#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : GetPTPAtlasStat # $Id: GetProtein 6439 2010-05-24 17:44:08Z dcampbel $ # # Description : Prints summary of a given biosequence set # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use CGI; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; $|++; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin', 'PeptideAtlas_readonly', 'PeptideAtlas_exec'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header( init_tooltip => 1); handle_request(); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { $PROG_NAME = 'GetPTPAtlasStat'; my %parameters = (); #### Get the HTML to display the tabs my $tabMenu = $sbeamsMOD->getTabMenu( parameters_ref => \%parameters, program_name => $PROG_NAME, ); print $tabMenu->asHTML() if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html'); ## get latest biosequence_set_ids that have xspecies mapping my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT BIOSEQUENCE_SET_IDS FROM $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_XSPECIES_MAPPING ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); my @tmp = sort {$b cmp $a} @rows; my $biosequence_set_ids = $tmp[0]; my $sql = qq~ SELECT O.ORGANISM_NAME, BSS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID, BSS.SET_DESCRIPTION FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( BSS.ORGANISM_ID = O.ORGANISM_ID) WHERE O.ORGANISM_ID in (6,2,3) AND BSS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID IN ($biosequence_set_ids) ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my %biosequence_set=(); my $pre = ''; my %biosequence_set_desc=(); foreach my $row(@rows) { my ($organism_name, $biosequence_set_id, $set_desc) = @$row; next if($pre ne '' and $pre eq $organism_name); $biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id} = lc($organism_name); $biosequence_set_desc{lc($organism_name)} = $set_desc; $pre = $organism_name; } print "
"; foreach my $org (keys %biosequence_set_desc){ my $str = $org; print ucfirst($org) , ": $biosequence_set_desc{$org}
"; } my $biosequence_set_ids= join(",", keys %biosequence_set); my $file_name = "PTPstat_$biosequence_set_ids.tsv"; my $tmp_path = "tmp"; $file_name =~ s/,/_/g; my %table_row=(); @{$table_row{1}} = ( 'Number of Proteins in DB', 'Number of SwissProt Canonical Proteins', 'Number of SP Canonical and Varsplic Proteins', 'Number of Ensembl Proteins', 'Number of NR Ensembl Proteins', 'Number of Ensembl Genes', 'Number of IPI/SGD Proteins'); @{$table_row{2}} =( 'Number of Distinct DMSAT Peptides in SP Canonical Proteins', 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map Uniquely in SP Canonical Proteins', 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map Uniquely in SP Canonical + Varsplic Proteins', #'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map Uniquely in SP Canonical + Varsplic + nsSNP', 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map Uniquely in NR Ensembl Proteins', 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map Uniquely in NR IPI Proteins', 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map to One Chromosomal Location' , 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map to Human' , 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map to Mouse' , 'Fraction of DMSAT Peptides that Map to Yeast' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique SP Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique SPvar Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , #'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique spsnp Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique NR Ensembl Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique NR IPI Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique Genome Mapping Peptides With Observability > 0.9' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique SP Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique SPvar Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , #'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique psnp Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique NR Ensembl Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique NR IPI Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , 'Proteotypic DMSAT Unique Genome Mapping Peptide With Observability > 0.7' , ); my %stat =(); if( ! -e "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_path/$file_name" ){ open (OUT , ">$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_path/$file_name" ) or die "cannot open $PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_path/$file_name\n"; #### Define the SQL statement my $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID, PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE, PTP.COMBINED_PREDICTOR_SCORE, PTPM.N_SP_MAPPING, PTPM.N_SPVAR_MAPPING, PTPM.N_SPSNP_MAPPING, PTPM.N_GENOME_LOCATIONS, PTP.SSRCALC_RELATIVE_HYDROPHOBICITY, LEN(PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE) FROM $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE PTP LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PTPM ON ( PTP.PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_ID = PTPM.PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_ID ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( PTPM.SOURCE_BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID ) WHERE 1 = 1 AND BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID IN ($biosequence_set_ids) AND BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME NOT LIKE 'DECOY%' AND PTP.SSRCALC_RELATIVE_HYDROPHOBICITY BETWEEN 4 AND 60 AND LEN(PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE) BETWEEN 7 AND 30 AND BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME LIKE '[ABCDOPQ]_____' ORDER BY PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE ~; my %peptides; my %peptide_org_mapping=(); my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); foreach my $row (@rows){ my ($biosequence_set_id,$peptide,$score,$n_sp_mapping,$n_spvar_mapping,$n_spnsp_mapping, $n_genome_locations) = @$row; #print "$biosequence_set_id,$peptide,$score,$n_sp_mapping,$n_genome_locations\n"; $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide} = {}; $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"score"} = $score; if($score > 0.9){ $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"hscore"} = 1;} if($score > 0.7){ $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"mhscore"} = 1;} if($n_sp_mapping > 0){$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"sp_mapping"} =1;} if($n_sp_mapping == 1){$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"uniq_sp_mapping"} = 1;} if($n_spnsp_mapping == 1){$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"uniq_spnsp_mapping"} = 1;} if($n_spvar_mapping == 1){$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"uniq_spvar_mapping"} = 1;} if($n_genome_locations == 1){$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"uniq_genome_mapping"} = 1;} $peptide_org_mapping{$peptide}{$biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}} = 1; } for my $pat (qw(ENS IPI)){ my $str = " (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC LIKE '\%SGDID\%' and BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC LIKE '\%CHROMOSOME\%GENE\%TRANSCRIPT\%') "; my $str2 = ''; if($pat eq 'ENS'){ $str2= "uniq_nrensp_mapping"; $str .= " OR (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC NOT LIKE '\%SGDID\%' and BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC like '\%CHROMOSOME\%GENE\%TRANSCRIPT\%')"; }else { $str2= "uniq_nripi_mapping"; $str .= " OR (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC LIKE '\%SGDID\%' and BS.BIOSEQUENCE_DESC not like '\%CHROMOSOME\%GENE\%TRANSCRIPT\%')"; } $sql = qq~ SELECT DISTINCT BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID, PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE, CAST(BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SEQ AS CHAR), COUNT (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME), PTP.SSRCALC_RELATIVE_HYDROPHOBICITY, LEN(PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE) FROM $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE PTP LEFT JOIN $TBAT_PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_MAPPING PTPM ON ( PTP.PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_ID = PTPM.PROTEOTYPIC_PEPTIDE_ID ) LEFT JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS ON ( PTPM.SOURCE_BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BS.BIOSEQUENCE_ID ) WHERE 1 = 1 AND BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID IN ($biosequence_set_ids) AND (BS.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME LIKE '$pat%' OR $str) AND PTP.SSRCALC_RELATIVE_HYDROPHOBICITY BETWEEN 4 AND 60 AND LEN(PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE) BETWEEN 7 AND 30 GROUP BY BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID,PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE, CAST(BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SEQ AS CHAR), PTP.SSRCALC_RELATIVE_HYDROPHOBICITY,LEN(PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE) ORDER BY BS.BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID, PTP.PEPTIDE_SEQUENCE ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my %tmp = (); foreach my $row (@rows){ my ($biosequence_set_id, $peptide, $sequence, $cnt,$ssrcalc, $len) = @$row; $tmp{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}++; } foreach my $set (keys %tmp){ foreach my $pep (keys %{$tmp{$set}}){ if($tmp{$set}{$pep} == 1){ $peptides{$set}{$pep}{$str2} = 1; } } } } foreach my $biosequence_set_id (keys %biosequence_set){ my $count=1; my $organism = $biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}; my $n_distinct_DMSAT_peptides, my $n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides = 0; my $n_hscore = 0; my $n_mhscore = 0; my %uniq_mapping = (); my $n_human_mapping_peptides = 0; my $n_mouse_mapping_peptides = 0; my $n_yeast_mapping_peptides = 0; my $n_protein = 0; my $n_sp = 0; my $n_sp_plus_varsplic = 0; my $n_ensp = 0; my $n_nr_ensp = 0; my $n_ensg = 0; my $n_ipiandsgd = 0; my $sql = qq~ SELECT BIOSEQUENCE_SEQ, BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, BIOSEQUENCE_GENE_NAME , BIOSEQUENCE_DESC FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE WHERE BIOSEQUENCE_SET_ID = $biosequence_set_id AND BIOSEQUENCE_NAME NOT LIKE 'DECOY%' ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); my %nr_Ensembl_entry=(); my %nr_IPI_entry = (); my %Ensembl_gene=(); foreach my $row (@rows){ my ($seq, $acc,$gene,$desc) = @$row; $n_protein++; if($organism !~ /yeast/i){ if($acc =~ /^[ABCDOPQ]\w{5}$/){ $n_sp++; $n_sp_plus_varsplic++; }elsif($acc =~ /^[ABCDOPQ]\w{5}-\d{1,2}$/){ $n_sp_plus_varsplic++; }elsif($acc =~ /^IPI/){ $n_ipiandsgd++; push @{$nr_IPI_entry{$seq}} , $acc; }elsif($acc =~ /^ENS/){ $n_ensp++; push @{$nr_Ensembl_entry{$seq}} , $acc; $Ensembl_gene{$gene} = 1; } }else{ if($desc =~ /SGDID/ and $desc =~ /chromosome.*gene:.*transcript:/){ $n_ipiandsgd++; $n_ensp++; push @{$nr_Ensembl_entry{$seq}} , $acc; $Ensembl_gene{$gene} = 1; }elsif($desc =~ /SGDID/ and $desc !~ /chromosome.*gene:.*transcript:/){ $n_ipiandsgd++; }elsif($desc !~ /SGDID/ and $desc =~ /chromosome.*gene:.*transcript:/){ $n_ensp++; push @{$nr_Ensembl_entry{$seq}} , $acc; $Ensembl_gene{$gene} = 1; }else{ if($acc =~ /^[ABCDOPQ]\w{5}$/){ $n_sp++; $n_sp_plus_varsplic++; }elsif($acc =~ /^[ABCDOPQ]\w{5}-\d{1,2}$/){ $n_sp_plus_varsplic++; } } } } $n_nr_ensp = scalar keys %nr_Ensembl_entry; $n_ensg = scalar keys %Ensembl_gene; $n_distinct_DMSAT_peptides = scalar keys %{$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}}; $n_yeast_mapping_peptides = 0; my %scores =(); foreach my $peptide (keys %{$peptides{$biosequence_set_id}}){ if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{sp_mapping}){ $n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides++; foreach my $var (qw (uniq_sp_mapping uniq_spvar_mapping #uniq_spsnp_mapping uniq_genome_mapping uniq_nrensp_mapping uniq_nripi_mapping)){ if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{$var}){ $uniq_mapping{$var}++; if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"hscore"} ){ $scores{$var}{n_hscore}++; } if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"mhscore"} ){ $scores{$var}{n_mhscore}++; } } } if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"hscore"} ){ $scores{all}{n_hscore}++; } if(defined $peptides{$biosequence_set_id}{$peptide}{"mhscore"} ){ $scores{all}{n_mhscore}++; } if(defined $peptide_org_mapping{$peptide}{human}){ $n_human_mapping_peptides++; } if(defined $peptide_org_mapping{$peptide}{mouse}){ $n_mouse_mapping_peptides++; } if(defined $peptide_org_mapping{$peptide}{yeast}){ $n_yeast_mapping_peptides++; } } } my @values = ($n_protein,$n_sp, $n_sp_plus_varsplic, $n_ensp ,$n_nr_ensp, $n_ensg, $n_ipiandsgd); push @{$stat{$count}{$biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}}}, @values; print OUT "$count\t$biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}\t", join ("\t", @values); print OUT "\n"; $count++; @values = ( $n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides, ($uniq_mapping{uniq_sp_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($uniq_mapping{uniq_spvar_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), #($uniq_mapping{uniq_spsnp_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($uniq_mapping{uniq_nrensp_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($uniq_mapping{uniq_nripi_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($uniq_mapping{uniq_genome_mapping}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($n_human_mapping_peptides/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($n_mouse_mapping_peptides/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($n_yeast_mapping_peptides/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($scores{all}{n_hscore}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($scores{uniq_sp_mapping}{n_hscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_sp_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_spvar_mapping}{n_hscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_spvar_mapping}), #($scores{uniq_spsnp_mapping}{n_hscore}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($scores{uniq_nrensp_mapping}{n_hscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_nrensp_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_nripi_mapping}{n_hscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_nripi_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_genome_mapping}{n_hscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_genome_mapping}), ($scores{all}{n_mhscore}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($scores{uniq_sp_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_sp_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_spvar_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_spvar_mapping}), #($scores{uniq_spsnp_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$n_distinct_sp_mapping_DMSAT_peptides), ($scores{uniq_nrensp_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_nrensp_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_nripi_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_nripi_mapping}), ($scores{uniq_genome_mapping}{n_mhscore}/$uniq_mapping{uniq_genome_mapping}), ); push @{$stat{$count}{$biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}}}, @values; print OUT "$count\t$biosequence_set{$biosequence_set_id}\t", join ("\t", @values); print OUT "\n"; } close OUT; }else{ my $file = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_path/$file_name"; open (IN, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file\n"; foreach my $line (){ chomp $line; my @attrs = split("\t", $line); my $table = shift @attrs; my $org = shift @attrs; push @{$stat{$table}{$org}}, @attrs; } } draw_table (stat => \%stat, col => \%table_row); } sub draw_table { my %arg = @_; my %stat = %{$arg{stat}}; my %table_row = %{$arg{col}}; foreach my $table (qw(1 2)){ my $numbers=[]; my @rows = @{$table_row{$table}}; my $cl=1; foreach my $org (keys %{$stat{$table}}){ my $row=0; my @val = @{$stat{$table}{$org}}; foreach my $i (0..$#val){ if ($val[$i] =~ /\./){ $val[$i] = sprintf("%.4f", $val[$i]); } if($cl == 1){ push @$numbers , [$row, 0, "'$table_row{$table}[$row]'"]; } push @$numbers , [$row, $cl,$val[$i]]; $row++; } $cl++; } my @datatypes = (); for my $i (0..2){ push @datatypes, 'number'; } my %package =(); $package{'table'} = 1; my $GV = SBEAMS::Connection::GoogleVisualization->new('_packages' => \%package, '_callbacks' => ['drawTable'], '_tables' => $table); my $chart = $GV->setDrawDataTable( data => $numbers, data_types => ['string', @datatypes ], headings => ['Categories', 'Human','Mouse','Yeast'], ); $chart .= "\n" . $GV->getHeaderInfo(); $chart =~ s/src=".*jsapi/src="https:\/\/www.google.com\/jsapi/; $chart =~ s///g; $chart =~ s///g; print qq~

~; } }