#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : SubmitArrayRequest.cgi # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : This CGI program that allows users to # submit array requests. # This means viewing, inserting, updating, # and deleting records. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Get the script set up with everything it will need ############################################################################### use strict; use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMOD $dbh $current_contact_id $current_username $current_work_group_id $current_work_group_name $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME $PK_COLUMN_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS $DEFAULT_COST_SCHEME); use DBI; #use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TableInfo; use SBEAMS::Inkjet; use SBEAMS::Inkjet::Settings; use SBEAMS::Inkjet::Tables; use SBEAMS::Inkjet::TableInfo; #$q = new CGI; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Inkjet; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); ############################################################################### # Global Variables ############################################################################### $TABLE_NAME = "IJ_array_request"; $DEFAULT_COST_SCHEME = 1; main(); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # Call $sbeams->InterfaceEntry with pointer to the subroutine to execute if # the authentication succeeds. ############################################################################### sub main { ($CATEGORY) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"CATEGORY"); ($PROGRAM_FILE_NAME) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"); ($DB_TABLE_NAME) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"DB_TABLE_NAME"); ($PK_COLUMN_NAME) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"PK_COLUMN_NAME"); @MENU_OPTIONS = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"MENU_OPTIONS"); #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate()); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Don't print the header, do what the program does, and print footer processRequests(); $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); } # end main ############################################################################### # Process Requests # # Test for specific form variables and process the request # based on what the user wants to do. ############################################################################### sub processRequests { $current_username = $sbeams->getCurrent_username; $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; $current_work_group_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_id; $current_work_group_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_name; $dbh = $sbeams->getDBHandle(); # Enable for debugging if (0==1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my ($ee,$ff); foreach $ee (keys %ENV) { print "$ee =$ENV{$ee}=
\n"; } foreach $ee ( $q->param ) { $ff = $q->param($ee); print "$ee =$ff=
\n"; } } my ($arrays, $samples); # Decide where to go based on form values if ($q->param('apply_action') eq 'VIEWRESULTSET') {printOptions(); } elsif ($q->param('apply_action')) { processEntryForm(); } elsif ($q->param('ShowEntryForm')) { printEntryForm(); } elsif ($q->param("$PK_COLUMN_NAME")) { printEntryForm(); } else { printOptions(); } # end if } # end processRequests ############################################################################### # print_javascript ############################################################################### sub print_javascript { my $SUB_NAME = "print_javascript"; my %args = @_; my $array_requests = $args{'arrays'} || 0; my $samples = $args{'samples'} || 0; print qq~ ~; } ############################################################################### # Print Options Page ############################################################################### sub printOptions { $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); $sbeams->printUserContext(); print qq!


$LINESEPARATOR !; for (my $option=0; $option<$#MENU_OPTIONS; $option+=2) { print qq! $OPTIONARROW @MENU_OPTIONS[$option] !; } print "$LINESEPARATOR

"; #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Close the upper portion of the page and get ready for data table #$sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(close_table=>"YES",display_footer=>"NO"); #### Display the data table showTable(with_options=>'YES',parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Close the upper portion of the page and get ready for data table $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(close_table=>"YES",display_footer=>"NO"); } # end printOptions ############################################################################### # Print Entry Form ############################################################################### sub printEntryForm { $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); $sbeams->printUserContext(); my %parameters; my $element; my $sql_query; my $username; my $proc_cost=0; my $total_price=0; # Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); my %input_types = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"input_types"); # Read the form values for each column foreach $element (@columns) { $parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); } my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); my $ignore_table = $q->param('ignore_table'); # --------------------------- # If a specific PK row was referenced and this is not a REFRESH of an # existing record, then load data from it into hash if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "" && $apply_action ne "REFRESH") { $sql_query = qq! SELECT * FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}'!; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; for ($element=0; $element<=$#row; $element++) { $parameters{$columns[$element]}=$row[$element]; } $sth->finish; } $parameters{request_status}="Not Yet Submitted" if ( ! ($parameters{request_status})); #### Extract the value of cost_scheme_id or default to 1. #### FIX ME!! Do we have to hard-code the default value here?? #print "cost_scheme_id=",$parameters{cost_scheme_id},"=
\n"; $parameters{cost_scheme_id} = $DEFAULT_COST_SCHEME unless ( $parameters{cost_scheme_id} >= 1 ); my $cost_scheme_id = $parameters{cost_scheme_id}; #print "cost_scheme_id=",$parameters{cost_scheme_id},"=
\n"; my $record_status_options = $sbeams->getRecordStatusOptions($parameters{"record_status"}); print qq!

Manage ${CATEGORY}s

Fill out this form to submit a new array job request, or modify existing fields to change the request. Once jobs have been Started they cannot be modified unless reverted to Submitted status. Required fields are labeled in red.
!; # --------------------------- # Query to obtain column information about the table being managed $sql_query = qq~ SELECT column_name,column_title,is_required,input_type,input_length, is_data_column,column_text,optionlist_query FROM $TB_TABLE_COLUMN WHERE table_name='$TABLE_NAME' AND is_data_column='Y' ORDER BY column_index ~; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; # --------------------------- # First just extract any valid optionlist entries. This is done # first as opposed to within the loop below so that a single DB connection # can be used. my %optionlist_queries; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$column_text,$optionlist_query) = @row; if ($optionlist_query gt "") { $optionlist_queries{$column_name}=$optionlist_query; } } $sth->finish; # --------------------------- # Build option lists for each optionlist query provided for this table my %optionlists; foreach $element (keys %optionlist_queries) { # If "$contact_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with either a value of $parameters{contact_id} if it is not # empty, or otherwise replace with the $current_contact_id if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$contact_id/ ) { if ( $parameters{"contact_id"} eq "" ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$current_contact_id/; } else { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$parameters{contact_id}/; } } # If "$cost_scheme_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with the value of the current variable of the same name if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$cost_scheme_id/ ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$cost_scheme_id/$cost_scheme_id/; } #### If $element is cost_scheme, restrict the list to the current option #### unless the user is working under the Inkjet_admin group if ( $element eq "cost_scheme_id" && $current_work_group_name ne "Inkjet_admin" ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/ORDER BY/WHERE cost_scheme_id = $cost_scheme_id ORDER BY/; } #### Evaluate the $TBxxxxx table name variables if in the query if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$TB/ ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} = eval "\"$optionlist_queries{$element}\""; } #### Set the MULTIOPTIONLIST flag if this is a multi-select list my $method_options; $method_options = "MULTIOPTIONLIST" if ($input_types{$element} eq "multioptionlist"); # Build the option list #print $optionlist_queries{$element},"
\n"; $optionlists{$element}=$sbeams->buildOptionList( $optionlist_queries{$element},$parameters{$element},$method_options); } # --------------------------- # Redo query to obtain column information about the table being managed my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$column_text,$optionlist_query) = @row; if ($is_required eq "N") { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } if ($input_type eq "text") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "textarea") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "fixed") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "optionlist") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "current_contact_id") { if ($parameters{$column_name} eq "") { $parameters{$column_name}=$current_contact_id; $username=$current_username; } else { if ( $parameters{$column_name} == $current_contact_id) { $username=$current_username; } else { $username=$sbeams->getUsername($parameters{$column_name}); } } print qq! !; } print qq! !; } $sth->finish; print "
"; ################################################# my (@row_result,$isample); my $n_slides=$parameters{"n_slides"}; my $n_samples=$parameters{"n_samples_per_slide"}; if ($n_slides > 50) { $n_slides=50; } $n_slides=0 unless ($n_slides >= 1 && $n_slides <=50); $n_samples=2 unless ($n_samples >= 1 && $n_samples <=3); my %table_parameters; if ($n_slides > 0) { # Make a list of parameters for the table for $element (0..($n_slides-1)) { $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}=""; for $isample (0..($n_samples-1)) { $table_parameters{"sample${isample}name_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}=""; } } # Read the form values for each column foreach $element (keys %table_parameters) { $table_parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); } # --------------------------- # If a specific PK row was referenced, load data from it into hash if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "") { $sql_query = qq! SELECT array_request_id,slide_index,sample_index,name, labeling_method_id,SLI.array_request_slide_id, array_request_sample_id FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE SAM FULL JOIN $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE SLI ON ( SAM.array_request_slide_id = SLI.array_request_slide_id ) WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}'!; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]name_$row[1]"}=$row[3]; $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]labmeth_$row[1]"}=$row[4]; $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]id_$row[1]"}=$row[6]; $table_parameters{"slide$row[1]id"}=$row[5]; } $sth->finish; } $sql_query = qq~ SELECT labeling_method_id,name FROM $TBIJ_LABELING_METHOD ORDER BY sort_order,name ~; my $optionlist=$sbeams->buildOptionList($sql_query); my $checked_flag = ""; if ($ignore_table) { $checked_flag = " CHECKED"; } my ($row,$col); print qq~

Please fill out the table below with the appropriate sample information. If you are not requesting sample hybridization etc. ("Requested Work" above), it is still recommended that you fill out the table below if you want the database to track your arrays; if you want to run your scanned output through the standard processing pipeline, this is required!
The sample names you provide below become the official label of each slide. Entries with identical names are assumed to be repeats and will be processed as such by the standard pipeline. These names will be used to link back to your private tables of sample information. Use of dates or other unique identifiers for your samples is highly encouraged.

~; if ($parameters{hybridization_request} eq "N" && $parameters{scanning_request} eq "N" ) { print qq~ Check here if you don\'t want to fill out the table below. You can skip the table below only if you are just requesting slides and intend to do all labeling, hybridization, scanning, etc. yourself. ~; } print qq~

~; for $col (1..$n_samples) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; # Insert "set all labeling method" drop-down print qq~ ~; for $col (0..($n_samples-1)){ my $myoptionlist = $optionlist; print qq~ ~; } my $thisoptionlist; for $row (0..($n_slides-1)) { print qq! !; for $col (0..($n_samples-1)) { $thisoptionlist=$optionlist; if ($table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}) { $thisoptionlist =~ s/VALUE="$table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}"/SELECTED VALUE="$table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}"/g; } print qq! !; if ($table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT price FROM $TBIJ_LABELING_METHOD WHERE labeling_method_id='$table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); $proc_cost = $proc_cost + $row_result[0]; } } print ""; } print "
Slide IndexSlide Request IDSample $col NameSample $col IDSample $col Labeling Method
$row $table_parameters{"slide${row}id"} $table_parameters{"sample${col}id_$row"}
\n"; if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * STC.price FROM $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE ST JOIN $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE_COST STC ON ( ST.slide_type_id = STC.slide_type_id ) WHERE ST.slide_type_id='$parameters{"slide_type_id"}' AND STC.cost_scheme_id = $cost_scheme_id !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($slide_cost) = @row_result; print "

Slide Cost: \$ $slide_cost (includes printing if selected)

\n"; $total_price += $slide_cost; } #### If the Inkjet_admin Group does both Labeling and Hyb if ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} =~ /LH/ ) { print "

Total Label/Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

\n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else if the user does Labeling and the Inkjet_admin Group does Hyb } elsif ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} eq "L" ) { my $hyb_price = 50; #### Kludge the Yeast Half Slide price to $25 $hyb_price = 25 if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"} == 11); $proc_cost = $n_slides * $hyb_price; print "

Total Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

\n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else the user does it all } else { print "

Label/Hyb Cost: (you have chosen to do this yourself)

\n"; } if ($parameters{"scanning_request"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * price FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_OPTION WHERE option_key='$parameters{"scanning_request"}' AND option_type='scanning_request' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($analysis_cost) = @row_result; print "

Analysis Cost: \$ $analysis_cost

\n"; $total_price += $analysis_cost; } print "

Total Cost: \$ $total_price

\n"; } else { print qq! Please select the number of desired slides above and click REFRESH below.
!; } print qq!
!; # Once a record is no longer in the Submitted Phase, it can't be changed if ($parameters{request_status} =~ /Submit/) { # If a specific record was passed, display UPDATE options if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "") { # Don't allow INSERTs here because this is just too dangerous. print qq!          this form
         this request in a PRINTABLE VIEW
         this request with this new data
         this request
!; } else { print qq!          this form
         new request with this information
!; } } else { print qq!          this request in a PRINTABLE VIEW
This job has already been started. Changes may no longer be made. Contact the Inkjet_admin group directly if there are problems.

!; } print qq!          fields

$LINESEPARATOR !; # If this is a not a new entry and the work_group is Inkjet_admin, allow # more options: if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "" && $current_work_group_name eq "Inkjet_admin") { print qq!
         Set this request status to Submitted
         Set this request status to Started
         Set this request status to Finished
!; } print qq!

!; $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter("CloseTables"); print_javascript(arrays=>$n_slides, samples=>$n_samples); } # end printEntryForm ############################################################################### # show Table # # Displays the Table ############################################################################### sub showTable { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $query_parameters_ref = $args{'parameters_ref'}; my %parameters = %{$query_parameters_ref}; my $with_options = $args{'with_options'}; #### Get the specified level of detail or set to BASIC my $detail_level = $q->param('detail_level') || "BASIC"; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME"; my $apply_action = $parameters{'action'} || $parameters{'apply_action'}; #### Get the query to show this table my ($main_query_part) = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,$detail_level."Query", $query_parameters_ref); #### Display the table controls my ($full_where_clause,$full_orderby_clause) = $sbeams->processTableDisplayControls($TABLE_NAME); #### If a new ORDER BY clause is specified, remove the default one if ($full_orderby_clause) { $main_query_part =~ s/\s*ORDER BY.*//i; } #### Build the final query my $sql_query = qq~ $main_query_part $full_where_clause $full_orderby_clause ~; #print "

"; #### Get the url link data my %url_cols = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"url_cols"); #### Define some variables for the resultset my %resultset = (); my $resultset_ref = \%resultset; #### If the apply action was to recall a previous resultset, do it my %rs_params = $sbeams->parseResultSetParams(q=>$q); if ($apply_action eq "VIEWRESULTSET") { $sbeams->readResultSet( resultset_file=>$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); #### Otherwise fetch the results from the database server } else { #### Fetch the results from the database server $sbeams->fetchResultSet(sql_query=>$sql_query, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref); #### Store the resultset and parameters to disk resultset cache $rs_params{set_name} = "SETME"; $sbeams->writeResultSet( resultset_file_ref=>\$rs_params{set_name}, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); } #### Display the resultset $sbeams->displayResultSet( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols, #hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols, #max_widths=>\%max_widths, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, #column_titles_ref=>\@column_titles, base_url=>$base_url, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, ); #### Display the resultset controls $sbeams->displayResultSetControls( rs_params_ref=>\%rs_params, resultset_ref=>$resultset_ref, query_parameters_ref=>\%parameters, base_url=>$base_url ); } # end showTable ############################################################################### # Process Entry Form # ############################################################################### sub processEntryForm { my %parameters; my $element; my $sql_query; my $tmp; my $proc_cost=0; my $total_price=0; # Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); # Read the form values for each column foreach $element (@columns) { $parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); #print "$element=$parameters{$element}=
\n"; } my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); my $ignore_table = $q->param('ignore_table'); if ($apply_action eq "REFRESH") { printEntryForm(); exit; } if ($apply_action eq "VIEW") { printCompletedEntry(); exit; } $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(); if ($parameters{"request_status"} eq "Not Yet Submitted") { $parameters{"request_status"}="Submitted"; } if ($parameters{"request_status"} ne "Submitted" && ! ($apply_action =~ /^SET/) ) { print "Cannot change a record that has already been started
\n"; return; } #### Extract the value of cost_scheme_id or default to 1. #### FIX ME!! Do we have to hard-code the default value here?? $parameters{cost_scheme_id} = $DEFAULT_COST_SCHEME unless ( $parameters{cost_scheme_id} >= 1 ); my $cost_scheme_id = $parameters{cost_scheme_id}; # Check for missing required information my @required_columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"required_columns"); if (@required_columns) { my $error_message; foreach $element (@required_columns) { $error_message .= "
  • You must provide a $element." unless $parameters{$element}; } if ($error_message) { $sbeams->printIncompleteForm($error_message); return 0; } } # Read all the table information my (@row_result,$isample); my $n_slides=$parameters{"n_slides"}; my $n_samples=$parameters{"n_samples_per_slide"}; if ($n_slides > 50) { $n_slides=50; } $n_slides=0 unless ($n_slides >= 1 && $n_slides <=50); $n_samples=2 unless ($n_samples >= 1 && $n_samples <=3); my %table_parameters; if ($n_slides > 0) { # Make a list of parameters for the table for $element (0..($n_slides-1)) { $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}=""; for $isample (0..($n_samples-1)) { $table_parameters{"sample${isample}name_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}=""; } } # Read the form values for each column my @errors = (); foreach $element (keys %table_parameters) { $table_parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); if ($element =~ /name_/ || $element =~ /labmeth_/) { push (@errors,"Missing value for $element.
    \n") unless ($table_parameters{$element} || $ignore_table); } } if (@errors && ($apply_action ne "DELETE")) { print qq! @errors

    Please go back and fill in all the sample name and labeling information.
    \n !; return; } } my @data_columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"data_columns"); # If a PK has already been provided and action is /^SET/ then # update the record if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} && ($apply_action =~ /^SET/)) { $sql_query = "FAILED"; $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET request_status='Submitted', date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ! if ($apply_action eq "SETSUBMITTED"); $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET request_status='Started', date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ! if ($apply_action eq "SETSTARTED"); $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET request_status='Finished', date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} ! if ($apply_action eq "SETFINISHED"); } # If a PK has already been provided and action is not INSERT, build # SQL statements for DELETE and UPDATE if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} && ( ($apply_action eq "UPDATE") || ($apply_action eq "DELETE") ) ) { $sql_query = ""; # Build SQL statement for DELETE record if ($apply_action eq "DELETE") { $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id, record_status='D' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} !; } if ($apply_action eq "UPDATE") { $sql_query = "UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET "; foreach $element (@data_columns) { $tmp = $parameters{$element}; # Change all ' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement $tmp =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; $sql_query .= "$element='$tmp',\n"; } $sql_query .= qq! price='$parameters{price}', date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id='$current_contact_id', record_status='$parameters{record_status}' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} !; } if ($sql_query eq "") { print "ERROR: Action '$apply_action' not recognized.
    \n"; return; } } # If the action is INSERT, build a SQL statement for that if ($apply_action eq "INSERT") { # Since this is a new INSERT, zero out any previous PK $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}=0; # Build the column names and VALUES for each data column my ($query_part1,$query_part2); foreach $element (@data_columns) { $query_part1 .= "$element,"; $tmp = $parameters{$element}; # Change all \' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement $tmp =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; $query_part2 .= "'$tmp',"; } # Build the SQL statement $sql_query = qq! INSERT INTO $DB_TABLE_NAME ($query_part1 price, created_by_id,modified_by_id,owner_group_id,record_status) VALUES ($query_part2 '$parameters{price}', $current_contact_id, $current_contact_id, $current_work_group_id,'$parameters{record_status}') !; } # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result my @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => $TABLE_NAME, record_identifier => "$PK_COLUMN_NAME=$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}", ); my $returned_request_status = shift @returned_information; my $returned_request_PK = shift @returned_information; # For most operations, extract the returned PK information if ( ( ($apply_action eq "INSERT") || ($apply_action eq "UPDATE") ) && ($returned_request_status eq "SUCCESSFUL") ) { # Update the PK information in main parameters hash if ( !($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME})) { $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} = $returned_request_PK; } } # If the INSERT or UPDATE of the request_status record was SUCCESSFUL, # then insert or update all the individual slide and sample information. if ( ( ($apply_action eq "INSERT") || ($apply_action eq "UPDATE") ) && ($returned_request_status eq "SUCCESSFUL") ) { # Loop over each slide, INSERTing or UPDATing as appropriate for $element (0..($n_slides-1)) { # If there is already an ID for this slide, assume we need to UPDATE if ($table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} gt "") { # UPDATE array_request_sample record $sql_query = qq~ UPDATE $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE SET date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id, record_status='$parameters{record_status}' WHERE array_request_slide_id= $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} ~; # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result my @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => 'IJ_array_request_slide', record_identifier => qq~array_request_slide_id=$table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}~, ); my $returned_slide_status = shift @returned_information; #my $returned_slide_PK = shift @returned_information; shift @returned_information; my $returned_slide_PK = $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}; # debugging print of INSERT result print "
    UPDATE of slide #$element (ID $returned_slide_PK) was $returned_slide_status
    \n"; # If there is not yet an ID for this slide, we need to INSERT } else { # But double-check with a query that there isnt already a record $sql_query = qq~ SELECT array_request_slide_id FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE WHERE array_request_id='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}' AND slide_index = '$element' ~; my @result_set = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); if ($result_set[0] gt "") { print qq~ERROR: No PK for this request and slide was passed to me, but there already seems to be a record in the table. This should never happen. Please report this error.
    \n~; return; # So far so good, so INSERT a new array_request_slide record } else { # INSERT a new array_request_slide record $sql_query = qq~ INSERT INTO $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE (array_request_id,slide_index, created_by_id,modified_by_id,owner_group_id) VALUES ( '$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}','$element', $current_contact_id,$current_contact_id,$current_work_group_id) ~; # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result my @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => 'IJ_array_request_slide', record_identifier => qq~array_request_slide_id=$table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}~, ); my $returned_slide_status = shift @returned_information; my $returned_slide_PK = shift @returned_information; $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} = $returned_slide_PK; # debugging print of INSERT result print "
    INSERT of slide #$element (ID $returned_slide_PK) was $returned_slide_status
    \n"; } } # If we have an array_request_slide PK, then now work on UPDATing # or INSERTing array_request_sample if ( ($table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} gt "") && (!($ignore_table)) ) { # Now work on the individual sample records for this slide for $isample (0..($n_samples-1)) { # If there is already an ID for this sample, assume we need to UPDATE if ($table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"} gt "") { # Change all ' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement my $tmp = $table_parameters{"sample${isample}name_$element"}; $tmp =~ s/'/''/g; # UPDATE array_request_sample record $sql_query = qq~ UPDATE $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE SET array_request_slide_id= '$table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}', sample_index='$isample', name='$tmp', labeling_method_id= '$table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}', date_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_by_id=$current_contact_id, record_status='$parameters{record_status}' WHERE array_request_sample_id= $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"} ~; # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result my @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => 'IJ_array_request_sample', record_identifier => qq~array_request_sample_id=$table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}~); my $returned_sample_status = shift @returned_information; #my $returned_sample_PK = shift @returned_information; shift @returned_information; my $returned_sample_PK = $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"} = $returned_sample_PK; print qq~ - UPDATE of sample #$isample (ID $returned_sample_PK) for slide ID $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} was $returned_sample_status
    \n ~; # If there is not yet an ID for this sample, we need to INSERT } else { # But double-check with a query that there isn't already a record $sql_query = qq~ SELECT array_request_sample_id FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE WHERE array_request_slide_id= '$table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}' AND sample_index = '$isample' ~; my @result_set = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); # If something was returned, there is already a record! if ($result_set[0] gt "") { print qq~ERROR: No PK for this request and slide was passed to me, but there already seems to be a record in the table. This should never happen. Please report this error.
    \n~; return; # So far so good, so INSERT a new array_request_slide record } else { # Change all ' to '' so that it can go in the INSERT statement my $tmp = $table_parameters{"sample${isample}name_$element"}; $tmp =~ s/'/''/g; # INSERT a new array_request_slide record $sql_query = qq~ INSERT INTO $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE (array_request_slide_id,sample_index,name,labeling_method_id, created_by_id,modified_by_id,owner_group_id) VALUES ( '$table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}','$isample', '$tmp', '$table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}', $current_contact_id,$current_contact_id,$current_work_group_id ) ~; # Execute the SQL statement extract status and PK from result my @returned_information = $sbeams->applySQLChange( SQL_statement => $sql_query, current_contact_id => $current_contact_id, table_name => 'IJ_array_request_sample', record_identifier => qq~array_request_sample_id=$table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}~, ); my $returned_sample_status = shift @returned_information; my $returned_sample_PK = shift @returned_information; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"} = $returned_sample_PK; print qq~ - INSERT of sample #$isample (ID $returned_sample_PK) for slide ID $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"} was $returned_sample_status
    \n ~; } } # Calculate the print of each sample $sql_query = qq! SELECT price FROM $TBIJ_LABELING_METHOD WHERE labeling_method_id='$table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); $proc_cost = $proc_cost + $row_result[0]; #print "proc_cost,this_proc_cost = $proc_cost,$row_result[0]
    \n"; } # endfor # If we don't have an array_request_slide PK, either $ignore_table set } elsif ($ignore_table) { # OK. do nothing #### or something bad happened. } else { print qq~ERROR: I do not have the PK information for the slide that I just INSERTed or UPDATEd. This should never happen. Please report this error.
    \n~; return; } } } if ($returned_request_status eq "SUCCESSFUL") { print "

    Final Pricing:

    \n"; if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * STC.price FROM $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE ST JOIN $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE_COST STC ON ( ST.slide_type_id = STC.slide_type_id ) WHERE ST.slide_type_id='$parameters{"slide_type_id"}' AND STC.cost_scheme_id = $cost_scheme_id !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($slide_cost) = @row_result; print "Slide Cost: \$ $slide_cost (includes printing if selected)
    \n"; $total_price += $slide_cost; } #### If the Inkjet_admin Group does both Labeling and Hyb if ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} =~ /LH/ ) { print "

    Total Label/Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

    \n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else if the user does Labeling and the Inkjet_admin Group does Hyb } elsif ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} eq "L" ) { my $hyb_price = 50; #### Kludge the Yeast Half Slide price to $25 $hyb_price = 25 if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"} == 11); $proc_cost = $n_slides * $hyb_price; print "

    Total Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

    \n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else the user does it all } else { print "

    Label/Hyb Cost: (you have chosen to do this yourself)

    \n"; } if ($parameters{"scanning_request"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * price FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_OPTION WHERE option_key='$parameters{"scanning_request"}' AND option_type='scanning_request' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($analysis_cost) = @row_result; print "Analysis Cost: \$ $analysis_cost
    \n"; $total_price += $analysis_cost; } print "Total Cost: \$ $total_price
    \n"; $sql_query = qq! UPDATE $DB_TABLE_NAME SET price='$total_price' WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}' !; #print "$sql_query

    \n"; $sbeams->executeSQL($sql_query); } printAttemptedChangeResult($apply_action,$returned_request_status, $parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME},@returned_information); } # end processAddUser ############################################################################### # Check For Preexisting Record # # Before the record is actually added, we check to see if there # is already a matching record. ############################################################################### sub checkForPreexistingRecord { my %unique_values = @_; my $element; my $foundvalue = ''; my $error_message = ''; my $sql_query = qq! SELECT $PK_COLUMN_NAME FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME > 0!; foreach $element (keys %unique_values) { $sql_query .= " AND $element='$unique_values{$element}'"; $error_message .= "$element = $unique_values{$element}
    \n"; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; print qq! The following columns where checked for uniqueness:
    ! if @row; return shift @row; } # end checkForPreexistingRecord ############################################################################### # Print Preexisting Record Message ############################################################################### sub printPreexistingRecord { my $record_id = shift; my $back_button = $sbeams->getGoBackButton(); print qq!

    This $CATEGORY already exists


    Another $CATEGORY record already exists that would violate uniqueness contraints. Perhaps you are trying to enter an item that already exists. It is possible that the uniqueness constraints are too rigid, and they need to be relaxed a little to allow two records that are very similar. It is also possible that there is a deleted item that matches the new entry (flagged as deleted but not yet purged from the system). In that case, click on the existing (deleted) record, undelete it, and update as appropriate.
    Click here to see the existing matching record


    !; } # end printPreexistingRecord ############################################################################### # Print Results of the attempted database change ############################################################################### sub printAttemptedChangeResult { my $apply_action = shift || "?????"; my @returned_result=@_; my $error; # First element is SUCCESSFUL or DENIED. Rest is additional messages. my $result = shift @returned_result; my $resulting_PK = shift @returned_result; my $subdir = $sbeams->getSBEAMS_SUBDIR(); $subdir .= "/" if ($subdir); $sbeams->printUserContext(); print qq!

    Return Status


    $apply_action of your record was $result.

    !; foreach $error (@returned_result) { print "
  • $error

    \n"; } print qq!

  • !; if ($result eq "SUCCESSFUL") { print qq~

    [ Click Here to View a PRINTABLE VERSION of your Request!!]
    ~; } if ( ($result eq "SUCCESSFUL") && ($apply_action eq "INSERT" || $apply_action eq "UPDATE") ) { my $mailprog = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; my $recipient_name = "Inkjet_admin Contact"; my $recipient = "bmarzolf\@systemsbiology.org"; my $cc_name = "SBEAMS"; my $cc = "edeutsch\@systemsbiology.org"; #### But if we're running as a dev version then just mail to administrator if ($DBVERSION =~ /Dev/) { $recipient_name = $cc_name; $recipient = $cc; } open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $recipient,$cc") || croak "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: SBEAMS \n"; print MAIL "To: $recipient_name <$recipient>\n"; print MAIL "Cc: $cc_name <$cc>\n"; print MAIL "Reply-to: $current_username <${current_username}\@systemsbiology.org>\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Inkjet request submission\n\n"; print MAIL "An $apply_action of a microarray request was just executed in SBEAMS by ${current_username}.\n\n"; print MAIL "To see the request view this link:\n\n"; print MAIL "$SERVER_BASE_DIR$CGI_BASE_DIR/${subdir}$PROGRAM_FILE_NAME&$PK_COLUMN_NAME=$resulting_PK&apply_action=VIEW\n\n"; close (MAIL); print "

    An email was just sent to the Inkjet_admin Group informing them of your request.
    \n"; } } # end printAttemptedChangeResult ############################################################################### # Print Completed Entry (printable view) ############################################################################### sub printCompletedEntry { $sbeamsMOD->printPageHeader(navigation_bar=>"NO"); my %parameters; my $element; my $sql_query; my $username; my $proc_cost=0; my $total_price=0; # Get the columns for this table my @columns = $sbeamsMOD->returnTableInfo($TABLE_NAME,"ordered_columns"); # Read the form values for each column foreach $element (@columns) { $parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); } my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); # --------------------------- # If a specific PK row was referenced and this is not a REFRESH of an # existing record, then load data from it into hash if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "" && $apply_action ne "REFRESH") { $sql_query = qq! SELECT * FROM $DB_TABLE_NAME WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}'!; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; for ($element=0; $element<=$#row; $element++) { $parameters{$columns[$element]}=$row[$element]; #print "$columns[$element] =$row[$element]=
    \n"; } $sth->finish; } $parameters{request_sIJ_tatus}="Not Yet Submitted" if ( ! ($parameters{request_status})); #### Extract the value of cost_scheme_id or default to 1. #### FIX ME!! Do we have to hard-code the default value here?? $parameters{cost_scheme_id} = $DEFAULT_COST_SCHEME unless ( $parameters{cost_scheme_id} >= 1 ); my $cost_scheme_id = $parameters{cost_scheme_id}; my $record_status_options = $sbeams->getRecordStatusOptions($parameters{"record_status"}); print qq!

    View $CATEGORY

    !; # --------------------------- # Query to obtain column information about the table being managed $sql_query = qq~ SELECT column_name,column_title,is_required,input_type,input_length, is_display_column,column_text,optionlist_query FROM $TB_TABLE_COLUMN WHERE table_name='$TABLE_NAME' AND is_display_column='Y' ORDER BY column_index ~; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; # --------------------------- # First just extract any valid optionlist entries. This is done # first as opposed to within the loop below so that a single DB connection # can be used. my %optionlist_queries; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$column_text,$optionlist_query) = @row; if ($optionlist_query gt "") { $optionlist_queries{$column_name}=$optionlist_query; } } $sth->finish; # --------------------------- # Build option lists for each optionlist query provided for this table my %optionlists; my %templist; foreach $element (keys %optionlist_queries) { # If "$contact_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with either a value of $parameters{contact_id} if it is not # empty, or otherwise replace with the $current_contact_id if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$contact_id/ ) { if ( $parameters{"contact_id"} eq "" ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$current_contact_id/; } else { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$contact_id/$parameters{contact_id}/; } } # If "$cost_scheme_id" appears in the SQL optionlist query, then substitute # that with the value of the current variable of the same name if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$cost_scheme_id/ ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ s/\$cost_scheme_id/$cost_scheme_id/; } #### Evaluate the $TBxxxxx table name variables if in the query if ( $optionlist_queries{$element} =~ /\$TB/ ) { $optionlist_queries{$element} = eval "\"$optionlist_queries{$element}\""; } # Build the option list #$optionlists{$element}=$sbeams->buildOptionList( # $optionlist_queries{$element},$parameters{$element}); #print "--> $optionlist_queries{$element} ==: ",join(",",%templist),"
    \n" %templist = $sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($optionlist_queries{$element}); $optionlists{$element} = $templist{$parameters{$element}}; } # --------------------------- # Redo query to obtain column information about the table being managed my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my ($column_name,$column_title,$is_required,$input_type,$input_length, $is_data_column,$column_text,$optionlist_query) = @row; if ($is_required eq "N") { print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; } if ($input_type eq "text") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "textarea") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "fixed") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "optionlist") { print qq! !; } if ($input_type eq "current_contact_id") { if ($parameters{$column_name} eq "") { $parameters{$column_name}=$current_contact_id; $username=$current_username; } else { $username=$sbeams->getUsername($parameters{$column_name}); if ( $parameters{$column_name} == $current_contact_id) { $username=$current_username; } } print qq! !; } } $sth->finish; print "
    "; ################################################# my (@row_result,$isample); my $n_slides=$parameters{"n_slides"}; my $n_samples=$parameters{"n_samples_per_slide"}; if ($n_slides > 50) { $n_slides=50; } $n_slides=0 unless ($n_slides >= 1 && $n_slides <=50); $n_samples=2 unless ($n_samples >= 1 && $n_samples <=3); my %table_parameters; if ($n_slides > 0) { # Make a list of parameters for the table for $element (0..($n_slides-1)) { $table_parameters{"slide${element}id"}=""; for $isample (0..($n_samples-1)) { $table_parameters{"sample${isample}name_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}labmeth_$element"}=""; $table_parameters{"sample${isample}id_$element"}=""; } } # Read the form values for each column foreach $element (keys %table_parameters) { $table_parameters{$element}=$q->param($element); } # --------------------------- # If a specific PK row was referenced, load data from it into hash if ($parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME} gt "") { $sql_query = qq! SELECT array_request_id,slide_index,sample_index,name, labeling_method_id,SLI.array_request_slide_id, array_request_sample_id FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SAMPLE SAM FULL JOIN $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_SLIDE SLI ON ( SAM.array_request_slide_id = SLI.array_request_slide_id ) WHERE $PK_COLUMN_NAME='$parameters{$PK_COLUMN_NAME}'!; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]name_$row[1]"}=$row[3]; $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]labmeth_$row[1]"}=$row[4]; $table_parameters{"sample$row[2]id_$row[1]"}=$row[6]; $table_parameters{"slide$row[1]id"}=$row[5]; } $sth->finish; } $sql_query = qq~ SELECT labeling_method_id,name FROM $TBIJ_LABELING_METHOD ORDER BY sort_order,name ~; my %optionlist=$sbeams->selectTwoColumnHash($sql_query); my ($row,$col); print qq~

    Below is your slide and sample information. Each slide and sample has been assigned a unique identifier number. If you are giving samples to the array group for labeling and further processing, YOU MUST LABEL YOUR SAMPLES WITH THESE SAMPLE IDs!
    The sample names you provides become the official label of each sample. Entries with identical names are assumed to be repeats and will be processed as such by the standard pipeline. These names will be used to link back to your private tables of sample information. You can also use the Sample IDs to link back to each individual preparation of a (possibly multiply used) sample.

    ~; for $col (1..$n_samples) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; my $thisoptionlist; for $row (0..($n_slides-1)) { print qq! !; for $col (0..($n_samples-1)) { my $fgcolor="#ff0000"; if ($col == 1) { $fgcolor="#000000"; } $thisoptionlist=""; if ($table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}) { $thisoptionlist = $optionlist{$table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}}; } print qq! !; if ($table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT price FROM $TBIJ_LABELING_METHOD WHERE labeling_method_id='$table_parameters{"sample${col}labmeth_$row"}' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); $proc_cost = $proc_cost + $row_result[0]; } } print ""; } print "
    Slide IndexSlide Request IDSample $col NameSample $col IDSample $col Labeling Method
    $row $table_parameters{"slide${row}id"}$table_parameters{"sample${col}name_$row"} $table_parameters{"sample${col}id_$row"} $thisoptionlist
    \n"; if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * STC.price FROM $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE ST JOIN $TBIJ_SLIDE_TYPE_COST STC ON ( ST.slide_type_id = STC.slide_type_id ) WHERE ST.slide_type_id='$parameters{"slide_type_id"}' AND STC.cost_scheme_id = $cost_scheme_id !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($slide_cost) = @row_result; print "

    Slide Cost: \$ $slide_cost (includes printing if selected)

    \n"; $total_price += $slide_cost; } #### If the Inkjet_admin Group does both Labeling and Hyb if ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} =~ /LH/ ) { print "

    Total Label/Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

    \n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else if the user does Labeling and the Inkjet_admin Group does Hyb } elsif ( $parameters{"hybridization_request"} eq "L" ) { my $hyb_price = 50; #### Kludge the Yeast Half Slide price to $25 $hyb_price = 25 if ($parameters{"slide_type_id"} == 11); $proc_cost = $n_slides * $hyb_price; print "

    Total Hyb Cost: \$ $proc_cost

    \n"; $total_price += $proc_cost; #### Else the user does it all } else { print "

    Label/Hyb Cost: (you have chosen to do this yourself)

    \n"; } if ($parameters{"scanning_request"}) { $sql_query = qq! SELECT $n_slides * price FROM $TBIJ_ARRAY_REQUEST_OPTION WHERE option_key='$parameters{"scanning_request"}' AND option_type='scanning_request' !; @row_result = $sbeams->selectOneColumn($sql_query); my ($analysis_cost) = @row_result; print "

    Analysis Cost: \$ $analysis_cost

    \n"; $total_price += $analysis_cost; } print "

    Total Cost: \$ $total_price

    \n"; } else { print qq! Please select the number of desired slides above and choose REFRESH below and press APPLY.
    !; } print qq!
    !; print qq!

    !; print qq~ Please place the appropriate amount of XNA into one tube per reaction as per table below:

    ~; my %url_cols; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM arrays.dbo.xna_info"; $sbeams->displayQueryResult(sql_query=>$sql_query, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols,printable_table=>1); print qq~

    Add Arabadopsis control RNA to samples to be labeled as follows:

    ~; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM arrays.dbo.arabadopsis"; $sbeams->displayQueryResult(sql_query=>$sql_query, url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols,printable_table=>1); print qq~

    **Speedvac your samples with controls to < 10 ul for cDNA and dry for direct labeling**

    ~; $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter("CloseTables"); } # end printEntryForm