#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : GetPeptide # $Id: GetPeptide 7355 2013-05-07 16:48:37Z zsun $ # # Description : Prints summary of a given peptide given selection # atlas build, and peptide name or sequence. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use POSIX qw(ceil); use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); ##use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ModificationHelper; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Utilities; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ProtInfo qw(is_uniprot_identifier); use SBEAMS::Proteomics::Tables; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); my $modification_helper = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ModificationHelper(); my $current_page = { organism => '', atlas_build_id => '' }; #$q = new CGI; ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin', 'PeptideAtlas_readonly', 'PeptideAtlas_exec'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if ($parameters{action} eq "???") { # Some action } else { my $project_id = $sbeamsMOD->getProjectID( atlas_build_id => $parameters{atlas_build_id} ); # TMF processDatabaseActions(); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id, init_tooltip => 1); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } $sbeams->profile_sql( list => 0 ); } # end main ############################################################################### # Process insert/update/delete, if any, then redirect # TMF: copied this sub from ShowObservedSpectrum, then made a few # changes ############################################################################### sub processDatabaseActions { my $redirect = 0; my %parameters; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); if ($apply_action eq "UPDATE ANNOTATION") { my %rowdata = ( spectrum_annotation_level_id => $parameters{user_spectrum_annotation}, comment => $parameters{user_spectrum_commment} ); my $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( update => 1, # TMF table_name => $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, # TMF next 2 lines PK => 'peptide_instance_annotation_id', PK_value => $parameters{peptide_instance_annotation_id}, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been updated." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem updating your annotation record." ); } $redirect++; } elsif ($apply_action eq "ADD ANNOTATION") { my $PK; my $error_reason= ''; if ( ! $parameters{peptide_instance_id} ) { $error_reason .= "Need peptide_instance_id for ADD ANNOTATION."; } else { my %rowdata = ( annotator_contact_id => $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(), # TMF #spectrum_identification_id => $parameters{spectrum_identification_id}, peptide_instance_id => $parameters{peptide_instance_id}, spectrum_annotation_level_id => $parameters{user_spectrum_annotation}, comment => $parameters{user_spectrum_commment} ); $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => 1, # TMF table_name => $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); } if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been added." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem inserting your annotation record. $error_reason" ); } $redirect++; } elsif ($apply_action eq "DELETE ANNOTATION") { my %rowdata = ( record_status => 'D' ); my $PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( update => 1, #TMF table_name => $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION, rowdata_ref => \%rowdata, PK => 'peptide_instance_annotation_id', PK_value => $parameters{peptide_instance_annotation_id}, return_PK => 1, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); if ($PK) { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Info', msg => "Your annotation record has been deleted." ); } else { $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'Error', msg => "ERROR: There was a problem deleting your annotation record." ); } $redirect++; } if ($redirect) { $q->delete( 'apply_action' ); print $q->redirect( $q->self_url() ); exit; } } ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; $log->debug( "Start page " . time() ); #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #### Show current user context information print "
\n" if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); #$sbeams->printUserContext(); #### Get the HTML to display the tabs my $tabMenu = $sbeamsMOD->getTabMenu( parameters_ref => \%parameters, program_name => $PROG_NAME, ); print $tabMenu->asHTML() . '
' if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); #### Define some generic variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); # Get list of accessible projects my @accessible_project_ids = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $project_string = join( ",", @accessible_project_ids ) || '0'; return unless $project_string; #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### Set some specific settings for this program my $CATEGORY="Get Peptide"; my $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME = $PROG_NAME; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; my $help_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/help_popup.cgi"; # Triage of parameter handling, trying to merge 'searchWithinThis' style # params with peptide_name_constraint params, as both may be used in # calling this page. # Rules: if peptide_name_constraint is set, use it # else if SWT is Peptide Name, use SFT # else if cookie vals set, use them # else use default. # # if peptide_sequence_constraint is set, use it # else if SWT is Peptide Sequence, us SFT # else if cookie vals set, use them # else use default # # if peptide_name_constraint is set use it, # else if peptide_seq_constraint is set use it # # if atlas_build_id or atlas_build_name is set, use it # else if organism_id or organism_name is set, use it # else if cookie value is set, use it # else use default # # example invocations: # GetPeptide?atlas_build_id=117&searchWithinThis=Peptide%2bName&searchForThis=PAp00439490&action=QUERY # GetPeptide?atlas_build_name=Yeast_TransitionAtlas_2008-02_P0.9&searchWithinThis=Peptide+Name&searchForThis=PAp00085861&query=QUERY my $searchValue = ''; my $searchKey = ''; # give me strength... $parameters{searchWithinThis} =~ s/\+/\ /; if ( $parameters{peptide_name_constraint} ) { $searchKey = 'Peptide Name'; $searchValue = $parameters{peptide_name_constraint}; } elsif ( $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} ) { $searchKey = 'Peptide Sequence'; $searchValue = $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint}; } else { $searchKey = $parameters{searchWithinThis} || ''; $searchValue = $parameters{searchForThis} || ''; } # Check session if necessary unless( $searchValue ) { $searchValue = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_search_value' ); } unless ($searchKey) { $searchKey = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => 'PeptideAtlas_search_key' ); } # Set value to some given peptide for first-time visitors $searchValue ||= 'VSFLSALEEYTK'; $searchKey ||= 'Peptide Sequence'; # Everything is set, not cache within cookie/vars. $parameters{'searchWithinThis'} = $searchKey; $parameters{'searchForThis'} = $searchValue; $parameters{'apply_action'} = 'GO'; if ( $parameters{searchWithinThis} eq 'Peptide Name' ) { $parameters{peptide_name_constraint} ||= $searchValue; } elsif ( $parameters{searchWithinThis} eq 'Peptide Sequence' ) { $parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} ||= $searchValue; } else { $log->warn( "unknown value in searchWithinThis parameter" ); } $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( value => $searchValue, key => 'PeptideAtlas_search_value' ); $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( value => $searchKey, key => 'PeptideAtlas_search_key' ); my $alt_link = ''; if ( $parameters{searchForThis} ) { $alt_link = "View a summary for this peptide across all accessible builds"; } my $protein_list_sql = ''; if ( $parameters{atlas_build_id} && $parameters{searchWithinThis} && $parameters{searchForThis} ) { my $contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $peptide_and = 'XXX'; if ( $parameters{searchWithinThis} =~ /Name/ ) { $peptide_and = " AND P.peptide_accession = '$parameters{searchForThis}'\n"; } else { $peptide_and = " AND P.peptide_sequence = '$parameters{searchForThis}'\n"; } $protein_list_sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT AB.atlas_build_id FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB JOIN peptideatlas.dbo.protein_list_build PLB ON AB.atlas_build_id = PLB.atlas_build_id JOIN peptideatlas.dbo.protein_list PL ON PL.protein_list_id = PLB.protein_list_id JOIN peptideatlas.dbo.protein_list_protein PLP ON PL.protein_list_id = PLP.protein_list_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE B ON ( B.biosequence_set_id = AB.biosequence_set_id AND B.biosequence_accession = PLP.protein_name ) JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON PM.matched_biosequence_id = B.biosequence_id JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI ON PI.peptide_instance_id = PM.peptide_instance_id JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id WHERE PL.contributor_contact_id = $contact_id AND AB.atlas_build_id = $parameters{atlas_build_id} $peptide_and ~; } #### Get the current atlas_build_id based on parameters or session my $atlas_build_id = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( allow_protein_list_login => 1, protein_list_sql => $protein_list_sql, parameters_ref => \%parameters, alt_link => $alt_link ); if (defined($atlas_build_id) && $atlas_build_id < 0) { return; } # Cache in case we go out of scope later. $current_page->{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_build_id; # If we've gotten this far, user must have access to specified build my ( $extra_project ) = $sbeams->selectrow_array( "Select project_id FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id" ); $project_string .= ", $extra_project"; $parameters{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_build_id; # Set build_name my $atlas_build_name = get_atlas_build_name( atlas_build_id => $atlas_build_id ); # Validate selected build my $validation_error = ''; if ( !$atlas_build_id ) { $validation_error = "No build specified"; } elsif ( $atlas_build_id < 0 ) { $validation_error = "Illegal build ID"; } elsif ( !$sbeamsMOD->isAccessibleBuild( build_id => $atlas_build_id ) ) { # $validation_error = "You lack permission to access the specified build"; $log->debug( "Must have used protein_list authentication" ); } if ( $validation_error ) { my $error_string = $sbeams->makeErrorText( $validation_error ); my $url = $q->self_url(); my $url_delim = ( $url =~ /\?/ ) ? ';' : '?'; print qq~


Please choose a valid Atlas Build, or login as a different user. ~; exit; } # Get peptide_instance_id for this atlas build and peptide sequence $sql = qq~ select pi.peptide_instance_id from $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE pi join $TBAT_PEPTIDE p on p.peptide_id = pi.peptide_id where pi.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id and p.peptide_sequence = ~; # Cache values if ($atlas_build_name) { $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( value => $atlas_build_name, key => 'PeptideAtlas_build_name' ); } $parameters{'atlas_build_id'} = $atlas_build_id; $parameters{'atlas_build_name'} = $atlas_build_name; $parameters{'apply_action'} = 'GO'; # End parameter handling section $log->debug( "end param handling " . time() ); ## Get and store list of atlases for use with form: my (@atlas_option_id_array, @atlas_option_name_array); ## get accessible atlases: my $sql = qq~ SELECT atlas_build_id,atlas_build_name FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE project_id IN ( $project_string ) AND record_status!='D' ORDER BY atlas_build_name ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); unless ( @rows ) { print qq~

Unable to use specified Atlas, please select a new one
Choose new Atlas Build ~; exit; } foreach my $row (@rows) { my ($tmp_id, $tmp_name) = @{$row}; push(@atlas_option_id_array, $tmp_id); push(@atlas_option_name_array, $tmp_name); } #### Build search options for textbox: my @peptide_search_constraint = ( "peptide_name_constraint", "peptide_sequence_constraint" ); my @textbox_option_tags = ( "Peptide Name", "Peptide Sequence" ); #### Apply any parameter adjustment logic $parameters{display_options} = 'ShowSQL'; my ($selected_atlas_build_name, $selected_key, $selected_key_search); $apply_action=$parameters{'apply_action'}; unless ( $apply_action eq "QUERY" || $apply_action eq "GO" ) { ## if receive from link, don't assign null $apply_action = $parameters{"query"}; } ### if receive $parameters{atlas_build_id} from link, get atlas build name #if ( $parameters{atlas_build_id} ) { # for (my $i=0; $i<=$#atlas_option_id_array; $i++) { # if ( $parameters{atlas_build_id} eq $atlas_option_id_array[$i] ) { # $atlas_build_name = $atlas_option_name_array[$i] # } # } #} if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { # print $sbeamsMOD->init_pa_tooltip(); print "

"; print ""; print $q->start_form(-method=>"POST", -action=>"$base_url", ); print $q->popup_menu(-name=> "atlas_build_name", -values=> [@atlas_option_name_array], -default=>$atlas_build_name, ); print "  Search "; print $q->popup_menu(-name=> "searchWithinThis", -values=> [@textbox_option_tags], -default=>$searchKey, ); print " for: "; print $q->textfield( "searchForThis", $searchValue); print $q->submit(-name => "query", -value => 'QUERY', -label => 'QUERY'); print $q->endform; print ""; ## xxxx $help_url print "

"; } ## store form values in %parameters: for (my $i=0; $i<=$#atlas_option_name_array; $i++){ if ( $atlas_build_name eq $atlas_option_name_array[$i]) { $parameters{atlas_build_name} = $atlas_build_name; $parameters{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_option_id_array[$i]; } } for (my $i=0; $i<=$#textbox_option_tags;$i++){ if ( $searchKey eq $textbox_option_tags[$i]) { $parameters{$peptide_search_constraint[$i]} = $searchValue; } } ######################################################################### #### Process all the constraints #### If atlas_build_id was not selected, stop here unless ($parameters{atlas_build_id}) { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', type => 'INSUFFICIENT CONSTRAINTS', message => 'You must select an Atlas Build', ); return; } #### Build ATLAS_BUILD constraint my $atlas_build_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"AB.atlas_build_id", constraint_type=>"int_list", constraint_name=>"Atlas Build", constraint_value=>$parameters{atlas_build_id} ); return if ($atlas_build_clause eq '-1'); #### Build PEPTIDE_NAME constraint my $peptide_name_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"P.peptide_accession", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Peptide Name", constraint_value=>$parameters{peptide_name_constraint} ); return if ($peptide_name_clause eq '-1'); #### Build PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE constraint my $peptide_sequence_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL( constraint_column=>"P.peptide_sequence", constraint_type=>"plain_text", constraint_name=>"Peptide Sequence", constraint_value=>$parameters{peptide_sequence_constraint} ); return if ($peptide_sequence_clause eq '-1'); my $atlas_project_clause = "AND AB.project_id IN ( $project_string )"; ## want to replace LIKE with = , as want a single peptide returned $peptide_name_clause =~ s/LIKE/=/gi; #print "peptide_name_clause: $peptide_name_clause
"; $peptide_sequence_clause =~ s/LIKE/=/gi; #print "peptide_sequence_clause: $peptide_sequence_clause
"; #### Define the SQL statement $sql = qq~ SELECT distinct P.peptide_accession, P.peptide_sequence, PI.best_probability, PI.n_observations, PI.n_genome_locations, PI.n_protein_mappings, PM.chromosome, PM.start_in_chromosome, PM.end_in_chromosome, PM.strand, BS.biosequence_name, P.molecular_weight, P.peptide_isoelectric_point, PI.n_samples, PI.n_protein_samples, PI.empirical_proteotypic_score, O.full_name, PI.original_protein_name, P.SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, CAST(biosequence_seq AS VARCHAR) biosequence_seq, BS.biosequence_id, PA.peptide_sequence, PA.peptide_annotation, PA.peptide_annotation_id, PA.annotator_name, CAST(PA.comment AS VARCHAR) comment FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON ( PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON ( PI.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON ( AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( BSS.organism_id = O.organism_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = PM.peptide_instance_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( PM.matched_biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_DBXREF DBX ON ( BS.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_ANNOTATION PA ON ( PA.peptide_id = PI.peptide_id ) WHERE 1 = 1 $atlas_build_clause $peptide_name_clause $peptide_sequence_clause $atlas_project_clause ORDER BY PM.chromosome, BS.biosequence_name, PM.start_in_chromosome ~; unless ( $peptide_name_clause || $peptide_sequence_clause ) { $sbeams->display_sql(sql=>$sql); print qq~ No name or sequence constraint found, unable to proceed ~; return; } ######################################################################### #### If QUERY, display the data if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY|GO/i ) { my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql) or print qq~ Peptide not found. Please check selections and try again.

Or, search for the peptide across all major PeptideAtlas builds:   
~; $log->debug( "finished running query " . time() ); if (@rows) { my (@peptide_accession, @peptide_sequence); my (@best_probability, @n_observations, @n_genome_locations, @n_protein_mappings); my (@chrom, @start_chrom, @end_chrom, @strand); my (%biosequence_name, @biosequence_name, %biosequence_id); my ( @mw, @pi, @nsamp, @nprotsamp, @epscore, @organism, @original_name, @SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, @pep_annot ); my $i=0; ##index counter my %chrom_map; foreach my $row (@rows) { my ($pa, $seq, $prob, $n_obs, $n_g_loc, $n_prot_map, $chr, $s_chr, $e_chr, $str, $b_name, $mw, $pi, $ns, $nps, $eps, $org, $orig_name, $SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity, $protein_sequence, $bioseq_id, @annot ) = @{$row}; @pep_annot = @annot unless @pep_annot; $peptide_accession[$i] = $pa; $peptide_sequence[$i] = $seq; $best_probability[$i] = $prob; $n_observations[$i] = $n_obs; $n_genome_locations[$i] = $n_g_loc; $n_protein_mappings[$i] = $n_prot_map; $chrom[$i] = $chr; $start_chrom[$i] = $s_chr; $end_chrom[$i] = $e_chr; $strand[$i] = $str; $biosequence_name[$i] = $b_name; $biosequence_name{$b_name}++; $mw[$i] = sprintf( "%0.2f", $mw); $pi[$i] = sprintf( "%0.1f", $pi ); $nsamp[$i] = $ns; $nprotsamp[$i] = $nps; $epscore[$i] = $eps; $organism[$i] = $org; $original_name[$i] = $orig_name; $SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity[$i] = $SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity; #print "sql returns: $n_observations[$i] $sample_tag[$i]
"; $biosequence_id{$bioseq_id}++; my $key = join( ':::', $chr, $s_chr, $e_chr, $str, $seq ); # Could just push, thought this was clearer. if ( !$chrom_map{$key} ) { # First time through, point to arrayref $chrom_map{$key} = [$b_name]; } else { # Subsequent visits push an item onto the list push @{$chrom_map{$key}}, $b_name; } $i++; } ##xxxx PRINT RETURN to HTML HERE... # Widget to allow show/hide of overview section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getpeptide_overview', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $summary_header = $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "$peptide_accession[0]", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); my $summ =<<" END"; $summary_header END my $bestp = ( $best_probability[0] == 1 ) ? 1 : sprintf( "%0.2f", $best_probability[0] ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Peptide Accession', value => $peptide_accession[0], tr_info => $tr, key_width => '20%' ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Peptide Sequence', tr_info => $tr, value => $peptide_sequence[0], ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Best Probability', tr_info => $tr, value => $bestp, ); # TMF: remove this conditional if/when want to release this feature to production. if ($parameters{'ann'}) { $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'User Assessment', tr_info => $tr, value => '
-- please wait for page load --
', ); } $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Times Observed:', tr_info => $tr, value => $n_observations[0], ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Avg Molecular Weight', tr_info => $tr, value => "$mw[0]", ) if $mw[0]; $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'pI (approx)', tr_info => $tr, value => "$pi[0]", ) if $pi[0]; if ( defined $SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity[0] ) { $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'SSRCalc relative hydrophobicity', tr_info => $tr, value => sprintf("%.2f",$SSRCalc_relative_hydrophobicity[0]), ); } if ( defined $epscore[0] ) { $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => '# Samples', tr_info => $tr, value => "$nsamp[0]", ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => '# Protein Samples', tr_info => $tr, value => "$nprotsamp[0]", ); $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Proteotypic score', tr_info => $tr, value => sprintf( "%0.1f", $epscore[0] ), ); } $summ .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Reference peptide', tr_info => $tr, value => format_refpep( \@pep_annot ) ) if $pep_annot[0]; #### Deciding which clause to send to PeptideCount method present in Utilities.pm my $peptide_clause = ($peptide_name_clause) ? $peptide_name_clause : $peptide_sequence_clause; my($no_organisms,$no_distinct_builds)=$sbeamsMOD->PeptideCount(atlas_project_clause=>$atlas_project_clause, peptide_clause=>$peptide_clause ); $link="$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/Summarize_Peptide?searchForThis=$peptide_sequence[0]&apply_action=QUERY"; my $build_html_link="$no_distinct_builds"; my $org_html_link="$no_organisms"; $summ.=$sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem(key => 'Number of builds in which Peptide found', tr_info=>$tr, value=>$build_html_link); $summ.=$sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem(key => 'Organisms in which Peptide found', tr_info=>$tr, value=>$org_html_link); print "
\n"; print "
\n"; ### End first section $log->debug( "End overview " . time() ); ############################################################################# #### Display the External Links section displayExternalLinksSection( pepseq =>$peptide_sequence[0],); ############################################################################# #### Genome mappings section # Widget to allow show/hide of genome mapping section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'genome_mappings', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); # Encode section header # 'link' => $link, # encodeSectionTable( # tr_info => $tr, my $mapHTML = qq~   ~; $n_genome_locations[0] = 0 if $n_genome_locations[0] < 0; $mapHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Genome Mappings: $n_genome_locations[0]", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); my $last_chrom = ""; my $last_protein = ""; my $last_seq_used_length = ""; my $n_indices=$#peptide_accession; my @rows; my @prots; for my $key ( keys( %chrom_map ) ) { my @map = split( ':::', $key ); my $current_chrom = $map[0]; my $tmp_start = $map[1]; my $tmp_end = $map[2]; my $tmp_strand = $map[3]; my $peptide_sequence = $map[4]; # Select Uniprot ident if available (prev. to March 2013, selected 1st ident). my $current_prot_num=0; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @{ $chrom_map{$key} }; $i++ ) { $current_prot_num = $i; last if ( SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ProtInfo::is_uniprot_identifier ( $chrom_map{$key}->[$i] ) ); } my $current_prot = $chrom_map{$key}->[$current_prot_num]; push @prots, $current_prot; # This indicates an unmapped peptide next unless $current_prot; ## $current_peptide_seq is the entire peptide sequence, even if split over 2 exons my $current_peptide_seq = $peptide_sequence; #if ($current_chrom ne $last_chrom) { # $mapHTML .= "Chromosome $current_chrom: \n"; #} my $tmp_protein = $current_prot; my $tmp_seq; #### get residues on given exons #### my $exon_bp_length = ceil( (abs($tmp_end - $tmp_start)/3.) ); ## if the strand is negative, count residues on exon starting from end if ($tmp_strand eq "-") { if ($tmp_protein eq $last_protein) { $tmp_seq = substr($current_peptide_seq, ((length $current_peptide_seq) - $last_seq_used_length - $exon_bp_length), ((length $current_peptide_seq) - $last_seq_used_length ) ); } else { $tmp_seq = substr($current_peptide_seq, ((length $current_peptide_seq) - $exon_bp_length), (length $current_peptide_seq) ); } #### Else from the start } elsif ($tmp_strand eq "+") { if ($tmp_protein eq $last_protein) { $tmp_seq = substr($current_peptide_seq, $last_seq_used_length, (length $current_peptide_seq)); } else { $tmp_seq = substr($current_peptide_seq, 0, $exon_bp_length); } #### Otherwise, there's no proper mapping, but show information anyway } else { $tmp_seq = $current_peptide_seq; } $last_seq_used_length = length($tmp_seq); # Set up protein[s] display my $protein_display = makeProteinLink( name => $tmp_protein, build => $parameters{atlas_build_id}); my $extra = $#{$chrom_map{$key}}; if ( $extra ) { my $all = join ', ', @{$chrom_map{$key}}; my $all_links; for my $p ( @{$chrom_map{$key}} ) { $all_links .= makeProteinLink( build => $parameters{atlas_build_id}, name => $p, target => '_prot_info' ) . "
\n"; } $mapHTML .= $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); my $session_key = $sbeams->getRandomString( num_chars => 20, char_set => ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', 0..9] ); $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => $session_key, value => $all_links ); my $url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/help_popup.cgi?title=Alternate%20Mappings;session_key=$session_key;email_link=no"; my $more = qq~   [$extra more]~; $protein_display = "
$protein_display $more
"; } my $range = makeGenomeLink( start => $tmp_start, end => $tmp_end, strand => $tmp_strand, chrom => $current_chrom, acc => $current_prot, org => $organism[0] ); $current_chrom ||= $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); $tmp_strand = ( $tmp_strand =~ /\?/ ) ? $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a') : "$tmp_strand"; push @rows, [ $current_chrom, $protein_display, $tmp_seq, $range, $tmp_strand ] if $tmp_seq; $last_chrom = $current_chrom; $last_protein = $current_prot; } # end for #### If there are some protein entries to display if ( @rows ) { unshift @rows, ['Chr', 'Protein', 'Residues on Exon', 'Exon Range', 'Strand']; $mapHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, width => '600', tr_info => $tr, align => [qw(center left left center center)], rows => \@rows ); # display protein names as gaggle microformat if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { my $organism = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasOrganism( parameters_ref => { atlas_build_id => $current_page->{atlas_build_id} } ); my @proteins = keys( %biosequence_name ); my $protein_microformat = $sbeams->getGaggleMicroformat( name => "Protein(s) in which peptide is found", organism => $organism, data => \@proteins, object => 'namelist', type => 'direct' ); $mapHTML .= qq~ $protein_microformat ~; } #### Otherwise, just confess what the original name was } else { $mapHTML .= qq~ This peptide was identified in our original Sequest search, but cannot be mapped to the reference database.
~; $mapHTML .= "The original name from the search was $original_name[0]\n
" if $original_name[0]; $mapHTML .= qq~ Click here to BLAST search this sequence at NCBI.
~; } # value => $peptide_sequence[0], my $bioseqs = join( ',', keys( %biosequence_id ) ); if ( $bioseqs !~ /,/ ) { my $text = $sbeams->makeInactiveText( 'Compare Proteins' ); $mapHTML .= "
\n"; } else { $mapHTML .= "Compare Proteins\n"; } print "$mapHTML
\n"; ## End mapping loop $log->debug( "End genome mapping " . time() ); ############################################################################# #### Modified Peptides Section # Widget to allow show/hide of modified peptides section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getprot_mod_peps', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); # Encode section header # 'link' => $link, # encodeSectionTable( # tr_info => $tr, my $is_origene = 0; if ($atlas_build_name =~ /Origene/i){ $is_origene = 1; } my $modHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Modified Peptides", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); my $mseq_idx = 0; # modified peptide sequence my $chrg_idx = 1; # charge my $mz_idx = 2; # monoisotopic parent m/z my $prob_idx = 3; # best probability my $nobs_idx = 4; # number observations my $nsib_idx = 5; # num siblings my $smpl_idx = 6; # sample IDs my $spec_idx = 7; # consensus spectrum my $ce_idx = 8; # consensus spectrum my $modSQL = qq~ SELECT distinct modified_peptide_sequence, MPI.peptide_charge, MPI.monoisotopic_parent_mz, MPI.best_probability, MPI.n_observations, MPI.n_sibling_peptides, MPI.sample_ids FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON ( PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id ) JOIN $TBAT_MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE MPI ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = MPI.peptide_instance_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON ( PI.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON ( AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( BSS.organism_id = O.organism_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PM ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = PM.peptide_instance_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( PM.matched_biosequence_id = BS.biosequence_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_DBXREF DBX ON ( BS.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id ) WHERE 1 = 1 $atlas_build_clause $peptide_name_clause $peptide_sequence_clause ORDER BY modified_peptide_sequence, MPI.peptide_charge ASC ~; #$sbeams->display_sql(sql=>$modSQL); my @mod_peps = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $modSQL ); # Use build-specific library if warranted my $lib_id = $sbeamsMOD->getBuildConsensusLib( build_id => $current_page->{atlas_build_id} ); my $cs_obj = SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::ConsensusSpectrum->new(); $cs_obj->setSBEAMS( $sbeams ); my $consensus; if ($is_origene){ $consensus = $cs_obj->spectrum_search_origene( seq => $peptide_sequence[0] ); }else{ $consensus = $cs_obj->spectrum_search( seq => $peptide_sequence[0] ); # , # lib_id => $lib_id ); } #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @mod_peps ) { $modHTML .= $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); my $ce_ids; if ( $cs_obj->has_QTOF_stepping( seq => $peptide_sequence[0] ) ) { $ce_ids = $cs_obj->get_QTOF_stepping( seq => $peptide_sequence[0] ); } #### Loops through resultset and do formatting for my $pep ( @mod_peps ) { # Originally showed only one consensus per peptide ion, now # show as a list, with default in first position. my %all_consensus; $pep->[$spec_idx] = ''; for my $c_spectrum ( @$consensus ) { if ( $c_spectrum->[2] == $pep->[$chrg_idx] ) { if ( $peptide_sequence[0] eq $pep->[$mseq_idx] ) { # No mods except charge next if $c_spectrum->[8] && $c_spectrum->[8] ne $pep->[$mseq_idx]; } else { next if !$c_spectrum->[8] || $c_spectrum->[8] ne $pep->[$mseq_idx]; } my $default_txt = ( $lib_id eq $c_spectrum->[7] ) ? '(Build default)' : ''; my $title = "View consensus spectrum from the $c_spectrum->[9] library $default_txt"; $all_consensus{$c_spectrum->[7]} = ""; } } my $best = ''; my $rest = ''; if ( $is_origene){ foreach my $l (qw (345 346 347 348 349)){ if ($l eq 345){ $rest .= $all_consensus{$l}; }else{ $rest .= "$all_consensus{$l}\n"; } } }else{ for my $l ( sort { $a <=> $b } ( keys( %all_consensus ) ) ) { if ( $lib_id && $l eq $lib_id ) { $best .= $all_consensus{$l}; } else { $rest .= ( $rest ) ? '  ' . $all_consensus{$l} : $all_consensus{$l}; } } } if ( $best ) { $pep->[$spec_idx] = $best; if ( $rest ) { $pep->[$spec_idx] .= "  $rest"; } } elsif ( $rest ) { $pep->[$spec_idx] = $rest; } my $ce_key = $pep->[$mseq_idx] . $pep->[$chrg_idx]; my $ce_link = ' '; if ( !$sbeams->isGuestUser() && $ce_ids->{$ce_key} ) { my $title = "View +$pep->[$chrg_idx] spectra for $pep->[$mseq_idx] on QTOF at various CE values"; my $max_mz = ( int( $pep->[$mz_idx] * $pep->[$chrg_idx] / 200 ) * 200 ); my $param_str = "xmin=200;xmax=$max_mz"; for my $opt ( 'medium','high','low','mhigh', 'mlow' ) { my $id = $ce_ids->{$ce_key}->{$opt} || ''; $param_str .= ";$opt=$id"; } $ce_link = ""; } $pep->[$ce_idx] = $ce_link unless ($sbeams->isGuestUser() || $is_origene); # Final formatting for list items $pep->[$mz_idx] = sprintf("%0.4f", $pep->[$mz_idx]); # parent m/z $pep->[$prob_idx] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[$prob_idx]) unless $pep->[$prob_idx] == 1; # probability $pep->[$prob_idx] = 1 if $pep->[$prob_idx] == 1; # huh? $pep->[$nsib_idx] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[$nsib_idx]) if $pep->[$nsib_idx]; # number of siblings $pep->[$smpl_idx] = sample_view( $pep->[$smpl_idx] ); # Sample IDs, keep list under control $pep->[$mseq_idx] = $sbeamsMOD->formatMassMods( $pep->[$mseq_idx] ); } #### Add table column headings my $column_headings = ['Modified Sequence', 'Charge', 'Mono Parent m/z', 'Best Prob', '# Obs', '# Siblings', 'Sample IDs', 'Consensus Spectra' ]; push @{$column_headings}, 'CE_range' unless ($sbeams->isGuestUser() || $is_origene); unshift @mod_peps, $column_headings; #### Format table $modHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, width => '600', tr_info => $tr, align => [qw(left center right right right center center left)], rows => \@mod_peps, rows_to_show => 10, nowrap => [1..7] ); if ( $is_origene){ my $str = qq~ ITCID FTCID ITETD FTETD HCD ~; $modHTML =~ s/NOWRAP=1>(Modifi|Charge|Best|Mono|#|Sample)/NOWRAP=1 rowspan="2">$1/g; $modHTML =~ s/Consensus Spectra<\/TD>/Consensus Spectra<\/TD>/; if ($modHTML =~ /CE_range/){ $modHTML =~ s/CE_range<\/TD>\n\s+<\/TR>/<\/TR>$str/; }else{ $modHTML =~ s/Consensus Spectra<\/TD>\n\s+<\/TR>/Consensus Spectra<\/TD>\n <\/TR>\n$str/; } } #### Display table print "
\n"; } $log->debug( "End modified peptides " . time() ); ############################################################################# #### Validated Transitions Section # Widget to allow show/hide of modified peptides section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getprot_valid_trans', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $transitionHTML = $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Annotated Transitions", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); my $annot_help = get_table_help( 'annotated_transitions' ); my $mrm_transitions = $sbeamsMOD->get_mrm_transitions( accessions => [$peptide_accession[0]] ); #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @$mrm_transitions ) { # $transitionHTML .= $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); #### Loops through resultset and do formatting for my $pep ( @$mrm_transitions ) { my $accession = shift( @$pep ); $pep->[0] = $sbeamsMOD->formatMassMods( $pep->[0] ); $pep->[2] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[2]); # . ' '; $pep->[3] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[3]); # . ' '; $pep->[5] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[5]); # . ' '; $pep->[6] = sprintf("%0.0f", $pep->[6]); # . ' '; $pep->[7] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[7]); # . ' '; $pep->[8] = sprintf("%0.1f", $pep->[8]); # . ' '; # $pep->[1] .= ' '; # $pep->[6] .= ' '; # $pep->[7] .= ' '; # trim off extra peak label stuff, like mass delta and alt annots. # ($pep->[4]) = $pep->[4] =~ /^([a-zA-Z]\d+)/; ($pep->[4]) = $pep->[4] =~ /^([^\/]+)\/*/; for my $idx ( 0..$#{$pep} ) { $pep->[$idx] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a') if !defined $pep->[$idx]; } } my @labels = ( 'Sequence', 'Charge', 'q1_mz', 'q3_mz', 'Label', 'Intensity', 'CE', 'RT', 'SSRCalc', 'Instr', 'Annotator', 'Quality' ); #### Add table column headings unshift @$mrm_transitions, \@labels; #### Format table $transitionHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, tr_info => $tr, width => '600', set_download => 1, chg_bkg_idx => 2, align => [qw(left center right right center right right right right left left left)], rows => $mrm_transitions ); #### Display table print "
\n" if $#{$mrm_transitions}; } my $marker_peptides = get_synthesized_peptides( $peptide_accession[0] ); my $markerHTML = $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Reference Peptides", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @$marker_peptides ) { # $transitionHTML .= $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); #### Loops through resultset and do formatting for my $pep ( @$marker_peptides ) { # $pep->[2] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[2]); # $pep->[3] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[3]); # $pep->[4] = 1 if $pep->[4] == 1; $pep->[4] = $sbeamsMOD->formatMassMods( $pep->[4] ); $pep->[2] = $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a') if !$pep->[2]; } my @labels = ( 'Peptide Sequence', 'Type', 'Publication', 'Annotator', 'Modified Sequence' ); #### Add table column headings unshift @$marker_peptides, \@labels; #### Format table $markerHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, tr_info => $tr, width => '600', align => [qw(left center left left center)], rows => $marker_peptides ); #### Display table print "
\n" if $#{$marker_peptides}; } $log->debug( "End validated Trans " . time() ); ############################################################################# #### Spectra Section # Widget to allow show/hide of modified peptides section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getprot_indiv_spec', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); # Encode section header # 'link' => $link, # encodeSectionTable( # tr_info => $tr, my $modHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => "Individual Spectra", 'link' => $link, bold => 1 ); my $modSQL = qq~ SELECT modified_peptide_sequence, MPI.peptide_charge, SMP.sample_id,I.instrument_name, SI.probability, S.spectrum_name, AVG(SAL.level_probability), SI.spectrum_identification_id, SMP.sample_tag, precursor_intensity, scan_time, collision_energy, SPI.ptm_sequence, COUNT(SAL.level_probability) FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON ( PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id ) JOIN $TBAT_MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE MPI ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = MPI.peptide_instance_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON ( PI.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS ON ( AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( BSS.organism_id = O.organism_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_IDENTIFICATION SI ON ( MPI.modified_peptide_instance_id = SI.modified_peptide_instance_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_PTM_IDENTIFICATION SPI ON ( SI.spectrum_identification_id = SPI.spectrum_identification_id) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM S ON ( SI.spectrum_id = S.spectrum_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SAMPLE SMP ON ( S.sample_id = SMP.sample_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBPR_INSTRUMENT I ON ( SMP.instrument_model_id = I.instrument_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION SA ON ( SA.spectrum_identification_id = SI.spectrum_identification_id AND SA.spectrum_id = S.spectrum_id ) AND SA.record_status != 'D' LEFT JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SAL ON ( SAL.spectrum_annotation_level_id = SA.spectrum_annotation_level_id ) WHERE 1 = 1 $atlas_build_clause $peptide_name_clause $peptide_sequence_clause GROUP BY modified_peptide_sequence, MPI.peptide_charge, SMP.sample_id,I.instrument_name, SI.probability, S.spectrum_name, SI.spectrum_identification_id, SMP.sample_tag, precursor_intensity, scan_time, collision_energy, SPI.ptm_sequence ORDER BY modified_peptide_sequence, MPI.peptide_charge, S.spectrum_name ASC ~; $log->info( "$modSQL" ); my @mod_peps; my $sth = $sbeams->get_statement_handle( $modSQL ); my $has_header_info = 0; my $is_origene = 0; $is_origene = 1 if ($atlas_build_name =~ /Origene/i); # 04/09/13: these $blah_idx variables confused me so I # added some comments. Should really be rewritten, but I'm # afraid to re-write and break someone else's stuff. TMF #-------------------------------------------------- # 0 modified_peptide_sequence # 1 MPI.peptide_charge # 2 SMP.sample_id # 3 I.instrument_name # 4 SI.probability # 5 S.spectrum_name, # 6 AVG(SAL.level_probability), # 7 SI.spectrum_identification_id # 8 SMP.sample_tag # 9 precursor_intensity # 10 scan_time, # 11 collision_energy # 12 SPI.ptm_sequence, # 13 COUNT(SAL.level_probability) #-------------------------------------------------- # First few $blah_idx variables refer both to query results # and column of results table $mseq_idx = 0; # modified peptide sequence $chrg_idx = 1; # charge my $smpl_idx = 2; # sample my $inst_idx = 3; # instrument $prob_idx = 4; # probability my $name_idx = 5; # spectrum name: mzML basename, scan, scan, chrg my $ann_idx = 6; # avg user annotation value # The following three don't correspond to any query result, only # to results table $spec_idx = 7; # link to spectrum display my $frag_idx = 8; # my $chrm_idx = 9; # chromatogram. # The remaining $blah_idx variables refer to optional columns # of the results table, # and are 1 greater than the sql query result index. # I think this "1 greater" issue arose recently and # is not always handled properly below. # These columns are deleted in loop below if they are not to be displayed. my $it_idx = 10; # precursor intensity my $rt_idx = 11; # retention time my $ce_idx = 12; # collision energy my $ptm_idx = 13; # ptm sequence # This variable doesn't refer to any results table column. my $ann_count_idx = 14; # n user annotations my $align = [qw(left center right right left center center center center)]; push @$align , 'center' if ($is_origene); while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { # We only want to display PI and RT cols if we have data! if ( !$has_header_info && $row[$it_idx-1] ) { $has_header_info++; #$align = [qw(left center right right left center center center center center right right)]; push @$align , qw(center right right); } push @mod_peps, \@row; } #### If a result is returned if ( scalar @mod_peps ) { $modHTML .= $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); #### Loops through resultset and do formatting my @display_peps; my $at_least_one_chromatogram = 0; for my $pep ( @mod_peps ) { # Get mzML filename, cycle, and charge from spectrum name $pep->[$name_idx] =~ /(\S+)\.(\d+?)\.(\d+?)\.(\d)/; my $mzml_basename = $1; my $cycle = $2; my $cycle2 = $3; my $precursor_charge = $4; $mzml_basename =~ s/\.mzML$//; #remove .mzML if it's there my $mzml_fname = "$mzml_basename.mzML"; my $rt; my @trace_array; my %trace; my $chromatogram_entry = ''; #empty, unless we can find chromgram info #### If this is a QTRAP 5500 mzML file, get info from special #### table, QT5500_TRANSITION_GROUP. #### This table needs to be updated each time the Human SRMAtlas is rebuilt. #### Takes ~3 days. Clear existing table, then reload with #### $SBEAMS/lib/scripts/PeptideAtlas/load_Q55500_transition_groups.pl #### PeptideChromatogramExtractor java code is now failing #### for all QT_ZH* files (see /Appears that all the QT files/ in #### Terry's log), so for now #### we won't display chromatogram icons/links for them. 07/05/11 if ( ( ($mzml_fname =~ /^5Q/) || #( $mzml_fname =~ /^QT_ZH/) || ( $mzml_fname =~ /^Z5Q/) ) ) { my $sql = qq~ SELECT * FROM $TBAT_QT5500_TRANSITION_GROUP QTG WHERE QTG.mzml_filename = '$mzml_fname' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); if (scalar @rows) { my $first_row = shift @rows; my ($qt5500_transition_group_id, $mzml_filename, $mzml_pathname, $cycle, $precursor_charge, $precursor_mz, $rt) = @{$first_row}; $mzml_pathname .= "/$mzml_filename"; my ($q1, $q1_charge2, $q1_charge3, $precursor_neutral_mass); # Compute precursor neutral mass for this peptide # (Could also compute theoretical mass from pepseq + mods) my $precursor_charged_mass = $precursor_mz * $precursor_charge; # Subtract mass for each proton added when precursor was charged $precursor_neutral_mass = $precursor_charged_mass - ($precursor_charge * 1.00727638); # We must invent the ion because we don't have transition list my $ion = "y1"; ### INVENTED!!! my $ion_charge = '1'; ### INVENTED!!! # remove mods from pepseq my $modified_pepseq = $pep->[$mseq_idx]; my $pepseq = $modified_pepseq; $pepseq =~ s/\[.+?\]//g; my $fragmentor = 125; ### INVENTED!!! but maybe unused. # There are fields for CE & RT in the Spectrum table, # but unfortunately for SRM atlas these values are not loaded. my $ce = $pep->[$ce_idx] ? $pep->[$ce_idx] : 99; if (! $rt ) { $rt = $pep->[$rt_idx] ? $pep->[$rt_idx] : 99; } my $delta_rt = 5.00; ### INVENTED!!! but maybe unused. $at_least_one_chromatogram = 1; my $chrom_img = ""; #print "

Charge $precursor_charge Precursor Neutral Mass $precursor_neutral_mass Precursor Charged Mass $precursor_charged_mass
\n"; $chromatogram_entry = qq~$chrom_img~; } # end if there is info for this pep in the QT5500_transition_group table } # end if Qtrap 5500 $pep->[$prob_idx] = sprintf("%0.3f", $pep->[$prob_idx]) unless $pep->[$prob_idx] == 1; $pep->[$prob_idx] = 1 if $pep->[$prob_idx] == 1; $pep->[$inst_idx] =~ s/ +/ /g; my $build_id = $parameters{atlas_build_id}; my $img = ""; my $eval_string = $parameters{'ann'}? 'eval=1&' : '' ; $pep->[$spec_idx] = qq~$img~; $pep->[$ann_idx] = sprintf("%0.2f", $pep->[$ann_idx]); $pep->[$ann_idx] =~ s/^0// if ($pep->[$ann_idx] > 0); #remove any zero before decimal $pep->[$ann_idx] = "0" if ($pep->[$ann_idx] == 0); $pep->[$ann_idx] .= "($pep->[$ann_count_idx-1])"; $pep->[$ann_idx] = "none" if (!$pep->[$ann_count_idx-1]); delete $pep->[$ann_count_idx-1]; $pep->[$chrm_idx] = $chromatogram_entry; my $modified_pepseq = $pep->[$mseq_idx]; if ($pep->[$ptm_idx-1]){ my $ptm_sequence = $pep->[$ptm_idx-1]; my $newseq = ''; my %mods = (); my %ptm_score = (); my $pos = -1; my @elms = split(/\]/, $modified_pepseq); foreach my $str (@elms){ if ($str =~ /(.*)\[(.*)/){ $pos += length ($1); $mods{$pos} = $2; }else{ $pos += length ($str); } } @elms = split(/\)/, $ptm_sequence); $pos = -1; foreach my $str (@elms){ if ($str =~ /(.*)\((.*)/){ $pos += length ($1); $ptm_score{$pos} = $2; }else{ $pos += length ($str); } } my $pepseq = $modified_pepseq; $pepseq =~ s/\[[\d\.]+\]//g; my @aas = split(//, $pepseq); for(my $i=0; $i<=$#aas; $i++){ if(defined $mods{$i} && defined $ptm_score{$i}){ $newseq .= "$aas[$i]\[$mods{$i}\]($ptm_score{$i})"; }elsif(defined $mods{$i} && not defined $ptm_score{$i}){ $newseq .= "$aas[$i]\[$mods{$i}\]"; }elsif(defined $ptm_score{$i} && not defined $mods{$i}){ $newseq .= "$aas[$i]($ptm_score{$i})"; }else{ $newseq .= $aas[$i]; } } $modified_pepseq = $newseq; } $pep->[$mseq_idx] = $sbeamsMOD->formatMassMods($modified_pepseq); $pep->[$mseq_idx] =~ s/"aa_mod">(\[[\d\.]+\])(\([\d\.]+\))/"supsub">$1<\/sup>$2<\/sub>/g; $pep->[$mseq_idx] =~ s/([A-Z])(\([\d\.]+\))/$1      <\/sup>$2<\/sub><\/scan>/g; if ($is_origene){ $pep->[$frag_idx] =~ s/.*_//; }else{ delete $pep->[$frag_idx]; } if ( !$has_header_info ) { delete $pep->[$ce_idx]; delete $pep->[$rt_idx]; delete $pep->[$it_idx]; } else { $pep->[$it_idx] = ( $pep->[$it_idx] ) ? $sbeams->formatScientific( number=> $pep->[$it_idx], precision=>1, output_mode => $sbeams->get_output_mode() ): $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); $pep->[$rt_idx] = ( $pep->[$rt_idx] ) ? sprintf( "%0.1f", $pep->[$rt_idx]/60 ) : $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); $pep->[$ce_idx] = ( $pep->[$ce_idx] ) ? sprintf( "%0.1f", $pep->[$ce_idx] ) : $sbeams->makeInactiveText('n/a'); } push @display_peps, $pep; } # end for each pep # if no chromatograms, remove chromatogram column if (! $at_least_one_chromatogram) { for my $pep (@display_peps) { delete $pep->[$chrm_idx]; } } print qq~ ~; my @headings = ( 'Modified Sequence', 'Chg', 'Smpl', 'Instr', 'Prob', 'Spectrum Name', 'Avg Eval', 'Spectrum'); push @headings, 'Fragmentation Type' if ($is_origene); push @headings, 'Chromatogram' if $at_least_one_chromatogram; push @headings, ( 'Precursor Intensity', 'RT', 'CE' ) if $has_header_info; #### Add table column headings unshift @display_peps, [ @headings ]; #### Format table $modHTML .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionTable( header => 1, width => '600', tr_info => $tr, align => $align, rows => \@display_peps, rows_to_show => 10, max_rows => 500, nowrap => [1], ); #### Display table print "
\n"; } $log->debug( "End spectra " . time() ); ############################################################################# #### User Annotations Section # TMF: remove this conditional if/when want to release this feature to production. if ($parameters{'ann'}) { my $hidden_form_fields = qq~ ~; print &printUserAnnotations( peptide_sequence => $parameters{'peptide_sequence_constraint'}, peptide_name => $parameters{'peptide_name_constraint'}, parameters_href => \%parameters, form_fields => $hidden_form_fields ); } ############################################################################# #### Samples Section my $sampleSQL = qq ~ SELECT sample_title, PIS.n_observations, PI.n_observations, S.sample_id, ASB.n_searched_spectra FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON ( PI.peptide_id = P.peptide_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON ( PI.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_SEARCH_BATCH PIS ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = PIS.peptide_instance_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_SEARCH_BATCH ASB ON ( PIS.atlas_search_batch_id = ASB.atlas_search_batch_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_SAMPLE S ON ( ASB.sample_id = S.sample_id ) JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD_SEARCH_BATCH ABSB ON ( ABSB.atlas_build_id = AB.atlas_build_id AND ABSB.atlas_search_batch_id = ASB.atlas_search_batch_id ) WHERE 1 = 1 $atlas_build_clause $peptide_name_clause $peptide_sequence_clause ~; my @samples = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $sampleSQL ); my $n_obs = []; my $obs_per_million = []; my $table_samples = []; my $total = 0; my $inst_obs; for my $sample ( @samples ) { $inst_obs ||= $sample->[2]; if ( $sample->[4] ) { $sample->[4] = sprintf( "%0.1f",( $sample->[1]/$sample->[4] ) * 1000000 ); } else { $sample->[4] = 'null'; } my $title = $sample->[0]; $title =~ s/\W//g; push @$n_obs, [ $title, $sample->[1] ]; push @$obs_per_million, [ $title, $sample->[4] ]; push @$table_samples, $sample->[3]; $total += $sample->[1]; } unless ( $total == $inst_obs ) { $log->error( "mismatch in sample count!!! $total <> $inst_obs " ); } # push @$plot_samples, [ 'Total observations', $total ]; # Widget to allow show/hide of modified peptides section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getprot_obs_sample', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); # Encode section header # 'link' => $link, # encodeSectionTable( # tr_info => $tr, my ($sheader, $sHTML) = $sbeamsMOD->getSamplePlotDisplay( n_obs => $n_obs, obs_per_million => $obs_per_million, 'link' => $link, tr_info => $tr ); my ($theader, $tHTML) = $sbeamsMOD->getSampleDisplay( sample_ids => $table_samples, 'link' => $link, 'no_header' => 1, tr_info => $tr ); print qq~ $sheader $sHTML $theader $tHTML
~; } #### If QUERY was not selected, then tell the user to enter some parameters } else { if ($sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http') { print "

Select parameters above and press QUERY

\n"; } else { print "You need to supply some parameters to contrain the query\n"; } } $log->debug( "End samples, handlerequest " . time() ); } # end handle_request sub format_refpep { my $annot = shift || return ''; my $peptide_mass = $modification_helper->getPeptideMass( peptide => $annot->[0], precision => 2 ); my $ptext =<<" END";
Submitted by:$annot->[3]
END # $ptext =~ s/\'/\\\'/gm; $ptext =~ s/\n//gm; return ( $sbeamsMOD->make_pa_tooltip( link_text => $annot->[0], tip_text => $ptext, link_class => 'pseudo_link' ) ); # return "$annot->[0]"; } sub get_mrm_transitions { my $accession = shift || return []; # Project control my @accessible = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $projects = join( ",", @accessible ); return '' unless $projects; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT -- modified_peptide_annotation_id, modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge, q1_mz, q3_mz, q3_ion_label, q3_peak_intensity, collision_energy, retention_time, instrument, CASE WHEN contact_id IS NULL THEN annotator_name ELSE username END AS name, level_name FROM $TBAT_MODIFIED_PEPTIDE_ANNOTATION MPA JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON MPA.peptide_id = P.peptide_id JOIN $TBAT_TRANSITION_SUITABILITY_LEVEL TSL ON TSL.transition_suitability_level_id = MPA.transition_suitability_level_id LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON UL.contact_id = MPA.annotator_contact_id WHERE peptide_accession = '$accession' AND project_id IN ( $projects ) AND level_score > 0.8 ORDER BY modified_peptide_sequence, peptide_charge DESC, level_score DESC, Q3_peak_intensity DESC, q3_mz END my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); return \@rows; } sub get_table_help { my $name = shift; return '' unless $name; my @entries; my $hidetext; my $showtext; my $heading; my $description; ## { key => 'Peptide Accession', value => 'Primary key for annotations table.' }, if ( $name eq 'annotated_transitions' ) { @entries = ( { key => 'Sequence', value => 'Amino acid sequence of detected pepide, including any mass modifications.' }, { key => 'Charge', value => 'Charge on Q1 (precursor) peptide ion.' }, { key => 'q1_mz', value => 'Mass to charge ratio of precursor peptide ion.' }, { key => 'q3_mz', value => 'Mass to charge ratio of fragment ion.' }, { key => 'Label', value => 'Ion-series designation for fragment ion (Q3).' }, { key => 'Intensity', value => 'Intensity of peak in CID spectrum' }, { key => 'CE', value => 'Collision energy, the kinetic energy conferred to the peptide ion and resulting in peptide fragmentation. (eV)' }, { key => 'RT', value => 'Peptide retention time( in minutes ) in the LC/MS system.' }, { key => 'SSRCalc', value => "Sequence Specific Retention Factor provides a hydrophobicity measure for each peptide using the algorithm of Krohkin et al. Version 3.0 [more]" }, { key => 'Instr', value => 'Model of mass spectrometer on which transition pair was validated.' }, { key => 'Annotator', value => 'Person/lab who contributed validated transition.' }, { key => 'Quality', value => 'Crude scale of quality for the observation, currently one of Best, OK, and No. ' }, ); $showtext = 'show column descriptions'; $hidetext = 'hide column descriptions'; $heading = 'Annotated Tranitions'; $description= 'Contributed Q1/Q3 transition pairs for SRM experiments'; } return unless @entries; my $help = $sbeamsMOD->get_table_help_section( name => $name, description => $description, heading => $heading, entries => \@entries, showtext => $showtext, hidetext => $hidetext ); return $help; } # end get_table_help sub get_synthesized_peptides { my $accession = shift || return []; # Project control my @accessible = $sbeams->getAccessibleProjects(); my $projects = join( ",", @accessible ); return '' unless $projects; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT -- peptide_annotation_id, P.peptide_sequence, peptide_annotation, publication_name, -- P.peptide_id, CASE WHEN contact_id IS NULL THEN annotator_name ELSE username END AS name, PA.peptide_sequence FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_ANNOTATION PA JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE P ON PA.peptide_id = P.peptide_id LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON UL.contact_id = PA.annotator_contact_id LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PUBLICATION PP ON PP.publication_id = PA.publication_id WHERE peptide_accession = '$accession' AND project_id IN ( $projects ) END my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); return \@rows; } sub add_transition_link { my $pep = shift; my $mrm_transitions = shift; my $link = ''; for my $transition ( @$mrm_transitions ) { if ( $pep->[1] == $transition->[2] ) { return "$transition->[1]"; } } return ' '; } sub sample_view { my $samples = shift; my $tot = $samples =~ tr/,/,/; # If we have 5 or fewer, go with the flow return($samples) if $tot <= 5; $samples =~ s/\s//g; my @samples = split(',', $samples); my $viewable = join( ',', @samples[0..3] ); my $session_samples = "$viewable,
\n"; my $cnt = 0; my $sep = ''; for ( my $j = 4; $j <= $#samples; $j++ ) { $cnt++; $session_samples .= $sep . $samples[$j]; $sep = ','; unless( $cnt % 4 ) { $session_samples .= ",
\n"; $sep = ''; } } $session_samples .= "
\n"; my $more = $tot - 4; my $key = $sbeams->getRandomString(num_chars => 20); $sbeams->setSessionAttribute( key => $key, value => $session_samples ); my $url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/help_popup.cgi?title=Observed%20in%20Samples;session_key=$key;email_link=no"; my $morelink = qq~   [$more more]~; return "$viewable $morelink"; } sub makeProteinLink { my %args = @_; for ( qw( name build ) ) { die "missing parameter $_" unless $args{$_}; } my $target = ( $args{target} ) ? "TARGET=$args{target}" : ''; my $link = "makeInactiveText( 'n/a' ) unless $args{chrom}; my $len = abs( $args{start} - $args{end} ); # want to show some flanking info, minimun 2KB # my $extra = ( $len >= 2000 ) ? 0 : int((2000 - $len)/2); my $extra = 1000; my $org = $args{org}; $org =~ s/ /_/g; my $chr = $args{chrom}; # Ensembl uses roman numerals for yeast chromosomes... if ( $org =~ /^Sacch/ ) { $chr = $sbeams->getRomanNumeral( number => $chr ) || $chr; # Fallback... } ## xxxxxxx is this a debug statement? # print "

"; my $vc_start = $args{start} - $extra; my $vc_end = $args{end} + $extra; if ( $args{start} > $args{end} ) { $vc_start = $args{end} - $extra; $vc_end = $args{start} + $extra; } $vc_start = 0 if $vc_start < 0; my $link = ''; if ( $org =~ /Halo/ ) { # Currently halo has chromosome designations of MAIN, PNRC100 and PNRC200, # but KEGG wants 'c', pNRC100 and pNRC200 $chr =~ s/P/p/; $chr = 'c' if $chr =~ /MAIN/; $link = "
" . "
$args{start} - $args{end}
"; } else { $link = "" . "
$args{start} - $args{end}
"; } return $link; } ####################################################################### # get_atlas_build_name -- get atlas_build_name, given id # @param atlas_build_id # @return atlas_build_name ####################################################################### sub get_atlas_build_name { my %args = @_; my $atlas_build_id = $args{atlas_build_id} || die "need atlas_build_id"; my $sql = qq~ SELECT atlas_build_name FROM $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD WHERE atlas_build_id = '$atlas_build_id' ~; my ($atlas_build_name) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); return $atlas_build_name; } ############################################################################### # printUserAnnotations # get and display user annotations, if any ############################################################################### sub printUserAnnotations { my %args = @_; my $parameters_href = $args{parameters_href}; my $buffer; my $total = 0; # this starts as a counter, then becomes a string my $show_form = 1; my $line_sep = "
"; my $peptide_constraint_sql = "0 = 0"; if (defined $args{peptide_sequence}) { $peptide_constraint_sql = "P.peptide_sequence = '$args{peptide_sequence}'"; } elsif (defined $args{peptide_name}) { $peptide_constraint_sql = "P.peptide_accession = '$args{peptide_name}'"; } else { print "

ERROR: printUserAnnotations needs either peptide_sequence or peptide_name.

\n"; } # First, get the peptide_instance_id. # TODO should check for uniqueness my $sql = qq~ select peptide_instance_id from $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE pi join $TBAT_PEPTIDE p on p.peptide_id = pi.peptide_id where $peptide_constraint_sql and pi.atlas_build_id = '$parameters_href->{atlas_build_id}' ~; my ($peptide_instance_id) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); $parameters_href->{peptide_instance_id} = $peptide_instance_id; if (! $peptide_instance_id) { print "

ERROR: printUserAnnotations could not find peptide_instance_id.

\n"; } # TMF removed items 4,5,6 from SELECT statement; changed SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION SA to # PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION PIA my $sql = qq~ SELECT PIA.peptide_instance_annotation_id, PIA.comment, PIA.date_modified, SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id, SL.level_name, C.first_name, C.last_name, UL.username FROM $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION PIA INNER JOIN $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SL ON ( PIA.spectrum_annotation_level_id = SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_CONTACT C ON ( annotator_contact_id = C.contact_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( UL.contact_id = annotator_contact_id ) INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE PI ON ( PI.peptide_instance_id = PIA.peptide_instance_id ) WHERE PIA.record_status = 'N' AND PIA.peptide_instance_id = '$peptide_instance_id' ORDER BY PIA.date_modified DESC ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); $buffer = qq~ ~; if (@rows) { foreach my $row (@rows) { # TMF removed items 4,5,6 $sequence $charge my ($annot_id, $comment, $date, $level_id, $level, $first, $last, $uname, ) = @{$row}; $total++; # TMF #if ($args{modified_sequence}.$args{charge} eq $sequence.$charge) { $buffer .= "\n"; $buffer .= &printUserAnnotationsForm( form_type => 'update', uname => $uname, default_level_id => $level_id, default_comment => $comment, annot_id => $annot_id, extra_form_fields => $args{form_fields} ); } $buffer .= "\n$line_sep\n"; } } else { $buffer .= qq~ $line_sep ~; } if ($current_username eq 'guest') { my $url = $q->self_url(); $url .= '&force_login=yes'; $buffer .= qq~ $line_sep ~; } elsif ($show_form) { $buffer .= "\n"; $buffer .= &printUserAnnotationsForm( form_type => 'add', uname => $current_username, # TMF #spectrum_id => $args{spectrum_id}, peptide_instance_id => $peptide_instance_id, extra_form_fields => $args{form_fields} ); $buffer .= "\n$line_sep\n"; } $buffer .= "
User annotations: how good is the evidence for this peptide sequence in this PeptideAtlas build? 
$level$first $last ($date)
\n"; #-TMF---------------------------------------------- # } else { # my $link = $q->self_url(); # $link =~ s/\?.*//; # clear querystring # $link .= "?spectrum_identification_id=$ident_id;peptide=$sequence;assumed_charge=$charge"; #-------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- # $buffer .= "
$sequence +$charge
$first $last ($date)
\n"; #-------------------------------------------------- #} my $disp_comment = $comment; $disp_comment =~ s|\n|
\n|g; # display carriage returns $buffer .= "$disp_comment\n"; if ($uname eq $current_username) { $show_form = 0; # TMF spectrum_annotation_id => peptide_instance_annotation_id $buffer .= qq~
Edit my annotation | Delete $args{form_fields}
~; $buffer .= "
  There are no user annotations for this peptide instance.
  Log into PeptideAtlas to add an annotation for this peptide instance.
Add annotation 
\n"; # get average # TMF $sql = qq~ SELECT ROUND(AVG(SL.level_probability)*100,0) AS avg_prob_pct, COUNT(*) FROM $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL SL INNER JOIN $TBAT_PEPTIDE_INSTANCE_ANNOTATION PIA ON ( PIA.spectrum_annotation_level_id = SL.spectrum_annotation_level_id ) WHERE peptide_instance_id = '$peptide_instance_id' AND PIA.record_status = 'N' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my ($avg, $num) = @{$rows[0]}; if ($total != $num) { $total = "($total total)"; } else { $total = ''; } my $innerHTML; # TMF spectrum => peptide if ($num == 1) { $innerHTML = "One user annotation $total, score $avg%"; } elsif ($num > 1) { $innerHTML = "$num user annotations $total, average score $avg%"; } elsif ($num == 0) { $innerHTML = "No user annotations"; } $buffer .=<< "EOJS" if $innerHTML; EOJS return $buffer; } ############################################################################### # printUserAnnotationsForm # get and display user annotations, if any ############################################################################### sub printUserAnnotationsForm { my %args = @_; $args{form_type} ||= 'add'; $args{uname} ||= 'user_anon'; $args{default_level_id} ||= 0; $args{default_comment} ||= ''; $args{annot_id} ||= 0; $args{extra_form_fields} ||= ''; my $spacer = " "x5; my $trname = $args{uname}; $trname .= ($args{form_type} eq 'add') ? 'add' : $args{annot_id}; my $buffer = qq~ ~; # add a hidden for edit form my $sql = qq~ SELECT spectrum_annotation_level_id, level_probability, level_name, level_description FROM $TBAT_SPECTRUM_ANNOTATION_LEVEL WHERE record_status = 'N' ORDER BY sort_order ~; my @levels = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my $select = ""; # TMF -- I don't think I need this stuff below. my $form_action = "ADD"; if ($args{form_type} eq 'update') { $form_action = "UPDATE"; # TMF spectrum_annotation_id => peptide_instance_annotation_id $args{extra_form_fields} .= ""; } else { # TMF spectrum_id => peptide_instance_id $args{extra_form_fields} .= ""; } $buffer .= qq~
$args{extra_form_fields} $select
~; # caller will close the td and tr return $buffer; } ############################################################################### # displayExternalLinksSection # # Display a section for information about this peptide in other resources ############################################################################### sub displayExternalLinksSection { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $pepseq = $args{pepseq} || die("ERROR: No peptide sequence passed"); #### Create widget to allow show/hide of overview section my ($tr,$link) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getpeptide_ExternalLinks', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $external_links = ''; my $section_header = $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionHeader( text => 'External Links', link => $link, ); #### Link to Google $link="http://www.google.com/#q=$pepseq&nfpr=1"; my $peptide_google_link="$pepseq"; my $tooltip = $sbeamsMOD->make_pa_tooltip( link_text => $peptide_google_link, tip_text => "Query Google with this peptide sequence", link_class => 'pseudo_link' ); $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'Google', tr_info => $tr, value => $tooltip, ); #### Link to all instances of this peptide in Swiss-Prot (from PIR) $link="http://proteininformationresource.org/cgi-bin/peptidematch?peptide=$pepseq"; my $peptide_pir_html_link="$pepseq"; my $tooltip = $sbeamsMOD->make_pa_tooltip( link_text => $peptide_pir_html_link, tip_text => "Retrieve all peptide hits from UniProtKB (all species)", link_class => 'pseudo_link' ); $external_links .= $sbeamsMOD->encodeSectionItem( key => 'UniProtKB', tr_info => $tr, value => $tooltip, ); #### Close section if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' && $external_links ) { print qq~ $section_header $external_links
~; } return 1; } # end displayExternalLinksSection