 2 peptide_sequence # 6 precursor_ion_mass # 7 precursor_ion_charge # 8 fragment_ion_mass # 9 fragment_ion_charge # 10 fragment_ion_label # my @rowdata = ( $prot, @row[0..12,15,19] ); my @rowdata; my $pa_link = ''; my $srm_link = ''; my $organism_name = $id2name->{$organism} || 'unknown'; my $links = ''; # if ( !$guest || $super_guest ) { if ( 1 ) { my @bids = keys( %{$build_resources->{atlas_build}} ); my $pa_img = ""; my $srm_img = ""; my $np_img = ""; my $pratlas_img = ""; my $pcommons_img = ""; my $srmc_img = ""; $q->delete( 'protein_name_constraint', 'n_peptides_per_protein', 'n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions' ); my $recall_url = $q->self_url(); $recall_url =~ s/peptide_sequence_constraint=[^;&]+[;&]*//; $recall_url .= ";protein_name_constraint=$prot;n_peptides_per_protein=100;n_highest_intensity_fragment_ions=1;omit_predicted=1;protein_context=1"; $pa_link = qq~ $pa_img ~; $srm_link = qq~ $srm_img ~; my $gene = $prot; if ( $gene =~ /^IPI/ || $gene =~ /^ENSP/ ) { $gene = $acc2gene{$gene} if $acc2gene{$gene}; } my $pc_protein = $prot; if ( $acc2symbol->{$prot} && $acc2symbol->{$prot}->{symbol} ) { $pc_protein = $acc2symbol->{$prot}->{symbol}; } my $pc_link = qq~ $pcommons_img  ~; my $srmc_link = ''; if ( $parameters{organism} == 2 || $pabst_build_id == 146 ) { $srmc_link = qq~ $srmc_img  ~; } my $pratlas_link = qq~ $pratlas_img  ~; my $np_link = ''; if ( $parameters{organism} == 2 || $pabst_build_id == 146 ) { if ( $acc2symbol->{$gene} && $acc2symbol->{$gene}->{nextprot} ) { $gene = 'NX_' . $gene if length( $gene ) == 6; $np_link = qq~ $np_img  ~; } } $links = "$srm_link$pa_link$pratlas_link$np_link$pc_link$srmc_link"; $links =~ s/\n//g; $links = "$links"; } else { $prot = "$prot" if $is_html; } my $display_prot = $prot; if ( $parameters{neXtProt} ) { $display_prot = 'NX_' . $prot; } if ( $parameters{rt_type} eq 'iRT' || $parameters{rt_type} == $ssr_type ) { @rowdata = ( $prot, $links, @row[0..12] ); } else { @rowdata = ( $display_prot, $links, @row[0..13] ); } if ( $mature{$row[24]} ) { $rowdata[3] = "$rowdata[3]"; } if ( $has_mappings ) { if ( $peptide_mappings->{$cleanseq} ) { push @rowdata, $peptide_mappings->{$cleanseq}; } else { push @rowdata, 'n/a'; } } if ( $has_snps ) { if ( $snps{$row[24]} ) { if ( !$snpacc2key{$snps{$row[24]}->{snpacc}} ) { $snpacc2key{$snps{$row[24]}->{snpacc}} = $snpacc2key{keybase}++; } my $snpref = 'SNP_' . $snpacc2key{$snps{$row[24]}->{snpacc}}; if ( $snps{$row[24]}->{dbsnp} ) { $snpref = "{dbsnp} . ">$snpref"; } # push @rowdata, 'SNP_' . $snpacc2key{$snps{$row[24]}->{snpacc}}; push @rowdata, $snpref; if ( $snps{$row[24]}->{snppos} ) { # print "In loop with $rowdata[3], pos is $snps{$row[24]}->{snppos}
\n"; my @seq = split( '', $rowdata[3] ); my $idx = 0; my @newseq; for my $char ( @seq ) { # print "testing $char at position $idx, pos is $snps{$row[24]}->{snppos}
\n"; if ( $char =~ /\w/ && $char !~ /\d/ ) { $idx++; # print "word char
\n"; if ( $idx == $snps{$row[24]}->{snppos} ) { # print "idx matches pos
\n"; push @newseq, "$char"; } else { push @newseq, $char; } } else { # print "odd char
\n"; push @newseq, $char; } } $rowdata[3] = join( '', @newseq ); } } elsif ( $has_snp{$row[24]} ) { if ( !$snpacc2key{$has_snp{$row[24]}->{snpacc}} ) { $snpacc2key{$has_snp{$row[24]}->{snpacc}} = $snpacc2key{keybase}++; } push @rowdata, 'Orig_' . $snpacc2key{$has_snp{$row[24]}->{snpacc}}; } else { push @rowdata, ''; } } else { } if ( $has_quant ) { if ( $quant_info->{$cleanseq} ) { my $precursor = int($row[5]); push @rowdata, ""; } else { push @rowdata, ' '; } } if ( $parameters{speclinks} ) { my $link_key = $row[1] . $row[6]; # Fetch chromat/spectrum links for this peptide my $links = $links{$link_key} || get_consensus_links( seq => $row[1], chg => $row[6], libs => $clibs, pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id, badlinks => $seq2badlinks, consensrc => $consensus_srcs, has_ce => $has_ce, organism => $organism ); $links{$link_key} ||= $links; my $mass = $massCalculator->getPeptideMass( sequence => $row[1], mass_type => 'monoisotopic' ); my @chromat_links; my %image = ( QTrap5500 => "$HTML_BASE_DIR/images/chromatogram.gif", QQQ => "$HTML_BASE_DIR/images/chromatogram.gif" ); for my $ch_type ( qw( QQQ QTrap5500 ) ) { # FIXME temporary hack, only builds with CE set will get chromat links. next unless $has_ce || $has_chromats; my $instr_name = ( $ch_type =~ /QQQ/ ) ? 'Agilent 6460 QQQ' : ( $ch_type =~ /QTrap5500/i ) ? 'ABI SCIEX QTRAP 5500' : $ch_type; my $chromat_link = ''; # die "link key is $link_key, chtype is $ch_type"; if ( $pepion2scanpath->{$ch_type}->{$link_key} ) { my $title = "View +$row[6] chromatogram for $row[1] on $instr_name"; my $precursor_param = ''; my $scan_param = ''; if ( $ch_type =~ /QQQ/ ) { $precursor_param = ";precursor_charge=$row[6];expand_timeframe=20"; if ( $seq2badlinks->{$link_key} ) { $image{QQQ} = "$HTML_BASE_DIR/images/smelly.png"; } } else { $scan_param = 'q1_tolerance=' . MZ_TOLERANCE; if ( $pepion2scanpath->{$ch_type}->{$link_key} ) { $scan_param .= ";scan=$pepion2scanpath->{$ch_type}->{$link_key}->{scan};"; } } my $pepion = $q->escape( $row[1] . '+' . $row[6] ); $instr_name = $q->escape( $instr_name ); if ( $instr_name =~ /QQQ/i && !grep /qqq_spectrum/, @{$links{$link_key}} ) { $chromat_link = ''; } elsif ( $instr_name =~ /5500/i && !grep /qtrap_spectrum/, @{$links{$link_key}} ) { $chromat_link = ''; } else { $chromat_link = "{$ch_type}->{$link_key}->{path};peptide=$row[1];no_specfile=1;no_mquest=1;instrument_name=$instr_name TARGET=$ch_type> "; } } push @chromat_links, $chromat_link; } # push @rowdata, $links, $chromat_link; push @rowdata, @{$links}; if ( $has_chromats || $organism == 2 ) { # && ( !$guest || $super_guest ) ) { push @rowdata, @chromat_links; } } # Here we push the peptide, generally the 'light' version - unless the # it is an observed 'heavy', in which case we may push the 'heavy' $parameters{cmod_opts} ||= 'default'; if ( $parameters{cmod_mass} && $parameters{cmod_opts} ne 'default' ) { if ( $rowdata[2] =~ /[KR]$/ ) { # Not modified (light) push @peptides, \@rowdata unless $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'heavy_only'; } elsif ( $rowdata[2] =~ /[KR]\[\d\d\d\]$/ ) { # Modified (heavy) push @peptides, \@rowdata unless $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'light_only'; } } else { push @peptides, \@rowdata; } # Manually build Lys/Arg C-labeled code if ( $parameters{cmod_mass} && !$parameters{peptides_only} && $parameters{cmod_opts} ne 'default' ) { my %seen; for my $mod ( split( ',', $parameters{cmod_mass} ) ) { my ( $aa, $mass ) = $mod =~ /^(\w)(\d+)$/; if ( $aa && $mass ) { # Only consider the first instance of any AA (only one mod mass each for K/R) next if $seen{$aa}++; my $annot = ''; if ( $aa =~ /R/i ) { my $mod_aa = $mass + 156; $annot = "R[$mod_aa]"; } else { my $mod_aa = $mass + 128; $annot = "K[$mod_aa]"; } my @mod_row = ( $prot, @row[0..14] ); my $delta_mass = ( $mod eq 'R10' ) ? 10.008269 : ( $mod eq 'K8' ) ? 8.014199 : $mass; # only allow modified K/R on the terminus # If original row was light (unmodified) if ( $mod_row[2] =~ /$aa$/ ) { $mod_row[2] =~ s/$aa$/$annot/; $mod_row[6] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $mod_row[6] + $delta_mass/$mod_row[7] ); if ($mod_row[10] =~ /^y/i ) { $mod_row[8] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $mod_row[8] + $delta_mass/$mod_row[9] ); } # Setting the number of columns here, might get out of sync... $#mod_row = 14; if ( $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'heavy_only' || $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'both' ) { # We are now pushing a links column into the row[1] push @peptides, [ $mod_row[0], $rowdata[1], @mod_row[1..14] ]; } # if original row was heavy (modified) } elsif ( $mod_row[2] =~ /$aa\[\d\d\d\]$/ ) { # Strip annotation $mod_row[2] =~ s/$aa\[\d\d\d\]$/$aa/; # Adjust transition mz by delta/charge $mod_row[6] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $mod_row[6] - $delta_mass/$mod_row[7] ); if ($mod_row[10] =~ /^y/i ) { $mod_row[8] = sprintf( "%0.4f", $mod_row[8] - $delta_mass/$mod_row[9] ); } # Setting the number of columns here, might get out of sync... $#mod_row = 14; # Store this only if light version was requested if ( $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'light_only' || $parameters{cmod_opts} eq 'both' ) { # We are now pushing a links column into the row[1] push @peptides, [ $mod_row[0], $rowdata[1], @mod_row[1..14] ]; } } } else { $log->debug( "$parameters{cmod_mass} is nothing!" ); } } } $row_cnt++; if ( $row_cnt >= ROW_LIMIT ) { print $sbeams->makeInfoText( "Maximum query size (" . ROW_LIMIT . ") exceeded, results are truncated" ); last; } } # End loop over resultset $log->debug( "Done 1 " . time() . "\n" ); print STDERR "Done 2 " . time() . "\n"; my $cnttxt = "Looped over $counts{row} total rows for $counts{prot} proteins and $counts{pepions} peptide ions"; $end = time; my $delta = $end - $start; print qq~ ~ if $is_html; if ( scalar( keys( %skipped_multimap ) ) ) { my $mesg = 'Some multiple-mapping peptides were skipped: '; for my $prot ( sort( keys( %skipped_multimap ) ) ) { $mesg .= "$prot ("; my $sep = ''; for my $pep ( sort( keys( %{$skipped_multimap{$prot}} ) ) ) { $mesg .= $sep . $pep; $sep = ','; } $mesg .= ") "; } update_status( $mesg ) if $is_html; } $log->debug( "CNT: $cnttxt\n" ); $log->debug( "Done! " . time() ); $log->debug( "processed " . scalar( @namelist ) . " transitions " ); $log->debug( "fetching from PATR ! " . time() ); # 0 preceding_residue # 1 peptide_sequence # 2 following_residue # 3 synthesis_adjusted_score # 4 transition_source # 5 precursor_ion_mass # 6 precursor_ion_charge # 7 fragment_ion_mass # 8 fragment_ion_charge # 9 fragment_ion_label # 10 ion_rank # 11 relative_intensity # 12 SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity # 13 biosequence_name # 14 merged_score # 15 n_observations my @peps = keys( %patr_peps ); my $patr = get_PATR_transitions( peptides => \@peps ); # SELECT DISTINCT P.peptide_sequence, modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge, # Q1_mz ,Q3_mz, Q3_ion_label, collision_energy, # SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, retention_time, 'na', '' # 0 => protein # 1 => pre # 2 => seq # 3 => post for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#peptides; $i++ ) { my $pep = $peptides[$i]; if ( $patr->{$pep->[2]} ) { $peptides[$i] = $patr->{$pep->[2]}; } if ( $parameters{peptides_only} ) { splice( @{$pep}, 5, 8 ) if $i; } } $log->debug( "Done ! " . time() ); # prot Protein => 'Protein Name/Accession', # 0 Pre => 'Previous amino acid', # 1 Sequence => 'Amino acid sequence of peptide', # 2 Fol => 'Followin amino acid', # 3 'Score' => 'Adjusted proteotypic score', # 4 Src => 'Transition source, one of PATR, QQQ (triple quad), IT (ion trap), IS (In silico/theoretical)', # 5 Q1_mz => 'Precursor ion m/z', # 6 Q1_chg => 'Precursor ion charge', # 7 Q3_mz => 'Fragment ion m/z', # 8 Q3_chg => 'Fragment ion charge', # 9 Label => 'Fragment ion label (series/number)', # 10 Rank => 'PABST transition rank', # 11 RI => 'Fragment peak relative intensity (scaled to 10000 Units)', # 12 SSR => 'SSRCalc', # 13 Protein name => # 13 Merged score => my $align = [qw(center center center left center center right right right center right left right right)]; my $col_info = $atlas->get_column_defs( labels => \@headings ); my $help_text = $atlas->make_table_help( description => 'Q1/Q3 transition pairs for SRM experiments', entries => $col_info, ); my $change_on = 3; if ( $args{cmod_mass} && !$args{peptides_only} ) { $change_on = 10; } my $download_select = get_download_form(); # $download_select =~ s/HIDDEN_PLACEHOLDER//gm; # print $download_select; # exit; my ( $html, $rs_name ) = $atlas->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, width => '600', tr_info => $args{tr}, align => $align, rs_headings => \@headings, rows => \@peptides, rows_to_show => 20, colspan => 3, max_rows => 2500, manual_widgets => 1, help_text => $help_text, chg_bkg_idx => $change_on, set_download => 'Download peptides', download_form => $download_select, rs_params => \%rs_params, file_prefix => 'best_peptides_', bg_color => '#EAEAEA', sortable => 1, table_id => 'pabst', close_table => 1, ); # "Publish" data as indirect resource for firegoose. my $namelist = join( "\n", @namelist ); my $tempfile = $sbeams->writeSBEAMSTempFile( content => $namelist ); my @name = split "/", $tempfile; my $base = $q->url( -base => 1 ); my $tmpfile_url = "$base/$HTML_BASE_DIR/tmp/$name[$#name]"; my $gXML = $sbeams->getGaggleXML( data => $tmpfile_url, organism => $organism, object => 'namelist', start => 1, end => 1, name => 'SRM_transitions', type => 'indirect' ); my $rs = $atlas->get_cached_resultset( rs_name => $rs_name ); if ( $is_html ) { $content .= "

$html $gXML"; } else { if ( !$is_html && !$rs_params{set_name} ) { $rs_params{set_name} = 'srm_atlas_build_' . $pabst_build_id; } my $suppress_header = 1; my $omode = $sbeams->output_mode(); if ( $omode =~ /tsv|json/i ) { $suppress_header = 0; } $sbeams->displayResultSet( resultset_ref => $rs, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=> \%rs_params, url_cols_ref=> [], hidden_cols_ref=> {}, max_widths=> {}, column_titles_ref=> $rs->{column_list_ref}, base_url=> '', suppress_header => $suppress_header, output_mode => $sbeams->output_mode() ); } #### If QUERY was not selected, then tell the user to enter some parameters } else { if ($sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http' && $is_html ) { $content .= "

Select parameters above and press QUERY

\n"; } else { $content .= "You must supply some parameters to contrain the query\n"; } } # open FRM, ">/tmp/form"; # print FRM qq~ # $content # ~; if ( $is_html ) { print $sbeams->addTabbedPane( label => 'Results' ); print "$content\n"; print $sbeams->closeTabbedPane( selected => 'Results' ); } $sbeams->time_stmt( "Done. Almost" ); return unless ( $parameters{protein_context} ); $sbeams->time_stmt( "Context? What is context?" ); # print $sbeams->addTabbedPane( label => 'Context' ); # print get_protein_context( %parameters ); # print $sbeams->closeTabbedPane( selected => 'Results' ); } # end fetch_transitions sub fill_in_genes { my $acc2gene = shift; my %mia; for my $prot ( keys( %{$acc2gene} ) ) { $mia{$prot}++ unless $acc2gene->{$prot}; } return unless scalar( keys( %mia ) ); my $pstr = "'" . join( "','", keys( %mia ) ) . "'"; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT biosequence_name, biosequence_gene_name FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE WHERE biosequence_name IN ( $pstr ) AND biosequence_gene_name IS NOT NULL AND biosequence_gene_name <> '' ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $acc2gene->{$row[0]} ||= $row[1]; } return; } sub get_gene_symbols { my $acc = shift; my $pstr = "'" . join( "','", @{$acc} ) . "'"; my %acc2symbol; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT entry_accession, gene_symbol, nextprot_id FROM $TBAT_UNIPROT_DB_ENTRY WHERE entry_accession IN ( $pstr ) ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { my $symbol = $row[1]; $symbol =~ s/://g; $symbol =~ s/;//g; my $np = $row[2]; $acc2symbol{$row[0]} ||= {}; $acc2symbol{$row[0]}->{symbol} = $symbol; $acc2symbol{$row[0]}->{nextprot} = $np; } return \%acc2symbol; } sub update_status { my $msg = shift || return; print qq~ ~ if $is_html; } sub get_quant_info { my %quant; my $pep_string = shift || return \%quant; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT peptide_sequence, lod, loq FROM $TBAT_QUANT_INFO WHERE product_mz IS NULL AND fail_mode = 'PASSED' AND peptide_sequence IN ( $pep_string ) ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $quant{$row[0]} = { lod => sprintf( "%0.2f", $row[1] ) || 'n/a', loq => sprintf( "%0.2f", $row[2] ) || 'n/a', }; } return \%quant; } sub get_protein_context { my %args = @_; # die Dumper( %args ); my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT peptide_sequence, FROM $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE PP JOIN $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PPM ON PP.proteotypic_peptide_id = PPM.proteotypic_peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B ON PPM.source_biosequence_id = B.biosequence_id WHERE biosequence_set_id = $parameters{build_bss_id} ~; my %bioseqs; # my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); # while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { # } return 'Content'; return '
'; } ################## sub get_peptide_mappings { my %mappings; my $pep_string = shift || return \%mappings; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT peptide_sequence, CASE WHEN n_sp_mapping IS NULL THEN n_protein_mappings ELSE n_sp_mapping END AS mappings , source_biosequence_id FROM $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE PP JOIN $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PPM ON PP.proteotypic_peptide_id = PPM.proteotypic_peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B ON PPM.source_biosequence_id = B.biosequence_id WHERE biosequence_set_id = $parameters{build_bss_id} AND peptide_sequence IN ( $pep_string ) ~; my %bioseqs; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $mappings{$row[0]} ||= $row[1]; $bioseqs{$row[2]} ||= {}; $bioseqs{$row[2]}->{$row[0]}++; } my $bioseq_str = join( ',', keys( %bioseqs ) ); $parameters{show_mapping_acc} = 1; if ( $parameters{show_mapping_acc} ) { my %pep2accstr; if ( $bioseq_str ) { my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT biosequence_accession, biosequence_id FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE WHERE biosequence_id IN ( $bioseq_str ) ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { for my $pep ( keys( %{$bioseqs{$row[1]}} ) ) { my $sep = ( $pep2accstr{$pep} ) ? ',' : ''; $pep2accstr{$pep} .= $sep . $row[0]; } } } for my $pep ( keys( %mappings ) ) { if ( $pep2accstr{$pep} ) { my $cnt = $mappings{$pep}; $mappings{$pep} = "$cnt" if $is_html; } else { } } } return \%mappings; } sub get_bad_qqq { my %args = ( sequence_clause => '', probability => 0.5, @_ ); $args{sequence_clause} =~ s/PP\.peptide_//gm; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT modified_sequence, charge FROM $TBAT_CONSENSUS_LIBRARY_SPECTRUM WHERE consensus_library_id = 293 AND probability < $args{probability} $args{sequence_clause} ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); my %spectra; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { my $spec_key = $row[0] . $row[1]; $spectra{$spec_key}++; } return \%spectra; } sub isIRT { my $build_resources = shift || return 0; my $rt_type_clause = ''; if ( $parameters{rt_type} && $parameters{rt_type} =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $rt_type_clause = " AND ET.elution_time_type_id = $parameters{rt_type}"; } my $et = join( ',', keys( %{$build_resources->{elution_time_set}} ) ); my $et_sql = qq~ SELECT elution_time_type FROM $TBAT_ELUTION_TIME ET join $TBAT_ELUTION_TIME_TYPE ETT ON ET.elution_time_type_id = ETT.elution_time_type_id WHERE ET.elution_time_set IN ( $et ) $rt_type_clause ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($et_sql); my $is_irt = 0; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { if ( $row[0] =~ /irt/i ) { $is_irt = 1; } else { $is_irt = 0; last; } } return $is_irt; } sub get_scan_path { my %args = @_; my $subclause = ''; if ( $args{scan_clause} ) { $subclause = qq~ AND modified_sequence IN ( SELECT DISTINCT modified_peptide_sequence FROM $TBAT_PABST_PEPTIDE_ION WHERE pabst_peptide_id IN ( $args{scan_clause} ) ) ~; } my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT peptide_ion, mzML_path, scan_number, instrument_type_name FROM $TBAT_CHROMATOGRAM_SOURCE_FILE CSF JOIN $TBAT_INSTRUMENT_TYPE IT ON IT.instrument_type_id = CSF.instrument_type_id WHERE 1 = 1 $subclause ~; # AND source_file_set = 4 $log->debug( "Exec scan path SQL" . time() ); my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); $log->debug( "Done" . time() ); my %pepion2scan = { QTrap5500 => {}, QQQ => {} }; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $pepion2scan{$row[3]}->{$row[0]} = { scan => $row[2], path => $row[1] }; $pepion2scan{$row[3]}->{$row[0]} = { scan => $row[2], path => $row[1] }; } return \%pepion2scan; } sub get_consensus_links { my %args = @_; my $seq = $args{seq}; my $chg = $args{chg}; my $libs = $args{libs}; my $seq2badlinks = {}; my $organism = $args{organism}; my $consensus_srcs = $args{consensrc} || {}; my $has_ce = $args{has_ce} || 0; my $spectrum_key = $seq . $chg; my $link = ''; my $glyco = ( $parameters{pabst_build_id} == 154 ) ? 1 : 0; if ( !$parameters{prefetch} ) { $libs = $consensus->getConsensusLinks( modified_sequence => $seq, organism => $organism, pabst_build_id => $pabst_build_id, has_ce => $has_ce, glyco => $glyco, super_guest => $super_guest ); } my %instr = ( QQQ => 'Agilent 6460 QQQ', QTrap5500 => 'ABI SCIEX QTRAP 5500', QTrap => 'ABI SCIEX QTRAP', QTrap4000 => 'ABI SCIEX QTRAP 4000', QTOF => 'Agilent 6530 QTOF', IonTrap => 'IonTrap' ); my @links; # if ( !$guest || $super_guest ) { if ( 1 ) { my $link = ''; if ( $libs->{qtof}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$chg spectrum for $seq in $instr{QTOF} library"; $link = " "; } push @links, $link if $consensus_srcs->{QTOF}; $link = ''; if ( $libs->{medium}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$chg spectra for $seq from $instr{QTOF} at various CE values"; my $param_str; my $xmax = 1200; my $xmin = 200; for my $opt ( 'medium','high','low','mhigh', 'mlow' ) { $libs->{$opt}->{$spectrum_key} ||= ''; $param_str .= ";$opt=$libs->{$opt}->{$spectrum_key}"; } $link = " "; } push @links, $link if $has_ce; $link = ''; if ( $libs->{qtrap}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$chg spectrum for $seq in $instr{QTrap} library"; $link = " "; } push @links, $link if $consensus_srcs->{QTrap5500} || $consensus_srcs->{QTrap4000}; $link = ''; if ( $libs->{qqq}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $image = "$HTML_BASE_DIR/images/spectrum.gif"; $image = "$HTML_BASE_DIR/images/redqmark.gif" if $seq2badlinks->{$spectrum_key}; my $title = "View +$chg spectrum for $seq in $instr{QQQ} library"; $link = " "; } push @links, $link if $consensus_srcs->{QQQ}; } my $link = ''; if ( $libs->{it}->{$spectrum_key} ) { my $title = "View +$chg spectrum for $seq in Ion Trap library"; $link = " "; } push @links, $link if $consensus_srcs->{IonTrap}; return \@links; } sub get_PATR_transitions { return {}; my %args = @_; # Superfluous # return unless $args{peptides}; # my $peptide_clause = " WHERE P.peptide_sequence IN ( "; # my $sep = ''; # for my $pep ( @{$args{peptides}} ) { # next if $pep =~ /amino acid/i; # $peptide_clause .= $sep . "'" . $pep . "'"; # $sep = ','; # } # $peptide_clause .= ")\n"; my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT P.peptide_sequence, modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge, Q1_mz ,Q3_mz, Q3_ion_label, collision_energy, SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, retention_time, 'na', '' FROM $TBAT_SRM_TRANSITION SMT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON P.peptide_sequence = SMT.stripped_peptide_sequence ORDER BY modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge, transition_suitablity_level, Q1_mz, Q3_mz ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); my %pep_rows; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $pep_rows{$row[0]} = \@row; } return \%pep_rows; } sub calculateCE { my %args = @_; for my $attr ( qw( charge mz ) ) { return '' unless $attr; } my $ce = ''; if ( $args{charge} == 2 ) { $ce = ( 0.044 * $args{mz} ) + 5.5; } elsif ( $args{charge} == 3 ) { $ce = ( 0.051 * $args{mz} ) + 0.55 } return sprintf( "%0.1f", $ce); } sub is_srma_preview_site { my $referrer = shift || $q->referer(); my $is_allowed = 0; if ( !$referrer ) { $log->error( "No referrer sent to srmatlas_preview, aborting" ); return $is_allowed; } $CONFIG_SETTING{SRMATLAS_PREVIEW_SITES} ||= ''; my @sites = split( /\s+/, $CONFIG_SETTING{SRMATLAS_PREVIEW_SITES} ); for my $site ( @sites ) { if ( $referrer =~ /$site/ ) { $is_allowed++; last; } } return ( $is_allowed ); }