#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################### # $Id$ # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Get the script set up with everything it will need ############################################################################### use strict; use vars qw ($q $sbeams $sbeamsMOD $PROG_NAME $current_contact_id $current_username $glyco_query_o); use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser croak); use Data::Dumper; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Connection::Tables; use SBEAMS::Connection::TabMenu; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Settings; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Tables; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Get_glyco_seqs; use SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Glyco_query; $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; $sbeamsMOD = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide; $sbeamsMOD->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $glyco_query_o = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Glyco_query; $glyco_query_o->setSBEAMS($sbeams); ############################################################################### # Global Variables ############################################################################### $PROG_NAME = 'main.cgi'; my $file_name = $$ . "_glyco_predict.png"; my $tmp_img_path = "images/tmp"; my $img_file = "$PHYSICAL_BASE_DIR/$tmp_img_path/$file_name"; my $predicted_track_type = "Predicted Peptides"; my $id_track_type = 'Identified Peptides'; my $glyco_site_track = "N-Glyco Sites"; $sbeams->setSBEAMS_SUBDIR($SBEAMS_SUBDIR); my $base_url = "$CGI_BASE_DIR/$SBEAMS_SUBDIR/Glyco_prediction.cgi"; my @search_types = ( 'All Fields', 'Gene Symbol', 'Gene Name/Alias', 'Swiss Prot Accession Number', 'IPI Accession Number', 'GeneID' ); main(); ############################################################################### # Main Program: # # Call $sbeams->Authentication and stop immediately if authentication # fails else continue. ############################################################################### sub main { #### Do the SBEAMS authentication and exit if a username is not returned exit unless ($current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate( permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Glycopeptide_user','Glycopeptide_admin', 'Glycopeptide_readonly'], # connect_read_only=>1, allow_anonymous_access=>1, )); for my $p ( $q->param() ) { $log->info( "$p => " . $q->param( $p ) ); } #### Read in the default input parameters my %parameters; my $n_params_found = $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( q=>$q, parameters_ref=>\%parameters ); # $sbeams->printCGIParams($q); ## get project_id to send to HTMLPrinter display my $project_id = $sbeams->getCurrent_project_id(); #### Process generic "state" parameters before we start $sbeams->processStandardParameters(parameters_ref=>\%parameters); #$sbeams->printDebuggingInfo($q); #### Decide what action to take based on information so far $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id, sort_tables => 1 ); # $sbeams->printStyleSheet(); if ($parameters{action} eq "Show_detail_form" || $parameters{redraw_protein_sequence} == 1) { clean_params(\%parameters); my $ipi_data_id = $parameters{'ipi_data_id'}; print $sbeams->getGifSpacer(800); print $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); display_detail_form(ref_parameters=>\%parameters, ipi_data_id => $ipi_data_id, ); }elsif($parameters{action} eq 'Show_hits_form'){ # $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id); print $sbeams->getGifSpacer(800); print $sbeams->getPopupDHTML(); display_hits_form(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); # $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } else { # $sbeamsMOD->display_page_header(project_id => $project_id); print $sbeams->getGifSpacer(800); handle_request(ref_parameters=>\%parameters); # $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(); } $sbeamsMOD->display_page_footer(close_tables=>'NO'); } # end main ############################################################################### # Show the main welcome page ############################################################################### sub handle_request { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $ref_parameters = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; my $tab = ' ' x 2; my $search_help = qq~
* The annotation search looks at various accessions, names and symbols
$tab used to designate a protein or proteins.
* The 'all fields' search will search vs. all of these various annotations,
$tab or you can pick a specific one for a faster search.
* The sequence search searches against the protein sequences in the
$tab reference database.
* You can search either annotations or protein sequence, if both are
$tab specified the annotation search will supersede the sequence search.
* The '%' character is a wildcard, and can be used to search protein
$tab sequences and all annotations except (entrez) gene_id.
* ipi accession, gene_id, protein symbol and swiss_prot_id can be searched
$tab with a semicolon-delimited string of identifiers.
~; my @toggle = $sbeams->make_toggle_section( textlink => 1, imglink => 1, hidetext => "Hide Search Help", showtext => "Show Search Help", visible => 0, sticky => 1, name => 'search_help', content => $search_help ); # return "Alignment created using ClustalW

( $toggle[1] )
$toggle[0] "; print $q->table({class=>'table_setup'}, $q->Tr({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, $q->td({colspan=>2, class=>'rev_gray_head'}, "ISB N-glycosylation peptide prediction server"), ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, "The ISB N-Glyco prediction server shows all the N-linked glycosylation site contained within predicted and identified tryptic peptides. The Glyco score indicates how likely the site is glycosylated and the detection score is an indication on how likely the glycosylated peptide will be detected in a MS/MS run. [ view publication ]." ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, " ") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, "$toggle[1]
$toggle[0]") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, " ") ), $q->Tr({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, $q->td({colspan=>2, class=>'rev_gray_head'}, "Annotation Search") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Choose Search option"), $q->td( $q->start_form(), $q->popup_menu(-name=>'search_type', -values=>\@search_types, -default=>['All Fields'], -size=>1, ) ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'},'Search Term'), $q->td( $q->textfield(-name=>'search_term', -value=>'', -size=>50, -maxlength=>80) ) ), # $q->Tr( # $q->td({class=>'blue_bg_glyco', colspan=>2}, "Wildcard character '%' can be used to broaden the search") # ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, " ") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2}, " ") ), $q->Tr({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, $q->td({colspan=>2, class=>'rev_gray_head'}, "Sequence Search" ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Search by Protein Sequence"), $q->td( $q->textarea(-name=>'sequence_search', -default=>'', -rows=>8, -columns=>50) ) ), ),#end table $q->submit(), $q->reset(), $q->hidden(-name=>'action', -default=>['Show_hits_form']), $q->end_form(); ### add an Example table my $cgi_url = "$base_url?action=Show_hits_form&search_type"; print "

", $q->table( $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', colspan=>2}, "Examples") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Protein Symbol"), $q->td($q->a({href=>"$cgi_url=Gene Symbol&search_term=ALCAM"}, "ALCAM") ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Wild Card Gene Name"), $q->td($q->a({href=>"$cgi_url=Gene Name/Alias&search_term=CD%"}, "CD%") ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "IPI Accession Number"), $q->td($q->a({href=>"$cgi_url=IPI Accession Number&search_term=IPI00015102"}, "IPI00015102") ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Protein Sequence"), $q->td(">IPI00015102|Partial protein sequence|Cut and paste into sequence search window
MESKGASSCRLLFCLLISATVFRPGLGWYTVNSAYGDTIIIPCRLDVPQNLMF") ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_bg'}, "Gene ID"), $q->td($q->a({href=>"$cgi_url=GeneID&search_term=214"}, "214") ) ), ); } ############################################################################### # Show hits form ############################################################################### sub display_hits_form { my %args = @_; #### Process the arguments list my $params = $args{'ref_parameters'} || die "ref_parameters not passed"; my $sql_data = find_hits($params); } ############################################################################### #find_hits #Check the parameter and figure out what query to run ############################################################################### sub find_hits{ my $method = 'find_hits'; my $ref_parameters = shift; my %parameters = %{$ref_parameters}; #check to see if this is a sequence or text search my $type = check_search_params($ref_parameters); my @results_set = (); if ($type eq 'text'){ if ($parameters{search_type} eq 'All Fields'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->all_field_query($parameters{search_term}); }elsif ($parameters{search_type} eq 'Gene Symbol'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->gene_symbol_query($parameters{search_term}); }elsif($parameters{search_type} eq 'Gene Name/Alias'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->gene_name_query($parameters{search_term}); }elsif($parameters{search_type} eq 'Swiss Prot Accession Number'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->swiss_prot_query($parameters{search_term}); }elsif($parameters{search_type} eq 'IPI Accession Number'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->ipi_accession_query($parameters{search_term}); }elsif($parameters{search_type} eq 'GeneID'){ @results_set = $glyco_query_o->gene_id_query($parameters{search_term}); }else{ print_error("Cannot find correct textsearch to run"); } }elsif($type eq 'sequence_search'){ $parameters{sequence_search} =~ s/\s//gm; @results_set = $glyco_query_o->protein_seq_query($parameters{sequence_search}); }else{ print_error("Cannot find correct search type to run '$type'"); } if (@results_set){ if (scalar(@results_set) == 1 ){ #pull out the ipi_id and directly dispaly the details page since there is only one hit my $href_results_info = $results_set[0]; my $ipi_data_id = $href_results_info->{'ipi_data_id'}; display_detail_form(ipi_data_id => $ipi_data_id, ref_parameters => $ref_parameters); }else{ print_out_hits_page(results_set_aref =>\@results_set, ref_parameters => $ref_parameters); } }else{ my $term = $parameters{search_term} ?$parameters{search_term}:$parameters{sequence_search}; print $q->h3("Sorry No Hits were found for the query '$term' "); } } ############################################################################### #print_out_hits_page # ############################################################################### sub print_out_hits_page{ my %args = @_; my @results_set = @{ $args{results_set_aref} }; my %parameters = %{ $args{ref_parameters} }; my $html; if (exists $parameters{similarity_score} && defined $parameters{similarity_score}){ $html .= $q->p( $q->h3("Protein Similarity Score (Percent Match) " . $parameters{similarity_score} . ""), ); } $html .= $q->start_table({class=>'sortable', id=>'protein_table'}); # $html .= $q->start_table(); $html .= $q->Tr({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, $q->td('IPI ID '), $q->td('Protein Name'), $q->td('Protein Symbol'), $q->td('Identified Peptides') ); my $cgi_url = "$base_url?action=Show_detail_form&ipi_data_id"; my $protcnt = 0; my $pepprotcnt = 0; my $cutoff = $sbeamsMOD->get_current_prophet_cutoff(); my $pepcnt = 0; foreach my $h_ref (@results_set){ my $ipi_id = $h_ref->{ipi_data_id}; my $num_identified = $h_ref->{num_identified}; my $ipi_acc = $h_ref->{ipi_accession_number}; my $protein_name = nice_term_print($h_ref->{protein_name}); my $protein_sym = $h_ref->{protein_symbol}; $protcnt++; $pepprotcnt++ if $num_identified; $pepcnt += $num_identified; $html .= join( "\n", $q->Tr( $q->td( $q->a({href=>"$cgi_url=$ipi_id"},$ipi_acc) ), $q->td($protein_name), $q->td($protein_sym), $q->td({ALIGN=>'right'},$num_identified) ) ); } $html .= ""; my $type = ( check_search_params(\%parameters) eq 'text' ) ? $parameters{search_type} : 'sequence'; my $value = ''; if ($type eq 'sequence') { $value = $parameters{sequence_search}; if ( length($value) > 12 ) { $value = substr($value, 0, 12) . '...'; } } else { $value = $parameters{search_term}; } my $ofwhich = "of which $pepprotcnt"; my $contain = ( $pepprotcnt > 1 ) ? 'contain' : 'contains'; if ( $pepprotcnt == $protcnt || $pepcnt == 0 ) { $ofwhich = 'which'; } my $stats = qq~
Your search for proteins with $type = '$value' found $protcnt proteins $ofwhich $contain a total of $pepcnt peptides at a prophet cutoff of $cutoff

~; $html =~ s/(table.*class.*)sortable/${1}nosorting/gm if $protcnt > 200; print "$stats $html"; } ############################################################################### #nice_term_print #put breaks into long lines ############################################################################### sub nice_term_print{ my $info = shift; my @html = (); my $info = substr($info, 0, 75, '...'); #chop things down to 75 or less my @hold = split /\s/, $info; my $count = 0; foreach my $term(@hold){ if ($count <= 5){ push @html, $term; }else{ $count == 0; push @html, "$term
"; } } return join " ", @html; } ############################################################################### #print_error #print a simple error message ############################################################################### sub print_error{ my $error = shift; print $q->header, $q->start_html, $q->p($q->h3($error)), $q->end_html; exit; } ############################################################################### #check_search_params #Make sure that the params only have a text search or sequence not both ############################################################################### sub check_search_params{ my $ref_parameters = shift; if ($ref_parameters->{search_term} =~ /\w/){ # if ($ref_parameters->{sequence_search} =~ /\w/ ){ # print_error("Cannot have a Text Search and Sequence Search in the same query"); # } $sbeams->set_page_message( type => 'info', msg => "Annotation search supercedes sequence search" ); }elsif($ref_parameters->{sequence_search} =~ /\w/ ) { return ('sequence_search'); } return 'text'; } ############################################################################### #clean_params #foreach param this script knows about make sure nothing bad is comming in from the outside ############################################################################### sub clean_params{ my $ref_parameters = shift; KEY:foreach my $k (keys %{$ref_parameters}){ if ($k eq 'action'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_action($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'search_type' ){ next KEY if ( $ref_parameters->{'sequence_search'} );# ignore if this is a sequnce search ($ref_parameters->{$k},$ref_parameters->{'search_term'} ) = check_search_term(type=>$ref_parameters->{$k}, term =>$ref_parameters->{'search_term'}); }elsif($k eq 'search_term'){ next; #already scaned above }elsif($k eq 'sequence_search'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_seq($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'ipi_data_id'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'similarity_score'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); ##Parameters for re-drawing the protien map }elsif($k eq 'Glyco Site'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'Predicted Peptide'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'Identified Peptide'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'Signal Sequence'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'Trans Membrane Seq'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }elsif($k eq 'redraw_protein_sequence'){ $ref_parameters->{$k} = clean_term($ref_parameters->{$k}); }else{ # Doesn't allow std sbeams params through #print_error("Unknown Paramater passed in '$k' ") } } return $ref_parameters; } ############################################################################### #clean_seq #Clean the sequence to a single clean AA string, but allow wild cards to pass ############################################################################### sub clean_seq{ my $seq = shift; # Does this work on winders? my @seq_lines = split/\n/, $seq; chomp @seq_lines; my @clean_seq = (); foreach my $line (@seq_lines){ next if( $line =~ /^>/); $line =~ s/[^A-Z\%]//g; push @clean_seq, $line } my $seq_line = join '', @clean_seq; $seq_line = substr($seq_line, 0, 500); return $seq_line; } ############################################################################### #check_search_term #Make sure the search term is appropriate for the search type ############################################################################### sub check_search_term{ my %args = @_; my $type = $args{type}; my $term = $args{term}; print_error("Must Supply A Serch Type, you gave '$type'") unless ($type); print_error("Must Supply A Serch Term, you gave '$term'") unless ($term); unless ( (grep {$_ eq $type} @search_types) ){ print_error("Search Type '$type' is Not vaild, please fix the problem") unless ($type); } my $clean_term = clean_term($term); ##Look at the different search terms and make sure the data looks ok if ($type eq 'Gene Symbol'){ if ($clean_term =~ /\s/){ print_error("Gene Symobols Cannot have any spaces '$clean_term'"); } }elsif($type eq 'Swiss Prot Accession Number'){ unless($clean_term =~ /^\w/){ print_error("Swiss Prot Accession Does not look good '$clean_term'"); } }elsif($type eq 'IPI Accession Number'){ unless($clean_term =~ /^IPI\d+/){ print_error("IPI Accession Number does not look good '$clean_term'"); } } return ($type, $clean_term); } ############################################################################### #clean_term #remove any bad characters ############################################################################### sub clean_term{ my $term = shift; $term =~ s/["'*.]//g; #Remove quotes, "*", "." $term =~ s/^\s+//g; #Remove white space at the start $term =~ s/\s+$//g; #Remove white space at the end if ($term =~ /^\%$/){ #check for just a wild car search print_error("Must provide more then just a wild card '$term' ") unless ($term); } unless ( (grep {$_ eq $term} @search_types) ){ print_error("Search Term '$term' HAS BEEN DELTED") unless ($term); } return $term; } ############################################################################### #clean_action #Make sure this is a param we know about #Print error if not a good param ############################################################################### sub clean_action{ my $action_param = shift; #Add all the possible action parameters here my @good_actions = qw(Show_hits_form Show_detail_form ); if ( (grep {$_ eq $action_param} @good_actions) ){ return $action_param; }else{ print_error("ACTION PARAMETER '$action_param' IS NOT VALID"); } } ############################################################################### #display_detail_form ############################################################################### sub display_detail_form{ my %args = @_; my %parameters = %{$args{ref_parameters}}; my $ipi_data_id = $args{ipi_data_id}; print_error("Must provide a ipi_id to display Glyco Info. '$ipi_data_id' is not valid")unless ($ipi_data_id =~ /^\d+$/); #go an query the db, add the peptide features and make into a big Bio::Seq object my $glyco_o = new SBEAMS::Glycopeptide::Get_glyco_seqs( ipi_data_id => $ipi_data_id, _sbeams => $sbeams ); my $protein_map = make_protein_map_graphic ( glyco_o => $glyco_o ); my $swiss_id = get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'swiss_prot' ); my @prechecked = qw( identified_pep sseq tmhmm glyco_site ); my $html_protein_seq = $glyco_o->get_html_protein_seq( ref_parameters => \%parameters, prechecked => \@prechecked ); my $protein_name = get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'protein_name' ); my $ipi_acc = $glyco_o->ipi_accession(); my $ipi_url = $glyco_o->make_url(term=> $glyco_o->ipi_accession(), dbxref_tag => 'EBI_IPI' ); my $swiss_prot_url = $glyco_o->make_url(term=>$swiss_id, dbxref_tag => 'SwissProt' ); ### ### Display the Protein peptide image ### # my $protein_map = join( "\n", # $q->Tr( # $q->td({class=>'grey_header', colspan=>2}, "Protein/Peptide Map"), # ), # $q->Tr( # $q->td({colspan=>2},"Sorry No Img") # # ), # $q->Tr( # $q->td({colspan=>2}, # #make a table to describe what is in the table # $q->table( # $q->Tr({class=>'small_text'}, # $q->td({class=>'blue_bg'}, "Track Name"), # $q->td({class=>'blue_bg'}, "Description"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Identified Peptides"), # $q->td( "Glyco Site Location (Protein Prophet Score). Color is scaled based on prophet score, light to dark between 0.5 and 1.0" ), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("N-Glyco Sites"), # $q->td( "Location of all theoretical NXS/T-motif Glycosylation sites"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Signal Sequence"), # $q->td( "Location of the Signal or Anchor sequence as predicted by Signal P"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Transmembrane"), # $q->td( "Predicted as a transmembrane domain by TMHMM"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Intracellular"), # $q->td( "Predicted as intracellular by TMHMM"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Extracellular"), # $q->td( "Predicted as Extracellular by TMHMM"), # ), # ) # # # ) # # ) # ); # $protein_map = "$protein_map
\n"; # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Predicted Peptides"), # $q->td( "Glyco Site Location, GS = N-Glycosylation Score. 1 low, 0 high probability of N linked Glycosylation site"), # ), # $q->Tr({class=>'small_cell'}, # $q->td("Identified/Predicted Peptides"), # $q->td( "Peptides are color coded according to scores assoicated with each track. More intense color means better score"), # ), # my $hidetext = 'Hide protein map'; # my $showtext = 'Show protein map'; # my $spacer = $sbeams->getGifSpacer( 600 ); my $protein_url = $glyco_o->get_atlas_link( name => $glyco_o->ipi_accession(), type => 'image', onmouseover => 'View Peptide Atlas information' ); ## Print out the protein Information my $prot_info = join( "\n", # $q->Tr( {class=>'sortable'}, $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_header', colspan=>2}, "Protein Info"),), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, "IPI ID"), $q->td("$ipi_url [ View in Peptide Atlas: $protein_url ]")), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', nowrap=>1}, "Protein Name"), $q->td( $protein_name )), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', nowrap=>1}, $glyco_o->linkToColumnText(display => "Protein Symbol", title => "Protein Symbol Info", column => "protein_symbol", table => "GP_ipi_data" )), $q->td(get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'symbol' ) . $spacer ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', nowrap=>1}, $glyco_o->linkToColumnText(display => "Subcellular Location", title =>"Find More Info About the Subcellular Location Call", column =>"cellular_location_id", table => "GP_ipi_data" )), $q->td(get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'cellular_location' ) ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', nowrap=>1}, "Swiss Prot ID"), $q->td($swiss_prot_url) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head'}, $glyco_o->linkToColumnText(display => "Synonyms", title =>"Synonyms Info", column =>"synonyms", table => "GP_ipi_data" )), $q->td(get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'synonyms' ) ) ), $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'rev_gray_head', nowrap=>1}, "Protein Summary"), $q->td(get_annotation(glyco_o => $glyco_o, anno_type => 'summary') ) ) ); # End prot_info ## Display the predicted Peptide info my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => '_gpre_prepep', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $predicted_info = join( "\n", $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_header', colspan=>2}, "$link Predicted N-linked Glycopeptides"), ), $q->Tr( "" . $glyco_o->display_peptides('Predicted Peptides') . "" ), ); # End predicted info ## Display Identified Peptides my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => '_gpre_idpep', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); my $identified_info = join( "\n", $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_header', colspan=>2 }, "$link Identified N-linked Glycopeptides"), ), $q->Tr( "" . $glyco_o->display_peptides('Identified Peptides') . "" ), ); # End identified info ### Display the Amino Acid Sequence ### my %chk = ( predicted_pep => '',identified_pep => '',sseq => '',tmhmm => '', glyco_site => '' ); if ( $parameters{redraw_protein_sequence} ) { for my $tag ( keys(%chk) ) { $chk{$tag} = 'checked' if $parameters{$tag}; } } else { # fresh load for my $tag ( @prechecked ) { $chk{$tag} = 'checked'; } } my $sp = ' '; my $display_form = join( "\n", $q->start_form(-action=>$q->script_name().'#protein_sequence'), $q->table( {border=>0, width=>'40%'}, $q->Tr( $q->Tr( $q->td( {class=>'instruction_text', nowrap => 1 }, "Update:" ), $q->td( {class=>'pred_pep', nowrap => 1 }, "$sp Predicted " ), $q->td( {class=>'obs_pep', nowrap => 1 },"$sp Identified " ), $glyco_o->has_signal_sequence() ? $q->td( {class=>'sig_seq', nowrap => 1 },"$sp Signal Sequence " ) : '', $glyco_o->has_transmembrane_seq() ? $q->td( {class=>'tm_dom', nowrap => 1 },"$sp Transmembrane " ) : '', $q->td( {class=>'glyco_seq', nowrap => 1 }, "$sp NxS/T site " ), ), $q->hidden(-name=>'ipi_data_id', -value=>$ipi_data_id, -override => 1), $q->hidden(-name=>'redraw_protein_sequence', -value=>1), ), $q->end_form() ) # End table ); # End form my ( $seq_html, $toggle ) = $sbeams->make_toggle_section ( content => "$ipi_url|$protein_name
$display_form", visible => 1, sticky => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, name => '_gpre_protseq',); my $prot_seq = join( "\n", $q->Tr( $q->td({class=>'grey_header', colspan=>2}, "${toggle}Protein/Peptide Sequence"), ), $q->Tr( $q->td({colspan=>2, class=>'sequence_font'}, $seq_html ) ), ); # End identified info ### Print Out the HTML to Make Dispaly the info About the the Protein and all it's Glyco-Peptides print $q->table({border=>0}, $prot_info, $predicted_info, $identified_info, $prot_seq, );#end_table print "$protein_map\n"; print $q->a({id=>'protein_sequence'}); } #end handle request ###################################################### #make imgae # ##################################################### sub make_protein_map_graphic { my %args = @_; my %tracks; my $seq = $args{glyco_o}->seq_info(); my %colors = ( 'Signal Sequence' => 'lavender', 'Signal Sequence web' => '#CCCCFF', Anchor => 'lavender', Anchor_web => '#CCCCFF', Transmembrane => 'lightgreen', Transmembrane_web => '#CCFFCC', Intracellular => 'coral', Intracellular => 'coral', $id_track_type => 'firebrick', Extracellular => 'mediumseagreen', Coverage => 'beige', $glyco_site_track => '#EE9999', $predicted_track_type => 'goldenrod' ); # Define CSS classes my $sp = ' ' x 4; my $style =<<" END_STYLE"; END_STYLE my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new( -length => $seq->length, -key_style => 'between', -width => 800, -pad_top => 5, -empty_tracks => 'suppress', -pad_bottom => 5, -pad_left => 10, -pad_right => 50 ); my $length = $seq->length(); my $ruler = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => 2, -end => $seq->length(), -display_name => $seq->display_id ); my @features = $seq->all_SeqFeatures; # partition features by their primary tags my %sorted_features; for my $f (@features) { my $tag = $f->primary_tag; push @{ $sorted_features{ucfirst($tag)} }, $f; } $panel->add_track( $ruler, -glyph => 'anchored_arrow', -tick => 2, -height => 8, -key => 'Sequence Position' ); # Add Track for Identified Sequences # Adjust score to Protein Prohet score if ($sorted_features{$id_track_type}) { my %seen; my @non_redundant; for my $f ( @{$sorted_features{$id_track_type}} ) { my $key = $f->seq()->seq() . $f->start() . $f->end; next if $seen{$key}; push @non_redundant, $f; $seen{$key}++; } $tracks{observed}++ if @non_redundant; $panel->add_track( \@non_redundant, -glyph => 'graded_segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$id_track_type}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => '#882222', -key => $id_track_type, -bump => 1, -bump_limit => 4, -height => 8, -label => \&peptide_label, -min_score => 0.5, -max_score => 1, ); delete $sorted_features{$id_track_type}; } ##### Add Track for Predicted Sequences -- taken out for now if ($sorted_features{$predicted_track_type}) { $tracks{predicted}++; $panel->add_track($sorted_features{$predicted_track_type}, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$predicted_track_type}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => 'red', -key => $predicted_track_type, -bump => 0, -height => 8, -label => 0, #-description => \&peptide_label, # -min_score => 0, # -max_score => 1, #Remember the score is reversed down below so 0 is the best score and boldest color ); delete $sorted_features{$predicted_track_type}; } if ($sorted_features{$glyco_site_track}) { $tracks{glyco}++; $panel->add_track($sorted_features{$glyco_site_track}, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$glyco_site_track}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => 'red', -key => $glyco_site_track, -bump => 1, -bump_limit => 2, -height => 8, -label => sub {my $feature = shift; return $feature->start}, -description => '', ); delete $sorted_features{$glyco_site_track}; } # general case for my $tag ( 'Signal Sequence', qw(Anchor Transmembrane Extracellular Intracellular) ) { #print "SORTED TAG '$tag'\n"; #feature objects have the score tag built in which is mapped to inbetween the low and high my $features = $sorted_features{$tag}; # $features ||= $sorted_features{ucfirst($tag)}; $tracks{$tag}++; #make color gradient colors s my $track = $panel->add_track( $features, -glyph => 'segments', -bgcolor => $colors{$tag}, -fgcolor => 'black', -font2color => 'red', -key => "${tag}", -bump => +1, -height => 8, ); } #add the scale bar $panel->add_track( $ruler, -glyph => 'arrow', -bump => 0, -double => 1, -tick => 2 ); # Create image map from panel objects. # mouseover coords for segment glyphs my $pid = $$; my @objects = $panel->boxes(); my $map = "\n"; for my $obj ( @objects ) { my $hkey_name = $obj->[0]->display_name(); my $f = $obj->[0]; my $coords = join( ", ", @$obj[1..4] ); my $text = $f->start() . '-' . $f->end(); $text .= ' ' . $f->seq()->seq() if $f->seq(); $map .= "\n"; } $map .= ''; my $image_html = "Sorry No Img"; # Set up graphic legend my @legend; push @legend, " $sp Identified peptide: glycosite # (peptide prophet score) \n" if $tracks{observed}; push @legend, " $sp Predicted NxS/T motif tryptic peptide \n" if $tracks{predicted}; push @legend, " $sp NxS/T Concensus glycosylation site \n" if $tracks{glyco}; push @legend, " $sp Signal sequence predicted by Signal P \n" if $tracks{'Signal Sequence'}; push @legend, " $sp Anchor sequence predicted by Signal P \n" if $tracks{anchor}; push @legend, " $sp Transmembrane domain predicted by TMHMM \n" if $tracks{Transmembrane}; push @legend, " $sp Extracellular domain predicted by TMHMM \n" if $tracks{Extracellular}; push @legend, " $sp Intracellular domain predicted by TMHMM \n" if $tracks{Intracellular}; push @legend, " $sp Protein coverage by observed peptides \n" if $tracks{coverage}; my $legend = ''; for my $item ( @legend ) { $legend .= $item; } # Print graphic to file open( OUT, ">$img_file" ) || die "$!: $img_file"; binmode(OUT); print OUT $panel->png; close OUT; # Widget to allow show/hide of sequence graphic section my ( $tr, $link ) = $sbeams->make_table_toggle( name => 'getglyseqs_graphic', visible => 1, tooltip => 'Show/Hide Section', imglink => 1, sticky => 1 ); # Generate and return HTML for graphic my $graphic =<<" EOG";
$link Protein/Peptide Map
$image_html $map
$style EOG return $graphic; } ####################################################### #general_label ####################################################### sub peptide_label { my $feature = shift; my $note = $feature->display_name(); my $score = ''; if ($feature->primary_tag eq $predicted_track_type){ #the GD graph score only maps from low to high. Higher being better #but the predicted glyco score is lower is better. So re-map the score for the image #but display the orginal score $score = predicted_score($feature); $note .= sprintf(" GS = %01.2f",$score); }else{ #Identified score is peptide prophet $score = $feature->score(); $note .= ' (' . sprintf("%01.2f",$score) . ')'; } return $note; } ###################################################### #predicted_score ###################################################### sub predicted_score { my $feat_o = shift; my $score = $feat_o->score(); my $mapped_score = 1-$score; $feat_o->score($mapped_score); return $score; } ###################################################### #get_annotation ###################################################### sub get_annotation { my %args = @_; my $glyco_o = $args{glyco_o}; my $anno_type = $args{anno_type}; #$glyco_o->get_protein_info(); my $seq = $glyco_o->seq_info(); my $info = ''; #get an AnnotationCollectionI my $ac = $seq->annotation(); #retrieves all the Bio::AnnotationI objects for one or more specific key(s). my @annotations = $ac->get_Annotations($anno_type); if ($annotations[0]){ $info = $annotations[0]->hash_tree()->{value}; }else{ $info = "Cannot find Info for '$anno_type'"; } return $info; } # permitted_work_groups_ref=>['Glycopeptide_user','Glycopeptide_admin',