#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : CompareBuildsProteins # Author : Terry Farrah # $Id: GetPeptides 5436 2007-07-03 23:56:02Z sloeveni $ # # Description : This program that allows users to # get proteins from the PeptideAtlas based on various criteria. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2021 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Settings; use SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas::Tables; use SBEAMS::BioLink::Tables; use Venn::Chart; use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; use DBI; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::PeptideAtlas; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command line use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( #permitted_work_groups_ref=>['PeptideAtlas_user','PeptideAtlas_admin'], # connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters ### TMF: these are input via the form, which is defined ### in PeptideAtlas_table_column.txt under CompareBuildsProteins. my %parameters; $parameters{uploaded_file_not_saved} = 1; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if ($parameters{action} eq "???") { # Some action } else { my $project_id = $sbeamsMOD->getProjectID( atlas_build_id => $parameters{atlas_build_id} ); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id, use_tabbed_panes => 1,); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my @keys = keys %parameters; # Print statements for debugging SWAP button # print "
\n"; # for my $key (@keys) { # print "$key $parameters{$key}
\n"; # } #### Declare some variables my ($chrom_num, $genetic_locus, $stend_option, $no_coord_count, $pid, $map, $file_name, $tmp_img_path); #### Show current user context information #$sbeams->printUserContext(); #### Get the HTML to display the tabs my $tabMenu = $sbeamsMOD->getTabMenu( parameters_ref => \%parameters, program_name => $PROG_NAME, ); if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { print $tabMenu->asHTML(); print"\n"; } #### Get the current atlas_build_ids based on parameters or session my @atlas_build_id; my @atlas_build_name; # Print statements for debugging SWAP button #print "build1 = $parameters{atlas_build_id}
\n"; #print "build1 = $atlas_build_id[1]
\n"; #print "build2 = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}
\n"; #print "build2 = $atlas_build_id[2]
\n"; $atlas_build_id[1] = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( parameters_ref => \%parameters, ); $atlas_build_id[2] = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( parameters_ref => \%parameters, secondary_build => 1, ); if (defined($atlas_build_id[1]) && $atlas_build_id[1] < 0) { return; } if (defined($atlas_build_id[2]) && $atlas_build_id[2] < 0) { return; } $atlas_build_name[1] = $sbeamsMOD->getBuildName(build_id => $atlas_build_id[1]); $atlas_build_name[2] = $sbeamsMOD->getBuildName(build_id => $atlas_build_id[2]); $parameters{atlas_build_id} = $atlas_build_id[1]; $parameters{atlas_build_id_2} = $atlas_build_id[2]; #### Define some generic variables my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); #### Define some variables for a query and resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols,%max_widths,$show_sql); #### Read in the standard form values my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; # for some reason, this returns nothing. my $TABLE_NAME = $parameters{'QUERY_NAME'}; #### Set some specific settings for this program my $CATEGORY="Compare Proteins in 2 Builds"; $TABLE_NAME="AT_CompareBuildsProteins" unless ($TABLE_NAME); ($PROGRAM_FILE_NAME) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"); # the above doesn't work for this program $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME = "CompareBuildsProteins"; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; #### Get the columns and input types for this table/query my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); #### Read the input parameters for each column my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters, columns_ref=>\@columns,input_types_ref=>\%input_types); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); $n_params_found = 99; } #### Set some reasonable defaults if no parameters supplied unless ($n_params_found) { $parameters{comparison_type_constraint} = "intersection"; } my $comparison_type = $parameters{comparison_type_constraint}; #### Display the user-interaction input form $sbeams->display_input_form( TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME, CATEGORY=>$CATEGORY, apply_action=>$apply_action, PROGRAM_FILE_NAME=>$PROG_NAME, parameters_ref=>\%parameters, input_types_ref=>\%input_types, mask_user_context=> 1, use_tabbed_panes => 1, ); #### Display button for swapping Build 1/2. #### Code stolen from display_form_buttons() and #### http://www.htmlquick.com/reference/tags/input.html #### DISABLED because it doesn't work yet. if ( 0 && $sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { my $pad = ' ' x 6; print qq~ $pad ~; } #### Display the form action buttons $sbeams->display_form_buttons(TABLE_NAME=>$TABLE_NAME, use_tabbed_panes => 1); ######################################################################### #### Process all the constraints #### If no atlas_build_ids were selected, stop here unless ($parameters{atlas_build_id} && $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}) { $sbeams->reportException( state => 'ERROR', message => 'You must select two Atlas Builds', ); return; } my @total_obs; my @atlas_build_clause; my @bsr_atlas_build_clause; my %canonicals_build1; my @canonicals_arefs; my @exhaust_hrefs; my @n_canonicals; my @exhaust_prot_sqls; my @canonical_sqls; my $module = $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR(); my $DATABASE = $DBPREFIX{$module}; $DATABASE=~ s/\.$//; my $database_1 = $DATABASE; my $database_2 = $DATABASE; my $sql = qq~SELECT NAME FROM MASTER..SYSDATABASES WHERE NAME LIKE 'PEPTIDEATLAS_BUILD%'~; my @result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); foreach my $row(@result){ if ($row =~ /build$atlas_build_id[1]$/){ $database_1 = "$row.dbo"; } if ($row =~ /build$atlas_build_id[2]$/){ $database_2 = "$row.dbo"; } } my %databases =( 1=> $database_1, 2=>$database_2);; #### Construct constraints, gather data for each build for my $i (1, 2) { #### Get total PSMs for calculating obs per 100,000 my $pep_count = $sbeams->selectrow_hashref( <<" PEP" ); SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, SUM(n_observations) obs FROM $databases{$i}.PEPTIDE_INSTANCE WHERE atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id[$i]; PEP $total_obs[$i] = sprintf( "%0.1f", $pep_count->{obs}); #### canonical sql my $sql = qq~ SELECT BS$i.biosequence_name AS BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, PPL$i.level_name, BS_REP$i.biosequence_name AS REP_BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, PID$i.n_observations, PID$i.percentage_coverage, PID$i.n_distinct_peptides, PID$i.norm_PSMs_per_100K, BS$i.biosequence_desc FROM $databases{$i}.PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID$i JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_PRESENCE_LEVEL PPL$i ON PPL$i.protein_presence_level_id = PID$i.presence_level_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS$i ON BS$i.biosequence_id = PID$i.biosequence_id JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REP$i ON BS_REP$i.biosequence_id = PID$i.represented_by_biosequence_id WHERE PID$i.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id[$i] AND PPL$i.level_name = 'canonical' AND (BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'DECOY%' AND BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'CONTAM%') ~; $canonical_sqls[$i] = $sql; #### sql exhaust protids my $exhaust_prot_sql = qq~ (SELECT BS$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, PRL$i.LEVEL_NAME AS LEVEL_NAME, BS_REP$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS REP_BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, NULL AS REF_biosequence_name, PID$i.norm_PSMs_per_100K, PID$i.N_OBSERVATIONS AS N_OBSERVATIONS, PID$i.n_distinct_peptides, PID$i.percentage_coverage FROM $databases{$i}.PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID$i JOIN $TBAT_PROTEIN_PRESENCE_LEVEL PRL$i ON (PID$i.PRESENCE_LEVEL_ID = PRL$i.PROTEIN_PRESENCE_LEVEL_ID) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS$i ON (BS$i.biosequence_id = PID$i.biosequence_id) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REP$i ON (BS_REP$i.biosequence_id = PID$i.represented_by_biosequence_id) WHERE PID$i.atlas_build_id IN ($atlas_build_id[$i]) AND (BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'DECOY%' AND BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'CONTAM%') ) UNION (SELECT BS$i.biosequence_name as BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, BRT$i.RELATIONSHIP_NAME AS LEVEL_NAME, BS_REP$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS REP_BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, BS_REF$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS REF_biosequence_name, NULL AS norm_PSMs_per_100K, NULL AS N_OBSERVATIONS, NULL AS n_distinct_peptides, BR$i.related_biosequence_percentage_coverage as percentage_coverage FROM $databases{$i}.BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BR$i JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE BRT$i ON (BR$i.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID = BRT$i.BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID) JOIN $databases{$i}.PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID$i ON (PID$i.biosequence_id = BR$i.reference_biosequence_id) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS$i ON (BS$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR$i.RELATED_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REP$i ON (BS_REP$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID =PID$i.REPRESENTED_BY_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF$i ON (BS_REF$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR$i.reference_biosequence_id) WHERE PID$i.atlas_build_id IN ($atlas_build_id[$i]) AND BR$i.atlas_build_id IN ($atlas_build_id[$i]) AND (BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'DECOY%' AND BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'CONTAM%') ) UNION ( SELECT BS$i.biosequence_name as BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, BRT$i.RELATIONSHIP_NAME AS LEVEL_NAME, BS_REP$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS REP_BIOSEQUENCE_NAME, BS_REF$i.BIOSEQUENCE_NAME AS REF_biosequence_name, NULL AS norm_PSMs_per_100K, NULL AS N_OBSERVATIONS, NULL AS n_distinct_peptides, BR2$i.related_biosequence_percentage_coverage as percentage_coverage FROM $databases{$i}.BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BR$i JOIN $databases{$i}.BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP BR2$i ON (BR$i.reference_biosequence_id = BR2$i.related_biosequence_id and BR2$i.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id[$i] and BR$i.atlas_build_id = $atlas_build_id[$i]) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE BRT$i ON (BR$i.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID = BRT$i.BIOSEQUENCE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID) JOIN $databases{$i}.PROTEIN_IDENTIFICATION PID$i ON (PID$i.biosequence_id = BR2$i.reference_biosequence_id) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS$i ON (BS$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR$i.RELATED_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REP$i ON (BS_REP$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID =PID$i.REPRESENTED_BY_BIOSEQUENCE_ID) JOIN $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE BS_REF$i ON (BS_REF$i.BIOSEQUENCE_ID = BR$i.reference_biosequence_id) WHERE PID$i.atlas_build_id IN ($atlas_build_id[$i]) AND (BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'DECOY%' AND BS$i.biosequence_name not like 'CONTAM%') ) ~; $exhaust_prot_sqls[$i] = $exhaust_prot_sql; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($exhaust_prot_sql) or die "\nERROR: Unable to get protein identifications with $sql\n\n"; my @canonicals; for my $row (@rows) { my ($protid,$level,$rep_protid, $ref_prot_id, $nobs)=@$row; $exhaust_hrefs[$i]->{$protid} =1; push @canonicals, $protid if ($level eq 'canonical'); } $n_canonicals[$i] = scalar @canonicals; $canonicals_arefs[$i] = \@canonicals; if (! scalar @canonicals ) { print "\nSorry, Build $i does not have its protein ". "identifications classified as canonical, ". "possibly distinguished, and subsumed. It may be an ". "older build or a specialty build.\n\n"; exit; } } if ( ! ($total_obs[1] && $total_obs[2]) ) { print "Can't find total observations for both atlases. ". "Found $total_obs[1] and $total_obs[2].
\n"; } ## get organism_id to pass on to url_cols my $sql = qq~ SELECT BSS.organism_id FROM $TBAT_BIOSEQUENCE_SET BSS JOIN $TBAT_ATLAS_BUILD AB ON (AB.biosequence_set_id = BSS.biosequence_set_id) WHERE AB.atlas_build_id ='$atlas_build_id[1]' ~; my ($organism_id) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql) or die "\nERROR: Unable to find the organism_id with $sql\n\n"; $parameters{organism_id} = $organism_id; #### Build ROWCOUNT constraint $parameters{row_limit} = 5000 unless ($parameters{row_limit} > 0 && $parameters{row_limit}<=1000000); my $limit_clause = "TOP $parameters{row_limit}"; #### Disable row limits $limit_clause = ""; ### Construct SQL for each item to be SELECTed my $biosequence_name_sql = "bs.biosequence_name"; my $enrichment_sql = "(CASE WHEN build2.n_observations > 0 ". "THEN (build1.n_observations/$total_obs[1])/(build2.n_observations/$total_obs[2]) ". "ELSE (build1.n_observations/$total_obs[1])/(0.3/$total_obs[2]) END)"; my @per_100K_sql; for my $i (1, 2) { $per_100K_sql[$i] = "case when (build$i.norm_PSMs_per_100K is null) then STR(build$i.norm_PSMs_per_100K,7,3) else '' end"; } #### Set flag to display SQL statement if user selected if ( $parameters{display_options} =~ /ShowSQL/ ) { $show_sql = 1; } ### Gather info for columns to be displayed: ### column name in SQL results, value, and column header to print. my @column_array = ( ["biosequence_name","isnull(build1.biosequence_name, build2.biosequence_name)","Biosequence Name"], ["enrichment",$enrichment_sql,"Enrichment"], ["presence_level_1","build1.level_name","Presence Level Build 1"], ["n_observations_1","build1.n_observations","N Obs Build 1"], ["pct_coverage_1","build1.percentage_coverage", "Percent Coverage 1"], ["n_distinct_peptides_1","build1.n_distinct_peptides", "# Distinct Peptides 1"], ["obs_per_100K_1","$per_100K_sql[1]","Norm Obs per 100K Build 1"], ["represented_by_biosequence_1","build1.rep_biosequence_name", "Build 1 Protein Group"], ["indist_from","build2.ref_biosequence_name","Indistinguishable from in Build 2"], ["presence_level_2","build2.level_name","Presence Level Build 2"], ["n_observations_2","build2.n_observations","N Obs Build 2"], ["n_distinct_peptides_2","build2.n_distinct_peptides", "# Distinct Peptides 2"], ["pct_coverage_2","build2.percentage_coverage", "Percent Coverage 2"], ["obs_per_100K_2","$per_100K_sql[2]","Norm Obs per 100K Build 2"], ["represented_by_biosequence_2","build2.rep_biosequence_name","Build 2 Protein Group"], ["biosequence_description","cast(build1.biosequence_desc as varchar(255))","Protein Description"], ); ### Combine the above info into SQL for the SELECT part of the query ### with the side-effect of filling in @column_titles and %colnameidx. ### We actually use $columns_clause only for some of the subqueries; ### the others have variations on it. my %colnameidx = (); my @column_titles = (); my $columns_clause = $sbeams->build_SQL_columns_list( column_array_ref=>\@column_array, colnameidx_ref=>\%colnameidx, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles ); my $select = qq~ SELECT $limit_clause $columns_clause ~; my $sql =''; if ($comparison_type eq "intersection") { #### Get the intersection (build 1 canonicals also in build 2 exhaustive set) $sql .= qq~ $select FROM ($canonical_sqls[1] )build1 JOIN ($exhaust_prot_sqls[2]) build2 on (build1.biosequence_name = build2.biosequence_name) WHERE 1=1 ~; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "build_1_not_build_2") { #### Get the difference (build 1 canonicals NOT in build 2 exhaustive set). $sql .= qq~ $select FROM ($canonical_sqls[1] )build1 LEFT JOIN ($exhaust_prot_sqls[2]) build2 ON ( build1.biosequence_name = build2.biosequence_name) WHERE 1=1 AND build2.biosequence_name is null ~; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "enrich_build_1") { $sql .= qq~ $select FROM ($canonical_sqls[1] )build1 LEFT JOIN ($exhaust_prot_sqls[2]) build2 ON ( build1.biosequence_name = build2.biosequence_name) WHERE 1=1 AND build1.biosequence_name is not null ~; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "union") { $sql .= qq~ $select FROM ($canonical_sqls[1] )build1 FULL JOIN ($exhaust_prot_sqls[2]) build2 ON ( build1.biosequence_name = build2.biosequence_name) WHERE 1=1 AND (build1.biosequence_name is not null OR (build1.biosequence_name is null and build2.level_name='canonical')) ~; } #### Certain types of actions should be passed to links my $pass_action = "QUERY"; $pass_action = $apply_action if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i); #### Pass nearly all of the constraints down to a child query my @parameters_to_pass; my $parameters_list = ''; while ( ($key,$value) = each %input_types ) { if ($key ne 'sort_order' && $key ne 'display_options') { if ($parameters{$key}) { push(@parameters_to_pass,"$key=$parameters{$key}"); } } } if (@parameters_to_pass) { $parameters_list = join('&',@parameters_to_pass); } #### Define the hypertext links for columns that need them %url_cols = ( 'Biosequence Name' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetProtein?protein_name=\%$colnameidx{biosequence_name}V&apply_action=$pass_action", 'Biosequence Name_ATAG' => 'TARGET="Win1" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status=\'Show more information about this protein\'; return true"', 'Build 1 Protein Group' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetProteins?protein_group_representative_constraint=\%$colnameidx{protein_group_representative}V&apply_action=$pass_action", 'Build 1 Protein Group_ATAG' => 'TARGET="Win1" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status=\'Display all biosequences in this group\'; return true"', 'Indistinguishable from in Build 2' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetProtein?protein_name=\%$colnameidx{indist_from}V&apply_action=$pass_action&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id[2]", 'Indistinguishable from in Build 2_ATAG' => 'TARGET="Win1" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status=\'Show more information about this protein\'; return true"', 'Presence Level Build 2' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetProtein?protein_name=\%$colnameidx{biosequence_name}V&apply_action=$pass_action&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id[2]", 'Build 2 Protein Group' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/PeptideAtlas/GetProteins?protein_group_representative_constraint=\%$colnameidx{protein_group_representative}V&apply_action=$pass_action&atlas_build_id=$atlas_build_id[2]", 'Build 2 Protein Group_ATAG' => 'TARGET="Win1" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status=\'Display all biosequences in this group\'; return true"', ); #### Define columns that should be hidden in the output table # biosequence_accessor is prefix to compose URL # biosequence_accessor_suffix is suffix for same ######################################################################### #### If "Swap Builds" was selected, do so. if ($apply_action =~ /swap builds/i ) { ### debugging statements for SWAP button #print "build1 = $parameters{atlas_build_id}
\n"; #print "build1 = $atlas_build_id[1]
\n"; #print "build2 = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}
\n"; #print "build2 = $atlas_build_id[2]
\n"; #print "-- Swapping --
\n"; my $tmp = $parameters{atlas_build_id}; $parameters{atlas_build_id} = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}; #$atlas_build_id[1] = $parameters{atlas_build_id}; $parameters{atlas_build_id_2} = $tmp; #$atlas_build_id[2] = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}; $atlas_build_id[1] = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( parameters_ref => \%parameters, ); $atlas_build_id[2] = $sbeamsMOD->getCurrentAtlasBuildID( parameters_ref => \%parameters, secondary_build => 1, ); # Print statements for debugging SWAP button #print "build1 = $parameters{atlas_build_id}
\n"; #print "build1 = $atlas_build_id[1]
\n"; #print "build2 = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}
\n"; #print "build2 = $atlas_build_id[2]
\n"; } #### If QUERY or VIEWRESULTSET was selected, display the data #print "action = $apply_action
\n"; if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i || $apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { #### If the action contained QUERY, then fetch the results from #### the database if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i) { #### Show the SQL that will be or was executed if ($show_sql) { $sbeams->display_sql(sql=>$sql,use_tabbed_panes => 1,); } #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet( sql_query=>$sql, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, ); } my $venn_html=''; #### Define explanatory text depending on set operation. if ($sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html') { my $explanatory_text; if ($comparison_type eq "intersection") { $explanatory_text = "from Build 1 found in exhaustive set for Build 2"; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "build_1_not_build_2") { $explanatory_text = "from Build 1 not found in exhaustive set for Build 2"; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "enrich_build_1") { $explanatory_text = "from Build 1 displayed"; } elsif ($comparison_type eq "union") { $explanatory_text = "in Build 1 and Build 2 combined.
"; $explanatory_text .= "Note: Combining of canonicals from two builds employs ". "a heuristic process to eliminate redundant identifiers, and is not ". "a symmetric operation.
If you swap builds, the results will ". "be somewhat different."; } #### Draw graphical depiction of the overlap between the two #### atlases. my @build2_exhaust = keys %{$exhaust_hrefs[2]}; my $n_build2_exhaust = scalar @build2_exhaust; my $venn1 = $sbeamsMOD->draw_venn(data => [($canonicals_arefs[1], $canonicals_arefs[2])], data_label=> [("Build 1 Canonical", "Build 2 Canonical")], title => "Protein Identifiers", id => 'venn1', proportion=> 'no'); my $venn2 = $sbeamsMOD->draw_venn(data => [($canonicals_arefs[1], $canonicals_arefs[2], \@build2_exhaust)], data_label=> [("Build 1 Canonical", "Build 2 Canonical", "Build 2 Exhaustive")], title => "Protein Identifiers", id => 'venn2', proportion=> 'no'); #### Display statistics about the resultset my $n_rows = scalar(@{$resultset_ref->{data_ref}}); # print "


"; $venn_html = qq~

$n_rows canonical protein sequences $explanatory_text.
$venn1 $venn2 ~; my $percent = sprintf("%4.1f", 100 * $n_rows / $n_canonicals[1]); if (($comparison_type eq "intersection") || ($comparison_type eq "build_1_not_build_2")) { $venn_html .= " ($percent% of Build 1 total)"; } $venn_html . "
\n"; } #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, query_name=>"$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME", column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, use_tabbed_panes => 1, ); #### Display table help my $obs_help = get_table_help( 'proteins' ); my $tr = qq~ $venn_html
~ if ( $sbeams->output_mode() eq 'html' ); #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, column_help=>$tr, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, use_tabbed_panes => 1, ); #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, base_url=>$base_url, use_tabbed_panes => 1, ); #### Display a plot of data from the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSetPlot( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, use_tabbed_panes => 1, ); #### Finish the upper part of the page and go begin the full-width #### data portion of the page $sbeams->display_page_footer(close_tables=>'YES',use_tabbed_panes => 1, separator_bar=>'YES',display_footer=>'NO'); #### If QUERY was not selected, then tell the user to enter some parameters } else { if ($sbeams->invocation_mode() eq 'http') { print "

Select parameters above and press QUERY

\n"; } else { print "You need to supply some parameters to constrain the query\n"; } } # Print statements for debugging SWAP button #print "build1 = $parameters{atlas_build_id}
\n"; #print "build1 = $atlas_build_id[1]
\n"; #print "build2 = $parameters{atlas_build_id_2}
\n"; #print "build2 = $atlas_build_id[2]
\n"; } # end handle_request ####################################################################### sub get_table_help { my $name = shift; return '' unless $name; my @entries; my $hidetext; my $showtext; my $heading; my $description; if ( $name eq 'proteins' ) { @entries = ( { key => 'Biosequence Name', value => 'Sequence database accession' }, { key => 'Enrichment', value => 'Enrichment in Build 1 relative to Build 2 = (Obs per 100,000 Build 1) / (Obs per 100,000 Build 2).
If not observed in Build 2, it is considered to have 0.3 observations for the purpose of this calculation.' }, { key => 'Presence Level Build 1', value => 'Always canonical' }, { key => 'N Obs Build 1', value => 'ProteinProphet adjusted PSM (peptide-spectrum match) count, usually lower than actual PSM count' }, { key => 'Norm Obs per 100K Build 1', value => 'N Obs, normalized to total observable peps in protein, divided by total PSMs in build, multiplied by 100,000' }, { key => 'Build 1 Protein Group', value => 'Link to group of proteins sharing peptides with this protein in Build 1' }, { key => 'Indistinguishable from in Build 2', value => 'If, in build 2, Biosequence Name has the exact same peptide set as another biosequence with a preferred identifier (e.g. Swiss-Prot), that other biosequence is displayed here.' }, { key => 'Presence Level Build 2', value => 'Canonical, possibly_distinguished, subsumed, or ntt_subsumed' }, { key => 'N Obs Build 2', value => 'ProteinProphet adjusted PSM (peptide-spectrum match) count, usually lower than actual PSM count' }, { key => 'Obs per 100,000 Build 2', value => 'N Obs divided by total PSMs in build, multiplied by 100,000' }, { key => 'Build 2 Protein Group', value => 'Link to group of proteins sharing peptides with this protein in Build 2' }, { key => 'Protein Description', value => 'Description as taken from sequence database fasta file' }, ); $showtext = 'show column descriptions'; $hidetext = 'hide column descriptions'; $heading = 'Identified Proteins'; $description= 'Protein sequences mapped to by identified peptides'; } return unless @entries; my $help = $sbeamsMOD->get_table_help_section( name => $name, description => $description, heading => $heading, entries => \@entries, showtext => $showtext, hidetext => $hidetext ); return $help; } # end get_table_help