#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : updateConditions # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : Page to allow users to modify/delete gene_expression # conditions (GetExpression interface). # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use File::Basename; #use Text::CSV; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use lib "bioconductor"; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::SBPage; use SBEAMS::Connection::Permissions qw(DATA_MODIFIER); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Microarray; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Settings; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Tables; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_Annotation; use Site qw( $AFFY_ANNO_PATH ); my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; my $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Microarray; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS( $sbeams ); # EOL string, change to be context-specific! my $eol = "
\n"; main(); exit(0); sub main { # Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned my $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate() || exit; #### Read in the default input params my %parms; # my $params = {}; my $params = \%parms; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q => $q, parameters_ref => $params ); #### Process generic "state" params before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters( parameters_ref => $params ); # The spaghetti is still wound tight processStraySBEAMSparameters(); my @conditions = $q->param( 'condition' ); for my $c ( @conditions ) { unless ( $c =~ /^\d+\s*$/ ) { print $q->header(); print "Error with parameters: $c\n"; exit; } } my $content; # Placeholder for page 'guts' # for my $param ( $q->param() ) { $content .= $param . ' ' . $q->param( $param ) . $eol; } # $log->debug( "params are $content" ); # print $q->header(); # print $content; # Decide what action to take based on information so far if ( $sbeams->get_best_permission() > DATA_MODIFIER ) { $content = "You lack permission to modify objects in this project"; } elsif ( $params->{action} && $params->{action} eq "Delete Condition(s)") { $content = deleteConditions( $params ) # Some action } elsif ( $params->{action} && $params->{action} eq "Update Annotations") { $content = updateAnnotations( $params ) } else { # $content = projectMismatch( $params ); # $content .= "$eol$eol"; } # Show the form regardless? $content = getEntryForm( ref_params => $params ); # This assumes that we'll always be returning a page, is this correct? my $page = SBEAMS::Connection::SBPage->new( user_context => 1, sbeams => $sbeams, content_align => 'top' ); $page->setSBEAMSMod( sbeamsMOD => $sbeamsMOD ); my $js = getJavascript(); # my $js = $sbeamsMOD->getUpdateCheckBoxButtonsJavascript(); $page->addContent( $js . $content ); $page->printPage(); } # end main sub projectMismatch { my $params = shift; return "No conditions specified" unless $params->{condition}; my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT DISTINCT project_id FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE condition_id IN ( $params->{condition} ) END my $current_project = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; my @projects = $sbeams->selectOneColumn( $sql ); if ( !scalar @projects ) { return warnHTML("Can't find project information"); } my $max_perm = $sbeams->get_best_permission(project_id => $projects[0]); if ( scalar @projects > 1 ) { return warnHTML('Can only work with conditions from project at a time'); } elsif ( $max_perm > DATA_MODIFIER ) { return warnHTML( <<" END" ); Unable to proceed, conditions $params->{condition} and project $projects[0] do not match! END } elsif ( $current_project != $projects[0] ) { return warnHTML( <<" END" ); Can only operate on conditions in your current project ($current_project) END } return ''; } sub warnHTML { my $text = shift; return "$text"; } #+ # Update annotations for specified condition(s) #- sub updateAnnotations { my $params = shift; # Verify that user can modify this project my $err = projectMismatch( $params ); return "Unable to process request: $err" if $err; # We'll be returning data in dribs and drabs, print header now print $q->header(); # We will be doing some large queries, better to do directly. my $dbh = $sbeams->getDBHandle(); my %annot; # Hash to hold annotations for various chips in memory. # # Loop through conditions # my @conditions = split( ",", $params->{condition} ); # Select condition info my $conSQL =<<" END_SELECT"; SELECT condition_id, condition_name, organism_id, analysis_type, analysis_id FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE condition_id IN ( $params->{condition} ); END_SELECT my @conditions = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $conSQL ); foreach my $condition ( @conditions ) { unless ( $condition->[3] && $condition->[4] && $condition->[3] =~ /Affymetrix/ ) { print "Unable to process non-affy data, skipping $condition->[1] $eol"; next; } # Print working on X print "Working on $condition->[1] $eol"; # Get affy info my $affxSQL =<<" END_AFFX"; SELECT project_id, folder_name, user_description FROM $TBMA_AFFY_ANALYSIS WHERE affy_analysis_id = $condition->[4] END_AFFX my @analyses = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $affxSQL ); my $affx = $analyses[0]; unless ( $affx ) { print "Unable to find referenced analysis for $condition->[1], skipping $eol"; next; } # Find and read R script to get chip name my $r_file = $sbeamsMOD->affy_bioconductor_delivery_path() . "/$affx->[1]/$affx->[1].R"; unless ( -e $r_file ) { print "Unable to find analysis for $condition->[1] ( $r_file), skipping $eol"; next; } unless ( open( RFILE, $r_file ) ) { print "Unable to open R script ($r_file) for $condition->[1], skipping $eol"; next; } # Read R file to get chip name my $chipname = ''; while ( my $line = ) { $line =~ /chip\.name[^"]*"([^"]+)"/; $chipname = $1 if $1; last if $chipname; } close RFILE; unless ( $chipname ) { print "Unable to find chip type for $condition->[1], skipping $eol"; next; } # get info from appropriate affy file, read if necessary if ( !$annot{$chipname} ) { print "Reading annotation file for $chipname
"; $annot{$chipname} = readAnnotationFile($chipname); } else { print "Using already opened annotation file for $chipname
"; } # Skip if this annotation file is empty my $cnt = 0; for ( keys( %{$annot{$chipname}} ) ) { $cnt++; last; } unless( $cnt ) { # We have at least one record print "No annotation data found, skipping $eol"; next; } my @fields = qw( reporter_name common_name canonical_name full_name external_identifier second_name gene_name biosequence_id log10_ratio log10_uncertainty log10_std_deviation lambda mu_x mu_y p_value mean_intensity mean_intensity_uncertainty quality_flag false_discovery_rate condition_id ); my $fields = join ",", @fields; # read expression data from database my $exprSQL =<<" END"; SELECT $fields FROM $TBMA_GENE_EXPRESSION WHERE condition_id = $condition->[0] END $exprSQL = $sbeams->evalSQL( $exprSQL ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $exprSQL ); $sth->execute(); # array to hold existing expression data my @expression; my $change = 0; while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { my %expr; @expr{@fields} = @row; # If we have this value from annotations, update it if ( $annot{$chipname}->{$row[0]} ) { $change++; my %p_anno = %{$annot{$chipname}->{$row[0]}}; for my $key ( qw( common_name canonical_name full_name external_identifier second_name ) ) { # print "Expr: $expr{$key},"; $expr{$key} = $p_anno{$key} if $p_anno{$key}; # print " Anno: $p_anno{$key} for $key $eol"; # exit if $tmpcnt++ > 100; } } push @expression, \%expr; } # set column map info my %col_map; @col_map{@fields} = @fields; # If nothing changed, don't do update unless ( $change ) { print "No annotations to change, skipping$eol"; next; } # delete existing rows print "Deleting old data... "; my $delSQL =<<" END"; DELETE FROM $TBMA_GENE_EXPRESSION WHERE condition_id = $condition->[0] END $dbh->do( $delSQL ); print "done $eol"; my $ins_ctr; my $tot = scalar( @expression ); my $dsize = int( $tot/50 ) || 1; my $extra = ( ($dsize * 50) > $tot ) ? 0 : 1; print "Inserting $tot updated records $eol"; my $gene_expr_table = $sbeams->evalSQL( $TBMA_GENE_EXPRESSION ); my $condition_table = $sbeams->evalSQL( $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION ); for my $row ( @expression ) { # $sbeams->transferTable(); $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => 1, table_name => $gene_expr_table, rowdata_ref => $row, PK => 'gene_expression_id', return_PK => 0, verbose => 0, testonly => 0, add_audit_parameters => 0 ); $ins_ctr++; print '*' unless $ins_ctr % $dsize; } print '*' if $extra; print $eol; # update condition table $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( update => 1, table_name => $condition_table, rowdata_ref => {}, PK => 'condition_id', PK_value => $condition->[0], return_PK => 0, verbose => 0, testonly => 0, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); } my $url = $q->url(); print <<" END"; Finished updating annotations. Follow this link back to updateCondtion page. END exit; } sub readAnnotationFile { my $chip = shift; my $anno_file = "${AFFY_ANNO_PATH}/${chip}_annot.csv"; my %annotation; unless ( open( AFILE, $anno_file ) ) { print "Unable to open annotation file: $anno_file $eol"; return \%annotation; } my $affy_o = SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_Annotation->new(); my $head = 1; my %idx; my $numfields; my $gene_id_field = ''; # my $anno = Text::CSV->new(); while ( my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/^"//g; $line =~ s/"$//g; my @line = split( /","/, $line, -1 ); # Read header line, cache indicies of needed columns if ( $head ) { @line; $head = 0; my $cnt = 0; for my $key ( @line ) { $key =~ s/"//g; $idx{$key} = $cnt++; } $numfields = $cnt; # Make sure needed annotation fields are there. for ( 'Probe Set ID', 'Gene Title', 'Gene Symbol', 'Representative Public ID', 'UniGene ID', 'RefSeq Protein ID' ) { if ( !defined $idx{$_} ) { $log->error( "Missing required annotation fields $_ : " ); print "Missing required annotation fields: $_ $eol "; return \%annotation; } } if ( defined $idx{'Entrez Gene'} ) { $gene_id_field = 'Entrez Gene'; } elsif ( defined $idx{'LocusLink'} ) { $gene_id_field = 'LocusLink'; } else { $log->error( "Missing required gene_id annotation field" ); print "Missing required gene_id $eol"; return \%annotation; } } else { unless ( $numfields == scalar( @line ) ) { $log->error( "Error parsing annotation file!" ); print "Error parsing affy annotation file, numfields is $numfields but this line has " . scalar( @line ) . " items $eol"; return {}; } my %annot_row = ( common_name => $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{'Gene Symbol'}] ), full_name => $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{'Gene Title'}] ), external_identifier => $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{'UniGene ID'}] ), second_name => $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{$gene_id_field}] ) ); my $public = $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{'Representative Public ID'}] ); my $refseq = $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{'RefSeq Protein ID'}] ); my $gene_id = $affy_o->clean_id( $line[$idx{$gene_id_field}] ); $annot_row{canonical_name} = $affy_o->getCanonicalName ( public => $public, refseq => $refseq, gene_id => $gene_id ); # Recommended cleanup $annot_row{full_name} = substr( $annot_row{full_name}, 0, 1024 ); $annot_row{common_name} = substr( $annot_row{common_name}, 0, 255 ); $annotation{$line[$idx{'Probe Set ID'}]} = \%annot_row; } } close AFILE; return \%annotation; } #+ # Delete specified condition(s) #- sub deleteConditions { my $params = shift; my $err = projectMismatch( $params ); return "Unable to process request: $err" if $err; my $delExprSQL =<<" END_DELETE"; DELETE FROM $TBMA_GENE_EXPRESSION WHERE condition_id IN ( $params->{condition} ) END_DELETE my $delCondSQL =<<" END_DELETE"; DELETE FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE condition_id IN ( $params->{condition} ) END_DELETE my $dbh = $sbeams->getDBHandle(); eval { $log->info( "Deleting gene_expression conditions: $delExprSQL\n $delCondSQL" ); $dbh->do( $delExprSQL ); $dbh->do( $delCondSQL ); }; if ( $@ ) { return "Error processing request: $@"; } else { return "Deleted specified conditions ( $params->{condition} )"; } } #+ # Catchall option, displays input form #- sub getEntryForm { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_params = $args{'ref_params'} || die "ref_params not passed"; #### Print out the current user information # $sbeams->printUserContext(); my $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); # For now, this only works for affy data my $sql =<<" END"; SELECT condition_name, condition_id, date_created, date_modified FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE analysis_type = 'Affymetrix Array' AND project_id = '$project_id' AND analysis_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY date_created ASC END my @results = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $sql ); if ( !scalar @results ) { return <<" NO_DATA";     No conditions to update for this project. NO_DATA } my $pad = ' ' x 1; #
# $log->debug( $sbeams->evalSQL( $sql ) ); my $content =<<" END_CONTENT"; $pad This form enables you to update or delete 'conditions' which have been uploaded to the GetExpression interface.
  • Update Annotations: This works for uploaded affymetrix data only, Will use the most recent annotations from affymetrix to annotate the results for each probeset in every selected condition. If you wish to revert to the original annotations (those that were in place at the time the analysis was done), you can simply delete the current condition and then re-upload the original.
  • Delete Condition: This will delete the specified condition(s) from the database completely, but will not affect the results stored in the pipeline. Therefore, if you delete a condition you should be able to re-upload it from the analysis results page.
END_CONTENT my $ctable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( CELLSPACING => 3, BORDER => 0 ); my $checkall = "✓"; my @heads = ( 'Condition Name', 'ID', 'Date Created', 'Last Modified', $checkall ); @heads = map { "$_" } @heads; $ctable->addRow( \@heads ); # $ctable->addRow( ['Condition Name', 'Date Created', 'Date Modified', 'ઙ All'] ); # $ctable->setHeaderAttr( BOLD => 1 ); $ctable->setRowAttr( ROWS => [1], COLS => [1..4], BGCOLOR => '#0000A0' ); $ctable->alternateColors( PERIOD => 3, FIRSTROW => 2, BGCOLOR => '#EEEEEE' ); foreach my $condition ( @results ) { my $chk =<<" END_CHK"; [1]> END_CHK $ctable->addRow( [@$condition[0..3], $chk] ); } $ctable->setColAttr( ROWS => [1..$ctable->getRowNum()], COLS => [1..4], NOWRAP => 1 ); #my $update_button = ""; my $update_button =<<" END"; END my $delete_button =<<" END"; END #my $delete_button = ""; # $ctable->addRow( [ $update_button, $delete_button ] ); # $ctable->setColAttr( ROWS => [ $ctable->getRowNum() ], COLS => [ 1, 2 ], COLSPAN => 2, ALIGN => 'CENTER' ); # Scalar to hold page content $content .=<<" END";
$update_button $delete_button
END return( $content ); } # end handle_request sub processStraySBEAMSparameters { my $project = $q->param( 'set_current_project_id' ); if ( $project ) { $log->debug( "Found a stray set_current_project_id: $project" ); $q->delete( 'set_current_project_id' ) } return; } #sub allClickJS { sub getJavascript { return <<" END_JAVASCRIPT"; END_JAVASCRIPT }