#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w ############################################################################### # Program treatment.cgi # $Id: $ # # Description : Form and processing logic for applying laboratory # manipulation or treatment to a set of samples. # # SBEAMS is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Institute for Systems Biology # This program is governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is provided # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the full description of GPL terms in the # LICENSE file distributed with this software. # ############################################################################### use strict; use lib qw (../../lib/perl); use File::Basename; use SBEAMS::Connection qw($q $log); use SBEAMS::Connection::Settings; use SBEAMS::Biomarker; use SBEAMS::Biomarker::Biosample; use SBEAMS::Biomarker::Settings; use SBEAMS::Biomarker::Tables; ## Globals ## my $sbeams = new SBEAMS::Connection; my $biomarker = new SBEAMS::Biomarker; my $biosample = new SBEAMS::Biomarker::Biosample; my $program = basename( $0 ); $biomarker->setSBEAMS($sbeams); $biosample->set_sbeams($sbeams); use constant DEFAULT_VOLUME => 10; { # Main # Authenticate user. my $current_username = $sbeams->Authenticate() || die "Authentication failed"; # Process cgi parameters my $params = process_params(); my $content = 'placeholder'; $params->{apply_action} ||= 'new_run'; # Decision block, what type of page are we going to display? if ( $params->{apply_action} eq 'Create run' ) { my $status = create_run( $params ); # Where to go from here? redirect? # print $q->redirect( 'lcms_run_list.cgi' ); if ( $status !~ /Error/ ) { $sbeams->set_page_message( msg => $status, type => 'Info' ); $content = $biomarker->lcms_run_list($params); } else { # Give them back the page $sbeams->set_page_message( msg => $status, type => 'Error' ); $q->delete( 'apply_action' ); print $q->redirect( $q->self_url() ); exit; } } elsif ( $params->{apply_action} eq 'list_runs' ) { $content = $biomarker->lcms_run_list($params); } elsif ( $params->{apply_action} eq 'download' ) { download_run($params); } elsif ( $params->{apply_action} eq 'run_details' ) { $content = run_details($params); } else { $content = get_lcms_form($params); } # Print cgi headers $biomarker->printPageHeader(); # Don't think I really need this, but... $sbeams->printUserContext(); print $content; # $sbeams->printCGIParams( $q ); $biomarker->printPageFooter(); } # end Main #+ # Read/process CGI parameters #- sub process_params { my $params = {}; # Standard SBEAMS processing $sbeams->parse_input_parameters( parameters_ref => $params, q => $q ); #for ( keys( %$params ) ){ print "$_ = $params->{$_}
" } # Process "state" parameters $sbeams->processStandardParameters( parameters_ref => $params ); return $params; } #+ # Print lc/ms form #- sub get_lcms_form { my $params = shift; # hash of select lists for the form my %input = get_input_fields_hash( $params ); # hash of labels for form my %labels = get_labels_hash( $params ); my $ftable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new( BORDER => 0, CELLSPACING => 2, CELLPADDING => 2 ); my @b = $biomarker->get_form_buttons( name => 'apply_action', value => 'Create run', types => [ qw(submit reset) ] ); my $buttons = join "  ", @b; $log->info( $buttons ); # LC subform $ftable->addRow( [$labels{ms_run_name}, $input{ms_run_name}, $labels{treatment_id}, $input{treatment_id} ] ); $ftable->addRow( [ $labels{lc_gradient_program}, $input{lc_gradient_program}, $labels{injection_volume}, $input{injection_volume}, ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$labels{lc_run_description}, $input{lc_run_description} ] ); # MS subform $ftable->addRow( [$labels{ms_instrument}, $input{ms_instrument}, $labels{ms_protocol}, $input{ms_protocol} ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$labels{nstring}, $input{nstring}, undef, undef ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$labels{ms_run_parameters}, $input{ms_run_parameters} ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$labels{ms_run_description}, $input{ms_run_description} ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$labels{biosample_id}, $input{biosample_id} ] ); $ftable->addRow( [$buttons] ); # General caption/field rows $ftable->setColAttr( ROWS=>[1..8], COLS=>[1,3], ALIGN => 'RIGHT' ); $ftable->setColAttr( ROWS=>[1..8], COLS=>[2,4], ALIGN => 'LEFT' ); # description rows $ftable->setColAttr( ROWS=>[3,6,7,8], COLS=>[2], COLSPAN => 3 ); # Sample row $ftable->setColAttr( ROWS=>[$ftable->getRowNum()], COLS=>[1], COLSPAN => 4, ALIGN => 'CENTER'); # Captions $ftable->setColAttr( ROWS=>[1..$ftable->getRowNum()], COLS=>[1], VALIGN => 'TOP' ); # Get javascript for experiment/samples interaction my $expt_js = $biomarker->get_treatment_change_js('lcms_run'); # Return form return <<" END";

New LC/MS run


END } # end get_treatment_form #+ # # #- sub get_labels_hash { return( ms_run_name => "
LC/MS run name:
", lc_run_description => "
LC run desc:
", ms_run_description => "
MS run desc:
", experiment_id => "
", treatment_id => "
", injection_volume => "
Inj. volume:
", lc_gradient_program => "
LC gradient:
", ms_protocol => "
MS Protocol:
", ms_instrument => "
Mass Spectrometer:
", nstring => "
Replicate names:
" , ms_run_parameters => "
MS parameters:
" , biosample_id => "
LC/MS sample(s):
" ); } #+ # #- sub get_input_fields_hash { my $p = shift; my %fields; # Get list of experiments from db $fields{experiment_id} = $biomarker->get_experiment_select( writable => 1, current => [$p->{experiment_id}] ); # Get list of experiments from db $fields{treatment_id} = $biomarker->get_treatment_select( writable => 1, current => [$p->{treatment_id}] ); # Get list of gradient from db $fields{lc_gradient_program} = $biomarker->get_gradient_select( types => ['glycocap'], current => [$p->{lc_gradient_program}] ); # Get list of ms protcols from db $fields{ms_protocol} = $biomarker->get_protocol_select( types => ['mass_spec'], name => 'ms_protocol', current => [$p->{ms_protocol}] ); # Get list of instruments from db $fields{ms_instrument} = $biomarker->get_ms_instrument_select( types => ['mass_spec'], current => [$p->{ms_instrument}] ); # Get list of acceptable name strings $fields{nstring} = $biomarker->get_replicate_names_select( current => [$p->{replicate_names}] ); # Set some appropriate defaults $p->{injection_volume} ||= DEFAULT_VOLUME; for ( qw( ms_run_parameters ms_run_name ms_run_description lc_run_description ) ) { $p->{$_} ||= ''; } # Injection volume $fields{injection_volume} =<<" END"; {injection_volume} SIZE=7> END # ms_run name $fields{ms_run_name} =<<" END"; {ms_run_name} > END # ms_run_parameters name $fields{ms_run_parameters} =<<" END"; {ms_run_parameters} > END # LC run description $fields{lc_run_description} =<<" END"; END # MS run description $fields{ms_run_description} =<<" END"; END $fields{biosample_id} = $biomarker->get_lcms_sample_select( types => ['glyco'], params => $p ); return( %fields ); } #+ # Create new lcms run #- sub create_run { my $params = shift; # my $cache = $sbeams->getSessionAttribute( key => $params->{_session_key} ); # for ( keys( %$cache ) ) { # print "$_ => $cache->{$_}
"; # } # my $treat = $cache->{treatment}; # for ( keys %$treat ) { print "$_ => $treat->{$_}
"; } # Cache initial values my $ac = $sbeams->isAutoCommit(); my $re = $sbeams->isRaiseError(); # Set up transaction $sbeams->initiate_transaction(); eval { # Create new run; my %run; for my $tag ( qw(lc_gradient_program ms_instrument ms_protocol ms_run_parameters injection_volume ms_run_name lc_run_description ms_run_description ) ) { $run{$tag} = $params->{$tag}; $log->error("$tag => $run{$tag}"); print STDERR "$tag => $run{$tag}"; } my $lcms_run_id = $biomarker->insert_lcms_run( data_ref => \%run ); die 'Run creation failed' unless $lcms_run_id; $biosample->insert_lcms_run_samples( biosample_id => $params->{biosample_id}, ms_run_id => $lcms_run_id ); # S experiment_id # S lc_gradient_program, # S ms_instrument # S ms_protocol # S nstring # T ms_run_parameters # T injection_volume # T ms_run_name # TA lc_run_description # TA ms_run_description # MS biosample_id # Change status of samples }; # End eval block if ( $@ ) { print STDERR "$@\n"; $sbeams->rollback_transaction(); return "Error: Unable to insert lcms run"; } # End eval catch-error block my @ids = split ',', $params->{biosample_id}; my $cnt = scalar( @ids ); $sbeams->commit_transaction(); $sbeams->setAutoCommit( $ac ); $sbeams->setRaiseError( $re ); return "LC/MS run $params->{ms_run_name} created with $cnt samples"; } sub download_run { my $params = shift; die "Missing parameter run_id" unless $params->{ms_run_id}; my $sql = qq~ SELECT * from $TBBM_MS_RUN mr JOIN $TBBM_MS_RUN_SAMPLE rs ON mr.ms_run_id = rs.ms_run_id WHERE mr.ms_run_id = $params->{ms_run_id} ~; my @rows = $sbeams->selectSeveralColumns( $sql ); print $q->header( -type=>'TEXT/TSV' ); for my $row ( @rows ) { print join "\t", @$row; } exit; } sub run_details { my $params = shift; my $stable = SBEAMS::Connection::DataTable->new(); my $row = $sbeams->selectrow_hashref( <<" END" ) || {}; SELECT ms_run_id, ms_run_name, ms_run_description, ms_run_parameters, ms_instrument, injection_volume, ms_protocol, lc_run_description, lc_instrument, lc_gradient_program, ms_run_date, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $TBBM_MS_RUN_SAMPLE WHERE ms_run_id = $params->{ms_run_id}) AS total_samples FROM $TBBM_MS_RUN t WHERE ms_run_id = $params->{ms_run_id} END $log->error( $sbeams->evalSQL( <<" EBD" ) ); SELECT ms_run_id, ms_run_name, ms_run_description, ms_run_parameters, ms_instrument, injection_volume, ms_protocol, lc_run_description, lc_instrument, lc_gradient_program, ms_run_date, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $TBBM_MS_RUN_SAMPLE WHERE ms_run_id = $params->{ms_run_id}) AS total_samples FROM $TBBM_MS_RUN t WHERE ms_run_id = $params->{ms_run_id} EBD for my $key ( keys( %$row ) ) { $stable->addRow( [ $key, $row->{$key} ] ); } return <<" END";

Details for $row->{ms_run_name} (ID: $params->{ms_run_id})
