#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : ProcessProject.cgi # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : This CGI program that allows users to submit a processing # job to process a set of experiments in a project. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Get the script set up with everything it will need ############################################################################### use strict; use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMA $dbh $current_contact_id $current_username $current_work_group_id $current_work_group_name $current_project_id $current_project_name $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME $PK_COLUMN_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS); use DBI; #use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use POSIX; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Inkjet; use SBEAMS::Inkjet::Settings; use SBEAMS::Inkjet::Tables; use lib "/net/arrays/Pipeline/tools/lib"; require "QuantitationFile.pl"; #$q = new CGI; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMA = new SBEAMS::Inkjet; $sbeamsMA->setSBEAMS($sbeams); ############################################################################### # Global Variables ############################################################################### main(); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # Call $sbeams->InterfaceEntry with pointer to the subroutine to execute if # the authentication succeeds. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate()); #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters(q=>$q,parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #### Print the header, do what the program does, and print footer $sbeamsMA->printPageHeader(); processRequests(); $sbeamsMA->printPageFooter(); } # end main ############################################################################### # Process Requests # # Test for specific form variables and process the request # based on what the user wants to do. ############################################################################### sub processRequests { $current_username = $sbeams->getCurrent_username; $current_contact_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_contact_id; $current_work_group_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_id; $current_work_group_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_work_group_name; $current_project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id; $current_project_name = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_name; $dbh = $sbeams->getDBHandle(); # Enable for debugging if (0==1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my ($ee,$ff); foreach $ee (keys %ENV) { print "$ee =$ENV{$ee}=
\n"; } foreach $ee ( $q->param ) { $ff = $q->param($ee); print "$ee =$ff=
\n"; } } #### Decide where to go based on form values if ($q->param('PROCESS')) { submitJob(); } else { printEntryForm(); } } # end processRequests ############################################################################### # Print Entry Form ############################################################################### sub printEntryForm { my %parameters; my $element; my $sql_query; my (%url_cols,%hidden_cols); my $CATEGORY="Process Experiments"; # my $apply_action = $q->param('apply_action'); # $parameters{project_id} = $q->param('project_id'); $parameters{project_id} = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); # # If we're coming to this page for the first time, and there is a # # default project set, then automatically select that one and GO! # if ( ($parameters{project_id} eq "") && ($current_project_id > 0) ) { # $parameters{project_id} = $current_project_id; # $apply_action = "QUERY"; # } $sbeams->printUserContext(); print qq!


!; # --------------------------- # Query to obtain column information about the table being managed $sql_query = qq~ SELECT project_id,username+' - '+name FROM $TB_PROJECT P LEFT JOIN $TB_USER_LOGIN UL ON ( P.PI_contact_id=UL.contact_id ) ORDER BY username,name ~; my $optionlist = $sbeams->buildOptionList( $sql_query,$parameters{project_id}); # print qq! # Project: # # Select the Project Name # # !; # # # # --------------------------- # # Show the QUERY, REFRESH, and Reset buttons # print qq! # #          # #          # #          # # # # !; # # # $sbeams->printPageFooter("CloseTables"); # print "

\n"; # -------------------------------------------------- if ($parameters{project_id} > 0) { $sql_query = qq~ SELECT A.array_id,A.array_name, ARSM1.name AS 'Sample1Name',D1.dye_name AS 'sample1_dye', ARSM2.name AS 'Sample2Name',D2.dye_name AS 'sample2_dye', AQ.array_quantitation_id,AQ.data_flag AS 'quan_flag', AQ.stage_location,AL.source_filename AS 'key_file' FROM array_request AR LEFT JOIN array_request_slide ARSL ON ( AR.array_request_id = ARSL.array_request_id ) LEFT JOIN array_request_sample ARSM1 ON ( ARSL.array_request_slide_id = ARSM1.array_request_slide_id AND ARSM1.sample_index=0) LEFT JOIN labeling_method LM1 ON ( ARSM1.labeling_method_id = LM1.labeling_method_id ) LEFT JOIN arrays.dbo.dye D1 ON ( LM1.dye_id = D1.dye_id ) LEFT JOIN array_request_sample ARSM2 ON ( ARSL.array_request_slide_id = ARSM2.array_request_slide_id AND ARSM2.sample_index=1) LEFT JOIN labeling_method LM2 ON ( ARSM2.labeling_method_id = LM2.labeling_method_id ) LEFT JOIN arrays.dbo.dye D2 ON ( LM2.dye_id = D2.dye_id ) LEFT JOIN array A ON ( A.array_request_slide_id = ARSL.array_request_slide_id ) LEFT JOIN array_layout AL ON ( A.layout_id = AL.layout_id ) LEFT JOIN array_scan ASCAN ON ( A.array_id = ASCAN.array_id ) LEFT JOIN array_quantitation AQ ON ( ASCAN.array_scan_id = AQ.array_scan_id ) WHERE AR.project_id=$parameters{project_id} AND AQ.array_quantitation_id IS NOT NULL AND AR.record_status != 'D' AND A.record_status != 'D' AND ASCAN.record_status != 'D' AND AQ.record_status != 'D' AND AQ.data_flag != 'BAD' ORDER BY A.array_name ~; my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/ManageTable.cgi?TABLE_NAME=IJ_="; %url_cols = ('array_name' => "${base_url}array&array_id=%0V", 'quan_flag' => "${base_url}array_quantitation&array_quantitation_id=%6V", ); %hidden_cols = ('array_id' => 1, 'array_quantitation_id' => 1, ); }# else { # $apply_action="BAD SELECTION"; # } # # # if ($apply_action eq "QUERY") { # $sbeams->displayQueryResult(sql_query=>$sql_query, # url_cols_ref=>\%url_cols,hidden_cols_ref=>\%hidden_cols); print qq~

~; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query") or croak $dbh->errstr; my $rv = $sth->execute or croak $dbh->errstr; my @rows; my @row; while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my @temprow = @row; push(@rows,\@temprow); } $sth->finish; my @group_names; my %group_names_hash; my @slide_group_names; my @slide_rowrefs; my @slide_directions; foreach $element (@rows) { my $sample1name = $$element[2]; my $sample2name = $$element[4]; my $forcondition = "${sample1name}_vs_${sample2name}"; my $revcondition = "${sample2name}_vs_${sample1name}"; my $thiscondition; my $direction = ""; if (defined($group_names_hash{$forcondition})) { $direction = "f"; $thiscondition = $forcondition; } if (defined($group_names_hash{$revcondition})) { $direction = "r"; $thiscondition = $revcondition; } unless ($direction) { $direction = "f"; $thiscondition = $forcondition; push(@group_names,$thiscondition); $group_names_hash{$thiscondition}=$thiscondition; } push(@slide_group_names,$thiscondition); push(@slide_rowrefs,$element); push(@slide_directions,$direction); } my $group; my $error_flag = 0; my ($quantitation_file,$qf_status); my (@ERRORS,@command_file); my (@results,@parts); foreach $group (@group_names) { my $row_counter=0; my $first_flag=1; my $channel_direction = ""; foreach $element (@slide_group_names) { if ($element eq $group) { if ($first_flag) { my $cmd_line = "$group ${$slide_rowrefs[$row_counter]}[9] EXP"; push (@command_file,$cmd_line); print qq~ $group ${$slide_rowrefs[$row_counter]}[9] EXP
\n ~; $first_flag=0; } #### Verify that the data file is okay $quantitation_file = ${slide_rowrefs[$row_counter]}[8]; my $sample1_dye = ${slide_rowrefs[$row_counter]}[3]; my $sample2_dye = ${slide_rowrefs[$row_counter]}[5]; $qf_status = ""; #### If the data file is okay if ( -e $quantitation_file ) { $qf_status = "    --- ". "File exists"; #### Run a parse program on it to see which channel is which dye #@results = `../lib/perl/SBEAMS/scripts/parseQAheader.pl --verify "$quantitation_file"`; my %quantitation_data = readQuantitationFile(inputfilename=>"$quantitation_file", headeronly=>1); unless ($quantitation_data{success}) { $qf_status = "    --- ". "$quantitation_data{error_msg}"; } else { print "According to sample names, direction should ". "be $slide_directions[$row_counter]
\n"; #### Pull out the channel information my @channels = @{$quantitation_data{channels}}; my $channel; #### Loop over each channel foreach $channel (@channels) { @parts = ($channel->{channel_label},$channel->{fluorophor}); #print "$parts[0] = $parts[1]
\n"; $parts[1] =~ /(\d+)/; my $number_part = $1; my $match_flag = 0; if ($sample1_dye =~ /$number_part/) { $match_flag = 1; if ($parts[0] eq "ch1") { $channel_direction = "f"; } if ($parts[0] eq "ch2") { $channel_direction = "r"; } print "channel $parts[0] in quant file matches sample 1 dye, ". "implying direction $channel_direction
\n"; } if ($sample2_dye =~ /$number_part/) { if ($match_flag) { print "Whoah! Double match!
\n"; } $match_flag = 2; if ($parts[0] eq "ch1") { $channel_direction = "r"; } if ($parts[0] eq "ch2") { $channel_direction = "f"; } print "channel $parts[0] in quant file matches sample 2 dye, ". "implying direction $channel_direction
\n"; } #print "deciding on direction $slide_directions[$row_counter]
\n"; unless ($match_flag) { print "Unable to match file name '$parts[1]' with ". "either dye.
\n"; } } # endforeach if ($channel_direction eq "r") { print "So, flip the initially thought direction.
\n"; $slide_directions[$row_counter] =~ tr/fr/rf/; } else { #keep direction the same } $qf_status = "    --- ". "File verified"; } # endelse #### If the data file is not found } else { $error_flag++; $qf_status = "    --- ". "FILE MISSING"; push(@ERRORS,"Unable to find file $quantitation_file"); } #### Print out the quantitation file row my $cmd_line = "$quantitation_file ". $slide_directions[$row_counter]; push (@command_file,$cmd_line); print "$quantitation_file ". "$slide_directions[$row_counter] ". "$qf_status
\n"; } $row_counter++; } } print qq~

Okay, here is the command file that has been generated based on the available information. Each section begins with a 3 column row containing the derived label (output filename for the .sig file), the key file to be used, and the word EXP. Within each section are two column rows which indicate the quantitation file and a f or r flag indicating "forward" or "reverse" (i.e. should channel 1 be the numerator [f] or should channel 2 be the numerator [r]).

~; # } else { # print "

Select parameters above and press QUERY\n"; # } } # end printEntryForm ############################################################################### # submit Job ############################################################################### sub submitJob { my $command_file_content = $q->param('command_file'); my $project_id = $q->param('project_id'); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); my $timestr = strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S",$sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year); my $plan_filename = "job$timestr.plan"; my $control_filename = "job$timestr.control"; my $log_filename = "job$timestr.log"; my $queue_dir = "/net/arrays/Pipeline/queue"; #### Verify that the plan file does not already exist if ( -e $plan_filename ) { print qq~ Wow, the job filename '$plan_filename' already exists!
Please go back and click PROCESS again. If this happens twice in a row, something is very wrong. Contact edeutsch.
\n ~; return; } #### Write the plan file print "Writing processing plan file '$plan_filename'
\n"; open(PLANFILE,">$queue_dir/$plan_filename") || croak("Unable to write to file '$queue_dir/$plan_filename'"); print PLANFILE $command_file_content; close(PLANFILE); #### Write the control file print "Writing job control file '$control_filename'
\n"; open(CONTROLFILE,">$queue_dir/$control_filename") || croak("Unable to write to file '$queue_dir/$control_filename'"); print CONTROLFILE "submitted_by=$current_username\n"; print CONTROLFILE "project_id=$project_id\n"; print CONTROLFILE "status=SUBMITTED\n"; close(CONTROLFILE); print "Done!

\n"; print qq~ The plan and job control files have been successfully written to the queue. Your job will be processed in the order received. You can see the log file of your job by clicking on the link below:

Well, there's no link yet, but paste this into a unix window:

cd /net/arrays/Pipeline/output/project_id/$project_id
if ( -e $log_filename ) tail -f $log_filename

~; }