#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Program : main.cgi # Author : Eric Deutsch # $Id$ # # Description : This script authenticates the user, and then # displays the opening access page. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Set up all needed modules and objects ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib/perl"; use vars qw ($sbeams $sbeamsMOD $q $current_contact_id $current_username %hash_to_sort $PROG_NAME $USAGE %OPTIONS $QUIET $VERBOSE $DEBUG $DATABASE $TABLE_NAME $PROGRAM_FILE_NAME $CATEGORY $DB_TABLE_NAME @MENU_OPTIONS ); use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable; use SBEAMS::Immunostain; use SBEAMS::Immunostain::Settings; use SBEAMS::Immunostain::Tables; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Immunostain; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); { # Authenticate $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( allow_anonymous_access => 1, permitted_work_groups_ref => ['Immunostain_user','Immunostain_admin', 'Immunostain_readonly','Admin'] ) || die "Invalid authentication information"; # Read input parameters my %params; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q => $q, parameters_ref=>\%params ); # $sbeams->printCGIParams( $q ); # Process parameters before we start. Passed as ref so we may alter. processParams( \%params ); my $content = ''; # What are we supposed to do? if ($params{action} eq "ab_details") { $content = getAbDetails( %params ); } elsif ($params{action} eq "ab_list") { $content = getAbList( %params ); } else { $content = "Invalid action specified ($params{action}), unable to proceed"; } # normal handling for anything else $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(); print $content; $sbeamsMOD->printPageFooter(); exit(0); } # end main code block ################################################################################ sub getAbDetails { my %params = @_; my $resultset_ref = {}; # Which Antibody? die( 'Missing required parameter antibody_id' ) unless $params{antibody_id}; # Useful HTML my $pad = '  '; my $lbase = "selectSeveralColumns($sumSQL); # Build table to display overview data. my $sumtable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 0 ); unless ( scalar(@results) ) { # If no results, print message and bail $log->warn( "No data found for antibody $params{antibody_id}: $sumSQL" ); return "

Specified antibody (ID: $params{antibody_id}) not found in the database

"; } # We have data, set up display with first row my $row = $results[0]; # Build links my $oparm = ($$row[5] eq 'Mouse') ? 'org=Mouse&db=mm5' : 'org=Human&db=hg16'; my $ab =<<" END";
$$row[0] END my $loclink = "$$row[2]"; my $coord = "$$row[3]"; # Add rows to table $sumtable->addRow( [ "


" ] ); $sumtable->addRow( [ "$pad Alternate Names:", "$pad $$row[1]" ] ); $sumtable->addRow( [ "$pad Locus Link:", "$pad $loclink" ] ); $sumtable->addRow( [ "$pad Genome Coordinates:", "$pad $coord" ] ); # Set up formatting $sumtable->setColAttr( ROWS => [2..$sumtable->getRowNum()], COLS => [ 1 ], ALIGN => 'LEFT', NOWRAP => 1 ); $sumtable->setColAttr( ROWS => [2..$sumtable->getRowNum()], COLS => [ 2 ], ALIGN => 'LEFT' ); $sumtable->setCellAttr( ROW => 1, COL => 1, ALIGN => 'LEFT', COLSPAN => 2 ); # Need to get number of assays from later query and append to the summary table below. ### End Summary Block: ### Expression Block: # Overly elaborate, pare if possible? # The reason we had to join so many table is we need to adjust the structural # unit sort order based on tissue type, a table that is only distantly # ( 7 tables away ) related. Doh! my $exprSQL =<<" END_SQL"; SELECT su1.structural_unit_name,tt.tissue_type_name, CASE WHEN ( tissue_type_name LIKE '%Bladder%' AND su1.structural_unit_name = 'Stromal endothelial cells' ) THEN su1.sort_order - 75 WHEN ( tissue_type_name LIKE '%Prostate%' AND su1.structural_unit_name = 'Basal epithelial cells' ) THEN su1.sort_order + 110 ELSE su1.sort_order END AS sort_order, AVG(CASE WHEN aue1.at_level_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE aue1.at_level_percent END ) AS none, AVG(CASE WHEN aue2.at_level_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE aue2.at_level_percent END ) AS equivocal, AVG(CASE WHEN aue3.at_level_percent IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE aue3.at_level_percent END ) AS intense, COUNT(*) AS total_assays, su1.structural_unit_id FROM $TBIS_ASSAY_CHANNEL ac JOIN $TBIS_ANTIBODY ab ON ac.antibody_id = ab.antibody_id JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY ss ON ac.assay_id = ss.assay_id JOIN $TBIS_SPECIMEN_BLOCK sb ON ss.specimen_block_id = sb.specimen_block_id JOIN $TBIS_SPECIMEN sp ON sb.specimen_id = sp.specimen_id JOIN $TBIS_TISSUE_TYPE tt ON sp.tissue_type_id = tt.tissue_type_id JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY_UNIT_EXPRESSION aue1 ON ac.assay_channel_id = aue1.assay_channel_id JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY_UNIT_EXPRESSION aue2 ON ac.assay_channel_id = aue2.assay_channel_id JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY_UNIT_EXPRESSION aue3 ON ac.assay_channel_id = aue3.assay_channel_id JOIN $TBIS_STRUCTURAL_UNIT su1 ON aue1.structural_unit_id = su1.structural_unit_id JOIN $TBIS_STRUCTURAL_UNIT su2 ON aue2.structural_unit_id = su2.structural_unit_id JOIN $TBIS_STRUCTURAL_UNIT su3 ON aue3.structural_unit_id = su3.structural_unit_id WHERE ab.antibody_id = $params{antibody_id} AND su1.structural_unit_id = su2.structural_unit_id AND su3.structural_unit_id = su2.structural_unit_id AND aue3.expression_level_id = 1 AND aue2.expression_level_id = 2 AND aue1.expression_level_id = 3 GROUP BY su1.structural_unit_name, su1.sort_order, tt.tissue_type_name, su1.structural_unit_id ORDER BY sort_order END_SQL my $exptable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 1, CELLPADDING => 1, CELLSPACING => 1 ); $exptable->addRow( ['Tissue type', 'Cell type', '% Intense ', '% Equivocal', '% None', '# Assays'] ); my $sHREF = "SummarizeStains?action=QUERY;antibody_id=$params{antibody_id};display_options=MergeLevelsAndPivotCellTypes"; my $prev_tissue = ''; my @new_tissue_index; my @repeat_tissue_index; my @expr = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $exprSQL ); foreach my $row ( @expr ){ $row->[1] =~ s/Bladder/Urinary Bladder/; $row->[0] = "[7]>$row->[0]"; # Round average percentage, don't introduce artificial precision. for my $num ( @$row[3..5] ) { $num = ( $num - int($num) >= 0.5 ) ? int( $num ) + 1 : int( $num ); # $num = sprintf( '%.2f', $num ); # $num =~ s/\.00$//; } if ( $prev_tissue eq $row->[1] ) { $exptable->addRow( [ @$row[0, 5, 4, 3, 6] ] ); unshift @repeat_tissue_index, $exptable->getRowNum(); } else { $exptable->addRow( [ @$row[1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 6] ] ); unshift @new_tissue_index, $exptable->getRowNum(); } $prev_tissue = $row->[1]; } my $total = $exptable->getRowNum(); $exptable->setColAttr( ROWS => \@repeat_tissue_index, COLS => [2..4], ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); $exptable->setColAttr( ROWS => \@repeat_tissue_index, COLS => [5], ALIGN => 'CENTER' ); $exptable->setColAttr( ROWS => \@new_tissue_index, COLS => [3..5], ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); $exptable->setColAttr( ROWS => \@new_tissue_index, COLS => [6], ALIGN => 'CENTER' ); for my $index ( @new_tissue_index ) { my $span = ( $total - $index ) + 1; $exptable->setCellAttr( ROW => $index, COL => 1, VALIGN => 'TOP', NOWRAP => 0, ALIGN => 'CENTER', ROWSPAN => ( $span ), BGCOLOR => '#DDDDDD' ); # $exptable->setCellAttr( ROW => $index, COL => 1, NOWRAP => 0, VALIGN => 'TOP', # ALIGN => 'LEFT', ROWSPAN => ( $span ) ); $total -= $span; } $exptable->setRowAttr( ROWS => [1], COLS => [1..6], ALIGN => 'CENTER' ); # End Expression Block: # Assay Block: # # Set up links for rendering later my $plus = ""; my $addAssay = "${lbase}IS_assay>$plus"; my $assay =<<" END"; ASSAY_NAME END my $image =<<" END"; ${lbase}IS_assay_image;assay_image_id=IMG_ID;GetFile=IS_PROC> IMG_MAGx   END my $channel =<<" END"; ${lbase}IS_assay_channel;assay_channel_id=AC_ID;ShowEntryForm=1> AC_NAME END my $addImg =<<" END"; ${lbase}IS_assay_image;assay_channel_id=AC_ID> LINKNAME END my $addChan =<<" END"; ${lbase}IS_assay_channel;assay_id=ASSAY_ID;channel_index=AC_IDX;antibody_id=$params{antibody_id}> LINKNAME END # Build SQL to fetch image/channel info for each assay my $assaySQL =<<" END"; SELECT ss.assay_name, ss.assay_id, si.assay_image_id, si.image_magnification, ac.assay_channel_id, CASE WHEN si.processed_image_file IS NULL THEN 'raw_image_file' ELSE 'processed_image_file' END AS image_file, CASE WHEN ac.assay_channel_name IS NULL THEN ss.assay_name + ' - chan ' + cast(ac.channel_index as varchar) ELSE ac.assay_channel_name END AS assay_channel_name FROM $TBIS_ASSAY ss LEFT JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY_CHANNEL ac on ss.assay_id = ac.assay_id LEFT JOIN $TBIS_ASSAY_IMAGE si on ac.assay_channel_id = si.assay_channel_id WHERE ac.antibody_id = $params{antibody_id} ORDER BY ss.assay_id, ac.assay_channel_id, si.assay_image_id END # Fetch data my @assays = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $assaySQL ); # Also want to fetch characterizations for the various channesl. Doing # as a separate query because the groupings interfere with the above query my $charSQL =<<" END"; SELECT assay_channel_id, structural_unit_id, COUNT(*) as Characterizations FROM $TBIS_ASSAY_UNIT_EXPRESSION GROUP BY assay_channel_id, structural_unit_id END my %characterizations; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $charSQL ); foreach my $row ( @rows ) { $characterizations{$row->[0]}++; } # Create display table, add headings my $assaytable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 0, CELLPADDING => 2, CELLSPACING => 2 ); $assaytable->addRow( ["Assay Name $addAssay $pad", "Channel Name $pad", "Characterizations $pad", "Available Images $pad " ] ); #$assaytable->addRow( ["Assay $plus  ", 'Channel  ', # 'Add', 'Images  ', 'Add' ] ); my %assayhash; # counts total number of assays, and channels within them my %achash; # Hash to store info for an assay channel # The number of adjacent image links to display per line. my $img_per_line = 7; foreach my $row ( @assays ) { my $img = ''; if ( $row->[2] ) { ( $img = $image ) =~ s/IMG_ID/$row->[2]/g; $img =~ s/IS_PROC/$row->[5]/g; $img =~ s/IMG_MAG/$row->[3]/g; } if ( !defined $achash{$row->[4]} ) { # new one $assayhash{$row->[1]}->{$row->[4]}++; # Count channels, (and assays) $achash{$row->[4]} = { name => $row->[6], assay_id => $row->[1], assay_name => $row->[0], image => $img }; } else { # Seen it, append the image and move on. $achash{$row->[4]}->{imagecnt}++; $achash{$row->[4]}->{image} .= ' 
' unless $achash{$row->[4]}->{imagecnt} % $img_per_line; $achash{$row->[4]}->{image} .= $img; } } my $total_assays = scalar( keys( %assayhash ) ); $sumtable->addRow( [ "$pad Total Assays:", "$pad $total_assays" ] ); # $sumtable->setColAttr( ROWS => [2..$sumtable->getRowNum()], # COLS => [ 2 ], ALIGN => 'LEFT' ); # # foreach my $id ( keys( %achash ) ) { # Create link from assay name ( my $alink = $assay ) =~ s/ASSAY_ID/$achash{$id}->{assay_id}/; $alink =~ s/ASSAY_NAME/$achash{$id}->{assay_name}/; # Create link from channel name ( my $chan = $channel ) =~ s/AC_ID/$id/; $chan =~ s/AC_NAME/$achash{$id}->{name}/; # Set up add channel link # ( my $add_ch = $addChan ) =~ s/LINKNAME/[add]/g; ( my $add_ch = $addChan ) =~ s/LINKNAME/$plus/g; my $idx = $assayhash{$achash{$id}->{assay_id}}->{$id} + 1; $add_ch =~ s/AC_IDX/$idx/; $add_ch =~ s/ASSAY_ID/$achash{$id}->{assay_id}/g; # Set up add image link ( my $add_im = $addImg ) =~ s/LINKNAME/$plus/g; $add_im =~ s/AC_ID/$id/g; # Merge characterization info my $chars = $characterizations{$id} || ' '; $assaytable->addRow( [ $alink, $chan . ' ', $add_ch, "$chars $pad", $achash{$id}->{image} . ' ', $add_im ] ); } $assaytable->setRowAttr( ROWS => [1], COLS => [1..4], ALIGN => 'CENTER', NOWRAP => 1 ); $assaytable->setColAttr( COLS => [2, 4], ROWS => [1], COLSPAN => 2 ); $assaytable->setColAttr( COLS => [1..6], ROWS => [2..$assaytable->getRowNum()], NOWRAP => 1, ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); $assaytable->alternateColors( PERIOD => 1, FIRSTROW => 2, BGCOLOR => '#EEEEEE' ); # $assaytable->setColAttr( COLS => [1], ROWS => [2..$assaytable->getRowNum()], # NOWRAP => 1, ALIGN => 'LEFT' ); # End Assay Block; # Return HTML; return <<" END";

Antibody Summary


$assaytable END } sub getSummarySQL { my $ab = shift; my $abclause = ( $ab eq 'ALL' ) ? '' : " antibody_id IN ( $ab )"; return <<" END_SQL"; SELECT antibody_name, alternate_names, biosequence_accession, genome_location + genome_strand, accessor, organism_name FROM $TBIS_ANTIBODY ab LEFT JOIN $TBIS_ANTIGEN an ON ab.antigen_id = an.antigen_id LEFT JOIN $TBIS_BIOSEQUENCE bs ON an.biosequence_id = bs.biosequence_id LEFT JOIN $TBIS_GENOME_COORDINATES gc ON bs.biosequence_accession = gc.locus_link_id LEFT JOIN $TBIS_BIOSEQUENCE_SET bss ON bs.biosequence_set_id = bss.biosequence_set_id LEFT JOIN $TB_ORGANISM sbo ON bss.organism_id = sbo.organism_id LEFT JOIN $TBIS_DBXREF dbx ON bs.dbxref_id = dbx.dbxref_id WHERE $abclause -- Removed these constraints Jan-25-2005 --set_Name LIKE 'LocusLink%' --AND dbxref_name = 'LocusLink' END_SQL } sub getAbSummary { my %params = @_; my $sql = getSummarySQL( $params{antibody_id} ); return "Coming soon"; } sub processParams { my $params = shift; unless( $params->{antibody_id} ) { die ( "Missing required parameter antibody_id" ); } # If more than one ab_id is defined (explicitly or with all) go to list mode. if( $params->{antibody_id} =~ /\,/ || $params->{antibody_id} =~ /\,/ ) { $params->{action} =~ s/ab_details/ab_list/; } # ab_details is the default action $params->{action} ||= 'ab_details'; }