#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : GetProtein # $Id$ # # Description : Prints summary of a given protein given selection # atlas build and protein name. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use Data::Dumper; use URI::Escape; use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); $|++; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeams->enable_sql_cache(); my $htmlmode; use SBEAMS::BioLink; use SBEAMS::BioLink::Tables; my $biolink = SBEAMS::BioLink->new(); $biolink->setSBEAMS($sbeams); use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ProtInfo; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::GetOrigeneCov; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); my $origenecov = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::GetOrigeneCov; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::KeySearch; my $keySearch = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::KeySearch; $keySearch->setSBEAMS($sbeams); use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; my $bestPeptideSelector = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::BestPeptideSelector; $bestPeptideSelector->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $bestPeptideSelector->setAtlas($sbeamsMOD); # Global sequence coverage array, will be populated post-graphic my @coverage; my $max_intensity = 1; my %coverage=(); my @methods = qw(ITCID FTCID ITETD FTETD HCD); # Swiss Prot annotations my @sp_rows; my $sp_rationale; my $current_page = { organism => '', atlas_build_id => '' }; my $parameters; my $swiss; # fetch info from swissprot/nextprot if applicable use constant MIN_OBS_LENGTH => 7; use constant MAX_OBS_LENGTH => 40; ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <profile_sql( list=>1); exit(0); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # Call $sbeams->Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin', 'PeptideAtlas_readonly', 'PeptideAtlas_exec'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; $parameters = \%parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); # Cache current output mode $htmlmode = ( $sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' ) ? 1 : 0; #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if ($parameters{action} eq "???") { # Some action } else { # TMF processDatabaseActions(); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); } } # end main ############################################################################### # Process insert/update/delete, if any, then redirect # TMF: copied this sub from ShowObservedSpectrum, then made a few # changes ############################################################################### sub processDatabaseActions { my $redirect = 0; my %parameters; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); if ($apply_action eq "UPDATE ANNOTATION") { my %rowdata = ( spectrum_annotation_level_id => $parameters{user_spectrum_annotation}, comment => $parameters{user_spectrum_commment} ); my $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( update => 1, # TMF table_name => $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, # TMF next 2 lines PK => 'protein_identification_annotation_id', PK_value => $parameters{protein_identification_annotation_id}, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been updated." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem updating your annotation record." ); } $redirect++; } elsif ($apply_action eq "ADD ANNOTATION") { my $PK; my $error_reason= ''; if ( ! $parameters{protein_identification_id} ) { $error_reason .= "Need protein_identification_id for ADD ANNOTATION."; } else { my %rowdata = ( annotator_contact_id => $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(), # TMF #spectrum_identification_id => $parameters{spectrum_identification_id}, protein_identification_id => $parameters{protein_identification_id}, spectrum_annotation_level_id => $parameters{user_spectrum_annotation}, comment => $parameters{user_spectrum_commment} ); $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => 1, # TMF table_name => $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); } if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been added." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem inserting your annotation record. $error_reason" ); } $redirect++; } elsif ($apply_action eq "DELETE ANNOTATION") { my %rowdata = ( record_status => 'D' ); my $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( update => 1, #TMF table_name => $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, PK => 'protein_identification_annotation_id', PK_value => $parameters{protein_identification_annotation_id}, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been deleted." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem deleting your annotation record." ); } $redirect++; } if ($redirect) { $q->delete( 'apply_action' ); print $q->redirect( $q->self_url() ); exit; } } ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #### Get the HTML to display the tabs my $tabMenu = $sbeamsMOD->getTabMenu( parameters_ref => \%parameters, program_name => $PROG_NAME, ); my $contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); # die $contact_id; my $protein_list_sql = ''; if ( $parameters{atlas_build_id} && $parameters{protein_name} ) { $protein_list_sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT AB.atlas_build_id FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST_BUILD PLB ON AB.atlas_build_id = PLB.atlas_build_id JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST PL ON PL.protein_list_id = PLB.protein_list_id JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_LIST_PROTEIN PLP ON PL.protein_list_id = PLP.protein_list_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B ON ( B.biosequence_set_id = AB.biosequence_set_ID AND B.biosequence_name = PLP.protein_name ) WHERE PL.contributor_contact_id = $contact_id AND AB.atlas_build_id = $parameters{atlas_build_id} AND PLP.protein_name = '$parameters{protein_name}' ~; } #### Get the current atlas_build_id based on parameters or session my $atlas_build_id = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( allow_protein_list_login => 1, protein_list_sql => $protein_list_sql, parameters_ref => \%parameters, display_page_header_footer => 1, PROG_NAME => $PROG_NAME, ); if (defined($atlas_build_id) && $atlas_build_id < 0) { return; } $parameters{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_build_id; $current_page->{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_build_id; $parameters->{motif} = $sbeamsMOD->getBuildMotif( build_id => $atlas_build_id ) || ''; #### Get the search keyword my $protein_name = $parameters{"protein_name"}; if (! $parameters->{caching}){ my $html_cache_name =''; if ($ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /GetProtein$/){ $protein_name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//; $html_cache_name = lc("apply_action=QUERY\&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id". "\&protein_name=$protein_name"); }else{ if($ENV{"REQUEST_URI"}=~ /\?/) { my ($path , $query_string) = split(/\?/, $ENV{"REQUEST_URI"}); my %parameter_hash =(); my @TempArray=split("&", $query_string); foreach my $item (@TempArray) { my ($Key, $Value)=split("=", $item); $Value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//; $parameter_hash{$Key}=$Value; } @TempArray = (); foreach my $param(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %parameter_hash){ push @TempArray, "$param=$parameter_hash{$param}"; } $html_cache_name= lc(join('&', @TempArray)); } } my $html_cache_loc = ''; if ($PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR !~ /dev\w+\/sbeams/){ $html_cache_loc = "/net/dblocal/www/html/sbeamscommon/htmlcache/GetProtein"; }else{ $html_cache_loc = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/htmlcache/GetProtein"; } #$log->debug("html_cache_name $ENV{REQUEST_URI} $html_cache_loc/$html_cache_name"); if ( -e "$html_cache_loc/$html_cache_name"){ if (open (IN,"<$html_cache_loc/$html_cache_name")){ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $_ while (); close IN; exit; } } } my $project_id = $sbeamsMOD->getProjectID( atlas_build_id => $parameters{atlas_build_id} ); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id, init_tooltip => 1); print $tabMenu->asHTML() if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); my ($tube, $origene_accession,$expected_prot); #### If a new protein_name was supplied, store it my $protein_name = $parameters{"protein_name"}; my $cached_protein_name = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_protein_name', ); if ($protein_name) { $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_protein_name', value => "$protein_name", ); if ($protein_name ne $cached_protein_name){ $parameters{exp_cat_full} = ''; $parameters{exp_cat} = ''; } #### Else see if we had one stored } else { if ($cached_protein_name){ $protein_name = $cached_protein_name; $parameters{'apply_action'} = 'GO'; } } $parameters{use_nextprot} = ( $parameters->{use_nextprot} ne '' && $parameters->{use_nextprot} == 0 ) ? 0 : 1; $swiss = $sbeamsMOD->get_uniprot_annotation( show_all_snps => 1, accession => $protein_name, build_id => $parameters{atlas_build_id}, use_nextprot => $parameters{use_nextprot} ); #### do the same for tube name if ($parameters{ori_tube} ne '') { $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_tube', value => $parameters{"ori_tube"}, ); $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_sku', value => $parameters{"ori_sku"}, ); $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_expected_prot', value => $parameters{"ori_expected_prot"}, ); #### Else see if we had one stored } else { $tube = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_tube', ); $origene_accession = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_sku', ); $expected_prot = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_ori_expected_prot', ); if ($tube and $protein_name) { $parameters{'apply_action'} = 'GO'; } } #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### Set some specific settings for this program my $CATEGORY="Get Protein"; my $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME = $PROG_NAME; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; my $help_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/help_popup.cgi"; #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams('q' => $q); my $n_params_found = 0; if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); $n_params_found = 99; } #### Get a list of accessible project_ids my @accessible_project_ids = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $accessible_project_ids = join( ",", @accessible_project_ids ) || '0'; #### Get a hash of available atlas builds my $sql = qq~ SELECT atlas_build_id,atlas_build_name FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE project_id IN ( $accessible_project_ids ) AND record_status!='D' ORDER BY atlas_build_name ~; my %atlas_build_names = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); my $sample_category_display=0; if ($atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id} =~ /(human|mouse|arabidop|maize|Escherichia|canine)/i){ $sample_category_display=1; } my %name2build = reverse( %atlas_build_names ); my @ordered_atlas_build_ids; for my $name ( sort ( keys( %name2build ) ) ) { push @ordered_atlas_build_ids, $name2build{$name}; } unless ( grep /^$atlas_build_id$/, @ordered_atlas_build_ids ) { my ($build_name) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( "SELECT atlas_build_name FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id" ); push @ordered_atlas_build_ids, $atlas_build_id; $atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id} = $build_name; } # die "ID is $atlas_build_id, and name is $atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}"; my $tube_pattern = ''; my $tube_pattern2 = ''; my $tube = ''; if($parameters{ori_tube} ne '' and $atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id} =~ /Origene/i){ $tube = $parameters{ori_tube}; if($parameters{ori_expected_prot} =~ /yes/i ){ $origene_accession = $parameters{ori_sku}; }; $tube =~ /(ISBHOT\d+)\-(\w)(\d+)/; if($4 <= 10 and $4 !~ /^0/){ $tube_pattern = '%'.$1.'%'.$2.$3.'%'; $tube_pattern2 = '%'.$1.'%'.$2.'0'.$3.'%'; }else{ $tube_pattern = '%'.$1.'%'.$2.$3.'%'; } } #### If the output_mode is HTML, then display the form if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print qq~ ~; print "

"; print ""; print $q->start_form(-method=>"POST", -action=>"$base_url", -name=>"SearchForm", ); print $q->hidden( "use_nextprot", $q->param( 'use_nextprot' ) ); print "PeptideAtlas Build: "; print $q->popup_menu(-name => "atlas_build_id", -values => [ @ordered_atlas_build_ids ], -labels => \%atlas_build_names, -default => $atlas_build_id, -onChange => 'switchAtlasBuild()', ); my %p_defs = ( use_ssr => 1, use_tm => 1, use_sig => 1, use_len => 1, min_ssr => 10, max_ssr => 60, min_len => 7, max_len => 30 ); print "
"; print "Protein Name: "; print $q->textfield( -name => "protein_name", -size=>50, -default=>$protein_name ); if ($sample_category_display){ print $q->br; print $q->br; print "\n

Experiment Categories: \n"; print ''; print "\n"; print $q->scrolling_list(-id=>'exp_cat', -name=>'exp_cat', -values=>[], -size=>5, -style =>'margin-left:5px;', -multiple=>'true'); print "\n"; print $q->hidden( "apply_action", ''); print "\n"; print $q->hidden( "exp_cat_full", ''); print "\n"; print $q->submit(-name => "action", -value => 'QUERY', -style => 'margin-left:30px;', -label => 'GO', -onClick => 'switchAtlasBuild()', ); print "\n
\n"; }else{ print $q->submit(-name => "action", -value => 'QUERY', -style => 'margin-left:30px;', -label => 'GO', ); print "\n"; } my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'extra_fields', visible => 0, fulllink => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); print "
Show/hide extra fields $link"; print "\n"; for my $field ( qw( use_ssr min_ssr max_ssr use_len min_len max_len use_tm use_sig ) ) { $parameters{$field} = $p_defs{$field} if !defined $parameters{$field}; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; print "$field: "; print $q->textfield( $field, $parameters{$field}); print "
\n"; $current_page->{organism} = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasOrganism( parameters_ref => { atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id } ); my $gaggle = $sbeams->getGaggleMicroformat( organism => $current_page->{organism}, data => [$protein_name], object => 'namelist', name => 'Protein name', type => 'direct' ); if( $atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id} =~ /Origene/i){ print "   "; print "Origene Tube: "; print $q->textfield( -name => "ori_tube", -value => $tube, -size => 25); } print $q->hidden( "apply_action", ''); print $q->end_form; print "
"; print "

"; print "$gaggle\n"; } ######################################################################### #### Process all the constraints #### If atlas_build_id was not selected, stop here unless ($atlas_build_id) { if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print "Please select an atlas build, type in a protein name ". "(e.g. ENSP00000290230 for human Ensembl protein), and ". "click GO"; } else { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'INSUFFICIENT CONSTRAINTS', message => 'You must provide an atlas_build_id', ); } return; } #### If biosequence_name was not selected, stop here unless ($protein_name) { if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print "Please type in a protein name ". "(e.g. ENSP00000290230 for human Ensembl protein), and ". "click GO"; } else { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'INSUFFICIENT CONSTRAINTS', message => 'You must provide a protein_name', ); } return; } my $sql = qq~ SELECT IS_TRYPSIN_BUILD FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE ATLAS_BUILD_ID = $atlas_build_id ~ ; my @row = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); my $is_trypsin_build = 'Y'; if(@row){ if ($row[0] eq 'N'){ $is_trypsin_build = 'N'; } } if($is_trypsin_build eq 'N'){ print qq~
WARNING: This build contains many samples that are not digested with trypsin and therefore the usual trypsin-centric display elements are turned off.
~; } #### Build ATLAS_BUILD constraint my $atlas_build_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"AB.atlas_build_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"Atlas Build", constraint_value=>$atlas_build_id ); return if ($atlas_build_clause eq '-1'); #### Build PROTEIN_NAME constraint my $biosequence_name_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"BS.biosequence_name", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Protein Name", constraint_value=>$protein_name ); return if ($biosequence_name_clause eq '-1'); #### Define the SQL statement to find the biosequence $sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_id, BS.biosequence_name FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB INNER JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON ( AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( BSS.biosequence_set_id = BS.biosequence_set_id ) WHERE 1 = 1 $atlas_build_clause $biosequence_name_clause ~; my %biosequences = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); my $n_biosequences = scalar(keys(%biosequences)); #### If the protein was not found, report the problem if ($n_biosequences == 0) { if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print qq~ This protein identifier was not found in atlas build '$atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}'.
Please check selections and try again.

Or, search for the identifer across all major PeptideAtlas builds:   
~; ## looking for similar ids my $sql = qq~ SELECT SKE.RESOURCE_NAME, SKE.RESOURCE_TYPE, BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID FROM $TBAT_SEARCH_KEY_ENTITY SKE JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME = SKE.SEARCH_KEY_NAME) JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON (AB.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID AND AB.ATLAS_BUILD_ID = $atlas_build_id) WHERE SKE.RESOURCE_NAME in ( ( SELECT SKE2.PROTEIN_ALIAS_MASTER FROM $TBAT_SEARCH_KEY_ENTITY SKE2 WHERE SKE2.RESOURCE_NAME like '$protein_name%' ) UNION ( SELECT SKE4.RESOURCE_NAME FROM $TBAT_SEARCH_KEY_ENTITY SKE4 WHERE SKE4.PROTEIN_ALIAS_MASTER like '$protein_name%' ) UNION ( SELECT SKE4.RESOURCE_NAME FROM $TBAT_SEARCH_KEY_ENTITY SKE4 WHERE SKE4.search_key_name like '$protein_name%' ) ) ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns ($sql); if (@rows){ my %related_names = (); my %ids; foreach my $row(@rows){ my ($name, $type, $biosequence_id) = @$row; $related_names{$name} = $type; $ids{$biosequence_id} =1; } my $biosequence_ids = join (",", keys %ids); $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT B1.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, B2.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BR LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B1 ON (B1.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR.RELATED_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B2 ON (B2.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR.REFERENCE_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) WHERE BR.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id AND (BR.related_biosequence_id in ($biosequence_ids) OR BR.reference_biosequence_id in ($biosequence_ids)) AND RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID = 2 ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns ($sql); my %biosequence_identifcal = (); foreach my $row(@rows){ my ($name1, $name2) = @$row; $biosequence_identifcal{$name1}{$name2} =1; foreach my $p (keys %{$biosequence_identifcal{$name2}}){ $biosequence_identifcal{$name1}{$p} =1; } $biosequence_identifcal{$name2}{$name1} = 1; foreach my $p (keys %{$biosequence_identifcal{$name1}}){ $biosequence_identifcal{$name2}{$p} =1; } } print "

Here are some related protein names in the same build. Proteins in the same row have identical sequences.

" if (keys %related_names); foreach my $name(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %related_names){ print "$name"; if (defined $biosequence_identifcal{$name}){ foreach my $name3(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$biosequence_identifcal{$name}}){ next if ($name3 eq $name); print ", $name3"; } } print "

"; } print "

"; }else{ $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'RECORD NOT FOUND', message => "The protein entered '$protein_name' was not found ". "in the atlas build '$atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}'.", ); } } else { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'RECORD NOT FOUND', message => "The protein entered '$protein_name' was not found ". "in the atlas build '$atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}'.", ); } return; } #### If more than one protein was found, list them if ($n_biosequences > 1) { if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print qq~ Several ($n_biosequences) entries were returned from your request for '$protein_name' in the atlas build '$atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}'. Please select the appropriate one:

~; while (my ($key,$value) = each (%biosequences)) { print "$value

"; } } else { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'TOO MANY RECORDS', message => qq~More than one ($n_biosequences) was returned from your request for '$protein_name' in the atlas build '$atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id}'.~, ); } return; } #### Extract the one biosequence_id my ($biosequence_id) = keys(%biosequences); #### Return some information about this biosequence #### In order to get complete protein identification information #### for all biosequences, even those that are identical to an #### indistinguishable, we have to do two/three layers of joins to #### biosequence_relationship and protein_identification. See #### comment below (search for term ref_ref_group_rep). $sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_id, BS.biosequence_name,BS.biosequence_gene_name, BS.biosequence_accession, BS.biosequence_desc, BS.biosequence_seq,BSS.set_name, DBX.accessor,DBX.accessor_suffix, BAG.annotated_gene_id, BPS.transmembrane_class, BPS.transmembrane_topology, BPS.has_signal_peptide, BPS.has_signal_peptide_probability, BPS.signal_peptide_length, BPS.signal_peptide_is_cleaved, BPS.published_ng_per_ml, BPS.pub_ng_ml_source, PID.estimated_ng_per_ml, PID.abundance_uncertainty, PID.probability, PID.confidence, PID.n_observations, PID.norm_PSMs_per_100K, PPL.level_name, BSRT.relationship_name, BS_REP.biosequence_name as "group_rep", BS_REF.biosequence_name as "reference_biosequence_name", BS_REF_REP.biosequence_name as "ref_group_rep", BS_REF_REF_REP.biosequence_name as "ref_ref_group_rep", BPS.tm_sigp_source, BS_SUBSUMED_BY.biosequence_name as "subsumed_by_biosequence_name" FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS INNER JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( BSS.biosequence_set_id = BS.biosequence_set_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_DBXREF DBX ON ( BS.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_ANNOTATED_GENE BAG ON ( BAG.biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_PROPERTY_SET BPS ON ( BS.biosequence_id = BPS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID ON ( PID.biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) AND ( PID.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REP ON ( BS_REP.biosequence_id = PID.represented_by_biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_PRESENCE_LEVEL PPL ON ( PPL.protein_presence_level_id = PID.presence_level_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BSR ON ( BSR.related_biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE BSRT ON ( BSRT.biosequence_relationship_type_id = BSR.relationship_type_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF ON ( BS_REF.biosequence_id = BSR.reference_biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID_REF ON ( PID_REF.biosequence_id = BS_REF.biosequence_id ) AND ( PID_REF.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF_REP ON ( BS_REF_REP.biosequence_id = PID_REF.represented_by_biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BSR_REF ON ( BSR_REF.related_biosequence_id = BS_REF.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF_REF ON ( BS_REF_REF.biosequence_id = BSR_REF.reference_biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID_REF_REF ON ( PID_REF_REF.biosequence_id = BS_REF_REF.biosequence_id ) AND ( PID_REF_REF.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF_REF_REP ON ( BS_REF_REF_REP.biosequence_id = PID_REF_REF.represented_by_biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_SUBSUMED_BY ON ( BS_SUBSUMED_BY.biosequence_id = PID.subsumed_by_biosequence_id) WHERE BS.biosequence_id = $biosequence_id ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectHashArray($sql); my $n_rows = scalar @rows; # assume first row contains all the info we want my $biosequence = $rows[0]; # Now getting SwissProt info directly from $swiss object # Supercede with SwissProt info if ( 0 ) { my $sp_sql = qq~ SELECT BS.biosequence_id, signal_end, signal_start FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS JOIN $TBAT_SWISS_PROT_ANNOTATION SPA ON BS.biosequence_name = SPA.accession WHERE BS.biosequence_id = $biosequence_id ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sp_sql); while ( my @db_row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { @sp_rows = @db_row; last; } } # End 'dummy' swiss prot db lookup #### Build the full identification status my $presence_level = $biosequence->{level_name}; my $redundancy_rel = $biosequence->{relationship_name}; my $identification_status = ''; my %prepositions = ( subsumed=>"by", "ntt-subsumed"=>"by", identical=>"to", indistinguishable=>"from" ); if (defined $presence_level) { $identification_status = $presence_level; } elsif (defined $redundancy_rel) { $identification_status = $redundancy_rel; } if ($prepositions{$identification_status}) { if ($biosequence->{subsumed_by_biosequence_name}){ $identification_status .= " $prepositions{$identification_status} $biosequence->{subsumed_by_biosequence_name}"; }else{ $identification_status .= " $prepositions{$identification_status} $biosequence->{reference_biosequence_name}"; } } #### Display a large title, status, and status description renderProteinAccessionAndStatus( identification_status => $identification_status, biosequence => $biosequence, base_url => $base_url, ); ############################################################################# #### Print out a summary of the protein ############################################################################# my $htmlcontent = ''; my $tr = 'class="hoverable"'; if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { $htmlcontent = qq~ ~; # Display a link to Steven Lewis's 3D visualization tool if available. # Eventually, will move 3D resources to PeptideAtlas server area # and URL will change. my $acc = $biosequence->{biosequence_name}; my $acc_is_present = 0; #-------------------------------------------------- # Disable because not maintained. TMF 11/05/13 # my $available_viz_acc = `wget -q -O - http://ec2-204-236-255-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com/peptides/protein/`; # my @acc_is_present = grep (/${acc}.html/, ($available_viz_acc)); # my $acc_is_present = scalar @acc_is_present; #-------------------------------------------------- my $build_path = $sbeamsMOD->getAtlasBuildDirectory( atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id ); my $url = $acc_is_present ? "http://ec2-204-236-255-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com/peptides/protein/pages/${acc}.html": ''; my $key = $acc_is_present ? "Protein Name and Visualization" : "Protein Name"; $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>$key, tr_info => $tr, value=>$acc, url=>$url, #url=>"$biosequence->{accessor}$biosequence->{biosequence_accession}$biosequence->{accessor_suffix}", ); if (-e "$build_path/../analysis/build_detail_tables.tsv") { #get proteome source for protein open (IN, "<$build_path/../analysis/build_detail_tables.tsv"); while (my $line =){ next if ($line !~ /^proteome_coverage/); $line =~ s/\t.*//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; my @elms = split(/(?match_proteome_component(pattern=>\@patterns, source_type => $pat_type, biosequence_name => $biosequence->{biosequence_accession}, biosequence_desc => $biosequence->{biosequence_desc}); if ($matched){ $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Proteome Database', tr_info => $tr, value=>$proteome, ); } } } } $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Gene Symbol', tr_info => $tr, value=>$biosequence->{biosequence_gene_name}, ); # PEFF my $had_peff = 0; while ($biosequence->{biosequence_desc} =~ m/\\([^=]+)=([^\\]+)/g) { $had_peff++; my $peffval = $2; if (length($peffval) > 1500) { my $htmlid = "_htmlpeffheader$1"; $peffval = substr($2,0,1480)." ...more"; } $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>"   PEFF $1", tr_info => $tr, value=>$peffval ); } # otherwise... $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Description', tr_info => $tr, value=>$biosequence->{biosequence_desc} ) unless $had_peff; if($origene_accession){ $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Origene SKU', tr_info => $tr, value=>$origene_accession, url => "http://www.origene.com/protein/$origene_accession/GOT1.aspx" ); } my $presence_level_string = ""; my $hidden_form_fields = qq~ ~; my $user_annotation = &printUserAnnotations( protein_name => $protein_name, parameters_href => \%parameters, form_fields => $hidden_form_fields ); if ($user_annotation !~ /no user annotations/ && ! $parameters{'ann'}){ $user_annotation =~ s/User annotations.*neXtProt\?/Manual Annotations:/; $identification_status .= $user_annotation; } $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Identification Status', tr_info => $tr, value=>$identification_status, ); my $group_rep = ''; # if this bioseq has a presence_level ... if (defined $biosequence->{group_rep}) { $group_rep = $biosequence->{group_rep}; # if this bioseq is ident/indist from a bioseq with a presence level ... } elsif ( defined $biosequence->{ref_group_rep}) { $group_rep = $biosequence->{ref_group_rep}; # if this bioseq is ident/indist from an indist bioseq ... } elsif ( defined $biosequence->{ref_ref_group_rep}) { $group_rep = $biosequence->{ref_ref_group_rep}; } # my $group_string=qq~ #$group_rep # ~; # $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( # key=>'Protein Group', # tr_info => $tr, # value=>$group_string, # ); my $cluster_id_file = "$build_path/Orthogroups.txt"; if (-e $cluster_id_file){ if (open (C, "<$cluster_id_file")){ while (my $line = ){ my @prot_in_isolates =split(/\s+/,$line); next if (@prot_in_isolates == 1); foreach my $p(@prot_in_isolates){ if ($p eq $biosequence->{biosequence_name}){ my $s ="$p"; $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Compare Isolate Sequences', tr_info => $tr, value=>$s, ); last; } } } } } my $prob_string = sprintf("%0.5f", $biosequence->{probability}); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'ProteinProphet Probability', tr_info => $tr, value=>$prob_string, ); $prob_string = sprintf("%0.5f", $biosequence->{confidence}); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Mult Hyp Testing Probability', tr_info => $tr, value=>$prob_string, ); # TMF: remove this conditional if/when want to release this feature to production. if ($parameters{'ann'}) { $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'User Assessment for inclusion in Swiss/neXtProt', tr_info => $tr, value => '
-- please wait for page load --
', ); } if ( defined $biosequence->{estimated_ng_per_ml}) { my $conc_string = sprintf("%0.1f ng/ml (%s uncertainty)", $biosequence->{estimated_ng_per_ml}, $biosequence->{abundance_uncertainty}); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Estimated concentration', tr_info => $tr, value=>$conc_string, ); } if ( defined $biosequence->{published_ng_per_ml}) { my $conc_string = sprintf("%0.1f ng/ml (%s)", $biosequence->{published_ng_per_ml}, $biosequence->{pub_ng_ml_source}); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key=>'Published concentration', tr_info => $tr, value=>$conc_string, ); } # If we have annotations #if ( $biosequence->{annotated_gene_id} ){ # my $annot = $biolink->get_leaf_annotations( annotated_gene_id => $biosequence->{annotated_gene_id} ); # my %fx = ( C => 'Cellular Location', # F => 'Molecular Function', # P => 'Biological Process' ); # for my $type ( qw(F P C) ) { # my $key = $type . 'pri'; # if ( $annot->{$key} ) { # my $display = $sbeams->truncateStringWithMouseover( len => 80, # string => $annot->{$key}); # # $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => $fx{$type}, # tr_info => $tr, # value => $display ); # } # } #} # Check to see if there is ortholog information my $orthologs = get_ortholog_information( $biosequence ); if ( $orthologs ) { $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Ortholog Group', tr_info => $tr, value => $orthologs ); } } ## //htmlmode ############################################################################# #### Continue with main query #### Define the desired columns in the query #### [friendly name used in url_cols,SQL,displayed column title] # ["peptide_accession","P.peptide_accession","
"], # ["peptide_accession","P.peptide_accession","
"], # # ["peptide_accession","P.peptide_accession","Accession DIV"], # my $exp_cat_str = "'". join("','", split(",", $parameters{exp_cat})) ."'"; my $group_by_clause = ''; my $sample_category_clause = ''; my @labels = ( 'Accession', 'Start', 'Pre AA','Sequence', 'Fol AA', 'ESS', 'NET', 'NMC' ,'Best Prob', 'Best Adj Prob', 'N Obs', 'EOS', 'SSRT', 'N Prot Map', 'N Gen Loc', 'N Experiments', 'Subpep of' ); push @labels, 'Avg Eval' if $parameters{'ann'}; my @column_array = ( ["peptide_accession","P.peptide_accession","Accession"], ["start_in_biosequence", "PM.start_in_biosequence", "Start"], ["peptide_length", "LEN(P.peptide_sequence)", "Length"], ["preceding_residue","COALESCE(PM.peptide_preceding_residue,PI.preceding_residue)","Pre AA"], ["peptide_sequence","P.peptide_sequence","Sequence"], ["following_residue","COALESCE(PM.peptide_following_residue,PI.following_residue)","Fol AA"], ["suitability_score","0.0001","ESS"], ["highest_n_enzymatic_termini","PM.highest_n_enzymatic_termini","NET"], ["lowest_n_missed_cleavages","''","NMC"], ["best_probability","STR(PI.best_probability,7,3)","Best Prob"], ["best_adjusted_probability","STR(PI.best_adjusted_probability,7,3)","Best Adj Prob"], ); my $group_by_clause .= "GROUP BY P.peptide_accession, PM.start_in_biosequence, PI.preceding_residue,P.peptide_sequence,PI.following_residue,PI.best_probability,PI.best_adjusted_probability,"; if($tube_pattern){ push @column_array, (["n_observations","PI2.n_observations","N Obs"]); $group_by_clause .= "PI2.n_observations,"; }else{ push @column_array, (["n_observations","PI.n_observations","N Obs"]); $group_by_clause .= "PI.n_observations,"; } push @column_array, ( ["empirical_proteotypic_score","STR(PI.empirical_proteotypic_score,7,2)","EOS"], ["SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity","STR(P.SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity,7,2)","SSRT"], ["n_protein_mappings","PI.n_protein_mappings","N Prot Map"], ["n_genome_locations","PI.n_genome_locations","N Gen Loc"], ["sample_ids","PISB.atlas_search_batch_id","N Experiments"], #["sample_ids","PI.sample_ids","Sample IDs"], #["is_subpeptide_of","PI.is_subpeptide_of","Parent Peptides"], ["is_subpeptide_of","PI.is_subpeptide_of",'Subpep of'], ["peptide_instance_id","PI.peptide_instance_id","peptide_instance_id"], ["lowest_n_missed_cleavages","PM.lowest_n_missed_cleavages","lowest_n_missed_cleavages"], ["is_unique","PM.is_unique","is_unique"] ); push @column_array, ["SAL_level_probability","AVG(SAL.level_probability)","Avg Eval"] if $parameters{'ann'}; $group_by_clause .= "PI.empirical_proteotypic_score,P.SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity,PI.n_protein_mappings,". "PI.n_genome_locations,PI.is_subpeptide_of,PI.peptide_instance_id, PISB.atlas_search_batch_id, ". "PM.highest_n_enzymatic_termini,PM.lowest_n_missed_cleavages,peptide_preceding_residue,peptide_following_residue," . "PM.is_unique"; if ($parameters{exp_cat}){ $sample_category_clause = "AND SC.name in ($exp_cat_str)"; } #### Build the columns part of the SQL statement my %colnameidx = (); my @column_titles = (); ## Sends @column_array_ref to build_SQL_columns_list, which ## (1) appends the 2nd element in array to $columns_clause ## (2) fills %colnameidx_ref as a hash with key = 1st element ## and value = 3rd element, and (3) fills @column_titles_ref ## array with the 3rd element my $columns_clause = $sbeams->build_SQL_columns_list( column_array_ref=>\@column_array, colnameidx_ref=>\%colnameidx, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles ); my $peptide_instance_clause=''; if($tube_pattern){ $peptide_instance_clause = qq~ INNER JOIN ( SELECT MPI.PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ID, count(S.spectrum_id) as n_observations FROM $TBAT_SPECTRUM S INNER JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_IDENTIFICATION SI ON (SI.SPECTRUM_ID = S.SPECTRUM_ID ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE MPI ON ( MPI.MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ID = SI.MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ID) WHERE S.SPECTRUM_NAME LIKE '$tube_pattern' or S.SPECTRUM_NAME LIKE '$tube_pattern2' GROUP BY MPI.PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ID ) AS PI2 on (PI2.peptide_instance_id = PI.peptide_instance_id) ~; } #### Define a query to return peptides for this protein $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT $columns_clause FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_SEARCH_BATCH PISB ON (PISB.peptide_instance_id = PI.peptide_instance_id) JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD_SEARCH_BATCH ASB ON (ASB.ATLAS_SEARCH_BATCH_ID = PISB.ATLAS_SEARCH_BATCH_ID) JOIN $TBAT_SAMPLE S ON (S.SAMPLE_ID = ASB.SAMPLE_ID) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SAMPLE_CATEGORY SC ON (SC.id = S.sample_category_id) INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON ( PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = PM.peptide_instance_id ) $peptide_instance_clause INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON ( PI.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON ( AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( BSS.organism_id = O.organism_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( PM.matched_biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_DBXREF DBX ON ( BS.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION PIA ON PIA.peptide_instance_id = PI.peptide_instance_id LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SAL ON SAL.spectrum_annotation_level_id = PIA.spectrum_annotation_level_id AND PIA.record_status != 'D' WHERE 1 = 1 AND AB.atlas_build_id IN ( $atlas_build_id ) AND BS.biosequence_id = $biosequence_id $sample_category_clause $group_by_clause ORDER BY P.peptide_accession ~; #### Define the hypertext links for columns that need them %url_cols = ( 'Accession' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetPeptide?_tab=3&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id&searchWithinThis=Peptide+Name&searchForThis=%V&action=QUERY", ); # \%$colnameidx{biosequence_gene_name}V& %hidden_cols = ( 'best_adjusted_probability' => 1, 'peptide_instance_id' => 1, 'lowest_n_missed_cleavages' => 1, ); ######################################################################### #### If QUERY or VIEWRESULTSET was selected, display the data if ($apply_action =~ /(QUERY|GO|VIEWRESULTSET)/) { #### Show the SQL that will be or was executed $sbeams->display_sql(sql=>$sql) if ($show_sql); #### If the action contained QUERY, then fetch the results from #### the database if ($apply_action =~ /(QUERY|GO)/i) { #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet( sql_query=>$sql, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, ); #### Post process the resultset postProcessResultset( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, ); #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, query_name=>"$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME", ); } #### Get protein structure information my $protein_structure = getProteinStructure( biosequence_id => $biosequence_id, ); my ( $obs, $peptides, $pep_nobs, $seq2instance, $pep_info) = getPeptideCount( biosequence => $biosequence, resultset_ref => $resultset_ref ); my $peptide_counts = scalar( @$peptides ); # Stragglers for protein section, doh! if ( $htmlmode ) { $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( tr_info => $tr, key => 'Distinct Peptides', value => "$peptide_counts\n" ); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( tr_info => $tr, key => 'Total Observations', value => $obs ); #$htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( tr_info => $tr, # key => 'ProteinProphet-adjusted N Obs', # value => $biosequence->{n_observations} ) #if (defined $biosequence->{n_observations} and ! $tube); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( tr_info => $tr, key => 'Normalized PSMs per 100K', value => sprintf("%0.3f", $biosequence->{norm_PSMs_per_100K}) ) if defined $biosequence->{norm_PSMs_per_100K}; my @synonyms = $keySearch->getProteinSynonyms( resource_name => $biosequence->{biosequence_name} ); my %syn_types; foreach my $synonym ( @synonyms ) { next if $synonym->[1] =~ /Description/i; $syn_types{$synonym->[1]} ||= []; chomp( $synonym->[0] ); #### Store the synonym information $biosequence for later use $biosequence->{synonyms}->{$synonym->[1]} = $synonym->[0]; if ( $synonym->[2] ) { my $str; if($synonym->[2] =~ /DisplayGoTerm/ and $synonym->[0] =~ /GO:\d+:/){ $synonym->[0] =~ /GO:(\d+):(.*)/; $str = "GO:$1"; $synonym->[0] = "[2]$str$synonym->[3]\">$synonym->[0]"; # Force GO terms to sort first #hackAlert! delete $syn_types{$synonym->[1]}; $synonym->[1] = ' GO '.$synonym->[1]; } else { if ( $synonym->[3] ) { $synonym->[0] = "[2]$synonym->[3]$synonym->[0]\">$synonym->[0]"; } else { $synonym->[0] = "[2]$synonym->[0]\">$synonym->[0]"; } } } $synonym->[0] =~ s/"//g; push @{$syn_types{$synonym->[1]}}, $synonym->[0]; } for my $key ( sort( keys( %syn_types ) ) ) { my $cnt = 0; my $max = 7; my $syn_string = ''; my $delim = ''; $syn_string = join(", ", uniq @{$syn_types{$key}}); $htmlcontent .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => $key, value => $syn_string, tr_info => $tr ); } $htmlcontent .= "
\n"; print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_overview_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $htmlcontent ); } ############################################################################# #### Display the External Links section ############################################################################# displayExternalLinksSection( biosequence => $biosequence, atlas_build_id => $current_page->{atlas_build_id}, organism => $current_page->{organism} ); ############################################################################# #### Display the sequence graphic ############################################################################# my %motif_params; my $motif = $parameters->{motif}; if ( $motif eq 'glyco' ) { my $pred = $sbeamsMOD->getGlycoPeptides( seq => $biosequence->{biosequence_seq}, annot => 1, 'index' => 1, symbol => '*' ); $motif_params{$motif} = $pred; } # Fetch theoretical peptides (tryptic) ############################################################################# ### got info from dat file. Need to load the dat file ############################################################################# my $likely = $sbeamsMOD->assess_protein_peptides( %parameters, build_id => $atlas_build_id, swiss => $swiss, accession => $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, ); my %graphic_params = ( build_id => $atlas_build_id, protein_data => $biosequence, obs_color => $parameters{obs_color} ); my $peptide_mappings = get_peptide_mappings ( peptides => $pep_nobs, biosequence => $biosequence->{biosequence_seq} ); my $graphic_section = get_sequence_graphic( %graphic_params, %motif_params, peptide_instance_constraint => $peptide_instance_clause, likely_peptides => $likely, mappings => $peptide_mappings, pep_info => $pep_info, is_trypsin_build => $is_trypsin_build ); if ( $htmlmode ) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Sequence Motifs', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_graphic_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $graphic_section ); } ############################################################################# ## Chuck in provisional peptide likelihood table ############################################################################# my @rows = ( [qw( Sequence Status Start End )] ); for my $pep ( @{$likely->{peptides}} ) { push @rows, [ $pep->{seq}, $pep->{status}, $pep->{start}, $pep->{end} ]; } my $likelyHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, table_only => 1, width => '100%', bkg_interval => 3, align => [qw(left center center right)], rows => \@rows ); if ( 0 ) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Observation Likelihood', sticky => 1, name => 'likely_peptides_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $likelyHTML); } ############################################################################# #### Display annotated sequence - this routine makes its own section header ############################################################################# # TMF: added for special need # print STDERR "$protein_name\t"; if ( defined $parameters{show_clustal} ) { $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'GetProtein_ShowVars', value => $parameters{show_clustal} ); } else { $parameters{show_clustal} = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'GetProtein_ShowVars' ); } displayAnnotatedSequence( %parameters, peptides => $peptides, peptide_nobs => $pep_nobs, seq2instance => $seq2instance, biosequence => $biosequence, resultset_ref => $resultset_ref, is_trypsin_build => $is_trypsin_build, protein_structure => $protein_structure, glyco => $motif_params{glyco}, pep_info => $pep_info ); ############################################################################# #### Origene coverage display ### show sequence coverage for difference methods ############################################################################# if ($htmlmode and $atlas_build_names{$atlas_build_id} =~ /Origene/i){ displayOrigeneAnnotatedSequence (protein_name =>$protein_name, parameters => \%parameters, biosequence=>$biosequence, motif_params => \%motif_params); } ############################################################################# #### PTM ############################################################################# my $ptm_sql = qq~ SELECT biosequence_name,offset,residue,nObs,one_site,two_sites,over_two_sites, nP01,nP05,nP19,nP81,nP95,nP99,nP100, noChoice,enrichedWithMod,enrichedNonMod,nonEnriched, isInNextProt,isInUniprot,most_observed_ptm_peptide,ptm_type FROM $TBAT_PTM_SUMMARY PS JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON (PS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID) WHERE BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME = '$protein_name' AND PS.ATLAS_BUILD_ID = $atlas_build_id ORDER BY offset ~; my @ptm_results = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns ($ptm_sql); if(@ptm_results){ my $GV = SBEAMS::Connection::GoogleVisualization->new(); my %data = (); my %ptm_obs = (); my $ptm_type = ''; my @columns = ('Protein', 'Offset', 'Residue','nObs', 'One_mod', 'Two_mods', 'Over_two_mods', 'nP0-.01', 'nP.01-.05', 'nP.05-.20', 'nP.20-.80', 'nP.80-.95', 'nP.95-.99', 'nP.99-1', 'no-choice','enriched-with-mod','enriched-but-non-mod','non-enriched', 'InNextProt','InUniprot','peptide'); foreach my $row (@ptm_results){ my @vals = @$row; $vals[1] = $vals[1] -1; $ptm_type = pop @vals; $ptm_obs{$ptm_type} = 1 if ($vals[3] > 0); push @{$data{$ptm_type}{$vals[0]}{$vals[1]}},[@vals[2..$#vals]]; } my $ptm_summary_chart = $sbeamsMOD->displayProt_PTM_plotly(data=> \%data, protein=>$protein_name, atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, column_names =>\@columns, seq=>$biosequence->{biosequence_seq}, ptm_obs => \%ptm_obs); print "$ptm_summary_chart\n"; }else{ print qq~~; } ############################################################################# #### Observed peptides ############################################################################# my $obs_help = $sbeamsMOD->get_table_help(column_titles_ref=>\@labels); print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => "Distinct Observed Peptides ($peptide_counts)", sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_observedlist_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, opendiv => 1, visible => 1, content => $obs_help ) if $htmlmode; #### Since we don't display the controls, make the default page size #### huge, otherwise the user may not see all peptides $rs_params{page_size} = 500; my %peptide_info = (); foreach my $peptide_sequence (keys %$pep_info){ my $peptide_accession = $pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{acc}; push @{$peptide_info{$peptide_accession}{preceding_residue}}, uniq @{$pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{preceding_residue}}; push @{$peptide_info{$peptide_accession}{following_residue}}, uniq @{$pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{following_residue}}; $peptide_info{$peptide_accession}{highest_n_enzymatic_termini} = $pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{highest_n_enzymatic_termini}; $peptide_info{$peptide_accession}{lowest_n_missed_cleavages} = $pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{lowest_n_missed_cleavages}; @{$peptide_info{$peptide_accession}{start}} = @{$pep_info->{$peptide_sequence}{start}}; } #### Calculate the best peptides to use my $best_peptide_information = $bestPeptideSelector->getBestPeptides( atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, biosequence_id => $biosequence_id, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_ref => $resultset_ref, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, is_trypsin_build => $is_trypsin_build, peptide_info => \%peptide_info, no_escape => 1 ); # $log->debug( Dumper( $best_peptide_information ) ); # $log->debug( Dumper( $resultset_ref ) ); my %instance_ids; my $max_peptides = 40; my $pep_cnt; for my $row ( sort { $b->[9] <=> $a->[9] } @{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}} ) { $pep_cnt++; last if $pep_cnt >= $max_peptides; $instance_ids{$row->[$resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{peptide_instance_id}]}++; } my @pa_accessions; my @sample_list; my $seq_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{peptide_sequence}; my $pre_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{preceding_residue}; my $fol_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{following_residue}; my $ntt_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{highest_n_enzymatic_termini}; my $mc_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{lowest_n_missed_cleavages}; my $ngl_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{n_genome_locations}; my $ess_idx = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}->{suitability_score}; for my $row ( @{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}} ) { push @pa_accessions, $row->[0]; my $ntt = 0; if ( defined $row->[$ntt_idx] && $row->[$ntt_idx] ne '') { $ntt = $row->[$ntt_idx]; } else { if ( $row->[$pre_idx] =~ /[-RK]/ ) { $ntt++; } if ( $row->[$fol_idx] =~ /[RK]$/ || $row->[$fol_idx] eq '-' ) { $ntt++; } } $row->[$ntt_idx] = $ntt if !defined $row->[$ntt_idx]; my $mc = 0; if ( defined $row->[$mc_idx] && $row->[$mc_idx] ne '') { $mc = $row->[$mc_idx]; } elsif ( $row->[$seq_idx] =~ /[RK][^P]/ ) { $mc++; } $row->[$mc_idx] = $mc if !defined $row->[$mc_idx]; my $mgl = 0; if ( $row->[$ngl_idx] > 1 ) { $mgl++; } push @sample_list, [ $row->[0], $row->[$resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{'sample_ids'}] ]; for my $idx ($resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{'sample_ids'}, $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{'is_subpeptide_of'} ) { $row->[$idx] =~ s/\s//g; my @samples = split( /,/, $row->[$idx] ); if ( $idx == $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}{'sample_ids'} ) { my $cnt = scalar( @samples ); $row->[$idx] = ( $htmlmode ) ? " $cnt " : $cnt; } else { $row->[$idx] = scalar( @samples ); } } $row->[0] = ( $htmlmode ) ? "$row->[0] " :$row->[0]; my @errs; if ($is_trypsin_build eq 'Y'){ push @errs, 'mc' if $mc; push @errs, 'et'.$ntt if $ntt < 2; } push @errs, 'mgl' if $mgl; my $annot = ''; if ( @errs) { $annot = '[' . join( ',', @errs ) . ']'; } if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { $annot = "$annot"; } $row->[$ess_idx] = sprintf( "%0.2f", $row->[$ess_idx] ) . " $annot"; my $cnt = 0; } # Must... continue... hacking!!! $resultset_ref->{types_list_ref}->[4] = 'varchar'; # $resultset_ref->{precision_list_ref}->[4] = 36; my @row_color_list = ("#f3f1e4","#d3d1c4"); my $distinct_obs_peptide_display = $sbeamsMOD->get_individual_spectra_display( column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, colnameidx_ref => \%colnameidx, resultset_ref=> $resultset_ref, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols ); print "$distinct_obs_peptide_display" if $htmlmode; print "" if $htmlmode; ## close section! ############################################################################# #### Display synthetic peptide info ############################################################################# unless ( $sbeams->isGuestUser() ) { #### Display the best peptide information my $dirty_peptide_display = $bestPeptideSelector->get_dirty_peptide_display( atlas_build_id => $current_page->{atlas_build_id}, base_url=>$base_url, biosequence_id => $biosequence_id, tr_info => '', ); if ( $htmlmode && $dirty_peptide_display ) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Synthetic peptide info', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_dirty_peptide_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $dirty_peptide_display); } } ############################################################################# #### Display precomputed PABST peptides ############################################################################# #### Display the best peptide information my $pabst_display = $bestPeptideSelector->get_pabst_static_peptide_display( base_url=>$base_url, atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, biosequence_name => $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, biosequence_id => $biosequence_id, tr_info => '', ); if ( $htmlmode && $pabst_display && $parameters->{motif} ne 'glyco' ) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'PABST Peptide Ranking', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_pabst_static_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $pabst_display); } ############################################################################# #### Display theoretical highest observability peptides ############################################################################# #### Calculate the best peptides to use my $best_peptide_information = $bestPeptideSelector->getHighlyObservablePeptides( atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, biosequence_id => $biosequence_id, ); if ( $htmlmode && $sbeams->rs_has_data( resultset_ref => $best_peptide_information->{resultset_ref}) && $parameters->{motif} ne 'glyco' ) { #### Display the best peptide information my $samples = $bestPeptideSelector->getHighlyObservablePeptidesDisplay( atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, best_peptide_information => $best_peptide_information, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, tr_info => '', ); print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Predicted Highly Observable Peptides', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_highlyobservablelist_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $samples); } ############################################################################# #### Display annotated transitions ############################################################################# my $mrm_transitions = $sbeamsMOD->get_mrm_transitions( accessions => \@pa_accessions ); #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @$mrm_transitions ) { my $transitionsHTML = ''; my $link_base = "GetPeptide?_tab=3&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id&searchWithinThis=Peptide+Name&action=QUERY&searchForThis="; #### Loops through resultset and do formatting for my $pep ( @$mrm_transitions ) { $pep->[0] = "[0] . ">$pep->[0]"; $pep->[3] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[3]); $pep->[4] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[4]); if ( $pep->[6] ) { $pep->[6] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[6]); } else { $pep->[6] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); } if ( $pep->[7] ) { $pep->[7] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[7]); } else { $pep->[7] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); } $pep->[8] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[8]); $pep->[9] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[9]); ($pep->[5]) = $pep->[5] =~ /^([a-zA-Z]\d+)/; $pep->[1] = $sbeamsMOD->formatMassMods( $pep->[1] ); for my $idx ( 0..$#{$pep} ) { $pep->[$idx] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a') if !defined $pep->[$idx]; } } my @labels = ( 'Accession', 'Sequence', 'Charge', 'q1_mz', 'q3_mz', 'Label', 'Intensity', 'CE', 'RT', 'SSRT', 'Instr', 'Annotation Set', 'Quality'); #### Add table column headings unshift @$mrm_transitions, \@labels; my $trans_help = $sbeamsMOD->get_table_help (column_titles_ref=>\@labels); #### Format table $transitionsHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, colspan => 1, #ugh... set_download => 1, nowrap => [12,13], bkg_interval => 3, align => [qw(left center center right right center right right right right left left left)], rows => $mrm_transitions ); #### Display table ## $trans_help ?? if ($#{$mrm_transitions} && $htmlmode) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Annotated Transitions', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_transitions_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => "$transitionsHTML
" ); } } ############################################################################# #### Display marker/reference peptides (if/when data exist in reference tables...) ############################################################################# my $marker_peptides = get_synthesized_peptides( \@pa_accessions ); #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @$marker_peptides ) { my $markerHTML = ''; my $link_base = "GetPeptide?_tab=3&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id&searchWithinThis=Peptide+Name&action=QUERY&searchForThis="; #### Loop through resultset and do formatting for my $pep ( @$marker_peptides ) { # $pep->[2] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[2]); $pep->[3] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a') if !$pep->[3]; $pep->[0] = "[0] . ">$pep->[0]encodeSectionTable( header => 1, colspan => 1, #ugh... bkg_interval => 3, align => [qw(left center left left left center)], rows => $marker_peptides ); if ($#{$marker_peptides} && $htmlmode) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Reference Peptides', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_transitions_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => "$markerHTML
" ); } } ############################################################################# #### Display the peptide map and samples list ############################################################################# my $sample_ids = getSampleList( sample_list => \@sample_list ); #$log->debug( "UA is $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" ); # if ($htmlmode) { my $sampleDisplay = $sbeamsMOD->getProteinSampleDisplay( sample_ids => $sample_ids, no_header => 1, rows_to_show => 25, max_rows => 500, sample_category=>$sample_category_display, ); print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Observed in Experiments', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_samplelist_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => "$sampleDisplay
" ); my $sampleMap = $sbeamsMOD->getSampleMapDisplay( sample_ids => $sample_ids, instance_ids => \%instance_ids, atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id, no_header => 1, sample_category_contraint => $exp_cat_str, header_text => "Per-experiment expression for $max_peptides most highly observed peptides", second_header => "(Peptides listed by accession, * denotes single genome mapping)" ); print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Experiment Peptide Map', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_samplemap_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => "
" ); if ($sample_category_display){ print " ~; } } ############################################################################# #### User Annotations Section ############################################################################# # TMF: remove this conditional if/when want to release this feature to production. if ($parameters{'ann'}) { my $hidden_form_fields = qq~ ~; print &printUserAnnotations( protein_name => $protein_name, parameters_href => \%parameters, form_fields => $hidden_form_fields ); } print "

"; #give the last item some breathing room #### If QUERY was not selected, then tell the user to enter some parameters } else { if ($sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http') { print "

Select parameters above and press QUERY

\n"; } else { print "You need to supply some parameters to constrain the query\n"; } } $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } # end handle_request sub get_ortholog_information { my $biosequence = shift; return unless $biosequence->{biosequence_name}; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT ortholog_group FROM $TBBL_ORTHOLOG WHERE entry_accession = '$biosequence->{biosequence_name}' END my $link = ''; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $link .= qq~  $row[0]\n~; } return $link if $link; $sql =<<" END"; SELECT ortholog_group FROM $TBBL_ORTHOLOG O JOIN $TBAT_SEARCH_KEY SK ON SK.search_key_name = O.entry_accession JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B ON B.biosequence_name = SK.resource_name WHERE B.biosequence_name = '$biosequence->{biosequence_name}' END my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $sql ); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $link .= qq~  $row[0]\n~; } return $link; } sub get_peptide_mappings { my %args = @_; #my @biosequence = split( /\*/, $args{biosequence} ); #my $base_sequence = $biosequence[0]; my $base_sequence = $args{biosequence}; # die "Full seq: " . length( $args{biosequence} ) . ", base sed: " . length( $base_sequence ) . ": $base_sequence\n"; # ( peptides => $pep_nobs, biosequence => $biosequence->{biosequence_seq} ); my %pep_map; for my $pep( keys( %{$args{peptides}} ) ) { my $sites = $sbeamsMOD->get_site_positions( pattern => $pep, seq => $base_sequence ); die "No sites for $pep" if !$sites; $pep_map{$pep} = $sites; } return \%pep_map; } sub get_mrm_transitions { shift; my $accessions = shift || return []; my $acc_string = "'" . join( "', '", @{$accessions} ) . "'" ; # Project control my @accessible = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $projects = join( ",", @accessible ); return '' unless $projects; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT peptide_accession, modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge, q1_mz, q3_mz, q3_ion_label, q3_peak_intensity, collision_energy, retention_time, instrument, CASE WHEN contact_id IS NULL THEN annotator_name ELSE username END AS name, level_name FROM $TBAT_MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_ANNOTATION MPA JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON MPA.peptide_id = P.peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_TRANSITION_SUITABILITY_LEVEL TSL ON TSL.transition_suitability_level_id = MPA.transition_suitability_level_id LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON UL.contact_id = MPA.annotator_contact_id WHERE peptide_accession IN ( $acc_string ) AND project_id IN ( $projects ) AND level_score > 0.2 ORDER BY peptide_accession, q1_mz, peptide_charge, level_score DESC, q3_peak_intensity DESC END my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); return \@rows; } sub get_synthesized_peptides { my $accessions = shift || return []; my $acc_string = "'" . join( "', '", @{$accessions} ) . "'" ; # Project control my @accessible = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $projects = join( ",", @accessible ); return '' unless $projects; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT peptide_accession, P.peptide_sequence, peptide_annotation, publication_name, CASE WHEN contact_id IS NULL THEN annotator_name ELSE username END AS name, PA.peptide_sequence FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_ANNOTATION PA JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON PA.peptide_id = P.peptide_id LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON UL.contact_id = PA.annotator_contact_id LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PUBLICATION PP ON PP.publication_id = PA.publication_id WHERE peptide_accession IN ( $acc_string ) AND project_id IN ( $projects ); END my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); return \@rows; } #+ # Generates a graphical overview of sequence features using bioperl routines # #- sub get_sequence_graphic { ## read passed args, set up variables ## my %args = @_; my $tmhmm = $args{protein_data}->{transmembrane_topology}; my $id = $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_id}; my $protseq = $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_seq}; my $biosequence_name = $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_name} || ''; my $likely = $args{likely_peptides} || {}; my $tm_sigp_source = $args{protein_data}->{tm_sigp_source} || 'predicted'; my $peptides = $args{peptides} || {}; my $is_trypsin_build = $args{is_trypsin_build} || ''; my $sigp_source = $tm_sigp_source; my $tmhmm_source = $tm_sigp_source; if ($tm_sigp_source =~ /(TMHMM\s[\d\.]+)/){ $tmhmm_source = $1; } if ($tm_sigp_source =~ /(SignalP\s[\d\.]+)/){ $sigp_source = $1; } # Define color mapping for various features. my %colors = %{$sbeamsMOD->get_color_def()}; # Define CSS classes my $sp = ' ' x 4; my $style =<<" END_STYLE"; END_STYLE # If it is a uniprot/nextprot sequence, trim off any appended peptides #if ( $biosequence_name =~ /[OPQ][0-9][A-Z0-9]{3}[0-9]|[A-NR-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]){1,2}/ ) { #my @concat = split( /\*/, $protseq ); #$protseq = $concat[0]; #} my $protlen = length( $protseq ); # # Set up hash for storing point by point coverage info my %coverage; my %coverage_primary; for my $idx ( 1..$protlen ) { $coverage{$idx} = 0; $coverage_primary{$idx} = 0; } my $width = ( $protlen <= 4000 ) ? 1500 : int( $protlen/5 ); ## Create main panel + sequence 'ruler' ## my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new( -length => $protlen + 2, -key_style => 'between', -width => $width, -empty_tracks => 'suppress', -pad_top => 5, -pad_bottom => 5, -pad_left => 10, -pad_right => 50 ); my $ruler = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -end => $protlen, -start => 1, -display_name => 'Sequence Position'); my $sequence = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -end => $protlen, -start => 1, -display_name => 'Sequence Position'); ## Generate observed peptide tracks ## ## Loop over peptides my @peptides; my @snps; my %pep_info; my ( $multi, $single); my $is_unique_peptide_col=0; foreach my $pep ( sort { $args{mappings}->{$a}->[0] <=> $args{mappings}->{$b}->[0] || $args{pep_info}->{$b}->{nobs} <=> $args{pep_info}->{$a}->{nobs} } ( keys( %{$args{pep_info}} ) ) ) { my $acc = $args{pep_info}->{$pep}{acc}; my $score = 1; if ($args{pep_info}->{$pep}{nobs} < 5){ $score = 0.4; } foreach my $s (@{$args{pep_info}->{$pep}{start}}){ my $start = $s; my $stop = $s+length($pep)-1; my $source_tag = 'multi_non_tryptic'; $source_tag = 'multi' if ($is_trypsin_build eq 'N'); if ($args{pep_info}->{$pep}{is_unique} eq ''){ $source_tag = 'Observed'; }elsif ( $args{pep_info}->{$pep}{is_unique} =~ /[YC]/){ $is_unique_peptide_col=1; if ($args{pep_info}->{$pep}{is_unique} eq 'Y'){ $source_tag = 'uniq_prot_calling'; }else{ if ($is_trypsin_build eq 'N'){ $source_tag = 'uniq'; }else{ $source_tag = 'uniq_non_tryptic'; if ($args{pep_info}->{$pep}{highest_n_enzymatic_termini} == 2){ $source_tag =~ s/non_//; } } } }else{ $is_unique_peptide_col =1; } # accession isn't necessarily unique, need compound key... my $ugly_key = $acc . '::::' . $start . $stop; my $f = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new( -segments => [[$start,$stop]], -source => $colors{$source_tag}, -primary => $acc, -display_name => $ugly_key, -score => $score ); if ( !scalar( @{$args{mappings}->{$pep}}) ) { push @snps, $f; }else{ push @peptides, $f; } # Record the coverage for this peptide for my $idx ( $start..$stop ) { $coverage{$idx}++; $coverage_primary{$idx}++ if ($protseq =~ /$pep/); } my $n_obs = $args{pep_info}->{$pep}->{nobs} || 'n/d'; $pep_info{$ugly_key} = "$start - $stop, $acc: $pep ($n_obs obs)"; } # count peptide type, to build appropriate legend if ($args{pep_info}->{$pep}{n_gen} > 1){ $multi++; } else { $single++; } } ############### ## Generate Signal P related tracks ## my @signalp; my $seqtype = ''; my ( $anchor, $signal ); my $signal_peptide_coords = {}; my $sp_info = ( $swiss->{success} ) ? 1 : 0; # use info in BPS table if ( $args{protein_data}->{has_signal_peptide} ) { if ( $args{protein_data}->{signal_peptide_is_cleaved} =~ /y/i ) { $seqtype = 'Signal'; $signal++; } else { $seqtype = 'Anchor'; $anchor++; } my $end = $args{protein_data}->{signal_peptide_length}; $sp_rationale = ''; if ($sigp_source !~ /signal/i) { $sp_rationale = "Signal sequence annoted in $sigp_source"; }elsif ($sigp_source =~ /signal/i){ $sp_rationale ="Signal sequence predicted by $sigp_source, cleaved in mature protein"; }else{ $sp_rationale ="Signal sequence predicted by SignalP, cleaved in mature protein"; } # Cache signal peptide info for possible 'unlikely' designation. if ( $seqtype eq 'Signal' ) { $signal_peptide_coords->{start} = 1; $signal_peptide_coords->{end} = $end; $signal_peptide_coords->{seq} = substr( $protseq, 0, $end ); $signal_peptide_coords->{rationale} = $sp_rationale; } my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => 1, -end => $end, -display_name => $seqtype , -label => 0 ); push @signalp, $f; } ## End Signal P related tracks ## ## Generate Glyco motif related tracks ## my @glyco; if ( $args{glyco} ) { my $seqtype = 'Glycopeptide'; for my $idx ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %{$args{glyco}} ) ) { my $peptide = $args{glyco}->{$idx}; my $num_sites = $peptide =~ tr/\*/\*/; my $p_len = length( $peptide ) - $num_sites; # $log->debug( "Peptide $peptide, starting at $idx, has $num_sites sites and is $p_len amino acids long" ); my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $idx, -end => $idx + $p_len - 1, -display_name => $seqtype , -primary => $peptide, -label => $peptide ); push @glyco, $f; } } ## End Glyco motif related tracks ## # Calculate the coverage 'domains' # Made this global to use elsewhere... @coverage; my @uncovered; # Keep track of coverage coordinates my $cstart = 1; my $cend = 0; # Also keep track of non-coverage coordinates my $ncstart = 1; my $ncend = 1; # Not in coverage to begin with my $in_coverage = 0; # What is 1-based index of first observed aa, used for expected coverage. my $min_covered_aa = 0; # %coverage is hash of seq depth keyed by coordinate my $last_key; my %sequence_coverage = (); for my $i ( 1..$protlen ) { if (! $coverage{$i} && ! $coverage_primary{$i}){ push @{$sequence_coverage{uncovered}} , $i; }elsif($coverage{$i} && ! $coverage_primary{$i} && $swiss->{has_variants}){ push @{$sequence_coverage{snpcovered}}, $i; }else{ push @{$sequence_coverage{covered}}, $i; } } foreach my $type (qw(uncovered snpcovered covered)){ my $end = 0; my @pos = (); if ( $sequence_coverage{$type}){ @pos = @{$sequence_coverage{$type}}; } my $start = $pos[0]; for (my $i=1; $i<=$#pos;$i++){ if ($pos[$i] != $pos[$i-1]+1 || $i == $#pos){ my ($end, @coords); if ($pos[$i] != $pos[$i-1]+1){ $end = $pos[$i-1]; push @coords, [$start, $end]; if ($i == $#pos){ push @coords, [$pos[$i], $pos[$i]]; } }else{ push @coords, [$start, $pos[$i]]; } foreach my $coord(@coords){ my ($s, $e) =@$coord; if ($type eq 'uncovered'){ push @uncovered, { start => $s, end => $e }; }else{ my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $s, -end => $e, -primary => 'Coverage', -display_name => 'Coverage', ); if($type eq 'snpcovered'){ $f->add_tag_value("ctype", "S"); }else{ $f->add_tag_value("ctype", "P"); } push @coverage, $f; } } $start = $pos[$i]; } } } my @ssr; my @ok; my @len; my @tm; my @sig; my @likely; for my $pep ( @{$likely->{peptides}} ) { my $status = 1; if ( $likely->{passing}->{$pep->{seq}} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => 'Likely', -display_name => 'Likely' ); push @likely, $f; } if ( $likely->{ssr}->{$pep->{seq}} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => 'SSR', -display_name => 'SSR' ); push @ssr, $f; $status = 0; } if ( $likely->{tm}->{$pep->{seq}} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => 'TM', -display_name => 'TM' ); push @tm, $f; $status = 0; } if ( $likely->{sig}->{$pep->{seq}} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => 'SIG', -display_name => 'SIG' ); push @sig, $f; $status = 0; } if ( $likely->{len}->{$pep->{seq}} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => 'LEN', -display_name => 'LEN' ); push @len, $f; $status = 0; } } # Keep track of how much sequence might be hard to observe my @unlikely_to_observe; # Cache and return to caller for seq annotation my @difficult; # Use to make 'track' on sequence graphic # Original logic discounted entire signal peptide as 'unlikely' if any of # the sp was actually seen. To restore this behaviour set # $penalize_obs_in_signal = 1 my $penalize_obs_in_signal = 0; if ( !$sp_info && $signal_peptide_coords && $signal_peptide_coords->{end} ) { if ( $min_covered_aa > $signal_peptide_coords->{end} ) { push @unlikely_to_observe, $signal_peptide_coords; # $log->debug( "1 start is $signal_peptide_coords->{start}, end is $signal_peptide_coords->{end}" ); my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $signal_peptide_coords->{start}, -end => $signal_peptide_coords->{end}, -primary => 'Difficult', -display_name => 'Difficult' ); push @difficult, $f; } elsif ( $penalize_obs_in_signal ) { # We will not consider the signal peptide to be unlikely $log->info( "Found sequence in a predicted signal sequence for $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_name}, penalizing" ); } elsif ( $min_covered_aa != 1 ) { # Signal peptide is still considered unlikely to be observed $log->info( "Allowing obs signal sequence as unlikely for $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_name}" ); # Not strictly correct, but useful to pass this information on $signal_peptide_coords->{end} = $min_covered_aa - 1 if $min_covered_aa; my $signal_seq = substr( $protseq, 0, $signal_peptide_coords->{end} ); # $log->debug( "2 start is $signal_peptide_coords->{start}, end is $signal_peptide_coords->{end}" ); push @unlikely_to_observe, { start => $signal_peptide_coords->{start}, end => $signal_peptide_coords->{end}, seq => $signal_seq }; my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $signal_peptide_coords->{start}, -end => $signal_peptide_coords->{end}, -primary => 'Difficult', -display_name => 'Difficult' ); push @difficult, $f; } } # my $protseq = $args{protein_data}->{biosequence_seq}; for my $cpair ( @uncovered ) { if ( $signal_peptide_coords && $signal_peptide_coords->{end} ) { # $log->debug( "Start is $cpair->{start}, End is $cpair->{end}, seq is $cpair->{seq}" ); next if $cpair->{end} <= $signal_peptide_coords->{end}; } my $uncovered_length = $cpair->{end} - $cpair->{start} + 1; my $seq = substr( $protseq, $cpair->{start} - 1, $uncovered_length ); $cpair->{seq} = $seq; my $tryptics = $biolink->do_tryptic_digestion( aa_seq => $seq ); my $index = $cpair->{start}; for my $tryp ( @$tryptics ) { # anchor if ( length( $tryp ) < MIN_OBS_LENGTH ) { my $peptide_end = $index + length($tryp) - 1; push @unlikely_to_observe, { start => $index, end => $peptide_end, rationale => 'Short peptide', seq => $tryp }; my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $index, -end => $peptide_end, -primary => 'Difficult', -display_name => 'Difficult' ); push @difficult, $f if $index && $peptide_end; } elsif ( length( $tryp ) > MAX_OBS_LENGTH ) { my $peptide_end = $index + length($tryp) - 1; push @unlikely_to_observe, { start => $index, end => $peptide_end, rationale => 'Long peptide', seq => $tryp }; my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $index, -end => $peptide_end, -primary => 'Difficult', -display_name => 'Difficult' ); push @difficult, $f if $index && $peptide_end; } else { # $log->debug( "Might see $tryp" ); } $index += length( $tryp ); } } # Cache non-coverage sequence $args{protein_data}->{_non_coverage} = \@unlikely_to_observe; ## end coverage ## Generate TMHMM-derived tracks ## # parse domain info my $tm_info = $biolink->get_transmembrane_info ( tm_info => $tmhmm, end => $protlen ); # loop over domains, create features for each my @intra; my @extra; my @tmm; my %tmm_others; my $tm_rationale = ''; my $om_rationale = ''; if ($tmhmm_source =~ /TMHMM/i){ $tm_rationale= "Transmembrane domain predicted by $tmhmm_source"; $om_rationale = "Outside membrane region predicted by $tmhmm_source"; }elsif($tmhmm_source =~ /predic/){ $tm_rationale= "Transmembrane domain predicted by TMHMM"; $om_rationale = "Outside membrane region predicted by TMHMM"; }else{ $tm_rationale= "Transmembrane domain annoted in $tmhmm_source"; $om_rationale = "Outside membrane region annoted in $tmhmm_source"; } foreach my $region (@$tm_info) { my $primary = $region->[0]; my $tag = $primary; my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $region->[1], -end => $region->[2] , -primary => $primary , -display_name => $primary , -tag => { $primary => $tag } ); if ( $tag =~ /Intracellular/i ) { push @intra, $f; }elsif ( $tag =~ /Extracellular/i ) { push @extra, $f; }elsif( $tag =~ /^tm$/i){ push @tmm, $f; }else { push @{$tmm_others{$tag}}, $f; } } # Only add intra/extra if @tmm or @signalp unless ( @tmm ) { @intra = (); @extra = (); %tmm_others = (); } ## Add all the tracks to the panel ## $panel->add_track( $ruler, -glyph => 'anchored_arrow', -tick => 2, -height => 8, -key => 'Sequence Position' ); # Add observed peptide track $panel->add_track( \@peptides, -glyph => 'graded_segments', -bgcolor => sub {shift->source_tag;}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => '#882222', -key => 'Observed Peptides', -bump => 1, -height => 8, -label => '', -min_score => 0, -max_score => 1 ); # Add observed SNP track # -label => sub { my $f = shift; my $n = $f->display_name(); $n =~ s/(.*)::::.*/$1/g; return $n }, $panel->add_track( \@snps, -glyph => 'graded_segments', -bgcolor => sub {shift->source_tag;}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => '#882222', -key => 'Observed VARIANT peptides', -bump => 1, -height => 8, -label => '', # sub { my $f = shift; my $n = $f->display_name(); $n =~ s/(.*)::::.*/$1/g; return $n }, -min_score => 0, -max_score => 1 ) if @snps; ## Add glyco track (mebbe) $panel->add_track( \@glyco, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{Glycopeptide}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Theoretical NXS/T peptides', -bump => +1, -height => 8, -legend => 1, -label => 0, ) if @glyco; # Add signalP track my $sigtype = ( $anchor ) ? 'Anchor' : 'Signal'; if (@signalp){ my $qualifier = ( $sp_info ) ? '' : "($sigp_source)"; $panel->add_track( \@signalp, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$sigtype}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => $sigtype . ' Sequence ' . $qualifier, -bump => +1, -height => 8, -legend => 1, -label => 0, ); } my @topo_doms = ('Intracellular'); my $first = 1; my @other_topo_doms = sort {$a cmp $b} keys %tmm_others; if (@other_topo_doms){ foreach my $t (@other_topo_doms){ next if ($t eq 'Transmembrane'); push @topo_doms, $t; push @topo_doms, 'Transmembrane' if ($first); $first = 0; } }else{ push @topo_doms ,'Transmembrane'; } push @topo_doms , 'Extracellular'; my %tracs = ( Intracellular => \@intra, Transmembrane => \@tmm, Extracellular => \@extra, ); foreach my $tag(keys %tmm_others){ my @tmp = @{$tmm_others{$tag}}; $tracs{$tag} = \@tmp; $colors{$tag} = 'mediumseagreen'; } # Add tmhmm-related tracks for my $t ( @topo_doms ){ my %legend = (); $legend{$t} = $t; $panel->add_track( $tracs{$t}, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$t}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => 'red', -key => "$legend{$t} ($tmhmm_source)", -bump => +1, -height => 8, -legend => 1, -label => 0, ); } my %tag2color = ( SIGNAL => 'sig', TRANSMEM => 'Transmembrane', TOPO_DOM => 'Extracellular' ); my %tag2name = ( SIGNAL => 'Signal sequence (annotated)', TRANSMEM => 'Transmembrane region (annotated)', TOPO_DOM => 'Topological Domain (annotated)' ); my %trk_seen = ( SIGNAL => 0, TRANSMEM => 0, TOPO_DOM => 0 ); ## for build >= 510, TM and SIGNAL info has been loaded into BPS table ## hide this to avoid duplicate tracks if ($args{build_id} < 510){ for my $tag ( qw( SIGNAL TRANSMEM TOPO_DOM ) ) { my $peps = get_swiss_peps( $swiss, $tag ); my @track; for my $pep ( @{$peps} ) { my $f = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $pep->{start}, -end => $pep->{end}, -primary => $pep->{status}, -display_name => $pep->{status} ); push @track, $f; } $panel->add_track( \@track, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$tag2color{$tag}}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => $tag, -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @track; $trk_seen{$tag}++ if @track; } } # Add coverage track $panel->add_track( \@coverage, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{Coverage}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Sequence Coverage', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ); $panel->add_track( $ruler, -glyph => 'anchored_arrow', -tick => 2, -height => 8, -key => '' ); # Add difficult track $panel->add_track( \@likely, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{Difficult}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Likely (theoretical)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @difficult; @difficult = (); $panel->add_track( \@ssr, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{SSR_un}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Unlikely (SSR)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @ssr; $panel->add_track( \@tm, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{TM_un}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Unlikely (TM)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @tm; $panel->add_track( \@sig, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{sig}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Unlikely (Signal)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @sig; $panel->add_track( \@len, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{Length}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Unlikely (length)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @len; $panel->add_track( \@ok, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{OK}, -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Likely (theoretical)', -connector => 'solid', -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, # sub { my $f = shift; return $f->display_name}, ) if @ok; $panel->add_track( $ruler, -glyph => 'anchored_arrow', -tick => 2, -height => 8, -key => 'Sequence Position' ); # Set up graphic legend my @legend; my $sig_title = ( $sp_info ) ? 'Annotated signal peptide from direct observation or prediction' : 'Signal peptide predicted from amino acid sequence'; my %title = ( obs_sing => "Peptides which map to a single genome location", obs_multi => "Peptides which match to 2 or more genome locations", sig_seq => "Signal peptide predicted from amino acid sequence", anc_seq => "Anchor sequence predicted from amino acid sequence", tm_dom => "Transmembrane region predicted from amino acid sequence", in_dom => "Predicted orientation inside, (intracellular for cell membrane proteins)", ex_dom => "Predicted orientation outside, (extracellular for cell membrane proteins)", pep_cov => "Cumulative sequence coverage", glyco => "Potential Glycosylation Site", unlikely_obs => "tryptic peptides ≤ " . MIN_OBS_LENGTH . " residues or signal peptides", ssr => "Unlikely due to SSR", len => "Unlikely due to length", tm => "Unlikely due to transmembrane", ok => "Likely to be observed", ); if ($is_unique_peptide_col == 1){ if ($is_trypsin_build eq 'N'){ push @legend, "Uniquely-mapping protein calling peptide\n"; push @legend, "Uniquely-mapping peptide\n"; push @legend, "Multi-mapping peptide\n"; }else{ push @legend, "Uniquely-mapping protein calling peptide\n"; push @legend, "Uniquely-mapping tryptic peptide\n"; push @legend, "Uniquely-mapping non-tryptic peptide\n"; push @legend, "Multi-mapping and tryptic peptide\n"; push @legend, "Multi-mapping and non-tryptic peptide\n"; } }else{ push @legend, " $sp Observed peptide with single genome mapping \n" if $single; push @legend, " $sp Observed peptide with ambiguous genome mapping \n" if $multi; } push @legend, " $sp $sp_rationale \n" if $signal; push @legend, " $sp Anchor sequence predicted by Signal P \n" if $anchor; push @legend, " $sp $tm_rationale \n" if @tmm; push @legend, " $sp $om_rationale \n" if @intra; push @legend, " $sp $om_rationale \n" if @extra; push @legend, " $sp Protein coverage by observed peptides \n" if @coverage; push @legend, " $sp Peptides unlikely to be observed \n" if @difficult; push @legend, " $sp Potential N-glycosylated peptide \n" if @glyco; push @legend, " $sp Transmembrane domain annotated by SwissProt \n" if $trk_seen{TRANSMEM}; push @legend, " $sp Annotated non-membrane domain by SwissProt \n" if $trk_seen{TOPO_DOM}; # .lgnd_ok { background-color: $colors{OK};border-style: solid; border-color:gray; border-width: 1px } # .lgnd_ssr { background-color: $colors{SSR};border-style: solid; border-color:gray; border-width: 1px } # .lgnd_length { background-color: $colors{Length};border-style: solid; border-color:gray; border-width: 1px } push @legend, " $sp Unlikely due to Transmembrane \n" if @tm; push @legend, " $sp Unlikely due to SSR \n" if @ssr; push @legend, " $sp Unlikely due to Length \n" if @len; push @legend, " $sp Likely to be observed \n" if @ok; # push @legend, " $sp Entire Translated Protein Sequence \n"; my $legend = ''; for my $item ( @legend ) { $legend .= $item; } # Create image map from panel objects. # links and mouseover coords for peptides, mouseover coords only for others my $baselink = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetPeptide?_tab=3&atlas_build_id=$args{build_id}&searchWithinThis=Peptide+Name&searchForThis=_PA_Accession_&action=QUERY"; my $pid = $$; my @objects = $panel->boxes(); my $map = "\n"; for my $obj ( @objects ) { # $log->debug( join( "-", @$obj) ); my $hkey_name = $obj->[0]->display_name(); my $link_name = $hkey_name; $link_name =~ s/(.*)::::.*/$1/g; # Grrr... if ( $link_name =~ /^PAp\d+$/ ) { # Peptide, add link + mouseover coords/sequence my $coords = join( ", ", @$obj[1..4] ); my $link = $baselink; $link =~ s/_PA_Accession_/$link_name/g; $map .= "\n"; } elsif ( $hkey_name =~ /^Glycopeptide/ ) { # Glycopeptide, mouseover coords/sequence my $coords = join( ", ", @$obj[1..4] ); my $f = $obj->[0]; my $text = $f->start() . '-' . $f->end() . ', ' . $f->primary_tag(); $map .= "\n"; } else { my $f = $obj->[0]; my $coords = join( ", ", @$obj[1..4] ); my $text = $f->start() . '-' . $f->end(); $map .= "\n"; } } $map .= ''; # Create image in tmp space my $file_name = $pid . "_glyco_predict.png"; my $tmp_img_path = "images/tmp"; my $img_file = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_img_path/$file_name"; # TMF: this is breaking for me in csv mode # D'oh! if ( $htmlmode ) { open( OUT, ">$img_file" ) || die "$!: $img_file"; binmode(OUT); print OUT $panel->png; close OUT; } my $tr = $args{tr_info} || ''; # my $tr_link = "$link"; # Generate and return HTML for graphic my $graphic =<<" EOG"; Sorry No Img $map
$style EOG return $graphic; } sub get_swiss_peps { my $swiss = shift; my $tag = shift; my @return; return \@return if !$swiss->{$tag}; for my $entry ( @{$swiss->{$tag}} ) { $entry->{status} = ucfirst( $entry->{info} ) || ''; push @return, $entry; } return \@return; } sub getPeptideCount { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = $sbeams->get_subname(); #### Decode the argument list my $resultset_ref = $args{'resultset_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME]: resultset_ref not passed"; my $biosequence = $args{'biosequence'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME]: biosequence not passed"; my $line_length = $args{'line_length'} || 70; my $word_length = $args{'word_length'} || 10; my $enzyme = $args{'enzyme'} || ''; my $protein_structure = $args{'protein_structure'}; my $total_observations = $args{'total_observations'}; # removed DSC 2008-03 - let caller decide if it should be displayed #### Don't display unless HTML # return unless ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); #### Get the hash of indices of the columns my %col = %{$resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}}; #### Loop over all the peptides my $data_ref = $resultset_ref->{data_ref}; my @peptides = (); my %peptides; my %seq2instance; my %map_info; foreach my $row (@{$data_ref}) { if (not defined $peptides{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]}){ $peptides{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]} = $row->[$col{n_observations}]; $seq2instance{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]} = $row->[$col{peptide_instance_id}]; $total_observations += $row->[$col{n_observations}]; $map_info{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]} = { acc => $row->[$col{peptide_accession}], nobs => $row->[$col{n_observations}], inst => $row->[$col{peptide_instance_id}], highest_n_enzymatic_termini => $row->[$col{highest_n_enzymatic_termini}], lowest_n_missed_cleavages => $row->[$col{lowest_n_missed_cleavages}], n_protein_mappings => $row->[$col{n_protein_mappings}], n_gen => $row->[$col{n_genome_locations}], is_unique => $row->[$col{is_unique}]}; push(@peptides,$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]); } push @{$map_info{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]}{start}}, $row->[$col{start_in_biosequence}]; push @{$map_info{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]}{preceding_residue}}, $row->[$col{preceding_residue}]; push @{$map_info{$row->[$col{peptide_sequence}]}{following_residue}}, $row->[$col{following_residue}]; } return( $total_observations, \@peptides, \%peptides, \%seq2instance, \%map_info); # return( $total_observations, \@peptides ); } ############################################################################### # displayAnnotatedSequence ############################################################################### sub displayAnnotatedSequence { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = 'displayAnnotatedSequence'; #### Decode the argument list my $resultset_ref = $args{'resultset_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME]: resultset_ref not passed"; my $biosequence = $args{'biosequence'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME]: biosequence not passed"; my $line_length = $args{'line_length'} || 70; my $word_length = $args{'word_length'} || 10; my $enzyme = $args{'enzyme'} || ''; my $protein_structure = $args{'protein_structure'}; my $total_observations = $args{'total_observations'}; my $pep_info = $args{pep_info} ; my $peptide_nobs = $args{peptide_nobs} || {}; my $seq2instance = $args{seq2instance} || {}; #### Don't display unless HTML return unless ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); #### Loop over all the peptides my $data_ref = $resultset_ref->{data_ref}; my @peptides = @{$args{peptides}}; #### Get the hash of indices of the columns my %col = %{$resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}}; my $seqHTML = ''; my $sequence = $biosequence->{biosequence_seq}; my %start_positions; my %end_positions; my %observed_residues = (); foreach my $label_peptide (@peptides) { foreach my $s(@{$pep_info->{$label_peptide}{start}}){ for (my $i=$s;$i<$s+length($label_peptide);$i++){ $observed_residues{$i} =1; } } } my $observed_residues = scalar keys %observed_residues; #### If transmembrane regions topology has been supplied, find the TMRs my %tmr_start_positions; my %tmr_end_positions; my %tmr_color; my $notes_buffer = ''; if ($protein_structure->{transmembrane_topology}) { my $start_side = substr($protein_structure->{transmembrane_topology},0,1); my $tmp = substr($protein_structure->{transmembrane_topology},1,9999); my @regions = split(/[io]/,$tmp); foreach my $region (@regions) { my ($start,$end) = split(/-/,$region); $tmr_start_positions{$start-1} = $start_side; $tmr_color{$start-1} = 'orange'; if ($start_side eq 'i') { $start_side = 'o'; } elsif ($start_side eq 'o') { $start_side = 'i'; } else { $start_side = '?'; } $tmr_end_positions{$end} = $start_side; $tmr_color{$end} = 'orange'; } $notes_buffer .= "(Used TMR topology string: $protein_structure->{transmembrane_topology})
\n"; #print "[See full TMHMM result]
\n"; } #### If there's a signal peptide, mark it as a blue if ($protein_structure->{has_signal_peptide} eq 'Y') { $tmr_start_positions{0} = ''; $tmr_color{0} = 'blue'; $tmr_end_positions{$protein_structure->{signal_peptide_length}} = ''; $tmr_end_positions{$protein_structure->{signal_peptide_length}} = '/' if ($protein_structure->{signal_peptide_is_cleaved} eq 'Y'); $tmr_color{$protein_structure->{signal_peptide_length}} = 'orange'; $notes_buffer = "(signal peptide: Y, length: $protein_structure->{signal_peptide_length}, cleaved: $protein_structure->{signal_peptide_is_cleaved}, probability: $protein_structure->{has_signal_peptide_probability})\n".$notes_buffer; } my $biosequence_name = $args{biosequence}->{biosequence_name} || ''; my $seq_length = length($sequence); #if ( $biosequence_name =~ /[OPQ][0-9][A-Z0-9]{3}[0-9]|[A-NR-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]){1,2}/ ) { # my @concat = split( /\*/, $sequence ); # $sequence = $concat[0]; # $seq_length = length($concat[0]); #} my $cnt = 0; for my $frag ( @{$biosequence->{_non_coverage}} ) { $cnt += length( $frag->{seq} ); } # TMF: added this statement for special need # print STDERR int($observed_residues/$seq_length*1000)/1000,"\t",int(($observed_residues)/($seq_length-$cnt)*1000)/1000,"\n"; # print "\n\n"; # print "Protein Coverage = ".int($observed_residues/$seq_length*1000)/10 . "%"; # $log->debug( "OBS: $observed_residues, SEQLEN: $seq_length, CNT $cnt" ); # print ' (' . int(($observed_residues)/($seq_length-$cnt)*1000)/10,"% of likely observable sequence)"; my %observed = ( start => [], end => [], class => 'pa_observed_sequence', number => 0, snp_start=>[], snp_end=>[], snp_class=> 'pa_snp_observed_sequence' ); for my $f ( @coverage ) { # $log->debug( "coverage starts at " . $f->start() . " and ends at " . $f->end() ); my @tags = $f->get_tag_values('ctype'); #print $tags[0] ."
"; if ($tags[0] eq 'S'){ #print "$tags[0] ". $f->start() . " and ends at " . $f->end() ."
"; push @{$observed{snp_start}}, $f->start() - 1; push @{$observed{snp_end}}, $f->end() - 1; } push @{$observed{start}}, $f->start() - 1; push @{$observed{end}}, $f->end() - 1; $observed{number}++; } my $tags = $sbeamsMOD->make_tags( \%observed ); if ( $args{glyco} ) { my %gsite = ( start => [], end => [], class => 'pa_glycosite', number => 0 ); my $sites = $sbeamsMOD->get_site_positions( seq => $sequence, pattern => 'N[^P][S|T]' ); for my $site ( @$sites ) { push @{$gsite{start}}, $site; push @{$gsite{end}}, $site + 2; $gsite{number}++; } $tags = $sbeamsMOD->make_tags( \%gsite, $tags ); # Commented out code that was drawing a box around predicted N-glyco # peptides; had bugs rendering in some circumstances and is largely # obviated by tryptic digest display code # my %predicted = ( start => [], end => [], class => 'pa_predicted_pep', number => 0 ); # for my $k ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %{$args{glyco}} ) ) { # push @{$predicted{start}}, $k - 1; # my $peptide = $args{glyco}->{$k}; # $peptide =~ s/\W//g; # push @{$predicted{end}}, $k + length( $peptide ) - 2; # $predicted{number}++; # } # $tags = $sbeamsMOD->make_tags( \%predicted, $tags ); } my $alt_enz = []; if ( $args{is_trypsin_build} eq 'N' ) { my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT name FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_MAPPING pm ON b.biosequence_id = pm.matched_biosequence_id JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PIN ON PIN.peptide_instance_id = PM.peptide_instance_id JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_SAMPLE PIS ON PIN.peptide_instance_id = PIS.peptide_instance_id JOIN $TBAT_SAMPLE S ON S.sample_id = PIS.sample_id JOIN $TBAT_PROTEASES P ON S.protease_id = P.id WHERE atlas_build_id = $args{atlas_build_id} AND biosequence_name = '$biosequence->{biosequence_name}' ~; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle($sql); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { push @{$alt_enz}, lc( $row[0] ); } } my @cookie = $q->cookie( 'sequence_view' ); # print Dumper( $cookie{sequence_view} ); my $digest_type = $cookie[0]; if ( $digest_type ) { $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => 'GetProtein_DigestType', value => $digest_type ); } elsif ( my $type = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'GetProtein_DigestType' ) ) { $digest_type = $type; } my $ub_id = $parameters->{uniprot_db_id} || 0; my $use_nextprot = ( $parameters->{use_nextprot} ne '' && $parameters->{use_nextprot} == 0 ) ? 0 : 1; $alt_enz = [ qw( aspn gluc chymotrypsin ) ]; $args{is_trypsin_build} = 'N'; my $html_seq = $sbeamsMOD->get_html_seq_vars( seq => $sequence, accession => $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, build_id => $args{atlas_build_id}, organism => $current_page->{organism}, show_all_snps => 1, tags => $tags, mupit => 1, alt_enz => $alt_enz, peptides => \@peptides, use_nextprot => $use_nextprot, uniprot_db_id => $ub_id, swiss => $swiss, peptide_nobs => $peptide_nobs, seq2instance => $seq2instance, is_trypsin_build => $args{is_trypsin_build}, digest_type => $digest_type, show_clustal => $args{show_clustal}, caching => $parameters->{caching} ); $seqHTML .= "$html_seq->{seq_display}\n"; $seqHTML .= "     Protein Coverage = ".int($observed_residues/$seq_length*1000)/10 ."% "; my $likely = ( $seq_length-$cnt ) ? int(($observed_residues)/($seq_length-$cnt)*1000)/10 : 0; $seqHTML .= " ($likely% of likely observable sequence)

"; if ( $html_seq->{clustal_display} ) { # If we have any annotations my $variant_list = ''; my $cnt; my $source = ( $use_nextprot ) ? 'neXtProt ' : 'Swiss Prot '; $q->delete( 'use_nextprot' ); my $self_url = $q->self_url(); if ( $use_nextprot ) { $source .= "(see Swiss Prot annotations)"; } else { if ( $self_url =~ /\?/ ) { $source .= "(see neXtProt annotations)"; } else { $source .= "(see neXtProt annotations)"; } } if ( $html_seq->{has_variants} ) { if ($current_page->{organism} =~ /Arabidopsis/i){ $seqHTML .= "Annotated Variants
\n"; }else{ $seqHTML .= "Annotated Variants from $source
\n"; } my $class = 'visible'; # # update (or remove conditional) when MuPit connection goes live. my $show_mupit = 1; $seqHTML .= q~ ~ if $show_mupit; for my $var ( @{$html_seq->{variant_list}} ) { $cnt++; $variant_list .= '"; $var_toggle_link = qq~ Show More Up to 1000 Enries\n ~; $seqHTML .= qq~ ~; } $seqHTML .= qq~
~; } $seqHTML .= "
\n"; $seqHTML .= "Annotations in Sequence Context:
\n"; $seqHTML .= "
\n"; } if ( !$html_seq->{has_variants} ) { my $atype = ( $html_seq->{clustal_display} ) ? ' Variants' : ' Annotations'; my $alt_source = ( !$use_nextprot ) ? 'neXtProt ' : 'Swiss Prot '; my $curr_source = ( $use_nextprot ) ? 'neXtProt ' : 'Swiss Prot '; my $chg_src = ( $use_nextprot ) ? 0 : 1; $q->delete( 'use_nextprot' ); my $self_url = $q->self_url(); my $look_src = ''; if ( $self_url =~ /\?/ ) { $look_src .= "(Look for $alt_source annotations)" } else { $look_src .= "(Look for $alt_source annotations)" } $seqHTML .= "
No $atype found in $curr_source $look_src
\n"; } # End if !variants #$seqHTML .= "

\n$notes_buffer" if ($notes_buffer); if ( $args{show_aa_content} ) { my $tot = length( $sequence ); my @aa = split( '', $sequence ); my %aa; # Make sure we get the common AA for my $aa ( qw( A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y ) ) { $aa{$aa} = 0; } for my $aa ( @aa ) { $aa{$aa}++; } my %colors = %{$sbeamsMOD->get_color_def()}; my $name = 'AA '; my $count = 'Cnt '; my $perc = ' % '; for my $aa ( sort( keys( %aa ) ) ) { my $pct = sprintf( "%0.1f", 100*($aa{$aa}/$tot) ); my $color_key = int( $pct ); my $font_color = ( $color_key > 6 ) ? 'white' : 'black'; $color_key = 10 if $color_key > 10; $name .= "$aa"; $count .= "$aa{$aa}"; $perc .= "$pct"; } $name .= ''; $count .= ''; $perc .= ''; my $slith = 'slith'; $slith =<<" END";
$name $count $perc

END $seqHTML .= $slith; } if ($htmlmode) { print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'Sequence', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_sequence_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $seqHTML); } } # end displayAnnotatedSequence ############################################################################### # getSamples ############################################################################### sub getSamples { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = 'getSamples'; my $sql = qq~ SELECT sample_id,sample_title FROM $TBAT_SAMPLE WHERE record_status != 'D' ORDER BY sample_id ~; my @samples = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); return \@samples; } # end getSamples sub getSampleList { my %args = @_; #### Decode the argument list return [] unless $args{sample_list}; # each row has an accession, sample_string pair. my %observed_samples; foreach my $row (@{$args{sample_list}}) { my $observed_sample_list = $row->[1]; my @all = split(/[,;]/,$observed_sample_list); foreach my $element ( @all ) { $observed_samples{$element}++; } } my @keys = sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } ( keys( %observed_samples ) ); return \@keys; } ############################################################################### # getProteinStructure ############################################################################### sub getProteinStructure { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = 'getProteinStructure'; #### Decode the argument list my $biosequence_id = $args{'biosequence_id'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME]: biosequence_id not passed"; #### Define query to get information my $sql = qq~ SELECT n_transmembrane_regions,transmembrane_class,transmembrane_topology, has_signal_peptide,has_signal_peptide_probability, signal_peptide_length,signal_peptide_is_cleaved FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_PROPERTY_SET WHERE biosequence_id = $biosequence_id ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectHashArray($sql); if (scalar(@rows) != 1) { my %tmp = (); return(\%tmp); } return($rows[0]); } #### 04/30/13: get_table_help Superceded by make_table_help in Annotations.pm. #### Enter new column definitions in %coldefs therein. #### 06/11/20: Finally removed commented-out code herein. ############################################################################### # printUserAnnotations # get and display user annotations, if any ############################################################################### sub printUserAnnotations { my %args = @_; my $parameters_href = $args{parameters_href}; my $protein_name = $args{protein_name}; my $buffer = '

'; my $total = 0; # this starts as a counter, then becomes a string my $show_form = 1; my $line_sep = "
"; if (! defined $protein_name) { print "

ERROR: printUserAnnotations needs protein name.

\n"; } # First, get the protein_identification_id. # TODO should check for uniqueness my $sql = qq~ select pi.protein_identification_id from $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION pi join $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE bs on bs.biosequence_id = pi.biosequence_id where BS.biosequence_name = '$protein_name' and pi.atlas_build_id = '$parameters_href->{atlas_build_id}' ~; my ($protein_identification_id) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); $parameters_href->{protein_identification_id} = $protein_identification_id; #if (! $protein_identification_id) { # print "

ERROR: printUserAnnotations could not find protein_identification_id.

\n"; #} # TMF removed items 4,5,6 from SELECT statement; changed SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION SA to # PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION PIA my $sql = qq~ SELECT PIA.protein_identification_annotation_id, PIA.comment, PIA.date_modified, SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id, SL.level_name, C.first_name, C.last_name, UL.username FROM $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION_ANNOTATION PIA INNER JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SL ON ( PIA.spectrum_annotation_level_id = SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_CONTACT C ON ( annotator_contact_id = C.contact_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( UL.contact_id = annotator_contact_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PI ON ( PI.protein_identification_id = PIA.protein_identification_id ) WHERE PIA.record_status = 'N' AND PIA.protein_identification_id = '$protein_identification_id' ORDER BY PIA.date_modified DESC ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); $buffer .= qq~ ~; if (@rows) { foreach my $row (@rows) { # TMF removed items 4,5,6 $sequence $charge my ($annot_id, $comment, $date, $level_id, $level, $first, $last, $uname, ) = @{$row}; $total++; # TMF #if ($args{modified_sequence}.$args{charge} eq $sequence.$charge) { $buffer .= "\n"; $buffer .= &printUserAnnotationsForm( form_type => 'update', uname => $uname, default_level_id => $level_id, default_comment => $comment, annot_id => $annot_id, extra_form_fields => $args{form_fields} ); } $buffer .= "\n$line_sep\n"; } } else { $buffer .= qq~ $line_sep ~; } if ($current_username eq 'guest') { my $url = $q->self_url(); $url .= '&force_login=yes'; $buffer .= qq~ $line_sep ~; } elsif ($show_form) { $buffer .= "\n"; $buffer .= &printUserAnnotationsForm( form_type => 'add', uname => $current_username, # TMF #spectrum_id => $args{spectrum_id}, protein_identification_id => $protein_identification_id, extra_form_fields => $args{form_fields} ); $buffer .= "\n$line_sep\n"; } $buffer .= "
User annotations: how good is the UNIQUE evidence for this protein in this PeptideAtlas build? Should this protein form be included in Swiss-Prot and neXtProt?
$level$first $last ($date)
\n"; #-TMF---------------------------------------------- # } else { # my $link = $q->self_url(); # $link =~ s/\?.*//; # clear querystring # $link .= "?spectrum_identification_id=$ident_id;peptide=$sequence;assumed_charge=$charge"; #-------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- # $buffer .= "
$sequence +$charge
$first $last ($date)
\n"; #-------------------------------------------------- #} my $disp_comment = $comment; $disp_comment =~ s|\n|
\n|g; # display carriage returns $buffer .= "$disp_comment\n"; if ($uname eq $current_username) { $show_form = 0; # TMF spectrum_annotation_id => protein_identification_annotation_id $buffer .= qq~
Edit my annotation | Delete $args{form_fields}
~; $buffer .= "
  There are no user annotations for this protein identification.
  Log into PeptideAtlas to add an annotation for this protein identification.
Add annotation 
\n"; # get average # TMF $sql = qq~ SELECT ROUND(AVG(SL.level_probability)*100,0) AS avg_prob_pct, COUNT(*) FROM $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SL INNER JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION_ANNOTATION PIA ON ( PIA.spectrum_annotation_level_id = SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id ) WHERE PIA.protein_identification_id = '$protein_identification_id' AND PIA.record_status = 'N' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my ($avg, $num) = @{$rows[0]}; if ($total != $num) { $total = "($total total)"; } else { $total = ''; } my $innerHTML; if ($num == 1) { $innerHTML = "One user annotation $total, score $avg%"; } elsif ($num > 1) { $innerHTML = "$num user annotations $total, average score $avg%"; } elsif ($num == 0) { $innerHTML = "No user annotations"; } $buffer .=<< "EOJS" if $innerHTML; EOJS return $buffer; } ############################################################################### # printUserAnnotationsForm # get and display user annotations, if any ############################################################################### sub printUserAnnotationsForm { my %args = @_; $args{form_type} ||= 'add'; $args{uname} ||= 'user_anon'; $args{default_level_id} ||= 0; $args{default_comment} ||= ''; $args{annot_id} ||= 0; $args{extra_form_fields} ||= ''; my $spacer = " "x5; my $trname = $args{uname}; $trname .= ($args{form_type} eq 'add') ? 'add' : $args{annot_id}; my $buffer = qq~ ~; # add a hidden for edit form my $sql = qq~ SELECT spectrum_annotation_level_id, level_probability, level_name, level_description FROM $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL WHERE record_status = 'N' ORDER BY sort_order ~; my @levels = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my $select = ""; # TMF -- I don't think I need this stuff below. my $form_action = "ADD"; if ($args{form_type} eq 'update') { $form_action = "UPDATE"; # TMF spectrum_annotation_id => protein_identification_annotation_id $args{extra_form_fields} .= ""; } else { # TMF spectrum_id => protein_identification_id $args{extra_form_fields} .= ""; } $buffer .= qq~
$args{extra_form_fields} $select
~; # caller will close the td and tr return $buffer; } ############################################################################### # displayExternalLinksSection # # Display a section for information about this protein in other resources ############################################################################### sub displayExternalLinksSection { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $biosequence = $args{biosequence} || die("ERROR: No biosequence passed"); my $tr = 'class="hoverable"'; my $external_links = ''; $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'Entrez Gene Symbol'} ||= $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'Gene Symbol'}; if ( !$biosequence->{synonyms}->{'UniProt'} ) { if ( $biosequence->{biosequence_name} =~ /[OPQ][0-9][A-Z0-9]{3}[0-9]|[A-NR-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2}[0-9]){1,2}/ ) { $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'UniProt'} = $biosequence->{biosequence_name}; } } #### Debug if ( 1 == 0 ) { my $tmp = Dumper( $biosequence->{synonyms} ); if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'All synonyms', tr_info => $tr, value => $tmp, url => "", ); } } my $currentOrganism = $current_page->{organism} || $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasOrganism(parameters_ref=>{}); #### Display links to Plant resources my (%prot_links, %prot_link_titles,%gene_links, %gene_link_titles); if ($currentOrganism =~ /Arabidopsis/ && $biosequence->{biosequence_name} =~ /^A/ ){ %prot_links=( 'POGS' => 'http://pogs.uoregon.edu/#/search/genemodel/', 'SUBA' => 'http://suba.live/factsheet.html?id=', 'PTMViewer' => 'https://www.psb.ugent.be/webtools/ptm-viewer/protein.php?id=', 'PhosPhAt' => 'http://phosphat.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/app.html?agi=', 'PPDB' => 'http://ppdb.tc.cornell.edu/dbsearch/gene.aspx?acc='); %prot_link_titles = ( 'POGS' => 'Putative Orthologous Groups DB', 'SUBA' => 'Subcellular Location Database for Arabidopsis Proteins', 'PTMViewer' => 'The Plant PTM Viewer', 'PhosPhAt' => 'The Arabidopsis Protein Phosphorylation Site Database', 'PPDB' => 'The Plant Proteome Database'); %gene_links = ('TAIR' => 'http://arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?type=locus&name=', 'ATHENA' => 'https://athena.proteomics.wzw.tum.de/master_arabidopsisshiny/?gene=', ); %gene_link_titles = ('TAIR' => 'The Arabidopsis Information Resource', 'ATHENA' => 'Arabidopsis thaliana Expression Atlas', ); } elsif( $currentOrganism =~ /Bburgdorferi_B31/) { if ($biosequence->{biosequence_desc} =~/OS\=Borreliella burgdorferi/){ $external_links .= qq~ UniProtKB $biosequence->{biosequence_name} ~; } } elsif ($currentOrganism =~ /Maize/ && $biosequence->{biosequence_name} =~ /^Zm/ ){ # links with special logic... my $maize = $biosequence->{biosequence_name}; $maize =~ s/_.*$//; $external_links .= qq~ Maize Genetics and Genomics Database MaizeGDB ~; %prot_links=( 'PPDB' => 'http://ppdb.tc.cornell.edu/dbsearch/gene.aspx?acc='); %prot_link_titles = ('PPDB' => 'The Plant Proteome Database'); } foreach my $source(keys %prot_links){ my $title = $source; $title = "$prot_link_titles{$source}" if ($prot_link_titles{$source}); $external_links .= qq~ $title  $source ~; } my $gene_name = $biosequence->{biosequence_name}; $gene_name =~ s/\..*//; foreach my $source(keys %gene_links){ my $title = $source; $title = "$gene_link_titles{$source}" if ($gene_link_titles{$source}); $external_links .= qq~ $title $source ~; } my $desc = $biosequence->{biosequence_desc}; if ($desc =~ /.*(Chr\w+):(\d+)-(\d+)/){ my $chr = $1; my $start = $2; my $end = $3; $external_links .= qq~ JBrowse at arabidopsis.org JBrowse ~; } $external_links .= qq~ Google Search $biosequence->{biosequence_name} ~; #### Display a link to Human Protein Atlas (hpr) my $entrezGeneID = $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'Entrez Gene Symbol'}; if ($currentOrganism eq 'Human' && $entrezGeneID) { $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Human Protein Atlas', tr_info => $tr, value => qq~
$entrezGeneID~, value => "" . ' ' . $entrezGeneID, url => "http://www.proteinatlas.org/search/gene_name:$entrezGeneID", ); } #### Display a link to the Global Proteome Machine (GPM) my $ensemblProtein = $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'Ensembl Protein'}; if ($ensemblProtein) { $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Global Proteome Machine', tr_info => $tr, value => $ensemblProtein, value => "" . ' ' . $ensemblProtein, url => "http://gpmdb.thegpm.org/protein/accession/$ensemblProtein", ); } #### Display links to NeXtProt and Protter (by Bernd Wollscheid) my $uniprotProtein = $biosequence->{synonyms}->{'UniProt'}; if ($uniprotProtein) { if ( $currentOrganism =~ /Human/i) { $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'neXtProt knowledgebase', tr_info => $tr, value => "" . '  NX_' . $uniprotProtein, url => 'http://www.nextprot.org/db/entry/NX_' . $uniprotProtein ); } $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Protter (Interactive protein visualization)', tr_info => $tr, value => $uniprotProtein, value => "" . ' ' . $uniprotProtein, url => "http://wlab.ethz.ch/protter/#up=${uniprotProtein}&tm=auto" ); } #### Display a link to Pathway commons if ($entrezGeneID) { $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Pathway Commons 2', tr_info => $tr, value => $entrezGeneID, value => "" . ' ' . $entrezGeneID, url => "http://www.pathwaycommons.org/pcviz/#neighborhood/$entrezGeneID", ); } #### Close section if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' && $external_links ) { $external_links = "$external_links
"; print scalar $sbeams->make_toggle_section( neutraltext => 'External Links', sticky => 1, name => 'getprotein_ExternalLinks_div', #ToDo?# tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', barlink => 1, visible => 1, content => $external_links ); } return 1; } # end displayExternalLinksSection ############################################################################### # renderProteinAccessionAndStatus # # Display the protein accession, its status, and then meaning of its status ############################################################################### sub renderProteinAccessionAndStatus { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $biosequence = $args{biosequence} || die("ERROR: No biosequence passed"); my $identification_status = $args{identification_status} || ''; my $base_url = $args{base_url} || die("ERROR: No base_url passed"); if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { my $statusColor = "yellow"; my $statusMessage = "This status has not been properly documented. Please report this error."; if ($identification_status eq 'canonical') { $statusColor = "green"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that this protein counts toward the total parsimonious protein count for this build. In many cases there are several highly similar proteins that can explain the observed peptides, but only one is labeled as canonical. It is possible that our algorithm selected the wrong one, or even that several of the similar proteins are present, but PeptideAtlas has no independent evidence that this is so."; }elsif ($identification_status eq 'noncore-canonical') { $statusColor = "#90EE90"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that there are uniquely mapping peptides to this protein that do not map to a protein that is considered part of the core proteome of a species. A non-core canonical protein might be an isoform, contaminant, or protein missing from the core reference proteome."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /ntt-subsumed by (.*)$/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "one or more other canonical proteins, which themselves have"; $specificProteinMessage = "$1, which itself has" if ($1); $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that although there are peptides that map to this protein $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, all peptides can be explained by $specificProteinMessage some independent evidence. Moreover, at least one peptide would be semi-tryptic in this protein sequence, but would actually be fully tryptic in its subsumer, giving evidence against this protein being the detected one. This protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count. Still, peptides from this protein may have been measured, but PeptideAtlas has no independent evidence that this is so."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /subsumed by (.*)$/) { my $relatedAccession = $1; my $specificProteinMessage = "one or more other canonical proteins, which themselves have"; $specificProteinMessage = "$1, which itself has" if ($1); $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that although there are peptides that map to this protein $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, all peptides can be explained by $specificProteinMessage some independent evidence. This protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count. Still, peptides from this protein may have been measured, but PeptideAtlas has no independent evidence that this is so."; $identification_status =~ s/$relatedAccession/$relatedAccession<\/a>/ if ($1); } elsif ($identification_status =~ /indistinguishable representative/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "considered the leader of a group of proteins that are indistinguishable"; $statusColor = "green"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that there are peptides that map uniquely to a set of non-canonical proteins, thereby indicating that at least one of the proteins in the set must be present, but it cannot be determined which it is. The protein most highly regarded by UniProt (i.e. lowest PE value, lowest accession number) is selected as the '$identification_status' and the others are either indistinguishable or subsumed. For example, if PE=1 protein P12345 and PE=2 P12999 both shared the exact same 5 peptides, but were sequence distinct, P12345 would be '$identification_status' and P12999 would be indistinguishable."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /representative/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "has been selected to be the representative to explain muliply-mapping peptides"; $statusColor = "orange"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that there are peptides that map uniquely to a set of non-canonical proteins, thereby indicating that at least one of the proteins in the set must be present, but it cannot be determined which it is. The protein most highly regarded by UniProt (i.e. lowest PE value, lowest accession number) is selected as the '$identification_status' and the others are either indistinguishable or subsumed."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /indistinguishable from (.*)$/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "another protein entry with a different sequence, to which PeptideAtlas has assigned these peptides"; $specificProteinMessage = "$1, which has a different sequence than this one, and to which PeptideAtlas has assigned these peptides" if ($1); $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that although there are peptides that map to this protein $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, all peptides also map to $specificProteinMessage. This protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count. Still, peptides from this protein may have been measured, but PeptideAtlas has no independent evidence that this is so."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /identical to (.*)$/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "another protein entry with exactly the same sequence"; $specificProteinMessage = "$1 because it has exactly the same sequence as this one" if ($1); $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that although there are peptides that map to this protein $biosequence->{biosequence_name}, all peptides also map to $specificProteinMessage. PeptideAtlas has selected the other protein as the representative. Thus this protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count. It is merely another accession number for the same sequence."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /weak/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "there are fewer proteotypic peptides than is desirable to call this protein canonical"; $statusColor = "orange"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that there are fewer distinct proteotypic peptides than are desirable to call this protein canonical."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /insufficient evidence/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "all proteotypic peptides are of insufficient length to feel confident that they truly indicative that this protein has been detected"; $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that all apparent supporting proteotypic peptides have insufficient length to be confident that they could not be explained by unconsidered variation in the human proteome."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /rejected/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "all supporting spectra were manually rejected, leaving no supporting evidence"; $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that all spectra that provided supporting evidence for this protein were rejected via manual inspection. As result, there is no credible evidence to suppose that this protein has been detected in PeptideAtlas. The rejected peptides and spectra may still be visible for inspection."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /recovered/) { my $specificProteinMessage = "temporary status for a protein that was onec rejected but was since manually recovered"; $statusColor = "red"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that this protein was previously rejected manually due to inconclusive spectra, but was then later recovered. This is a transient status that should not stay for long."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /possibly_distinguished/) { $statusColor = "orange"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that this protein has peptides that are shared with a canonical peptide, but it also has a small number of peptides that appear to distinguish it from the canonical identification. However, since there are some false positives in PeptideAtlas and the reference sequences may not be annotated completely or correctly, we conservatively call this similar protein possibly distinguished from the canonical entry. Because of the shared peptides with another protein, this protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count."; } elsif ($identification_status =~ /marginally distinguished/) { $statusColor = "orange"; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that this protein has peptides that are shared with a canonical peptide, but it also has a small number of peptides that appear to distinguish it from the canonical identification. However, since there are some false positives in PeptideAtlas and the reference sequences may not be annotated completely or correctly, we conservatively call this similar protein possibly distinguished from the canonical entry. Because of the shared peptides with another protein, this protein is not part of our overall parsimonious protein count."; } elsif ($identification_status eq '') { $statusColor = "black"; $identification_status = 'not detected'; $statusMessage = "The status '$identification_status' means that no peptide spectrum matches with sufficiently high quality map to this protein sequence."; } my $statusWidget = $sbeamsMOD->make_pa_tooltip( tip_text => $statusMessage, link_text => "Status: $identification_status  
" ); print "$biosequence->{biosequence_name}\n"; print "$statusWidget
\n"; } return(1); } sub displayOrigeneAnnotatedSequence { my %args = @_; my $protein_name = $args{protein_name}; my $parameters = $args{parameters}; my $biosequence = $args{biosequence}; my %motif_params = %{$args{motif_params}}; my $file = "/net/db/projects/PeptideAtlas/species/Human/Origene/ExpectedProtein.txt"; open(IN, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file\n"; my %PPfile = (); my %peptides_m; foreach my $line (){ chomp $line ; my (@spids,$plate,$tube); if( $line =~ /TP\d+,([^,]+),(\w),(\d+),.*VE.+_ISBHOT(0[0123]\d).*/ || $line =~ /TP\d+,([^,]+),(\w),(\d+).*,ISBHOT(0[0123]\d).*/){ $plate = "ISBHOT$4"; @spids = split(/\./,$1); if(length($3) == 1){ $tube = "{$2".'0'."$3,$2$3}"; } else { $tube = "$2$3"; } } foreach my $a (@spids){ my $p = "/proteomics/peptideatlas/archive/rmoritz/HumanMRMAtlas/Origene/Velos/$plate*/". "method/XTK/VE*_$tube\_*-ipro.prot.xml"; $PPfile{$a}{path} = $p; if($tube =~ /\{(\w+),.*/){ $tube = $1; } $PPfile{$a}{tube} = $plate.'-'.$tube; if($a =~ /(\S+)\-\d+/){ $a = $1; $PPfile{$a}{path} = $p; $PPfile{$a}{tube} = $plate.'-'.$tube; } } } if(defined $PPfile{$protein_name}){ foreach my $m (@methods){ my $file = $PPfile{$protein_name}{path}; my $str; if($parameters->{ori_tube} ne ''){ $parameters->{ori_tube} =~ /(ISBHOT\d{3})-(\w)(\d+)/; if(length($3) == 1){ $str = "$1*/method/XTK/VE*_{$2".'0'."$3,$2$3}_*-ipro.prot.xml"; } else { $str = "$1*/method/{XTK,XTK*allmod}/VE*_$2$3\_*-ipro.prot.xml"; } $file = "/proteomics/peptideatlas/archive/rmoritz/HumanMRMAtlas/Origene/Velos/$str"; } $file =~ s/method/$m/; my @files = `ls $file`; if(@files > 1 or @files == 0 ){ print join("
", @files); goto LABEL; #}#elsif(! @files ){ # print "$PPfile
"; } else { %{$peptides_m{$m}} = $origenecov -> getPeptides( ref_parameters => $parameters, ProteinProphetfile => $files[0], protein_name => $protein_name); } } ## LM: did not update this...yet! my ($tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'ori_getprotein_sequence', visible => 0, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $ori_help = $origenecov ->get_plot_help(name => 'ori_getprotein_sequence_desc' ); my $graphic_head = $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Sequence Coverage of Each Fragmentation Method (TPP PeptideProb >= 0.9 and ProteinProb >= 0.9)", link => $link ); my %graphic_params = ( peptide => \%peptides_m, protein_data => $biosequence, tr_info => $tr, obs_color => $parameters->{obs_color} ); my $graphic_section = $origenecov -> get_sequence_graphic( %graphic_params, %motif_params ); my $primary = qq~   Below show $protein_name in: $PPfile{$protein_name}{tube}
~; if($parameters->{ori_tube}){ $primary = qq~   Below show $protein_name in: $parameters->{ori_tube}
~; } print qq~ ~; for my $method( @methods){ my ( $sequence, $tags ,$coverage) = $origenecov -> displayAnnotatedSequence( peptides => \%{$peptides_m{$method}}, biosequence => $biosequence, method => $method, ); print "\n \n"; } print "
  $protein_name is primary protein in: $PPfile{$protein_name}{tube}
" . $origenecov -> get_html_seq( sequence => $sequence, tags => $tags, method => $method, coverage => $coverage ) . "
\n"; } LABEL: } sub postProcessResultset { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $resultset_ref = $args{'resultset_ref'}; my $rs_params_ref = $args{'rs_params_ref'}; my $query_parameters_ref = $args{'query_parameters_ref'}; my $column_titles_ref = $args{'column_titles_ref'}; my $atlas_build_id = $args{'atlas_build_id'}; my %rs_params = %{$rs_params_ref}; my %parameters = %{$query_parameters_ref}; my $n_rows = scalar(@{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}}); my $cols = $resultset_ref->{column_hash_ref}; my @data =(); my %peptide_samples =(); my $sql = qq~ SELECT ASB.atlas_search_batch_id, S.SAMPLE_ID FROM $TBAT_SAMPLE S JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_SEARCH_BATCH ASB ON (S.SAMPLE_ID = ASB.SAMPLE_ID) JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD_SEARCH_BATCH ABSB ON (ABSB.atlas_search_batch_id = ASB.atlas_search_batch_id) WHERE ABSB.ATLAS_BUILD_ID = $atlas_build_id ~; my %asb2sample_id=$sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); #$resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]->[$cols->{sample_ids}] = join(",", keys %{$pi_samples->{$peptide_accession}}); for (my $i=0; $i<$n_rows; $i++) { my $peptide_accession = $resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]->[$cols->{peptide_accession}]; my $asb_id = $resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]->[$cols->{sample_ids}]; $peptide_samples{$peptide_accession}{$asb2sample_id{$asb_id}} =1; } my %processed = (); for (my $i=0; $i<$n_rows; $i++) { my $peptide_accession = $resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]->[$cols->{peptide_accession}]; $resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]->[$cols->{sample_ids}] = join(",", keys %{$peptide_samples{$peptide_accession}}); my $values = join(",", @{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]}); if (! $processed{$values}){ push @data, $resultset_ref->{data_ref}->[$i]; $processed{$values} = 1; } } $resultset_ref->{data_ref} = \@data; }