#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # $Id: Glyco_prediction.cgi 4670 2006-04-22 01:54:05Z dcampbel $ # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Get the script set up with everything it will need ############################################################################### use strict; use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMOD $PROG_NAME $current_contact_id $current_username $glyco_query_o); use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use Data::Dumper; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Settings; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Tables; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Get_glyco_seqs; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Glyco_query; ############################################################################### # Global Variables ############################################################################### # $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $glyco_query_o = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Glyco_query; $glyco_query_o->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/massSearch"; { # Main $log->debug( "Getting started? " ); # Authenticate or exit exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( #permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Glycopeptide_user','Glycopeptide_admin', 'Glycopeptide_readonly'], #connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); #### Read in the default input parameters my %params; $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%params ); $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%params); ## get project_id to send to HTMLPrinter display my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); my $page = $sbeams->getGifSpacer( 800 ) . "
\n"; $log->debug( "Getting anywhere? " ); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far if( $params{action} =~ /^search$/ ) { $page .= print_form( \%params ); $page .= run_search( \%params ); } elsif( $params{action} =~ /^download$/ ) { my $header = $sbeams->get_http_header( mode => 'tsvfull', filename => 'search_results.xls' ); print $header; print run_search( \%params ); exit; } else { $page .= print_form( \%params ); } # Display page $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id); # $sbeams->printStyleSheet(); print $page; my $url = $q->self_url(); $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } # end main sub get_download_form { my $params = shift; my $url = $q->url( -full => 1 ); my $form = "
"; for my $p ( keys( %$params ) ) { my $value = $params->{$p}; $value = 'download' if $p eq 'action'; $form .= ""; # $log->debug( "$p -> $params->{$p}"); } $form .= "
"; my $url = "Download table"; return $form . "\n" . $url; # return "Download table"; } sub run_search { my $params = shift; my $content; for my $arg ( qw( id_list id_type ) ) { unless ( $params->{$arg} ) { $content .= "Missing required parameter: $arg
\n"; return $content; } } # for my $p ( keys( %$params ) ) { $content .= "$p => " . $params->{$p} . "
\n"; } my $id_list = $params->{id_list}; $id_list =~ s/\s+/ /gm; my @ids = split( " ", $id_list ); my $pep_o = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Get_peptide_seqs(glyco_obj => $sbeamsMOD); my $results = $sbeamsMOD->runBulkSearch( ids => \@ids, %{$params} ); my $table = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 0 ); $table->addRow( ['IPI', 'SwissProt', 'Symbol', 'Sequence', 'Prophet', 'Mass', 'Tissues', 'Protein Name' ] ); $table->setRowAttr( ROWS => [1], BGCOLOR => '#C0D0C0' ); my $current; my $prot_cnt = 1; my $grp_row = 2; my $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'; for my $peptide ( @$results ) { my ( $ipi, $swiss_id, $ipi_data_id, $seq, $symbol, $protein_name, $peptide_id, $prophet_score, $peptide_mass ) = @$peptide; my $ipi_base = $ipi; $current = $ipi_base unless $current; my $tissues = $pep_o->identified_tissues( $peptide_id ) || ''; if ( $params->{action} ne 'download' ) { $tissues = $sbeams->truncateStringWithMouseover( string => $tissues, len => 20 ); $protein_name= $sbeams->truncateStringWithMouseover( string => $protein_name, len => 40 ); $ipi = "$ipi"; } $prophet_score = sprintf( "%0.2f", $prophet_score); $peptide_mass = sprintf( "%0.4f", $peptide_mass); $table->addRow( [ $ipi, $swiss_id, $symbol, $seq, $prophet_score, $peptide_mass, $tissues, $protein_name] ); # $log->debug( "ipi_base is $ipi_base, current is $current" ); if ( $ipi_base ne $current ) { $prot_cnt++; # $log->debug( "In da not current loop" ); my $current_row = $table->getRowNum(); # $log->info( "group row is $grp_row, current row is $current_row, bgcolor is $bgcolor" ); $table->setRowAttr( ROWS => [$grp_row..$current_row - 1], BGCOLOR => $bgcolor ); $grp_row = $current_row; $bgcolor = ( $bgcolor eq '#E0E0E0' ) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#E0E0E0'; $current = $ipi_base; } my $current_row = $table->getRowNum(); $table->setRowAttr( ROWS => [$grp_row..$current_row], BGCOLOR => $bgcolor ); } return "Query returned no results" unless @$results; if ( $params->{action} eq 'download' ) { $content = $table->asTSV(); $log->debug( "Content is " . length($content) . " characters long" ); } else { my $prot = ( $prot_cnt > 1 ) ? 'proteins' : 'protein'; my $num = ( @ids > 1 ) ? 'numbers' : 'number'; my $pep = ( $table->getRowNum() > 2 ) ? 'peptides' : 'peptide'; $content .= "Search with " . scalar( @ids ) . " accession $num yeilded "; $content .= $table->getRowNum() - 1 . " $pep from $prot_cnt $prot
\n"; $content .= get_download_form($params); $content .= $table->asHTML(); } return $content; } sub print_form { my $params = shift; my $content = <<" END";
Search protein list
Enter a list of proteins to be searched.
END # Table to hold form elements my $f_table = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 1 ); # Hashes to hold form labels/fields my $input_labels = get_input_labels($params); my $input_fields = get_input_fields($params); # Loop through and add items to the form table for my $key ( qw( id_list id_type ) ) { $f_table->addRow(["$input_labels->{$key}", $input_fields->{$key}]); } my @buttons = $sbeams->getFormButtons( types => [qw(submit reset)] ); $f_table->addRow( [join(" ", @buttons)] ); $f_table->setColAttr( COLS => [1], ROWS => [3], COLSPAN => 2 ); # $f_table->setColAttr( COLS => [1], ROWS => [1..6], ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); $f_table->setColAttr( COLS => [1], ROWS => [3], ALIGN => 'CENTER' ); $f_table->setColAttr( COLS => [2], ROWS => [1..3], ALIGN => 'LEFT' ); $content .=<<" END";
END return $content; } sub get_input_labels { my $params = shift; my %in = ( id_list => 'Protein List:', id_type => 'Identifier type:', ); return \%in; } sub get_input_fields { my $params = shift; my $id_list = $params->{id_list} || ''; $id_list = ""; my %id_chk = ( ipi => '', swp => '', sym => '' ); if ( $params->{id_type} ) { for my $id_type ( qw( swp sym ipi ) ) { $id_chk{$id_type} = 'checked' if $params->{id_type} eq $id_type; } } else { $id_chk{ipi} = 'checked'; } my $id_type_radio =<<" END"; IPI Swiss Prot Gene Symbol END my %in = ( id_list => $id_list, id_type => $id_type_radio, ); return \%in; }