#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : main.cgi # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : This script authenticates the user, and then # displays the opening access page. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $TESTONLY $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS $HTMLFILE $BIOENTITY_URL $INTERACTION_URL $BASEDIR); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Interactions; use SBEAMS::Interactions::Settings; use SBEAMS::Interactions::Tables; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Interactions; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); #use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); #$q = new CGI; my $DISPLAY = '_display'; my $ERROR = '_error'; my $CHECKINPUT = '_checkInput'; my $PROJECT = '_getProject'; my $INTERACTIONUSER = '_getInteractionUser'; my %actionHash = ($DISPLAY => \&display, $ERROR => \&error, $CHECKINPUT => \&checkInput, $PROJECT => \&getProject, $INTERACTIONUSER =>\&getInteractionUser ); ############################################################################### # Set program name and usage banner for command line use ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = $FindBin::Script; $USAGE = <Authentication and stop immediately if authentication # fails else continue. ############################################################################### sub main { #Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( #permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Proteomics_user','Proteomics_admin', # 'Proteomics_readonly'], #connect_read_only=>1, #allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if ($parameters{action} eq "???") { # Some action } else { $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } } # end main ############################################################################### # Handle Request ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %parameterHash = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $parameterHash{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my ($i,$element,$key,$value,$line,$result,$sql); my @rows; #### Show current user context information $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id(); #### Get all the experiments for this project my $action = $parameters{'action'}; #loading the default page (Intro) my $sub = $actionHash{$action} || $actionHash{$DISPLAY}; #||$actionHash{$INTERACTIONUSER}; if ($action eq "getProject") { getProject(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); } elsif ($action eq "getInteractionUser") { getInteractionUser(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); } elsif ($action eq "display") { display(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); } =comment if ($sub ) { &$sub(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); } #could not find a sub else { print_fatal_error("Could not find the specified routine: $sub"); } =cut } sub display { my $htmlFile; my %parameterHash = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $parameterHash{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; if ($DEBUG) { foreach my $key (keys %parameters) { print "$key === $parameters{$key}
"; } } my $devSite; $devSite = $parameters{server_name}; my $site; ($site) = $devSite=~ /(dev.*?)\//i; $BASEDIR = "/net/dblocal/www/html/".$site."/sbeams/tmp/Interactions/"; # $BASEDIR = "/net/dblocal/www/html/sbeams/tmp/Interactions/"; $BIOENTITY_URL =$parameters{server_name}."cgi/Interactions/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=IN_bioentity&bioentity_id="; $INTERACTION_URL = $parameters{server_name}. "cgi/Interactions/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=IN_interaction&interaction_id="; $htmlFile = $parameters{filename} .".html"; if(! -d $BASEDIR) { mkdir ($BASEDIR) || die "Can not open make $BASEDIR $!"; } open (File, ">>$BASEDIR$htmlFile") or print "can not open $htmlFile $!"; print File "

Result Summary For Selected Interaction

"; print File "
You can edit your Sbeams entries by clicking on the links

"; ################################# #for testing # foreach my $key (keys %parameters) # { # print File "$key === $parameters{$key}
"; # } ####################################### print File "
	my $organismSql = "select upper( full_name), organism_id  from $TB_ORGANISM";
 	my $organismIDSql = "select organism_id, upper( full_name)  from $TB_ORGANISM";
	my $organismNameSql = " select upper( organism_Name), organism_id  from $TB_ORGANISM";
	my $interactionTypeSql = "select upper(interaction_type_name), interaction_type_id from $TBIN_INTERACTION_TYPE";	
	my $bioentityTypeSql = "select upper(bioentity_type_name), bioentity_type_id from $TBIN_BIOENTITY_TYPE";
	my %organismHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($organismSql);
  my %organismIDHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($organismIDSql);
	my %organismNameHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($organismNameSql);
	my %interactionTypeHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($interactionTypeSql);
	my %bioentityTypeHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($bioentityTypeSql);
	my %bioentityHash={};
#passed parameters
  #### Build PROJECT_ID constraint
 	 my $project_clause = $sbeams->parseConstraint2SQL(
    constraint_value=>$parameters{project_id} );
	$bioentityHash{canSource} = $parameters{canonicalName1};
	$bioentityHash{comSource} =$parameters{comName1};
	$bioentityHash{typeSource} = uc ($parameters{moleculeType1});	
	$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'Protein'	if ($parameters{canonicalName1} =~ /^([nx])[pctgrw].*/i and ! defined($parameters{moleculeType1}));
	$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'DNA'  if ($parameters{canonicalName1} =~ /^(nm_).*/i and ! defined($parameters{moleculeType1}));
	$bioentityHash{organismSource} = uc($parameters{species1}) unless $parameters{species1} =~ /unknown/i ;
	my $species1ID;
	$species1ID = $organismHash{$bioentityHash{organismSource}}; # unless $parameters{species1} =~ /unknown/i ;
	$species1ID = $organismNameHash{$bioentityHash{organismSource}} unless defined($species1ID);	

	$bioentityHash{canTarget} = $parameters{canonicalName2};
	$bioentityHash{comTarget} =$parameters{commonName2};
	$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = uc($parameters{moleculeType2});	
	$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'PROTEIN'  if ( $parameters{canonicalName2} =~ /^([nx])[pctgrw].*/i and ! defined($parameters{moleculeType2}));
	$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'DNA'  if ($parameters{canonicalName2} =~ /^(nm_).*/i and ! defined($parameters{moleculeType2}));
	$bioentityHash{organismTarget} =  uc($parameters{species2}) unless $parameters{species2} =~ /unknown/i ;
	my $species2ID;
	$species2ID = $organismHash{$bioentityHash{organismTarget}};
	$species2ID = $organismNameHash{$bioentityHash{organismTarget}} unless defined($species2ID);
	$bioentityHash{interaction} = uc($parameters{interactionType});

print File "Interaction Type: $parameters{interactionType}\n";
print File "Bioentity Canonical Source Name:  $bioentityHash{canSource}\n";
print File "Bioentity Canonical Target Name:  $bioentityHash{canTarget}\n";
print File "Bioentity Common Source Name:  $bioentityHash{comSource}\n";
print File "Bioentity Common Target Name:  $bioentityHash{comTarget}\n";
print File "Bioenity Source Type:  $bioentityHash{typeSource}\n" if $bioentityHash{typeSource};
print File "Bioenity Target Type:  $bioentityHash{typeTarget}\n" if $bioentityHash{typeTarget};
print File "Organism Source:  $parameters{species1}\n";
print File "Organism Target:   $parameters{species2}\n";
	if(!defined( $bioentityHash{typeSource}))
print File "\n Configuring Source and Target  Bioentity Type\n\n";	
		if ($parameters{interactionType} =~ /pp/i)
			$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'PROTEIN';
			$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'PROTEIN';
		elsif (($parameters{interactionType} =~ /dp/i) or( $parameters{interactionType} =~/.*dna\s*-\s*protein.*/i))
			$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'DNA';
			$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'PROTEIN';
		elsif (($parameters{interactionType} =~ /pd/i) or ( $parameters{interactionType} =~/.*protein\s*-\s*dna.*/i))
			$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'PROTEIN';
			$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'DNA';
			if  ($bioentityHash{typeSource})
				print File "Bioenity Source Type:  $bioentityHash{typeSource}\n";
				if ($bioentityHash{typeSource})
					print File "Bioenity Target Type:  $bioentityHash{typeTarget}\n";
			$bioentityHash{typeSource} = 'PROTEIN';
print File  " Could not determine bioentityType for Source Bioentity\n
Used BioentityType: Protein as default\n";
	if(!defined( $bioentityHash{typeTarget}))
		$bioentityHash{typeTarget} = 'PROTEIN';
print File "Could not determine  bioentityType for Target Bioentity\n;
Used BioentityType: Protein as default\n";

#bioentity flag;	
	my $isPresent = 1;
#do we have  bioentity1
print File "\n\nSearching Sbeams Database for Source Bioentity\n\n";
print File "Used the following parameters: \n
CanonicalName: $bioentityHash{canSource}\n"; 

	$bioentityHash{idSource}= checkForBioentity($bioentityHash{canSource});
#we do not have this bioentity
	if(! $bioentityHash{idSource}) 
      print File "Could not find Source Bioentity in database\n";
      $isPresent = 0;
#making sure we have an organism from cytoscape		
		if (! defined($species1ID))
       print File "\nChecking for organism of Source Bioentity\n\n"; 
			$species1ID =	$organismHash{ uc(getOrganism($bioentityHash{canSource}))};
			$species1ID = $organismHash{'OTHER'}  unless (defined($species1ID));
      print File "Could not identify Organism for Source Bioentity\n
      Used Organism: \"Other\" as default\n" if $bioentityHash{organismSource} eq "Other";
		$bioentityHash{idSource} = addToBioentityTable($bioentityHash{canSource}, $bioentityHash{comSource},$bioentityTypeHash{$bioentityHash{typeSource}},$species1ID);
    print File "\nCreated a New  bioentity for the Source Node with the following parameters:\n\n
    Canonical Name:  $bioentityHash{canSource}\n
    Common Name: $bioentityHash{comSource}\n
    Bioentity Type: $bioentityHash{typeSource}\n
    Organism: $organismIDHash{$species1ID}\n
    Added NEW  bioenity_id: $bioentityHash{idSource}\n 
    Link::  $BIOENTITY_URL$bioentityHash{idSource}\n";
    print File "\nFound Source Bioentity.\n
    Did not update Source Bioentity Entry\n
  print File "\n\nSearching Sbeams Database for Target Bioentity\n\n";
  print File "Used the following parameters: \n
CanonicalName: $bioentityHash{canTarget}\n";
	#do we have  bioentity2
	$bioentityHash{idTarget}= checkForBioentity($bioentityHash{canTarget});

#we do not have this bioentity
	if(! $bioentityHash{idTarget}) 
    $isPresent = 0;
		print File "Could not find Target Bioentity in database\n";
#making sure we have an organism from cytoscape		
		if (! defined($species2ID))
        print File "\nChecking for organism of Target Bioentity\n\n";
        if (defined($species1ID) and ($organismIDHash{$species1ID} !~ /other/i))
          print File  "Using the same organism as Source Bioentity\n";
          $species2ID = $species1ID;
      			$species2ID =	$organismHash{ uc(getOrganism($bioentityHash{canTarget}))};
            $species2ID = $organismHash{'OTHER'}  unless (defined($species2ID));
            print File "Could not identify Organism for Target Bioentity\n
            Used Organism: \"Other\" as default\n" if $bioentityHash{organismTarget} eq "Other";
		$bioentityHash{idTarget} = addToBioentityTable($bioentityHash{canTarget},$bioentityHash{comTarget},$bioentityTypeHash{ $bioentityHash{typeTarget}},$species2ID);
    print File "\nCreated a New  bioentity for the Target Node with the following parameters:\n\n
    Canonical Name:  $bioentityHash{canTarget}\n
    Common Name: $bioentityHash{comTarget}\n
    Bioentity Type: $bioentityHash{typeTarget}\n
    Organism: $organismIDHash{$species2ID}\n
    Added NEW  bioenity_id: $bioentityHash{idTarget}\n
    Link:  $BIOENTITY_URL$bioentityHash{idTarget}\n";
    print File "\nFound Target Bioentity.\n
    Did not update Target Bioentity Entry\n
    Link: $BIOENTITY_URL$bioentityHash{idTarget}\n";
  print File "\n\nSearching Sbeams for Selected Interaction\n\n";;
		if (!$interactionTypeHash{$bioentityHash{interaction}})
      print File "Could not find the specified interaction type in the database:  --   $bioentityHash{interaction}    --\n
      Used interaction type \"Interacts with\" as default\n";
			$bioentityHash{interaction} = "INTERACTS WITH";
		my $interactionID = checkForInteraction($bioentityHash{idSource}, $bioentityHash{idTarget});
   	if(! $interactionID)
      my $interactionID = addToInteractionTable ($bioentityHash{idSource}, $bioentityHash{idTarget}, $interactionTypeHash{$bioentityHash{interaction}},$parameters{set_interaction_group_id});
      print File " \nCreated a NEW Interaction with the following parameters:\n\n
      Bioentity Source ID: $bioentityHash{idSource}\n
      Bioentity Target ID: $bioentityHash{idTarget}\n
      InteractionType:  $bioentityHash{interaction}\n

      Added NEW interactionID:  $interactionID\n
      Link:  $INTERACTION_URL$interactionID\n";
      print File "\nFound pre-exsisting Interaction\n
      Link:  $INTERACTION_URL$interactionID\n";
		if (!$interactionTypeHash{$bioentityHash{interaction}})
      print File " Could not find the specified interaction type in the database:  --   $bioentityHash{interaction}    -- ffffffff   \n
      Used interaction type \"Interacts with\" as default\n";
			$bioentityHash{interaction} = "INTERACTS WITH";
		my $interactionID = addToInteractionTable ($bioentityHash{idSource}, $bioentityHash{idTarget}, $interactionTypeHash{$bioentityHash{interaction}},$parameters{set_interaction_group_id});                       
    print File " \nCreated a NEW Interaction with the following parameters:\n\n
    Bioentity Source ID: $bioentityHash{idSource}\n
    Bioentity Target ID: $bioentityHash{idTarget}\n
    InteractionType:  $bioentityHash{interaction}\n

    Added NEW interactionID:  $interactionID\n
    Link:  $INTERACTION_URL$interactionID\n";

  print File "

"; close File; } sub getProject { my %parameterHash = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $parameterHash{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my $projectIDSql = "SELECT DISTINCT P.project_id,UL.username+\' -\ '+P.name FROM $TB_PROJECT P INNER JOIN $TBIN_INTERACTION_GROUP IG ON ( P.project_id = IG.project_id ) LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( P.PI_contact_id=UL.contact_id ) WHERE P.record_status != 'D' ORDER BY UL.username+\' -\ '+P.name,P.project_id"; print "\n"; my %projectHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($projectIDSql); foreach my $key (keys %projectHash) { print "$key\t$projectHash{$key}\n"; } print "\n"; } sub getInteractionUser { my %parameterHash = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $parameterHash{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my $interactionUserSql = qq /SELECT interaction_group_id,UL.username+' - '+P.project_tag+' - '+O.organism_name+' - '+IG.interaction_group_name FROM $TBIN_INTERACTION_GROUP IG INNER JOIN $TB_PROJECT P ON ( IG.project_id = P.project_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( P.PI_contact_id = UL.contact_id ) INNER JOIN $TB_ORGANISM O ON ( IG.organism_id = O.organism_id ) where P.project_id = $parameters{set_current_project_id} ORDER BY UL.username,P.project_tag,O.organism_name,IG.interaction_group_name/; print "$interactionUserSql\n" if $DEBUG; print "\n"; my %interactionUserHash = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($interactionUserSql); foreach my $key (keys %interactionUserHash) { print "$key\t$interactionUserHash{$key}\n"; } print "\n"; } sub getOrganism { my $can = shift; my $organism = 0; my $sql = qq~ SELECT upper(organism) FROM $TBIN_LOCI l JOIN $TBIN_REFSEQ rs ON l.locus_id = rs.locus_id WHERE (rs.mrna ='$can' or protein = '$can') ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql); my $nrows = scalar(@rows); $organism = $rows[0] if $nrows == 1; return $organism; } sub checkForBioentity { my $can = shift; my $whereClause; my $bioentityID = 0; $whereClause = qq /bioentity_canonical_name ='$can'/; my $bioentitySql = qq / select bioentity_id from $TBIN_BIOENTITY where $whereClause/; my @rows = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($bioentitySql); my $nrows = scalar(@rows); $bioentityID = $rows[0] if $nrows > 0; return $bioentityID; } sub addToBioentityTable { my ($canName,$comName,$type,$organism) = @_; my $insert=1; my $update=0; my $id = 0; my %rowData; $rowData{bioentity_canonical_name} = $canName; $rowData{bioentity_type_id}= $type; $rowData{organism_id} = $organism; $rowData{bioentity_common_name} = $comName if defined($comName); my $returned_PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => $insert, update => $update, table_name => "$TBIN_BIOENTITY", rowdata_ref => \%rowData, PK => "bioentity_id", PK_value => $id, return_PK => 1, verbose=>$VERBOSE, testonly=>$TESTONLY, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); return $returned_PK; } sub checkForInteraction { my ($id1, $id2) = @_; my $interactionID = 0; my $interactionSql = qq / select interaction_id from $TBIN_INTERACTION where bioentity1_id = $id1 and bioentity2_id = $id2/; print "$interactionSql\n" if $DEBUG; my @rows = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($interactionSql); my $nrows = scalar(@rows); $interactionID = $rows[0] if $nrows > 0; return $interactionID; } sub addToInteractionTable { my ($id1,$id2,$type,$interactionGroupID) = @_; my $insert=1; my $update=0; my $id = 0; my %rowData; $rowData{bioentity1_id} = $id1; $rowData{bioentity2_id} = $id2; $rowData{interaction_type_id}= $type; $rowData{interaction_group_id} = $interactionGroupID; my $returned_PK = $sbeams->updateOrInsertRow( insert => $insert, update => $update, table_name => "$TBIN_INTERACTION", rowdata_ref => \%rowData, PK => "interaction_id", PK_value => $id, return_PK => 1, verbose=>$VERBOSE, testonly=>$TESTONLY, add_audit_parameters => 1 ); return $returned_PK; } __END__