#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use Data::Dumper; use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); use File::Basename; use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $sbeams_affy_groups $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS $DISPLAY_SUMMARY); use DBI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use POSIX; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Microarray; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Settings; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Tables; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy; use SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_file_groups; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Microarray; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); #use CGI; #$q = new CGI; ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command like use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authenticate() and exit if it fails or continue if it works. ############################################################################### sub main { # Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( # connect_read_only=>1, # allow_anonymous_access=>1, # permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Proteomics_user','Proteomics_admin'], )); # Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); if($parameters{'hide_twocolor'}) { $CONFIG_SETTING{MA_HIDE_TWO_COLOR} = 1; } # Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters( parameters_ref=>\%parameters); if ( $parameters{output_mode} =~ /xml|tsv|excel|csv/){ # print out results sets in different formats print_output_mode_data(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); }else{ # Gonna return a web page. $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); print_javascript(); $sbeamsMOD->updateCheckBoxButtons_javascript(); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # print_javascript ############################################################################## sub print_javascript { my $uri = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/"; print qq~ ~; return 1; } ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #### Define some generic varibles my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); my @rows; #### Define variables for Summary Section my $project_id = $parameters{PROJECT_ID} || $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; my $pi_first_name = ''; my $pi_last_name = ''; my $username = ''; my $project_name = 'NONE'; my $project_tag = 'NONE'; my $project_status = 'N/A'; my $pi_contact_id; my (%array_requests, %array_scans, %quantitation_files); ## Need to add a MainForm in order to facilitate proper movement between projects. Otherwise some cgi params that we don't want might come through. print qq~
~; #### Show current user context information $sbeams->printUserContext(); $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); if($parameters{'mode'} eq "miame_status") { print_miame_status_tab(); } elsif($parameters{'mode'} eq "management") { print_management_tab(); } else { print "
"; my $menu = $sbeams->getMainPageTabMenuObj( cgi => $q ); my $info = get_project_info( parameters_ref => \%parameters, return_all => 1 ); my $fb = ""; my $fe = ''; my $details = ''; if ( 1 ) { # show regardless! $info->{chips} ){ $details .=<<" END"; $fb Number Affy Chips:$fe $info->{chips} END } if ( 1 ) { # Show regardless! $info->{conditions} ){ $details .=<<" END"; $fb Uploaded Conditions:$fe $info->{conditions} END } if ( $info->{quants} || $info->{requests} || $info->{scans} ){ $details .=<<" END"; $fb Array Quantitations:$fe $info->{quants} $fb Array Requests:$fe $info->{requests} $fb Array Scans:$fe $info->{scans} END } if ( $menu->getActiveTab == 1 ) { my $rpad = ' '; my $content = $menu->getContent(); # $content =~ s/\/$details/; $content =~ s/\/$rpad $details/; $menu->addContent( $content ); } print "$menu"; # print "

"; # print $menu->asMA_HTML(); print "

"; # print "

"; if ( !$parameters{_tab} || $parameters{_tab} == 1 ) { print_summary_tab(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); } } exit; #### Get information about the current project from the database $sql = qq~ SELECT P.name,P.project_tag,P.project_status, C.first_name, C.last_name, C.contact_id, UL.username FROM $TB_PROJECT P JOIN $TB_CONTACT C ON ( P.PI_contact_id = C.contact_id ) JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( UL.contact_id = C.contact_id) WHERE P.project_id = '$project_id' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); if (@rows) { ($project_name,$project_tag,$project_status,$pi_first_name,$pi_last_name,$pi_contact_id,$username) = @{$rows[0]}; } #### print_tabs # my @tab_titles = ("Summary","Management","Data Analysis", "Permissions"); my @tab_titles = ("Summary","MIAME Status","Management","Data Pipeline", "Data Download", "Permissions"); my $tab_titles_ref = \@tab_titles; my $page_link = 'main.cgi'; #### Summary Section if ($parameters{'tab'} eq "summary"){ $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>0); print_summary_tab(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); } elsif($parameters{'tab'} eq "miame_status") { $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>1); print_miame_status_tab(); } elsif($parameters{'tab'} eq "management") { $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>2); print_management_tab(); } elsif($parameters{'tab'} eq "data_pipeline") { $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>3); print_data_pipeline_tab(parameters_ref=>\%parameters) }elsif($parameters{'tab'} =~ "data_download") { $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>4); print_data_download_tab(ref_parameters=>$ref_parameters); } elsif($parameters{'tab'} eq "permissions") { $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>5); print_permissions_tab(ref_parameters=>$ref_parameters); } else{ $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref=>$tab_titles_ref, page_link=>$page_link, selected_tab=>0); print_summary_tab(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); } return; }# end handle_request ############################################################################### # get_project_info ############################################################################### sub get_project_info { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "get_project_info"; my $parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME] No parameters passed\n"; my %parameters = %{$parameters_ref}; ## Define standard variables my ($sql, @rows); my $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my (%array_requests, %array_scans, %quantitation_files); my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my ($project_name, $project_tag, $project_status, $project_desc); my ($pi_first_name, $pi_last_name, $pi_contact_id, $username); # Get all the 2 color array information for this project my $n_array_requests = 0; my $n_array_scans = 0; my $n_array_quantitations = 0; if ($project_id > 0) { $sql = qq~ SELECT array_request_id, n_slides, date_created FROM $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST WHERE project_id = '$project_id' AND record_status != 'D' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); foreach my $row(@rows){ my @temp_row = @{$row}; $array_requests{$temp_row[0]} = "$temp_row[2] ($temp_row[1] slides)"; $n_array_requests++; } $sql = qq~ SELECT COUNT(ASCAN.array_scan_id) AS 'Scans', COUNT(AQ.array_quantitation_id) AS 'Quantitations' FROM $TBMA_ARRAY A LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_SCAN ASCAN ON (A.array_id = ASCAN.array_id) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_QUANTITATION AQ ON ( AQ.array_scan_id = ASCAN.array_scan_id ) WHERE A.project_id = '$project_id' AND A.record_status != 'D' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); ($n_array_scans, $n_array_quantitations) = @{$rows[0]}; } # Check for any Conditions that match this project ID my $n_condition_count = ''; if ($project_id > 0) { $sql = qq~ SELECT count(condition_id) FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE project_id = $project_id AND record_status != 'D' ~; ($n_condition_count) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); } # Count the number of affy chips for this project my $n_affy_chips = 0; if ($project_id > 0) { $sql = qq~ SELECT count(afa.affy_array_id) FROM $TBMA_AFFY_ARRAY afa JOIN $TBMA_AFFY_ARRAY_SAMPLE afs ON (afa.affy_array_sample_id = afs.affy_array_sample_id) WHERE afs.project_id = $project_id AND afa.record_status != 'D' AND afs.record_status != 'D' ~; ($n_affy_chips) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); } unless( $args{return_all} ) { return ($n_condition_count, $n_array_scans, $n_affy_chips); } else { return { quants => $n_array_quantitations, conditions => $n_condition_count, requests => $n_array_requests, scans => $n_array_scans, chips => $n_affy_chips }; } } ############################################################################### # print_summary_tab ############################################################################### sub print_summary_tab { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "print_summary_tab"; my $parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME] No parameters passed\n"; my %parameters = %{$parameters_ref}; my $apply_action=$parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'} || 'QUERY'; ## HACK: If set_current_project_id is a parameter, we do a 'QUERY' instead of a 'VIEWRESULTSET' if ($parameters{set_current_project_id}) {$apply_action = 'QUERY';} ## Define standard variables my ($sql, @rows); # my $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); #my (%array_requests, %array_scans, %quantitation_files); my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my ($project_name, $project_tag, $project_status, $project_desc); # my ($pi_first_name, $pi_last_name, $pi_contact_id, $username); #print out some project info and return the number of hits for the following data types my ($n_condition_count, $n_array_scans, $n_affy_chips) = get_project_info(parameters_ref =>$parameters_ref); ######################################################################################## ### Set some of the usful vars my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my %max_widths; my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/main.cgi"; my $manage_table_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=MA_"; my %url_cols = (); my %hidden_cols =(); my $limit_clause = ''; my @column_titles = (); #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET" && $apply_action ne 'QUERY') { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); } ######################################################################################## #### Check to see what data should be displayed on the summary section of the page. ####If there is more then one source the script will default to the condition summary first my $default_data_type = "AFFY"; my %count_types = ( CONDITION => { COUNT => $n_condition_count, # $n_condition_count, POSITION => 3, }, TWO_COLOR => { COUNT => $n_array_scans, POSITION => 2, }, AFFY => { COUNT => $n_affy_chips, POSITION => 1, } ); my @tabs_names = make_tab_names(%count_types); my ($display_type, $selected_tab_numb) = pick_data_to_show (default_data_type => $default_data_type, tab_types_hash => \%count_types, param_hash => \%parameters, ); display_sub_tabs( display_type => $display_type, tab_titles_ref => \@tabs_names, page_link => "main.cgi", selected_tab => $selected_tab_numb ); ######################################################################################### #### Print the SUMMARY DATA OUT if ($display_type eq 'TWO_COLOR' ) { #### Project Status Section #### $sql = qq~ SELECT A.array_id,A.array_name, ARSM1.name AS "Sample1Name",ARSM2.name AS "Sample2Name", AR.array_request_id,ARSL.array_request_slide_id, AR.date_created AS "date_requested", PB.printing_batch_id,PB.date_started AS "date_printed", H.hybridization_id,H.date_hybridized, ASCAN.array_scan_id,ASCAN.date_scanned,ASCAN.data_flag AS "scan_flag", AQ.array_quantitation_id,AQ.date_quantitated,AQ.data_flag AS "quan_flag", ARSM1.array_request_sample_id AS "array_request_sample_id1", ARSM2.array_request_sample_id AS "array_request_sample_id2" FROM $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST AR LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE ARSL ON ( AR.array_request_id = ARSL.array_request_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE ARSM1 ON ( ARSL.array_request_slide_id = ARSM1.array_request_slide_id AND ARSM1.sample_index=0) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE ARSM2 ON ( ARSL.array_request_slide_id = ARSM2.array_request_slide_id AND ARSM2.sample_index=1) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY A ON ( A.array_request_slide_id = ARSL.array_request_slide_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_PRINTING_BATCH PB ON ( A.printing_batch_id = PB.printing_batch_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_HYBRIDIZATION H ON ( A.array_id = H.array_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_SCAN ASCAN ON ( A.array_id = ASCAN.array_id ) LEFT JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_QUANTITATION AQ ON ( ASCAN.array_scan_id = AQ.array_scan_id ) WHERE AR.project_id=$project_id AND ARSL.array_request_slide_id IS NOT NULL AND ( AR.record_status != 'D' OR AR.record_status IS NULL ) AND ( A.record_status != 'D' OR A.record_status IS NULL ) AND ( PB.record_status != 'D' OR PB.record_status IS NULL ) AND ( H.record_status != 'D' OR H.record_status IS NULL ) AND ( ASCAN.record_status != 'D' OR ASCAN.record_status IS NULL ) --AND ( AQ.record_status != 'D' OR AQ.record_status IS NULL ) ORDER BY A.array_name,AR.array_request_id,ARSL.array_request_slide_id ~; %url_cols = ('array_name' => "${manage_table_url}array&array_id=%0V", 'Sample1Name' => "${manage_table_url}array_request_sample&array_request_sample_id=%17V", 'Sample2Name' => "${manage_table_url}array_request_sample&array_request_sample_id=%18V", 'date_requested' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/SubmitArrayRequest.cgi?TABLE_NAME=MA_array_request&array_request_id=%4V", 'date_printed' => "${manage_table_url}printing_batch&printing_batch_id=%7V", 'date_hybridized' => "${manage_table_url}hybridization&hybridization_id=%9V", 'date_scanned' => "${manage_table_url}array_scan&array_scan_id=%11V", 'date_quantitated' => "${manage_table_url}array_quantitation&array_quantitation_id=%14V", ); %hidden_cols = ('array_id' => 1, 'array_request_id' => 1, 'array_request_slide_id' => 1, 'printing_batch_id' => 1, 'date_printed' => 1, 'hybridization_id' => 1, 'array_scan_id' => 1, 'array_quantitation_id' => 1, 'array_request_sample_id1' => 1, 'array_request_sample_id2' => 1, ); ############################################################################### ###Print data for the expression condititons }elsif($display_type eq 'CONDITION') { $sql = qq~ SELECT condition_id, condition_name, comment FROM $TBMA_COMPARISON_CONDITION WHERE project_id = $project_id AND record_status != 'D' ~; %url_cols = ( 'condition_id' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=MA_comparison_condition&condition_id=\%0V", 'condition_name' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/GetExpression?condition_id=\%0V", ); %hidden_cols = ('array_id' => 1, ); }elsif($display_type eq 'AFFY') { $sbeams_affy_groups = new SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_file_groups; $sbeams_affy_groups->setSBEAMS($sbeams); #set the sbeams object into the affy_groups_object $sql = $sbeams_affy_groups->get_affy_arrays_sql(project_id => $project_id, ); %url_cols = ( 'File_Root' => "${manage_table_url}affy_array&affy_array_id=\%1V", 'Sample_Tag' => "${manage_table_url}affy_array_sample&affy_array_sample_id=\%4V", ); %hidden_cols = ('Sample_ID' => 1, 'Array_ID' => 1, ); }else{ print FOO "


"; return; } ######################################################################### #### Actually print the data #### Build ROWCOUNT constraint $parameters{row_limit} = 5000 unless ($parameters{row_limit} > 0 && $parameters{row_limit}<=1000000); $limit_clause = $sbeams->buildLimitClause(row_limit=>$parameters{row_limit}); #### If the action contained QUERY, then fetch the results from #### the database if ($apply_action =~ /QUERY/i) { #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet(sql_query=>$sql, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, ); if($display_type eq 'AFFY') { $sbeams->addResultsetNumbering( rs_ref => $resultset_ref, colnames_ref => \@column_titles, list_name => 'Array num' ); } #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet(resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, query_name=>"$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME", ); } #### Set the column_titles to just the column_names @column_titles = @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}}; #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet(resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, ); #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls(resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, base_url=>$base_url, ); } ############################################################################### # display_sub_tabs # #Determine which sub tabs should be shown. Used to make tabs for data types within a # a data section ############################################################################### sub display_sub_tabs { my %args = @_; my $display_type = $args{display_type}; my @tabs_names = @ {$args{tab_titles_ref} }; my $page_link = $args{page_link}; my $selected_tab_numb = $args{selected_tab}; my $parent_tab = $args{parent_tab}; my $count = 0; foreach my $tab_name (@tabs_names){ #loop through the tabs to display. When we get to the one that is the # "selected" one use it's array position number as the selected_tab count if ($display_type eq $tab_name){ #print "TAB NAME '$tab_name' '$selected_tab_numb' '$count'
"; $sbeamsMOD->print_tabs(tab_titles_ref =>\@tabs_names, page_link =>$page_link, selected_tab =>$count, parent_tab =>$parent_tab,); return 1; } $count ++; } #if there is nothing to show. Make sure to have a backstop to print out a message when chooseing the data to print } ############################################################################### # make_tab_names # #Take a hash and and sort the keys by their position key and only return ones with data ############################################################################### sub make_tab_names { my $SUB_NAME = "make_tab_names"; my %types_h = @_; my @tab_names = sort { $types_h{$a}{POSITION} <=> $types_h{$b}{POSITION}} keys %types_h; #order which the tabs will be displayed on the screen @tab_names = grep { $types_h{$_}{COUNT} > 0 } (@tab_names); #only make tabs for data types with data return @tab_names } ############################################################################### # pick_data_to_show #Used to determine which data set should be shown. #Order of making a decision. CGI param, default data type(if it has data), any data type that has data ############################################################################### sub pick_data_to_show { my %args = @_; my $default_data_type = $args{default_data_type}; my %data_types_h = % {$args{tab_types_hash} }; my %parameters = % { $args{param_hash} }; #parameters may be produce when using readResults sets method, instead of reading directly from the cgi param method my $SUB_NAME = "pick_data_to_show"; #Need to choose what type of data summary to display my $all_cgi_tab_val = ''; if ($all_cgi_tab_val = $parameters{tab} ){ #if there is a cgi parm with the 'tab' key use it for the data type to display foreach my $cgi_tab_val (split /,/,$all_cgi_tab_val ){ $cgi_tab_val = uc $cgi_tab_val; if (grep { $cgi_tab_val eq $_} keys %data_types_h){ #need to make sure the tab param is not coming from other parts of the program. this will unsure it's one of the tabs we are interested in if ($data_types_h{$cgi_tab_val}{COUNT} > 0){ #make sure the tab has data, a user might have switched projects to one without this type of data return (uc $cgi_tab_val, 0); #need to return the upper case value since the print tabs method will make it lower case } } } } #if the default value comes in and it has data to display, show it. return ($default_data_type, 0) if ( $data_types_h{$default_data_type}{COUNT} > 0); foreach my $data_type (keys %data_types_h){ if ($data_types_h{$data_type}{COUNT} > 0) { #Else loop through all the data types and show the first one that has data to display in the summary return ($data_type, 0); }else{ #print "NOTHING FOR '$data_type'
"; } } return 'NOTHING TO SHOW'; #if there is nothing to display come here } ############################################################################### # print_miame_status_tab ############################################################################### sub print_miame_status_tab { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "print_miame_status_tab"; ## Decode argument list my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); ## Define standard variables print qq!

MIAME Status:

Experiment Design Detailed Information
Array Design Detailed Information
Sample Information Detailed Information
Labeling and Hybridization Detailed Information
Measurements Detailed Information

-MIAME Website
-Download MIAME Checklist $LINESEPARATOR !; return; } ############################################################################### # print_management_tab ############################################################################### sub print_management_tab { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "print_management_tab"; ## Decode argument list my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); ## Define standard variables my ($sql, @rows); my (%array_requests, $n_array_requests); my (%array_scans, $n_array_scans); my (%quantitation_files, $n_quantitation_files); $sql = qq~ SELECT array_request_id, n_slides, date_created FROM $TBMA_ARRAY_REQUEST WHERE project_id = '$project_id' AND record_status != 'D' ~; @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns($sql); foreach my $row(@rows){ my @temp_row = @{$row}; $array_requests{$temp_row[0]} = "$temp_row[2] ($temp_row[1] slides)"; $n_array_requests++; } $sql = qq~ SELECT ASCAN.array_scan_id, ASCAN.stage_location FROM $TBMA_ARRAY_SCAN ASCAN JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY A ON ( A.array_id = ASCAN.array_id ) JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_QUANTITATION AQ ON ( AQ.array_scan_id = ASCAN.array_scan_id ) WHERE A.project_id = '$project_id' AND ASCAN.record_status != 'D' AND A.record_status != 'D' AND AQ.record_status != 'D' ~; %array_scans = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); $sql = qq~ SELECT AQ.array_quantitation_id, AQ.stage_location FROM $TBMA_ARRAY_SCAN ASCAN JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY A ON ( A.array_id = ASCAN.array_id ) JOIN $TBMA_ARRAY_QUANTITATION AQ ON ( AQ.array_scan_id = ASCAN.array_scan_id ) WHERE A.project_id = '$project_id' AND ASCAN.record_status != 'D' AND A.record_status != 'D' AND AQ.record_status != 'D' ~; %quantitation_files = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql); foreach my $key (keys %array_scans) { $n_array_scans++; } foreach my $key (keys %quantitation_files){ $n_quantitation_files++; } print qq~

Project Management:

~; print qq~
Array Requests

Array Images

Array Quantitation
$LINESEPARATOR ~; return; } ############################################################################### # print_data_pipeline_tab ############################################################################### sub print_data_pipeline_tab { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "print_data_pipeline_tab"; my $parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME] No parameters passed\n"; my ($n_condition_count, $n_array_scans, $n_affy_chips) = get_project_info(parameters_ref =>$parameters_ref); my $html = ''; # if(($n_condition_count + $n_array_scans + $n_affy_chips) > 0){ # # Changed condition to show affy pipeline iff user can write to project. my $canWriteProject = $sbeams->isProjectWritable(); if( $canWriteProject ){ $html = < Analysis Type Description END $html .= < Affy Analysis Pipeline Analyze Affymetrix CEL files and view the data in a variety of ways..... END if ($n_affy_chips > 0){ $html .= < Add Additional Affy Annotation Very simple web page to add add additional Affy annotation to a file of interest END } if($n_array_scans > 0){ $html .= < Submit a New Job to the Two Color Analysis Pipeline Process Two Color Arrays. What is the Two Color Data Processing Pipeline? END } if($n_condition_count){ $html .= < Get Expression Retrieve data from the Get Expression table..... END } $html .= ""; }else{#end of if clause to print any data $html = "You lack permission to write to this project"; } print $html; } ############################################################################### # print_two_color_analysis_download_info ############################################################################### sub print_two_color_analysis_download_info { my %args = @_; my $SUB_NAME = "print_two_color_analysis_download_info"; ## Decode argument list my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); ## Hyperlink processing folders in this directory my $output_dir = "/net/arrays/Pipeline/output/project_id/".$project_id; opendir (PROJECTDIR, $output_dir); my @dir_contents = readdir PROJECTDIR; print qq~

Data Analysis:

$LINESEPARATOR ~; print qq~

Processing Events:
~; foreach my $content (@dir_contents) { my $content_dir = "$output_dir/$content"; next if ($content eq "." || $content eq ".."); if (-d $content_dir) { my $processed_date = getProcessedDate(file=>$content_dir); print qq ~ ~; } } print "
Directory Title Processing Date
$content $processed_date
"; ## Define standard variables my ($sql, @rows); # Data Analysis Section my $output_dir = "/net/arrays/Pipeline/output/project_id/".$project_id; my @pdf_list = glob("$output_dir/*.pdf"); my @log_list = glob("$output_dir/*.log"); my @sig_list = glob("$output_dir/*.sig"); my @clone_list = glob("$output_dir/*.clone"); my @merge_list = glob("$output_dir/*.merge"); my @rep_list = glob("$output_dir/*.rep"); my @matrix_list = glob("$output_dir/matrix_output"); my @zip_file = glob ("$output_dir/*.zip"); my @tav_list = glob ("$output_dir/*.tav"); ## Display TAV Options if there are such files if ($tav_list[0]) { print qq~
MeV Files
~; } print qq~
~; ## Display ZIP file Options if there are such files if ($zip_file[0]){ $zip_file[0]=~ s(^.*/)(); print qq~ ~; } ## Display Rep File Options if there are such files if ($rep_list[0]){ print qq~ ~; } ## Display Merge File Options if there are such files if ($merge_list[0]) { print qq~ ~; } ## Display Clone File Options if there are such files if ($clone_list[0]) { print qq~ ~; } ## Display Sig File Options if there are such files if ($sig_list[0]) { print qq~ ~; } ## Display Log Fil Options if there are such files if ($log_list[0]) { print qq~ ~; } ## Finish up table print qq~
Download zipped file of entire project directory
Rep Files
Merge Files
Clone Files
Sig Files
Log Files
$LINESEPARATOR ~; return; } ############################################################################### # print_data_download_tab ############################################################################### sub print_data_download_tab { my %args = @_; my $resultset_ref = ''; my @columns = (); my $sql = ''; my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my %max_widths; my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/main.cgi?tab=data_download"; my $manage_table_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=MA_"; my %url_cols = (); my %hidden_cols = (); my $limit_clause = ''; my @column_titles = (); my ($display_type, $selected_tab_numb); my @downloadable_file_types = (); my @default_file_types = (); my @diplay_files = (); #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my $apply_action=$parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'} || 'QUERY'; ## HACK: If set_current_project_id is a parameter, we do a 'QUERY' instead of a 'VIEWRESULTSET' if ($parameters{set_current_project_id}) { $apply_action = 'QUERY'; } ############################################################################### ##First check to see if the user already has selected some data to download if (exists $parameters{Get_Data}){ #come here if the user has choosen some files to download if ( $parameters{Get_Data} eq 'GET_AFFY_ARRAY_FILES') { #value of the button submiting Affy files to be zipped $sbeams_affy_groups = new SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_file_groups; $sbeams_affy_groups->setSBEAMS($sbeams); #set the sbeams object into the affy_groups_object my $date = `date +%F`; #Get the date with a command line call Example 2004-07-16 $date =~ s/\s//g; #remove any white space from the command line call my $out_file_name = "${date}_affy_zip_request_$$.zip"; #make the full file name with the process_id on the end to keep it some what unique my @files_to_zip = collect_files(parameters => \%parameters); ########################################################################## ### Print out some nice table showing what is being exported my $arrays_id_string = $parameters{get_all_files}; #example '37__CEL,38__CEL,45__CEL,46__CEL,46__XML' my @array_ids = split /,/, $arrays_id_string; #remove any redundant affy_ids since one affy_array_id might have multipule file extensions my %unique_array_ids = map {split /__/} @array_ids; my $arrays = join ",", sort keys %unique_array_ids; $sql = $sbeams_affy_groups->get_all_affy_info_sql(affy_array_ids => $arrays, ); my $tab_results = $sbeams_affy_groups->export_data_array_sample_info(sql =>$sql); if (@files_to_zip) { #collect the files and zip and print to stdout zip_data(files => \@files_to_zip, zip_file_name => $out_file_name, parameters => \%parameters, affy_groups_obj => $sbeams_affy_groups, array_info => $tab_results, ); } exit; }elsif($parameters{Get_Data} eq 'SHOW_TWO_COLOR_DATA'){ print "DO SOMETHING COOL"; } ############################################################################### ##Start looking for data that can be downloaded for this project }else{ #if user has not selected data to download come here print qq~
~; ###Get some summary data for all the data types that can be downloaded #### Count the number of affy chips for this project my $n_affy_chips = 0; my $n_two_color_runs = 0; if ($project_id > 0) { my $sql = qq~ SELECT count(afa.affy_array_id) FROM $TBMA_AFFY_ARRAY afa, $TBMA_AFFY_ARRAY_SAMPLE afs WHERE afs.project_id = $project_id AND afa.affy_array_sample_id = afs.affy_array_sample_id ~; ($n_affy_chips) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); } ##Check to see if there is some TWO_COLOR analysis data my $output_dir = "/net/arrays/Pipeline/output/project_id/".$project_id; opendir (PROJECTDIR, $output_dir); my @dir_contents = readdir PROJECTDIR; $n_two_color_runs = scalar @dir_contents; print qq~

Please select data to download

Number LAffy Chips: $n_affy_chips
Number Two Color Analysis Files: $n_two_color_runs

~; ############# ###Add different types of data to download ################################################################################# ##Set up the hash to control what sub tabs we might see my $default_data_type = "AFFY"; my %count_types = ( AFFY => { COUNT => $n_affy_chips, POSITION => 0, }, TWO_COLOR => { COUNT => $n_two_color_runs, #$n_condition_count ##HARD CODE FOR TESTING ONLY POSITION => 1, }, ); my @tabs_names = make_tab_names(%count_types); ($display_type, $selected_tab_numb) = pick_data_to_show (default_data_type => $default_data_type, tab_types_hash => \%count_types, param_hash => \%parameters, ); my $tabs_exists = display_sub_tabs( display_type => $display_type, tab_titles_ref =>\@tabs_names, page_link =>"main.cgi", selected_tab => $selected_tab_numb, parent_tab => $parameters{'tab'}, ); ##################################################################################### ### Show the data that can be downloaded if ($display_type eq 'AFFY'){ $sbeams_affy_groups = new SBEAMS::Microarray::Affy_file_groups; @downloadable_file_types = $sbeamsMOD->get_AFFY_FILES; @default_file_types = qw(CEL); #default file type to turn on the checkbox @diplay_files = qw(XML RPT INFO JPEG EGRAM_PF.jpg EGRAM_T.jpg EGRAM_F.jpg); #files that should have urls constructed to open the file in the browser $sbeams_affy_groups->setSBEAMS($sbeams); #set the sbeams object into the affy_groups_object $sql = $sbeams_affy_groups->get_affy_arrays_sql(project_id => $project_id, ); #return a sql statement to display all the arrays for a particular project %url_cols = ( #'Array_ID' => "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/main.cgi?tab=data_download&download_type=AFFY&affy_sample_id=\%0V", 'Sample_Tag' => "${manage_table_url}affy_array_sample&affy_array_sample_id=\%3V", 'File_Root' => "${manage_table_url}affy_array&affy_array_id=\%0V", ); %hidden_cols = ('Sample_ID' => 1, 'Array_ID' => 1, ); }elsif($display_type eq 'TWO_COLOR'){ print_two_color_analysis_download_info(); return; }else{ print "

Sorry No Data to download for this project

" ; return; } } ################################################################### ## Print the data unless (exists $parameters{Get_Data}) { print $q->start_form(-name =>'download_filesForm', #start the form to download affy files -action=>"$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/main.cgi", ); print $q->hidden(-name=>'tab', #make sure to include the name of the tab we are on -value=>'parameters{tab}', ); ################################################################### ## Make a small table to show some checkboxes so a user can click once to turn on or off all the files in a particular group print "
"; $sbeamsMOD->make_checkbox_control_table( box_names => \@downloadable_file_types, default_file_types => \@default_file_types, ); } ################################################################### #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); } #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet(sql_query=>$sql, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, ); #################################################################### ## Need to Append data onto the data returned from fetchResultsSet in order to use the writeResultsSet method to display a nice html table if ($display_type eq 'AFFY' &! exists $parameters{Get_Data}) { append_new_data(resultset_ref => $resultset_ref, file_types => \@downloadable_file_types, #append on new values to the data_ref foreach column to add default_files => \@default_file_types, display_files => \@diplay_files #Names for columns which will have urls to pop open files ); } #################################################################### #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet(resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, query_name=>"$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME", ); #### Set the column_titles to just the column_names @column_titles = @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}}; #print "COLUMN NAMES 1 '@column_titles'
"; for my $title ( @column_titles ) { print "$title
\n"; } #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet(resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, ); unless ($parameters{Get_Data}) { print "

To start the download click the button below
"; print "

A single Zip file will be downloaded to a location of your choosing *

"; print "

*Please note that the actual file size being downloaded will be about half the size the browser maybe indicating

"; print $q->br, $q->submit(-name=>'Get_Data', -value=>'GET_AFFY_ARRAY_FILES'); #will need to change value if other data sets need to be downloaded print $q->reset; print $q->end_form; } #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls(resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, base_url=>$base_url, ); } ############################################################################### # append_new_data # # Append on the more columns of data which can then be shown via the displayResultSet method ############################################################################### sub append_new_data { my %args = @_; my $resultset_ref = $args{resultset_ref}; my @file_types = @{$args{file_types}}; #array ref of columns to add my @default_files = @{$args{default_files}}; #array ref of column names that should be checked my @display_files = @{$args{display_files}}; #array ref of columns to make which will have urls to files to open my $aref = $$resultset_ref{data_ref}; #data is stored as an array of arrays from the $sth->fetchrow_array each row a row from the database holding an aref to all the values ######################################################################################## foreach my $display_file (@display_files){ #First, add the Columns for the files that can be viewed directly foreach my $row_aref (@{$aref} ) { my $array_id = $row_aref->[0]; #need to make sure the query has the array_id in the first column since we are going directly into the array of arrays and pulling out values my $root_name = $row_aref->[1]; #loop through the files to make sure they exists. If they do not don't make a check box for the file my $file_exists = check_for_file( affy_array_id => $array_id, file_root_name =>$root_name, file_extension =>$display_file, ); my $anchor = ''; if (($display_file eq 'JPEG' || $display_file =~ /EGRAM/) && $file_exists){ $anchor = "View"; #print STDERR "ITS A JPEG '$display_file'\n"; }elsif ($file_exists){ #make a url to open this file $anchor = "View"; }else{ $anchor = "No File"; } push @$row_aref, $anchor; #append on the new data } push @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}} , "View $display_file"; #add on column header for each of the file types #need to add the column headers into the resultset_ref since DBInterface display results will reference this append_precision_data($resultset_ref); #need to append a value for every column added otherwise the column headers will not show } ######################################################################################## foreach my $file_ext (@file_types) { #loop through the column names to add checkboxes my $checked = ''; if ( grep {$file_ext eq $_} @default_files) { $checked = "CHECKED"; } foreach my $row_aref (@{$aref} ) { #serious breach of encapsulation, !!!! De-reference the data array and pushes new values onto the end my $array_id = $row_aref->[0]; #need to make sure the query has the array_id in the first column since we are going directly into the array of arrays and pulling out values my $root_name = $row_aref->[1]; #loop through the files to make sure they exists. If they do not don't make a check box for the file my $file_exists = check_for_file( affy_array_id => $array_id, file_root_name =>$root_name, file_extension =>$file_ext, ); my $input = ''; if ($file_exists){ #make Check boxes for all the files that are present example 48__CHP $input = ""; }else{ $input = "No File"; } push @$row_aref, $input; #append on the new data } push @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}} , "$file_ext"; #add on column header for each of the file types #need to add the column headers into the resultset_ref since DBInterface display results will refence this append_precision_data($resultset_ref); #need to append a value for every column added otherwise the column headers will not show } } ############################################################################### # check_for_file_existance # # Pull the file base path from the database then do a file exists on the full file path ############################################################################### sub check_for_file { my %args = @_; my $array_id = $args{affy_array_id}; my $root_name = $args{file_root_name}; my $file_ext = $args{file_extension}; #Fix me same query is ran to many times, store the data localy my $sql = qq~ SELECT fp.file_path FROM $TBMA_AFFY_ARRAY afa, $TBMA_FILE_PATH fp WHERE afa.file_path_id = fp.file_path_id AND afa.affy_array_id = $array_id ~; my ($path) = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); my $file_path = "$path/$root_name.$file_ext"; if (-e $file_path){ return 1; }else{ #print "MISSING FILE '$file_path'
"; return 0; } } ############################################################################### # append_precision_data # # need to append a value for every column added otherwise the column headers will not show ############################################################################### sub append_precision_data { my $resultset_ref = shift; my $aref = $$resultset_ref{precisions_list_ref}; push @$aref, '-10'; $$resultset_ref{precisions_list_ref} = $aref; #print "AREF '$aref'
"; #foreach my $val (@$aref){ # print "$val
"; #} } ############################################################################### # zip_data #Take all the data and zip it up ############################################################################### sub zip_data { my $SUB_NAME = 'zip_data'; my %args = @_; my @files_to_zip = @ { $args{files} }; my %parameters = % { $args{parameters} }; my $sbeams_affy_groups = $args{affy_groups_obj}; my $zip_file_name = $args{zip_file_name}; my $array_info = $args{array_info}; if ($VERBOSE > 0 ) { print "FILES TO ZIP '@files_to_zip'\n"; } my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $member = ''; my $compressed_size = ''; my $uncompressed_size = ''; foreach my $file_path ( @files_to_zip){ my ($file, $dir, $ext) = fileparse( $file_path) ; $member = $zip->addFile( $file_path, "$file$ext") ; #don't use the full file path for the file names, just use the file name $compressed_size += $member->compressedSize(); $uncompressed_size += $member->uncompressedSize(); } $member = $zip->addString($array_info, "Array_info.txt"); print "Content-Disposition: filename=$zip_file_name\n"; print "Content-Length: $compressed_size\n"; print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"; print "Content-type: application/force-download \n\n"; unless ($zip->writeToFileHandle( 'STDOUT', 0 ) == 'AZ_OK') { error_log(error => "$SUB_NAME: Unable to write out Zipped file for '$zip_file_name' "); } ########### MAKE A ZIP LOG TO SEE WHAT IS BEING WRITTEN OUT return($compressed_size, $uncompressed_size); } ############################################################################### # collect_files #Parse out the Affy array id's and query the db to collect the file paths needed to reterieve the data files #return array of full file paths ############################################################################### sub collect_files { my $SUB_NAME = 'collect_files'; my %args = @_; my %parameters = %{ $args{parameters} }; my $file_ids = $parameters{get_all_files}; my @all_ids = split /,/, $file_ids; #example '37__CEL,38__CEL,45__CEL,46__CEL' ,next array if ($VERBOSE > 0 ) { print "ARRAY ID's '@all_ids'\n"; } my %previous_paths = (); my @files_to_zip = (); foreach my $file_id (@all_ids) { my ($affy_array_id , $file_ext) = split /__/, $file_id; my $file_path = ''; if ($DEBUG>0){ print "ARRAY ID '$affy_array_id' FILE EXT '$file_ext'\n"; } if (exists $previous_paths{$affy_array_id}) { #if this array ID has been seen before, pull it out of a temp hash instead of doing a query $file_path = "$previous_paths{$affy_array_id}{BASE_PATH}/$previous_paths{$affy_array_id}{ROOT_NAME}.$file_ext"; }else{ my ($file_root, $file_base_path) = $sbeams_affy_groups->get_file_path_from_id(affy_array_id => $affy_array_id); #method in Microarry::Affy_file_groups.pm $file_path = "$file_base_path/$file_root.$file_ext"; $previous_paths{$affy_array_id}{BASE_PATH} = $file_base_path; #put the data into memory for quick access if the same array_id is used, since one root_file name might have multiple extensions $previous_paths{$affy_array_id}{ROOT_NAME} = $file_root; } if ($VERBOSE > 0 ) { print "FILE PATH '$file_path'\n"; } push @files_to_zip, $file_path; } return @files_to_zip; } ############################################################################### # error_log ############################################################################### sub error_log { my $SUB_NAME = 'error_log'; my %args = @_; die "Must provide key value pair for 'error' \n" unless (exists $args{error}); open ERROR_LOG, ">>AFFY_ZIP_ERROR_LOGS.txt" or die "$SUB_NAME CANNOT OPEN ERROR LOG $!\n"; my $date = `date`; print ERROR_LOG "$date\t$args{error}\n"; close ERROR_LOG; die "$date\t$args{error}\n"; } ############################################################################### # print_output_mode_data # # If the user selected to see the data in a differnt mode come here and print it out ############################################################################### sub print_output_mode_data { my %args= @_; my $SUB_NAME="print_output_mode_data"; my $parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'} || die "ERROR[$SUB_NAME] No parameters passed\n"; my %parameters = %{$parameters_ref}; my $apply_action=$parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'} || 'QUERY'; my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/main.cgi"; my $manage_table_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/Microarray/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=MA_"; my $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my %max_widths = (); my %url_cols = (); my %hidden_cols =(); my $limit_clause = ''; my @column_titles = (); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, resultset_params_ref=>\%rs_params, ); }else{ die "SORRY BUT I CAN'T FIND A RESULTS SET TO READ
\n"; } #### Build ROWCOUNT constraint $parameters{row_limit} = 5000 unless ($parameters{row_limit} > 0 && $parameters{row_limit}<=1000000); my $limit_clause = $sbeams->buildLimitClause(row_limit=>$parameters{row_limit}); #### Set the column_titles to just the column_names @column_titles = @{$resultset_ref->{column_list_ref}}; #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, max_widths=>\%max_widths, column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, ); }